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Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:34:49  119056669  
14572748894870.png (380Кб, 736x736)
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:37:01  119056907
>>119056669 (OP)
Fuck off, shitlord.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:38:10  119057023
BUMP 1/10
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:41:31  119057383
>>119056669 (OP)
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:43:20  119057574
ok explain to me difference between WAS and BEEN
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:44:34  119057706
>>119056669 (OP)
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:46:07  119057862
"Been" is the third form of irregular verb "to be" while "was" is the second one.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:46:18  119057874
was - use in past simple
been - use in past perfect
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:47:38  119058010
how to use it correct? i always mix it up
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:50:11  119058268
Read about tenses in English, moron.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:50:18  119058288
BUMP 2/10
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:50:19  119058294
I explained
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:51:57  119058441
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:55:08  119058785
So, guys, can you give me some advaces about fucking RIGHT learning language?
Im trided read books without translate, its awesome, but what next?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:57:53  119059110
I read about it 1k times and still did't get it. "Its been nice" "It was nice". No difference. You see? It means equal. Fuck english stupidest language in the world
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 17:58:33  119059179
The Present Perfect denotes an action that has happened in a period of time that still lasts while the Past Perfect describes an action that took place sometime in the past, and it's not connected with the present... well there's no point to explain the tenses, just read more stuff in English
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:01:03  119059453
>I read about it 1k times
No, you have read about it 1k times.
Why "have"? Because
>Present Perfect denotes an action that has happened in a period of time that still lasts
you've read about it 1k times and still counting, I mean the count's still on, get it?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:01:08  119059465
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:02:59  119059656
I doubt you've ever read a book in English. Too many mistakes, both grammatical and spelling ones.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:04:00  119059767
My word list:
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:04:38  119059826
My parrot knows more.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:08:15  119060240
>not to know most light language in world
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:09:46  119060395
14572769866940.png (1055Кб, 1280x966)
иди нахуй подпиндосник
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:10:08  119060428
>not speaking the world's easiest language
the way it should be
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:11:12  119060531
Who knows is it still counting or not?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:13:05  119060745
Who want's to suck my dick?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:14:44  119060904
>>119056669 (OP)
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong board, the /ga/ is two blocks down.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:14:44  119060905
Why don't you can into google?

Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:15:08  119060941

Пидорашки горят.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:16:02  119061036
How can I improve my speaking level? I suggest that I should start with practise, but I actually have small number of words in my active vocabulary.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:16:37  119061084
Oh, give me the chance to bring you my apologies
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:18:54  119061310
If you can possibly read about it one more time then it's still counting.
However, if we speak about a dead person, we have to use Past Simple:

