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Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:27:33  119372947  
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Why we don't have a comfy english thread? Here we go
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:35:03  119373280
A bump.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:37:00  119373365
>>119372947 (OP)
Talking with foreigner tonight and don't make any mistakes in messages, are there in this message?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:37:06  119373372
The bump
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:39:41  119373483
A bump
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:39:43  119373486
Sosite hui dauni
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:40:52  119373538
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:41:21  119373556
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:47:23  119373827
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:49:18  119373933
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:49:50  119373955
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:53:07  119374123
>Talking with foreigner
To a foreigner.
>mistakes in messages
Логическая рамка завалена вообще нахуй.
>are there in this message
Is there some.
Времена вообще пиздец.
Двойка, садись.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:53:10  119374125
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:53:51  119374165
You know. Last night I fapped at camwhore and she singing this catchy song with tom hanks in music video and she was like I really really like you you know bitches be like oh reeeaaaly of course really you fool dumb ass nigga I hate when niggaz repeat that cuz that shit clearly said
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:53:56  119374168
Ты охуенен, оставайся.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:56:27  119374294
Остался. Ask away.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:58:14  119374418
Где можно в сети практиковаться в живой речи? Первое, что приходит на ум - /int/, но это не то.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 08:59:57  119374538
Hi there, cuty.
It's me, that camwhore.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:01:19  119374629
Любой интернациональный ресурс с форумами по интересующей тебя хуйне.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:04:07  119374775
hello combrads
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:04:41  119374801
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Sup homies
Whats poppin?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:05:39  119374859
who like the bred?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:06:17  119374893
We dont serve black people here, please leave.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:08:31  119375025
Why so? Oh, i get it. Coz i'm black right? Everything what happens around is because i am black. You're dickhead racist.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:11:14  119375185
I,m not. Actually i do love black people specialy your mum
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:12:15  119375244
Dont you be talking shit bout my mom dawg! This aint cool yo!
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:13:40  119375321
I dont understand what you whrite
But you idi nahuy OP HUY
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:15:46  119375443
Lol, rastaman with tattoo. Sry?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:16:14  119375478
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Come here and tell me that, I'll fuck you in your ass you punk white boy, you faggot. You can't touch me, you're not man enough. I'll eat you asshole alive, you bitch. Cmon anybody in here can't fuck with this. This is the ultimate, man. Fuck you, you hoe. Come and say it to my face! I'll fuck you in the ass in front of everybody. You bitch, come on, you bitch. You're scared coward, you're not man enough to fuck with me. You can't last two minutes in my world, bitch. Look at you scared now, you hoe. Scared like a little white pussy. Scared of the real man. I'll fuck you till you love me, faggot!
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:17:13  119375524
Gm guys! Wat u gonna do 2day?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:19:24  119375626
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:19:33  119375633
>>119372947 (OP)>>119372947 (OP)
my grammar-nazi just died in your thread.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:20:23  119375673
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Yeah, dat is my boy! It is our ghettothread now. OBEY!
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:22:23  119375780
Is there ANY?

When it's a question or a negetive sentence, use ANY.
Bitch ass nigga
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:25:21  119375955
shut your fucking sewer golden boy, be a smartass around me and ill break your fucking face. who the fuck you think you are?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:26:10  119375994
Файнали инглиш тред. Вот ар ви дуинг хир? Вот ар ю ап ту? Ай эм ситинг он э тоилет эт зе момент. Хау ис ит? Кул?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:27:14  119376055
Лол, вай со мэд, дьюд? Чил аут, ю литтл фэлла.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:27:18  119376059

GTFO bitch ass nigga. Imma whope your ass you still somthing from here.
Eat shit, you mellonsucking peace of black shit music they call rap.
I fucked your mother balls deep!
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:29:48  119376191
Yo wtf is your damn problem nigga?
Im pointing out your weak spots, you stupid ass bitch. Go learn some more grammar
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:33:42  119376392
Whatcha doin my guddam black brazzas cmon fuck me in da ass i want it oh my god ur dicks is so big that makes me crazy
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:34:50  119376466
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:35:05  119376479
Английский для пидаров, ебал вас всех
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:39:35  119376736
Hey fucker what a fuck are u fucking talking about go fuck urself u are a fucking piece of shit go and get some fucking life u bastard u know what im sayin?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:41:28  119376857
hey guys, have you seen some ayyliens around?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:42:26  119376921
Hey man, you are not born a nigga. You become a nigga, like you just did. You bitch ass fuckface.
Go steal some grape juice or mellons, you uneducated dumb idiot.
You don't need to study anymmore english, coz you already have reached all your limits.