Shakespeare wrote forty plays - not has written because he can't write another one. He's dead long ago.
Paulo Coelho has written 27 books - not wrote because he can possibly write a new book. No matter if he doesn't write anything more, it's all about possibility.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:21:07  119061540
>>119056669 (OP)
What's the point of these threads? Just shitposting in English for its own sake?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:21:32  119061581
14572776928290.png (1206Кб, 1014x763)
>don't you can
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:21:57  119061633
>>119056669 (OP)
I hate mah fuckin friends because they're dropped me out of their plans, and fucked up my opinion. I'll live without that bitches.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:22:30  119061685
Yeah, you got it right. Just speaking English to speak English.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:22:41  119061709
You're not making any sense, your English is fucking butchered.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:23:42  119061818
Ok, tell me please, where can i do billion mistakes else without shame?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:24:41  119061914
>without shame
No way. We'll put you to shame.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:25:32  119061984
I'm down for that. At least it doesn't really seem like crayfish cancer.
And what's the point of making mistakes? Learn your shit, nail your grammar. Then come back.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:26:09  119062041
I know it, my friend, I know it.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:26:19  119062054
Sup you jerk pricks
You all suck car tires
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:26:35  119062077
>where else can I make a billion mistakes
three fuck ups in a simple sentence. Quite unacceptable
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:27:31  119062146
Hi guys!
What you wants?
Can you teach me speak English ?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:27:56  119062181
I pwned you mamas
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:27:59  119062187
Я немецкий учил и нихуя не рублю в инглише
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:28:17  119062212
What are you talkin about
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:28:26  119062224
>>119056669 (OP)
сорри,ай донт спик лонадн
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:28:41  119062248
Looks like we've got us an Amerifag ITT, lads.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:28:45  119062255
Du bist die heisse scheisse
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:28:48  119062257
Когда используются возвратные местоимения?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:29:30  119062322
For sure
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:29:32  119062327
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:31:15  119062465
Когда нужно показать действие, направленное на само подлежащее. В русском для этого есть возвратный постфикс -ся.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:31:40  119062509
I gotta tell yot what
your British isle sucks incredibly large ass
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:32:19  119062584
The one who can't speak at least on a basic level is a untermensch
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:32:36  119062614
*an (ein)
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:32:39  119062618
Братишки, подскажите, всегда нужно говрить you are welcome или you welcome тоже можно?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:32:56  119062650
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:33:37  119062706
American here. Ask you're questions away.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:33:50  119062731
I'm continental European. Wait, why am I even correcting you? Everyone knows Americans cannot into geography.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:34:33  119062802
You have to ask your dog about it
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:35:14  119062860
Writes your opinion about Putin and Russian politIcs.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:35:43  119062912
Please tell me you're on your fucking phone and your fucking auto-incorrect screwed you over. Otherwise GTFO, you illiterate douchebag.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:36:08  119062957
хелп ми тич зис ленгвич фор саммер тест
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:36:17  119062971
Because we ain't need to know where yore stupid countries are asituated at
Hold on
you gotta be from Ukraine
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:37:16  119063066
Хеллоу, утупок
Гоу энд ду ит ёселф иф ю хэд нот риалайзд ет зет ю гатта ду ит фор ё оун ступид лайф
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:37:18  119063069
Close, but no. I'm a little further east.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:37:43  119063114
Here in USA what I hear most often is "no problem" and "you bet." "You are welcome" has a britfag sound to it and I've never actually seen/heard it
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:39:16  119063254
Ну а если не только в ЮСЕ, а вообще?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:39:35  119063293
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:40:25  119063376
Don't listen to this >>119063069 fuck. I am, in fact, from Ukraine. Now let's shut up before we start a political shitstorm
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:40:38  119063396
Poland or smth like this? Baltic area?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:41:19  119063455
I'm watching X-files so fuck you all
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:41:39  119063496
Putin is pretty nice. I love Putin. What you think about this?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:42:18  119063565
brit from 4chan here
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:42:31  119063585
Always confusing you're and your. I know about their usages but never care enough to check it every time

Never been outside my town, so fuck if I know.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:42:33  119063589
Cockhole, please.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:42:50  119063613
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:44:51  119063820
You gotta clear up the mess with your stupid accents
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:44:52  119063822
Where's everybody?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:45:44  119063905
"You welcome" is grammatically incorrect, and I've never seen or heard anyone use it, be they British, American, Canadian, Australian etc.
I can (somewhat) understand why people confuse there/they're/their, but you're/your don't even sound the same to my ear, I can't see why anyone would get them wrong, especially a native speaker.
Welcome aboard. How did you end up in this shithole of ours?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:47:04  119064057
> How did you end up in this shithole of ours?
fap and webm threads, 4chan /b/ is a reddit-infested shithole nowadays

we have loads of accents, some nice some horrible
I still don't understand some people in some parts of the country
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:49:41  119064341
>you're/your don't even sound the same to my ear
Their pronounced the same, mate.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:50:18  119064406
Everybody fucks now, but don't you.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:51:53  119064562
let mi spik from mai hart
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:53:31  119064722
>fap and webm threads
Those are why I called this place a shithole. We're positively drowning in them. Basically, there's just less and less to do around here besides fapping and watching allegedly funny videos, and I'm not into either.
>I still don't understand some people in some parts of the country
I know what you mean. Met a lot of Brits in my day; some had to serve as interpreters between their friends and me. I also know a guy from Sheffield (I think) who lives in my town. Worst bloody accent I've ever heard, but I've grown to understand him.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:53:50  119064757
Ok, i have lied honestly i enjoy them but hate on the same time.
Leicester one is my favorite. Would u record a couple of words for us on vocaroo or whatever it's called
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:54:17  119064805
For fuck's sake
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:54:49  119064865
Generally the lower the class, the harder it is to understand them