Now go sell some creck and die.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:55:02  119377674
>>119372947 (OP)
Becouse it's too early. Really. Create one in the evening, please.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 09:56:20  119377758
На иняз поступай.
мимо иняз-кун 2 лвл
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:11:05  119378649
>>119372947 (OP)
Is this actually a comfy one or sec-ch-retard?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:11:29  119378681
Noup. Got pic?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:12:00  119378720
Because nobody asked you! Go fuck yourself!
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:13:51  119378840

I never really liked rap but yesterday I downloaded DMX discografy and found out I enjoy it. What's wrong with me, people? I ate a cursed fried chicken or something?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:14:36  119378881
Seems like you getting a nigga disease. Sry mate :(
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:15:13  119378928
Damn, that gorilla warfare part makes me lose my shit like I'm nuts.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:16:02  119378993
If that includes my dick getting bigger I'm totally ok with that.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:19:03  119379201
Online games, dude! Also you could learn basic Polish like "kurrrwa ja perdole".
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:19:22  119379230
No it only makes you look like shit :D
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:19:42  119379259
What games do you play? I don't have a console :(
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:22:16  119379483
Crap. I'm starting to get mad fo mah niggaz not getting Oscars this year. And where are my food stamps?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:23:23  119379581
Pourquoi parlez-vous l'anglais? Il y a beaucoup de meilleures langues dans le monde.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:24:19  119379654
>I don't have a console :(
You mad bro, how are these things connected?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:25:18  119379735
Well i don't like DOTA
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:25:38  119379757
And never heard of any other games on pc or mac
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:26:07  119379793
are there any
Some advisor you are.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:27:16  119379873
hump de bump
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:29:11  119380011
Somebody please make two cups of tea for this gentleman.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:29:35  119380041
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:37:30  119380616
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This thread is not legitimate, you must not post here.
Official English threads are only created in the weekend evenings, wait for one until no sooner than the coming Saturday.
original threads have the BRITISH YOBA as their OP pictures
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:37:54  119380647
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:38:48  119380713
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>>119372947 (OP)
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:39:57  119380817
Why wait for Saturday? I want it NOW!
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:40:57  119380882
Fuck you, fuck your rules and fuck the system in general.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:50:41  119381661
Rednecks aren't welcome in this thread.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 10:56:59  119382159
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:02:07  119382547
>gorilla warfare
I'm shitting bricks
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:05:21  119382792
Because russky b-tard can not into English
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:18:37  119383815
Anyone here?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:18:54  119383839
Как перевести третье предложение?

Expect no sympathy there's none to be had
Open your eyes and see
There's no room for the wannabees the has beens or the bad

Почему "none to be had" это "ни того, ни другого"? Это устоявшееся выражение и его просто нужно запомнить?

Да и с первым предложением какая-то хуйня. Увидел перевод "Не ждите сочувствия нет ни от кого". Так можно перевести это предложение?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:21:19  119384046
Translato working in dating agency itt.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:23:08  119384187
Привет из /fl/
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:27:42  119384524
T'aimes parler sur la version village du Française ?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:28:12  119384556
Привет. Там так долго отвечают, что решил в б поискать что-то по анлийскому. Но, блядь, и здесь молчат.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:29:26  119384648
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:34:13  119384976
Hey, I just heard somebody farting. Or speaking French. Hard to tell, really.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:39:27  119385367
>>119372947 (OP)
I've never though that English is a difficult language to learn. I've never took any any special classes - just school program and conversations with foreigners on the internet. Sill my English skills are beter then those of 90% of sosach population. How did it come to this? English is most common and useful skill to properly communicate and be able to understand media.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:40:18  119385434
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:43:04  119385642
Took is fine too.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:43:27  119385667
Не ожидай симпатии, её не будет.
None to be had это просто пассивный залог от to have sympathy. Довольно распространенный прием в английском. Как there is nothing to find.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:46:13  119385850
>Expect no sympathy, there's none to be had
= Expect no sympathy, there's no sympathy to be had
= Expect no sympathy, you can have no sympathy
Не знаю как ещё объяснить.