I was surprised when I found out that Russia doesn't really have accents, its generally similar - is this true?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:54:53  119064870
>bitch ass britfag accents
>some nice
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:54:59  119064882
Everybody attended eng class at school, but you
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:55:26  119064930
Sup, bratishki, gde tak zaebato nauchilis' pizdet' po-angliyski?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:55:49  119064967
Not exactly but the variery is WAY WAY more narrow
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:56:05  119064985
Both are pronounced "yo" (which stands for "ё" in the Russian alphabet if I'm not mistaken)
What's your problem dude
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:56:09  119064988

but I'm cockhole, sorri

ps. slava ukroine!
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:57:19  119065099
You must distinguish them bro
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:57:32  119065118
Where is ukroin?I dont know this county, really :DDDD
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:58:19  119065195
Well, Russian isn't as fragmented as British English (or, say, German, Italian or Ukrainian). There are several distinct dialects and accents, and some rural southerners pepper their speech with Ukrainian words, but the overall variety is much smaller. Think of American English: there are multiple accents, but everyone can clearly and easily understand each other. That's pretty much how the Russians have it.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:58:41  119065221
I' am vkatilsya.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:58:50  119065231
but from where you know that it country is?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:59:23  119065277
you vikatilsya now
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 18:59:45  119065312
I suspect a linguist bro in you
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:00:45  119065395
For what good? I've got some more serious problems than your/you're faggotry.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:00:50  119065406
Ее не существует? :(
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:00:55  119065413
i'h roll in
так правильно? вообще не знаю ингриша
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:01:13  119065437
Ok, slishkom hard vash language itt fore me.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:01:28  119065455
i had
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:01:32  119065460
Не надо переводить дословно епта
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:01:37  119065464
Где бы скачать последнее издание Залупняка?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:02:07  119065512
>>119056669 (OP)
London is the capital of United States.

почему еще не было?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:02:16  119065530

I'm a cockhole too, my mom and daughter works as hookers in Russia :( So sad...
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:02:30  119065551
I'm neither a linguist nor a bro. I've been to Russia a few times and travelled around a bit, as well as met quite a few Russians on my home turf, but that's it.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:02:53  119065579
Rrrrrryyyyyaaaa. Cockhole-pig-animale no people.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:03:41  119065632
So you're a foreigner? Ukrainian or Belarusian?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:04:10  119065678
use youre hand i zasoon' in my ass
i need ebatsy now
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:05:00  119065756
Ukrainian by citizenship and residence, but born in Russia. Natively bilingual. My parents moved when I was just a year old.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:06:32  119065906
I' am don't speak english.
Please talk me itt- gde i kak uchit english. Give me posobiya and materials for izuchenia englisha.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:08:29  119066085
Duolingo для андроида или айфона
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:08:36  119066101
I'vе аttаinеd а nаtivе spеаkеr's fluеncу in Еnglish but girls dоn't put оut fоr mе аnуwау. Whаt dо /b/?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:10:42  119066299
Master at least three more European languages and one Asian / African / Native American one. Then we'll talk.

Not really.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:11:49  119066421
i'd fucked your mom and lilttle one...
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:12:20  119066483
Ну так-то правильно?
i'd rolled in
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:13:02  119066562
Keep trying, son. You'll get it right eventually.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:13:20  119066602
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:13:41  119066624
what is not enough?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:14:15  119066687
Your English is not good enough. Way to go.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:15:32  119066819
i learnd French in school, and in the /fl/ напыщенные пидоры, и не дают годных своетов.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:15:50  119066846
Then why is Vanya Yerokhin so popular with girls if he can't speak a word of English? Something tells me there's no correlation here.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:16:46  119066950
>Ukrainian by citizenship and residence
>Natively bisexual.