>There's no room for the wannabees the has beens or the bad
Нет места притворщикам (ваннаби), былым героям ("a has-been" - человек, который когда-то был успешным но всё проебал) и злодеям
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:49:05  119386050
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Who are you to fucking lecture me?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 11:58:25  119386743
The lecture won't be enough for you to fuck anyone. Look out for video tutorials.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:02:25  119387069
I remember making a really good joke about the Green Card in a similar thread. Anyone here remembers it?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:03:08  119387134
просто "бывшим" имхо будет лучше, нет?
Необязательно герой же. Был богатым, был пожарником, был здоровым
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:09:07  119387604
Скачиваешь на ведро или иос программу Zello (это интернет рация), в поиске каналов набираешь "Английский для всех" и общаешься. Там жилающих вести светские беседы на английском достаточно много. Есть даже профессоры.
К слову, там есть конфа посвещенная двощу. "Церковь Тиреча 2.0" называется.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:09:11  119387611
>>119372947 (OP)
bicoz i dont know englisch as well as i want
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:12:59  119387946
Спасибо, я все понял. Какие-то сложные у них конструкции.
Вот, кстати, эта песня.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:18:38  119388454
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:25:30  119389046
It's his father, Yoba's not at home.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:28:07  119389283
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You've probably thought I'm a loaf of bread, but I'm not a bread, I'm a cat! Don't eat me, please.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:29:42  119389421
Нахуй нужен этот убогий недоязык? Можно потратить свое время куда как рациональнее.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:30:49  119389518
Damn right, you could have learned English instead.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:32:12  119389641
Чтобы общаться с любым жителем цивилизованного мира, толстый пидорахен.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:32:56  119389706
> общаться с любым жителем цивилизованного мира
Зачем? Что такого важного может поведать пиндос или бриташка?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:34:12  119389810
Тебе - ничего, ты ж необучаемый.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:36:03  119389977
Почему? У меня в школе и университете хорошие оценки были, так что ты ошибаешься.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:38:19  119390178
Ну тогда поднимай страну скален, чтоб они там все с зависти пообсирались.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:38:20  119390180
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:39:21  119390283
Зачем вообще общаться с людьми из других стран, узнавать, как они живут и о чем думают. По телевизору и так расскажут. А побеседовать можно с соседом Васей за бутылкой водки. Духовно!
А понимать оригиналы зарубежной литературы, музыки и кино - это вообще для пидоров.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:45:28  119390874
> Зачем вообще общаться с людьми из других стран, узнавать, как они живут и о чем думают
Да, незачем, это хипстеры придумали, что это важно.
> По телевизору и так расскажут
Проекции, не смотрю.
> А побеседовать можно с соседом Васей за бутылкой водки. Духовно!
Тебе лучше знать.
> понимать оригиналы зарубежной литературы
Я еще и русскую не всю прочитал, да и не вижу смысла доверять своему понимаю больше, чем понимаю людей, который профессионально занимаются переводом.
> музыки
Музыка со словами — говно.
> кино
Для быдла.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 12:46:42  119390984
It's just me or the pipes of /po/ are breached again?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:04:43  119392847
BUMP cyka
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:05:46  119392940
>Anyone here remembers it?
it should be "Anyone here remember it?"
don't ask me why
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:14:32  119393723
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Today I've learned that in America the week begins on a Sunday.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:20:47  119394278
Ограничивать свои знания одной страной для небыдла, ок. Интеллегент хуев.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:34:47  119395604
You could fap at pony or anime but you chosen can who're
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:35:35  119395689
Fuck yourself retard
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:36:07  119395744
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:37:39  119395881
Мне понравились твои ответы. Но язык надо знать, если хочешь узнать, что думают о тебе иностранцы. Быть уверенным, что ты правильно их понял или немного подкорректировать переводчика, если он не мог быстро и одним словом донести суть.
Их мысли не будуть отражать мысли всей страны, но общую картину ты себе будешь предствалять и сможешь кинуть пруфы речи "Обамы", а не переводчика, чтоб к тебе не доебывались за неправильный перевод. если, конечно, тебе это интересно
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:38:10  119395929
Do you know anything as fuck fuck
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:38:24  119395949
>>119372947 (OP)
Tyan is breaking into here
No proofs
Im just bored
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:38:58  119396005
>и не вижу смысла доверять своему понимаю больше, чем понимаю людей, который профессионально занимаются переводом
Оригинал всегда лучше перевода. Же.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:38:58  119396007
Are you gay
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:39:34  119396062
It was
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:41:46  119396254
You are a bread damn
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:42:12  119396300
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:53:02  119397367
Жизни не хватит, чтобы выучить все языки, на которых написано что-то приличное.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 13:53:30  119397408
Ес раша ай ду
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:14:56  119399206
Don't die
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:20:46  119399694
Because it's not night, and all you're gonna do is summon the schoolboys and the likes who think it's funny to post "ПОДПИНДОСНИКИ ПРОКЛЯТЫЕ" here?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:30:33  119400498
if you bump the thread you should at least post here something interesting to attract people's attention, otherwise all your bumps are useless
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:38:21  119401187
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:39:00  119401236
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:46:48  119401905
>>119372947 (OP)
>why don't we
>the most common
Sookie blyad' why do you make my eyes bleeding so fucking much
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:48:28  119402058
> so fucking much
I can fuck you even mucher :D
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:49:28  119402153
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:49:51  119402181
chill out dude, everything's fine
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:50:43  119402247
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Охуеваю с ваших навыков, быдло.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:51:05  119402283
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>>119372947 (OP)
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:54:13  119402561
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have took is correct
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:55:38  119402678
14575245383720.png (119Кб, 1416x773)
Stop cussing, motherfuckers!
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:55:55  119402702
you're just looking for excuses
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:55:58  119402707
It's just sounds kinda weird.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:57:24  119402829
>it's sounds
you fucked up
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:57:28  119402839
> It's just sounds
lol. you're a hopeless piece of crap
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:58:26  119402924
The best grammar at that thread ever
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:58:32  119402935
okok, my fault
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:58:50  119402953
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>>119372947 (OP)
>Why we don't have a comfy english thread? Here we go
Проиграл с порядка слов и построения предложения.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:59:03  119402970
>48k results from google books
>one schoolboy from 2ch
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:59:10  119402981
2 tea
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:59:16  119402995
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:59:20  119403000
Kek maybe you will be forgiving
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 14:59:45  119403034
It's ru style fag
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:00:48  119403117
what do you mean by that? are you being sarcastic?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:01:41  119403188
I would like a cup of tea , гоndon is the capital of great britan
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:01:41  119403189
"here" is in the wrong place. You can't put it in the middle of a clause and get away with it
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:01:55  119403217
Blyad this is rustyle sukanah not your faggot ass post pidrila
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:05:19  119403502
the world is cruel you know.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:07:11  119403669
Еще вопрос по переводу.
I'm a rebel, rebel, don't you just know it
Сначала идет don't, но вопроса как бы и нет. Зато есть just.