Nuff said.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:17:48  119067048
What you said is "I had rolled in."
No idea what the fuck on earth you used Past Perfect for.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:17:52  119067054
Потому что vanya walking cachalka, а ты учишь свой непонятный english
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:18:14  119067093
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:18:18  119067097
naively bilingual
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:19:01  119067164
But Vanya is drisch.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:19:28  119067210
You're fucking right, there isn't.
With some girls, there can even be a negative correlation. With me, good command of English would probably earn you a few respect points, but those aren't redeemable for sex. Sorry.
As if it's a bad thing.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:19:50  119067242
but you a hikka/omega, sorry.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:19:56  119067254
What to do if i cant in slang? I tried to write in english on 4chan. But they immediately detect that im russian.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:21:24  119067388
You can't use slang if you don't speak the language. I mean, you have to first learn standard English.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:21:58  119067443
lol, по стилю письма наверное детектируют
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:22:05  119067459
It's not all about slang. It's about imperfect English with peculiar "Russian" mistakes. 4chanfags have learned to recognise them.
Oh, and 4chan is an even stinkier shithole than this place. I can't even bear reading it, much less trying to post.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:24:09  119067676
But i know English... Well i think that i know. Not perfect of course.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:24:16  119067685
Night, lords. In what way shall I refine upon my aural comprehension of the English parlance?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:24:35  119067729
очевидно же.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:24:55  119067762
vasya, kogo ti obmanivaesh
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:26:48  119067947
>Be me this morning , wakes up and wants to fap
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:26:50  119067953
Good day, mans! I very good talk English, you see? I went exam IELTS and gathered 9 balls!
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:27:20  119068005
14572816402310.png (97Кб, 736x736)
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:28:17  119068107
> For some reason I started touching my butt
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:29:11  119068190
> then started my sphincter with my finger while jacking off which felt really good.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:29:16  119068201
all right, yoba. that i am. you hear me? you listen me?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:29:33  119068233
Бугурта от английского нить иди

>юзернейм а ты правда английский знаешь?
>ну да
>прямо все слова?