Как правильно?
Ты просто не знаешь об этом.
Разве ты не знаешь этого?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:10:28  119403977
OP, do I have to bump for you?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:13:29  119404262
А зачем здесь have? Не лучше should поставить?
Я ньюфаг и никак не могу понять разницы между ду, би и хэв.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:13:52  119404301
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:14:19  119404352
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:14:58  119404422
Do I have to bump?
Should I bump? (за do I should - анальная трепанация)
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:15:12  119404445
have to = should = ought to. it's similar to must (though must has a bit stronger meaning)
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:15:17  119404456
You're not OP. Still a dick, though.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:16:12  119404555
Comrades! Please tell me how to learn and understand verbs in past, present, future.
Nihua v etom ne razbiraus. Ponimau kogda chitau, no ne mogy sostavit predloghenia
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:17:01  119404634
"Do I have to" is more emotionally colored towards annoyance. "Should I" sounds more polite, as if you're asking for permission.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:18:27  119404763
you just learn them. that's all. nothing really special. put some effort into learning and you'll be ok.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:20:59  119405031
Where i can start? What books i must read?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:23:57  119405379
Is it possible to put English skills into use so that I could live off it? I'm a total scrub in every other aspect of life.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:24:48  119405476
I really sad about that thing - my native language not English. If i live in America or England i can write books and sell it on Amazon. Writers paid very well in english speaking country. I have an idea write book about cyberpank. But i so upset that my work i can sell only for 200-400 usd in Russia. I plan to move from Russia, learn English well and write my book.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:25:15  119405522
Бонк "Английский шаг за шагом", словарик ABBYY Lingvo с карточками, либо Anki, тоже с карточками. 3000 Английских слов от Павла Литвинова, ютюб/фильмы на английском с ансабом, игры манямэ с ансабом, манга с ансабом. Когда подтянешь язык и основы, переходи на Cambridge - Grammar in Use.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:25:57  119405593
> за do I should - анальная трепанация
Почему? Где об этом можно почитать? То есть, есть ли какое-то правило?
> though must has a bit stronger meaning
Ага, я знаю.
> have to = should = ought to
Спасибо, буду знать.
А если так:
Should I bump, pidor?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:28:21  119405816
> Should I bump, pidor?
Можно я бампну.
Я протупил, прастити.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:28:38  119405834
Все крутые посоны всё равно говорят gotta.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:29:14  119405889
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:29:48  119405939
Электронные карточки, маня.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:31:46  119406108
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Muffet here, cup of tea for everyone.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:33:05  119406224
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Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:34:05  119406315
>>119372947 (OP)
What means here we go?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:34:16  119406334
14575268563670.jpg (341Кб, 1280x1149)
Why not my little dead girl?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:35:08  119406405
Everything is pizdec how ez, anon.
Every verb has 3 forms. Present, past and FINISHED, as I've always translated it for myself. Do\Did\DONE. Sometimes they repeat, like Shit\Shat\SHAT. НУ типа, срать, посрал, НАСРАНО. Fuck this Im too lazy to teach you. Google the fucking rule sheet, dude.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:36:23  119406543
Самое бесполезное времяпрепровождение.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:36:48  119406583
it literally means "здесь мы идём"
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:37:16  119406647
О мальчик, здесь мы начинаем движение.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:37:55  119406720
Sup dvach Ian polish kurwa and I ll hate ru community always cause you're fag all
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:38:14  119406750
anime is trying to occupy this thread everyone be careful
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:38:58  119406807
>something ELECTRIC
It actually means "Ну, бля, понеслась", или "погнали, епта", или "заебцаааа пошла". And fucking proove me wrong, anon.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:39:14  119406827
14575271544020.jpg (42Кб, 500x500)
This is not anime my little friend.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:39:29  119406851
it sure looks like one
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:39:49  119406880
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:39:59  119406893
>It actually means "Ну, бля, понеслась", или "погнали, епта", или "заебцаааа пошла". And fucking proove me wrong, anon.
ПОЕХАЛИ! Вот примерно что это значит.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:40:25  119406947
Sup dvoch. Murrr mur mur
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:40:31  119406956
14575272319460.gif (776Кб, 782x514)
But its not.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:40:37  119406963
Am I the only one here who wants to fuck this grey bitch in each of her eyes, whit that pretty "plop, plop, plop" sound?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:40:52  119406990
Would Gagarin have said HERE WE GO if he'd been American?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:41:34  119407070
>grey bitch
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:42:09  119407131
Я смотрю ты шаришь в согласовании времен. Как на английском это правило называется?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:44:05  119407328
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Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:44:14  119407350
it's a pink multiarmed pedo spider not a grey bitch
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:44:48  119407411
To my mind he would've said LET'S GO

Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:44:57  119407428
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>>119372947 (OP)
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:45:50  119407506
> she singing
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:46:37  119407597
14575275971300.png (266Кб, 1024x1084)
>To my mind he would've said LET'S GO
Why not?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:47:44  119407715
14575276649210.gif (91Кб, 720x720)
Is this table legit?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:48:18  119407771
Looked it up on wiki
>Korolev: "Preliminary stage..... intermediate..... main..... lift off! We wish you a good flight. Everything is all right."
>Gagarin: "Поехали!" (Poyekhali!—Let's go!).[16]
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:48:46  119407819
14575277262770.gif (1375Кб, 800x533)
Fuck rashka-porashka. Shitty russian language and culture. Someday i'll have immigrated to glorious master race Murica, open harkach and shit on all yo loosers faces. hehe.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:48:57  119407840
No, it's "Let's go!", I suppose. "Here we go" is usually used in relation to something that either goes the right way in continous, or before the very beginning of a weird process, which also could be experienced in the past. For example, you cut a watermelon, you're already in the middle of it, and you murmur something like "тааакс", "агааа", "орошо пошла" - that's "here we go". Or your annoying boss oh wait shi~ you must be younger or a teacher starts yeling again, in his traditional phrases, and you're annoyed by it, you cover your face with your palm but not facepalm-like and say "Бля, началось", or "ебаныйврот, блять, опять", and thats also a variant of usage of "here we go".
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:49:32  119407887
It is.
There are also Mixed Conditionals, check them out too
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:49:49  119407916
you're a lizard, Harry
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:50:13  119407964
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I think it was just a lousy translator.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:50:14  119407971
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:50:33  119407997
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:50:38  119408003
Anon. It is possible to wtire a book on English language, if you a Russian?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:50:52  119408023
14575278521160.png (1318Кб, 640x1136)
Sup, lads!
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:51:04  119408048
oh my fucking god, I definitely fap to this. MOAR, I dare you, I beg you!
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:51:33  119408098
Yep. But not for you.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:51:33  119408099
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:51:51  119408122
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:52:10  119408149
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Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:52:16  119408155
14575279364690.gif (2911Кб, 419x313)
Fuckin jews rule Murica
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:53:21  119408259
I NEED AN ARTIST HERE! Those wit draowing skills, make every her eye a tiny wet vagina,, pls
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:53:21  119408260
>>119372947 (OP)
Потому что нахуй иди, выучи сначала родной язык, как следует, поскуда.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:53:23  119408262
14575280035110.png (1088Кб, 1280x1280)
And this.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:53:33  119408279
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:53:46  119408297
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Cuz u cant.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:54:23  119408356
14575280637550.png (278Кб, 870x712)
Idi nahui iz etogo treda bidlo.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:54:52  119408402
Just forget about grammar, for real nigga. You wont learn lang by masturbating on grammar. Because when u were learning russian as a kid you didnt study all those stupid rules, did you? Thats why russian school system doesnt work.
You should study new language in a natural way, just like you did when u were little kid. Better to do it by watching movies or series with subs.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:55:48  119408502
>Better to do it by watching movies or series with subs.
Dont forget about books. It really helpful.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:56:10  119408529
you're awesome, i love you. Maybe anything like foot-fetish stuff? Or is it too weird to demand a pic of multihanded-mutant-grey-spiderlike-definitely underage-surely abusive and dominative-bitch's feet?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:56:51  119408591
Oh sweetheart, you're a living proove that it's actually not.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:56:56  119408597
Wait a little.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:57:10  119408621
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:57:24  119408643
Мне нравится твой подход.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:57:40  119408680
But i have not read english-language books, only russian.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:59:34  119408868
Nah its not. The best way to study language is by hearing it. We learn through our ears when we are kids. You form associations with images and sounds. Thats a natural way how our brain works to store data in long terms.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 15:59:44  119408880
bloody chinks stealling my job 'cos they made computers too hard to use. that's racist
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:00:10  119408923
> we don't
Probably order of these two words might be reversed. But AFAIK this order is also accepted.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:00:20  119408937
Your grammar is bad, and you should feel bad. And surely you should forget about writing, let's say, at least an averege size article in english. Yes, in daily oral conversations Canadians, Murricans and Britfags will understand you, but when it comes to writing - be fucking accurate. Or write ya book like dis so niggas and mexicans understand ur shit, m9.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:00:25  119408946
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:00:38  119408966
Кто-нибудь знает куда отдать свою книгу для литературного перевода на английский?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:01:06  119408997
What are you dumbasses doing all day?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:01:26  119409025
>Разве ты не знаешь этого?
скорее это. литературно можно перевести как "Разве это не очевидно?"
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:01:42  119409050
Тогда почему я понимаю тебя, но не понимаю американцев?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:02:03  119409077
But i can learn. Or it is too late?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:02:38  119409122
Because you haven't heard them enough.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:02:58  119409150
О, это больше подходит под текст всей песни.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:03:10  119409177
Nothing. Take tihs http://rghost.ru/8rBYDkrRM
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:04:31  119409301
What is it?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:05:02  119409349
Just look and fap.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:06:05  119409448
> Your grammar is bad, and you should feel bad. And surely you should forget about writing
Dont listen this faggot. His pscyhological complexes are talking. Grammar and writing is a deep shit. U wont learn language this way BECAUSE ITS NOT A FUCKING NATURAL WAY TO LEARN IT DAMMIT. Okay im cool. Just watch how kids learn to speak. You should employ a similiar method when study a new language.
No its not. Dont fuckin listen him. He's a moron with micro penis trying to increase ego on harkach. Russian is far more complex than english.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:06:06  119409451
*.swf No, thx.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:06:17  119409475
Guys don't download this, there's a virus in it! My brother died from this shit
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:06:21  119409485
I'll add, that this sentence is not a subject question. So the order of words is not necessary reversed. Only in wh-questions to the subject order of word should be reversed.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:07:01  119409551
As u wish.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:07:16  119409571
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14575288362721.jpg (184Кб, 992x817)
14575288362762.jpg (146Кб, 941x731)
Would you be so kind to rate my reddit posts?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:07:36  119409600
> His pscyhological complexes are talking
И такая хуйня со всем, не только с английским. Но хорошо, что ты об этом упоминаешь.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:07:49  119409619
thnx bro
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:07:53  119409628
>>119372947 (OP)
Sorry, id dont speake London
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:08:00  119409636
Write with the refrigerator?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:08:02  119409642
Jerking each other off! We are fags!
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:09:21  119409773
More like typing from it.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:09:43  119409807
Вкатываюсь с двумя вопросами.
1) Что такое stepping stone и slippery slope?
2) Один чел при разговоре со мной сказал что другой чел сказал что он выглядит как "туа" Щито такое это туа? Я забыл его спросить. Спрашиваю у вас.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:10:12  119409853
Ok, will be know.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:11:24  119409972
Шагающий камень и невъебенно крутой соня. Хули не понятного?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:12:15  119410064
2. Туя — дерево. Он дерево имел в виду.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:12:15  119410065
So...ever seen a kid writing a good book? You know how do they learn to write? They fucking study grammar. And they fucking read, FAGGOT. I don't have any problems with this dude's attempts to ask a serious question. You know, we're all here to have fun, it's not my damn duty to comfort this dislexic idiot.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:12:46  119410113
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:14:27  119410278
How i can be dislexic if i understand what are you writing?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:14:40  119410304
Yes, but it would be better if you will write the book in a human language.

Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:15:24  119410392
14575293245910.png (85Кб, 1366x768)
Oh, don't mind someone answering instead of me. I was dumb enough to open it without checking, and there's nothing but this girl's eyes. Srsly, thx for no wishmaster.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:15:33  119410400
14575293332730.png (12Кб, 276x198)
14575293332731.png (11Кб, 269x206)
Ну тогда держи такой перевод.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:16:20  119410494
And before all those fags laugh over my name, do you really think deanonymisation on THIS dvach still worth worrying?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:17:34  119410591
Нет. Там был какой-то непереводимый контекст.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:18:40  119410713
Use english-english dictionaries, Luke.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:18:42  119410718
Ubludok, mat tvoy, a ny idi suda govno sobachie, reshil ko mne lest. Ti, zasranec vonuchii, mat tvoy, a? Ny idi cyda, poprobyi menia trahnyt, ia teby sam trahny ybludok, onanist chertov, byd ti prokliat, idi idiot, trahat tebia i vsy tvoy semiu, govno sobachie, zhlob vonichii, derimo, syka, padla, idi cuda, merzavec, negodyai, gad, idi cuda ti - govno, JOPA!
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:18:55  119410737
Разве ты не знаешь, что имя пользователя желательно писать латинскими буквами?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:18:56  119410741
Can't be bothered any of that game related shit, sorry.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:19:13  119410776
>Can't be bothered to read any of that game related shit, sorry.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:19:30  119410806
Ну не знаю. Все равно кроме меня, тебе никто не ответит.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:19:49  119410833
> So...ever seen a kid writing a good book?
Nice maneuver, manya. Who fucking cares about writing books? You should learn how to crouch first, than how to stand and after how to walk. Simple innit?

> You know, we're all here to have fun, it's not my damn duty to comfort this dislexic idiot.
Dislexia is a sympthom of a stupid learning principles. That dont fucking work. In Russia kids study english and other foreign langs for like 10 years and they learn shit. Why? Because system is shit. Kids learn to speak and understand their native lang in 1-2 years. So we can employ the principles they use and make learning new language fun and easy. And first rule is that — fuck the grammar.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:21:43  119411016
1) multitran.ru там есть оба выражения
2) может twat? Других вариантов нет
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:22:03  119411045
Maybe, just maybe, a useless fight for justice, fierceful attempts to insult an anonymous person on the internet and a desire to help someone (the role of a teacher warms your ego, isn't it?) depicts more "pscyhological complexes", then just having fun at random moron. Think about it, manya.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:22:11  119411053
Это какое-то оскорбление
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:23:16  119411164
Вот только я сомневаюсь что его взяли и обозвали пиздой.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:23:37  119411197
Ну он ему сказал you look like a twat, выглядишь как мудак
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:23:42  119411207
Okay, manya. Ever seen a teenager, about 13, who already accomplished learning basic social skills, writing a good book?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:24:03  119411247
Kiel la fratoj?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:24:42  119411312
Наверное это так. Спасибо, анон. Добра тебе.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:24:43  119411313
14575298831490.png (4Кб, 400x400)
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:25:19  119411363
WHy the fuck are you talking in english here? Go to your filthy 4chan and stop littering my favourite image-board.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:25:24  119411377
Like something bad
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:25:52  119411422
Ой, да иди ты на хуй. Хорошо, что попадаются такие люди, которые могут не только попиздеть, но и помочь советом.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:25:57  119411428
Dude, go read those fanfics by retarded !international! teenagers on tumblr. Your eyes will bleed, when you see "and he kiss her cheek then hug dick frog cum fin."
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:26:32  119411491
>fuck the grammar
>a stupid learning principles
>That dont
>(the?) system is shit
>in 1-2 years
at 1-2 years = в 1-2 года, in 1-2 years = за 1-2 года
>learning (a?) new language
>(the?) first rule
>fuck the grammar
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:26:44  119411510
Man, your name really damn sucks, I honestly suggest you to change it.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:28:27  119411691
What r u trying to prove here? U just said to a guy that he shouldnt write anything because his grammar sucks, and he must feel ashamed coz of it. And i say that's bullshit.