>юзернейм ты же по-английски шпаришь, скажи про что песня
>электронный трек с искажённым голосом, даже по-русски бы такое не разобрал
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:30:26  119068322
14572818262540.png (84Кб, 336x336)
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:31:31  119068421
14572818913070.jpg (110Кб, 598x362)
fucking crazy monkey. Why this fucked mother fucker Abu baned word "тиклнг" in english?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:31:37  119068431
>подвыпившее быдло
>юзернайм а ты чё, по-английски базаришь? за обаму что ли сука?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:32:03  119068477
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:32:29  119068526
>а что значит [неправильно разобранная на слух, грамматически неправильная и состоящая из несуществующих слов строчка из песни]?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:32:31  119068533
You're pizdishing.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:33:29  119068633
But i not lie to yo. I know that i know english. Not perfect of course but enough to communicate with people
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:33:33  119068643
14572820134530.jpg (39Кб, 500x500)
>english thread
>everyone is talking in russian
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:34:30  119068750
Но макака таки ебанулся. Какого хуя он забанил слово "тиклить"?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:35:36  119068885
— Ну да.
А НУ СКАЖИ ЧЁ-НИТЬ! [ублюдочное гыгыканье]
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:36:12  119068953
I fucking lost it at this pic.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:36:13  119068955
Not everyone, only those who don't want to discredit themselves with their blatant and glaring Runglish.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:36:49  119069012
tipical english tread on dvach
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:36:59  119069031
Ещё и десу, десу.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:37:19  119069069
oh. guess not to appear in this thread at all isn't an option then...
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:38:18  119069169
There's even a more hilarious variant, with a nig... afro-american guy surrounded by another ni... afro-american guys.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:38:40  119069206
>урок английского
>совковая училка пытается втереть, что правильно do not you...? а не do you not...?
>споришь с ней
>получаешь 2
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:38:53  119069230
даже сократ говорил, что он знает только то, что ничего не знает, а ты не viebivaisya, vasya
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:39:28  119069287
nah usually it's full of runglish-speaking anons mocking each other for grammatical mistakes
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:41:21  119069478
Given how it's the only decent thread on page zero right now, what other options do we have?
It's "African American," not "afro-american." And this is the Nethernet, so it's perfectly fine to say "Nigger." There, I just did it.
Thank God I had a decent young teacher for the last two years of school. "Those textbooks they gave you? Never bring them to my class again." That was one of the first things she said to us.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:42:07  119069550
>le me at english class at school
>saying "can't" in american way
>le teacher correcting me and saying that i should say "can't" with "[a:]"
>telling her that the way she says this, it sounds more like "cunt"
>parents called to the school next day
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:42:20  119069574
14572825406840.jpg (99Кб, 1920x810)
А ты ему так с разворота
и по ебальнику
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:42:31  119069595
>весь семестр троллишь училку английского, задавая "неудобные" вопросы
>типа как правильно - deft at или deft in
>в конце семестра завалила тебя текстами для перевода, заданиями и прочей хуйнёй, ну а что - всё же по программе, формально имеет право
>получил зачёт позже всех
>not sure кто кого затроллил
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:43:33  119069688
>>119056669 (OP)
How can I find a friend for training my english?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:43:47  119069712
>what other options do we have?
you need to go deeper
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:43:54  119069720
I fucked Socrates in the ass
And what your achievements?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:44:36  119069789
You must to suck american dick first.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:44:46  119069804
What did you say, whiteboy?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:46:05  119069938
14572827653020.png (27Кб, 359x159)
u tho
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:46:10  119069951
i fucked your mummy and she living
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:46:24  119069973
4chan int
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:46:48  119070008
Not a good idea
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:47:10  119070054
Although I am straight-but, but I don't want to suck dick
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:47:16  119070062
Well, you can go to an anticafe in ur city and do some shit, idk. U r an anon, nobody likes u :3
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:47:23  119070075
>u tho
What do you mean bro? And what's your pic for?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:48:26  119070182
Deft is an adjective.
Was this the point of your trolling?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:48:49  119070214
Full of political/historical bullshit, all those is-she-white threads and such.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:49:23  119070272
Is-she-white threads? What is it?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:49:48  119070312
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:50:04  119070338
No. I asked her which preposition goes with "deft." Do they say "deft at doing smth" or "deft in doing smth"
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:51:08  119070460
Im from your home now where your parents living. I fucked your dad in the ass, while your mother licked my balls and ate my shit.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:51:10  119070462
Sometimes it's really hard to tell if a person is white or colored.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:51:48  119070527
>>119056669 (OP)
клятi пєндосi згинтi уєбки матереї ваших єбал мразоти падли тварi гнiди блядi уєбки!!!!
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:52:04  119070563
Oh, that's what you meant... Now i get it. So which variant is right?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:52:29  119070603
Well you can also eat shit or be fucked by niggers in the ass. Its your choice
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:55:43  119070923
Since you mentioned it, I never really got this whole "person of colour" thing. First of all, if black is a colour, then so is white. Second, it's actually disrespectful towards non-whites by lumping them all together under a single umbrella term, as if white people are more different from the other races than they are from each other. If that's not racism, I don't know what is.

And, frankly, boiling everything down to race doesn't really help anyone.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:55:54  119070935
Why in russia people tend to know only one language?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:56:57  119071047
Because post-Soviet foreign language teaching programmes are shite.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:57:41  119071115
Good evening, everyone. Is here anyone who lives in Europe? Except Russia and Ukraine, of course. I've been living in emigration since I was 15 yrs. In 2 weeks i'm going to Scotland, Edinburgh.

You're absolutely nasty morons. Hope I'll never see you outside your cell.

Also, I hate this senseless place, in 2 weeks i'd never come here again.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:57:49  119071137
Deft at
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:58:36  119071206
Yes, I live in London.

Edinburgh is nice. Avoid Glasgow.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:58:46  119071230
Because there's no need to learn another one. See, in Europe countries are small and chances are, you have mom from France and father from Spain, and you live in Germany. This way you know three languages and also English because it's not that hard actually.
This example is a little bit exaggerated, but still
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 19:59:36  119071313
Germany anon here.
So, what senseless place are you at now?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:01:01  119071448
> In 2 weeks i'm going to Scotland, Edinburgh
In your dreams

> Germany anon here.
Did nazi fuck your ass already?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:01:44  119071524
There are quite a lot of people who don't speak English in Germany though.
No, refugees did.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:01:48  119071530
Tell me please, what is the difference between:
Just want to inprove my english.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:01:59  119071551
Who's from /fl/ give a thumbs up
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:02:17  119071583
Как выучить все эти правила с временами и прочей хуитой и правильно их использовать?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:02:59  119071651
liar mrazb
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:03:04  119071663
Why? I've heard it's a lair of UK rednecks and dumbheads, is it true? What's your occupation?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:03:43  119071720
just взять and выучить
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:03:43  119071721
14572838233420.jpg (130Кб, 1024x768)
Usually i hate 4chan. But sometimes it delivers.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:04:15  119071773
Yes Glasgow is a fucking depressing shithole
I'm a student

i will give proofs in a second
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:04:16  119071774
> In your dreams
Why? I'm from Cyprus, and I've already bought a ticket.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:04:35  119071802
Harrow, anons. My english is very bad. I mean that i can understand any texts, but i cannot write texts correctly. It looks like iam read-only, lol/
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:05:31  119071885
> already bought a ticket
proofs plz
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:05:56  119071923
Isn't this the kind of crap we hate it for?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:06:28  119071967
ur proofs will not accepted by me because youre ukrainian proxy shithole
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:07:07  119072034

- Как тебя зовут?
- Меня не зовут, я сам прихожу!

Any suggestions?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:07:17  119072049
Это я не знаю или это ты обосрался?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:07:43  119072085
Your sentence structure looks passable from what you've wrote. Maybe you're just beating yourself up over it too much?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:07:52  119072101
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:08:09  119072122
There are a lot of good books for selfstudy by Cambridge Press. For instance, English Grammar in Use, English Vocabulary in Use. You could choose the difficulty according to your knowledge of language and then carry on on next levels.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:08:26  119072159
How do they call you?
They do not call me, i come by myself
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:08:45  119072187
14572841256750.png (577Кб, 1080x1920)
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:08:52  119072192
New polozhnyak ITT: everyone except >>119071967 is a Ukrainian proxyfag. Even Ukrainians who don't use proxies.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:09:04  119072205
whats your name пидор дурень тварь
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:09:18  119072234
Not for me. Usually it full with rouletes roulettes of all kind, and crazy kids that wants attention.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:09:26  119072251
Nice meme`d
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:09:47  119072289
Вообще-то "двач доставляет" - калька.
Ничего своего придумать не можем, даже ехидного колобка слизали с comfy meme.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:10:45  119072386
Evening, lads!
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:11:02  119072414
>Your sentence structure looks passable from what you've wrote. Maybe you're just beating yourself up over it too much?

Sorry, but I have a reason to say it. In my school years we've had a poor education process, and I've learned English by the videogames. I don't know thats past-present shit stuff afterall.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:11:11  119072429
alri lad
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:11:34  119072469
>>119056669 (OP)
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:11:36  119072472
14572842964100.jpg (19Кб, 500x324)
>Live with gf for 6 months
>she's cold because I fucked up almost a year ago
>nothing is changing
>complaints about my normal behaviours daily
>only fucks me when we drink and is also very condescending and kind of mean when she gets drunk
>brushes off my emotions

Блять даже на форчане биопроблемы просто пиздец.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:11:44  119072477

- What do they call you?
- They never call me, I come on my own!
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:11:56  119072494
Hello, my lord.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:12:24  119072541
>даже на форчане
They're people not just like us, y'know.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:12:33  119072551
нормально придумал, дибил
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:12:43  119072568
Word up fam, what gives?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:12:46  119072578
Wood needed.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:13:08  119072613
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:13:11  119072616
What did you say? Are you fucking with me?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:13:12  119072620
Just because you faggot
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:13:22  119072639
>>119056669 (OP)
Click "Klass" if u using english, which russian pigdogs don't understand, 'cuz they are stupid.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:14:01  119072690
But still, it could've been worse, and this thread is a perfect example for it.
Tenses are tough, indeed. You should just learn them all by heart and do grammar exercises. That's the only way, mate. Per anum ad astra.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:14:38  119072751
So knowing English automatically makes you not a pigdog?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:14:41  119072754
We have a lack of slaves-workers, sir. Should we produce more Russians?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:14:42  119072756
14572844824460.jpg (46Кб, 394x387)
>come on my own
tfw no gf
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:14:53  119072775
>Word up fam, what gives?
>10 Ways To Say Hi So Nobody Understands Anything
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:14:55  119072779
Eat my sage, i know u love to bless Dionis
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:15:13  119072809
14572845131190.png (33Кб, 400x400)
How are you?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:15:37  119072855
Word up was rather comprehensible, wasn't it?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:16:00  119072892
Hi all retards
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:16:06  119072904
> 'cuz
Моя училка по английскому говорила, что говорить 'cuz вместо because это тоже самое что на русском говорить "чо" вместо "что".
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:16:24  119072948
A bit tired, if anything. Spent most of the day driving, so now I'm just kicking back and scrolling /b/
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:16:41  119072979
She was right, y'know.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:16:41  119072980
Hell knows. I had to look it up in urbandictionary when I first saw it
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:16:41  119072981
Скорее "пушо" вместо "потому что".
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:16:46  119072988
Pissed in everybody's mouths ITT.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:16:55  119072998
>But still, it could've been worse, and this thread is a perfect example for it.
>Tenses are tough, indeed. You should just learn them all by heart and do grammar exercises. That's the only way, mate. Per anum ad astra.

Is there any good on-line excersises for newbies? All that language-grammars fears me sometimes.
So, you looks like a good and polite man and I'm glad to have chat with you.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:17:25  119073053
Wake up! Grab the brush and put a little make up)0 hide the scars to fade away the shake up)00 where had u leave the key uppn the table? Here u go create another fable:3
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:17:25  119073054
I fuck you mama
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:17:47  119073094
14572846672340.png (5Кб, 400x400)
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:17:59  119073119
Are you mentally challenged or something?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:18:03  119073122
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:18:36  119073177
14572847169440.png (5Кб, 400x400)
Chat in you mouth, check it out.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:18:37  119073178
I cry when angel deserve to die
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:18:38  119073180
Never knew the lyrics to this song. Ah, my youth.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:19:12  119073226
Lingua latina, bitches?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:19:21  119073249
14572847618680.jpg (24Кб, 400x430)
> Is there any good on-line excersises for newbies?
Not online, but i bet.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:19:28  119073260
Oy, captoen!
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:19:32  119073266
Non penis canina
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:19:34  119073268
У нас можно прослыть чудаком, если говорить "что", когда можно сказать "чё".
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:19:41  119073277
I'm pretty sure there is, but i haven't looked for them deliberately. I think you can find theoretical material easily by spending a minute in google. Maybe you'll be able to get some good exercise sources too, who knows.
Thank you :3
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:19:58  119073307
Heh da memosiki
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:19:59  119073311
Oh, so sad. What will you do tomorrow? The beginning of new week. meh. I want to die right now.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:20:15  119073343
You can be used to be the best way for the first time since I've been working with you on your computer and video content from other sources from which to build the next week in advance.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:20:22  119073359
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:20:54  119073419
Suck my balls
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:20:54  119073420
The cambucha mushroom people
Sitting around all day
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:21:00  119073430
14572848600740.png (5Кб, 400x400)
"Чё" говорит только быдло.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:21:08  119073447
>>119056669 (OP)
du u speck london? u aree grill?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:21:14  119073457
>You can be used to be the best way for
Chto blya
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:21:22  119073474
Who can believe you?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:21:41  119073510
Who can believe you?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:21:52  119073528
Thank you, pal.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:22:03  119073552
Let your mother pray
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:22:04  119073554
O, I have this one.
It was cost almost 20 euro.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:22:10  119073569
We don't work tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow, too. A 4 day weekend it's cool.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:22:20  119073588
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:22:23  119073593
No, thanks.
Although i might reconsider if they're hairless, C-cup and have nipples. Maybe
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:23:31  119073713
>just fucked you mom
Is that sort of your avatar? You better change it to not look like a douchebag.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:23:41  119073737
Do u speak London city? I speak this I can
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:23:43  119073740
I bought for 40 euro, just 2 months ago.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:23:56  119073764
It gets bigger, when you pull on
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:24:30  119073827
>It was cost
I fucked up.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:25:11  119073919
Hillo moi name is Denis Bennis, i kan spek engrish so gud wot abaut u?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:25:21  119073942
U jerk off nigga bitch suck my little cock
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:25:24  119073948
I actually do "work" (kinda) tomorrow. Not at my main job though. I'm taking a day off on the 8th though, y'know, just to pretend I enjoy this goddamn holiday. Mostly it's just pricks I don't remember sending me stock festive texts they bought in bulk from the mobile operator.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:26:19  119074037
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:26:30  119074053
ya homie wazzup?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:26:32  119074057
14572851927860.png (5Кб, 400x400)
shut the fuck up u nigger scum
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:26:42  119074080
Do we all
Learn defeat?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:26:48  119074092

In voice sena
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:26:59  119074108
From that horse with bad feet
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:27:12  119074136
14572852326490.png (7Кб, 400x400)
I'm so jealous.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:27:29  119074169
Beat the meat
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:27:49  119074195
Treat huit
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:27:49  119074196
Good may frand
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:27:56  119074213
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:28:06  119074229
To the sweet
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:28:21  119074256
Ich werde dich ficken, und dann all Ihren Hund. Insgesamt gut. Ich liebe dich!

They're gonna turn this thread in smth lousy, although, they have already done this.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:28:32  119074276
Milky seat
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:28:53  119074313
Я вас не панимат
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:29:15  119074355
Wait. Are you a tyan?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:29:20  119074359
Village yokolo dont palitsa
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:29:20  119074360
At my job, they made Saturday (yesterday) a workday so as to give us an uninterrupted three-day "weekend" (Sunday through Tuesday). State holidays always fuck everything up.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:29:54  119074425
Ho ho ho poliglotus erectus itt
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:30:05  119074437
Yes. Got a problem with that?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:30:58  119074531
You know the rules.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:30:58  119074532
Bla bla bla. Moron.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:30:59  119074534
sap двач kā lietas ko jūs te darāt пиписьки дрочите?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:31:43  119074605
Готов до завантаження
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:31:53  119074628
сап двач як справи що ви тут робите пиписьки дрочите?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:31:56  119074634
Doesn't mean I give a flying fuck about them.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:32:41  119074714
сап двач како си да си овде да урадите пиписьки дрочите?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:33:05  119074754
They did the same on February 23. A bonus day-off, yeah, but also a "bonus" workday.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:33:34  119074808
Then you must gtfo.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:35:06  119074989
I passed on the driving licence and they have no insurance sadly
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:35:14  119075010
14572857148300.png (350Кб, 554x382)
I'm doing my homework, honey.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:35:34  119075035
Больше сеги шире морда
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:36:07  119075097
Sowwy mario buy ur peincess in anater custle
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:36:16  119075117
14572857761340.jpg (36Кб, 482x584)
Dis thred suk.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:36:31  119075141
why if the day off tomorrow?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:37:26  119075233
In Latvia tomorrow is a work day as always.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:38:05  119075310
>working days
>waiting for the weekend
>missing your job
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:38:49  119075391
What a shitload of fuck
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:38:51  119075395
Oh shi hav its lampovo
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:39:07  119075438
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:39:33  119075492
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:44:00  119075997
Hva sier reven?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:44:16  119076026
Кекус махимус
Аноним # OP  06/03/16 Вск 20:48:00  119076438
I crote this thread 3 hours ago and it only got 346 posts. It froke me out.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:48:45  119076535
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 20:49:16  119076608
Whatcha mean bro?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 21:01:11  119077911
14572872718490.png (33Кб, 400x400)
Shit happens, dude.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 21:05:36  119078359
14572875370950.png (26Кб, 400x400)
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 21:21:26  119080038
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 21:27:02  119080748
The thread seems to be dead.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 21:29:24  119081032
Thread's dead, baby. Thread's dead.
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 21:37:01  119081880
bump 1/10
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 21:40:20  119082282
Лондон из зе кэпитал оф Грейт Британ
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 21:41:18  119082410
Is that all the English you know?
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 21:43:28  119082715
bump 2/10
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 21:45:42  119083003
bump 3/10
Аноним 06/03/16 Вск 21:49:12  119083464
Да заебали. Сижу тут один как дебил бампаю. Нахуй всё.

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