Well writing is not a good thing to learn language, especially if u r a newfage. Because you must hear and feel language how it's used in a real context. So you should watch cartoons or movies with subs or find similiar learning programms. Or learn grammar for like ten year and never ever try to speak with native speaker. Lul.

Dont read dont care.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:29:18  119411780
Ой, да вот иди ты нахуй, товарищ. Нашел, блять, где совета спросить - на дваче. Ты пишешь хуйню - тебя засирают и каждый в меру своих возможностей над тобой ШУТИТ, когда это стало работать иначе? Развелось дегенератов, просто пушка. Мама, на дваче надо мной посмеялись. И ведь нашелся второй долбоеб, который еще и на защиту встал, и упорно несет ересь на тему того, что можно, блять, будучи русской манькой написать книгу на английском, сука, не запариваясь на тему грамматики. Охуеть просто!
Sorry, I was mad and typing in russian is faster.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:30:15  119411849
> Нашел, блять, где совета спросить - на дваче.
А где мне еще спрашивать?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:31:03  119411912
Cockneys respect, tyans are getting wet. The only problem - everyone has, or had before, or has a friend who has a fucking cat named like this.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:32:05  119411991
Но он и не про книгу спрашивал, кажется, а просто плохо писал. Ладно, хуй с ним, все несут хуйню, но иногда радует, когда тебя поддерживают.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:35:49  119412332
>well writing
Just fuck you, man. This argument is pointless. For 4chan your style is good, but in case it comes to at least trying to pass IELTS - you're fucked. Hopefully, you're a russian tard, and you'll never find out how wrong you are, calmly sitting on yous ass in Flyshitsransk.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:37:58  119412520
Ну...для начала, можно подумать и самому. Ты ведь в состоянии адекватно оценить свой уровень языка? В интернете полно тестов, например. Пройди с пяток, станет яснее, каковы твои шансы написать удобоваримую книгу на английском.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:37:59  119412521
Just wanted to know if my writing style looks funny or unnatural.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:38:09  119412534
Я вот читал что Стивен Фрай - эталон английского языка. А в чем это проявляется? В произношении?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:38:57  119412611
Okay, the angry shitty-named nagger leaves the thread. Thank you, the guy who brought the swf, you made my day.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:39:26  119412663
В юморе.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:40:25  119412742
Что за тесты?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:40:31  119412751
Он эталон британского. Произношение у него и правда абсолютно идеальное. Еще тот парень, который Снейпа играл, вот у него идеалььный британский английский. Общепризнанно идеальный. ТОлько не все это выносят, примерно 50/50 либо текут от британского произношения, либо отходят проблеваться.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:41:29  119412837
загугли, ну что ты как маленький. Хоть на русском - ТЕСТ НА УРОВЕНЬ АНГЛИЙСКОГО, ТЕСТ НА СЛОВАРНЫЙ ЗАПАС АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА, черт, парень, да хоть ЕГЭ иди прорешай, тебе все равно его скоро сдавать.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:41:59  119412886
Oh i understand now. U r just really fucking dumb because noone've spoken about writing a book. I daresay that neither can write a book in russian.
U dont need to be a good writer to speak language fluently.
You just desperately trying to maneuver yourself from a big pile of shit u've created. Thats really funny to watch.

Well u can talk shit all u want. And maybe feel spain shame for me, but for real i dont care about such pathetic loosers. Guys like you love to create obstacles on their path.

> Hopefully, you're a russian tard, and you'll never find out how wrong you are, calmly sitting on yous ass in Flyshitsransk.
Yeah. Russian tard who's going to community college in murika next year. And i care not a slightest fuck about my english level. Because i'll master it to perfection anyways.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:42:09  119412904
14575309291720.jpg (171Кб, 1280x1156)
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:42:18  119412921
Почему проблеваться? Чопорно звучит, как все равно на русском-дворянском говорят?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:43:50  119413070
>u u u u u u
I'm gonna hurl now.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:44:28  119413135
U wot m8?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:44:29  119413138
во пендосы то тупые какие
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:46:05  119413298
У меня тоже проблема с глаголами и грамматикой, как у анона выше. Единственное различие - я из-за большого объема прочитанной литературы запомнил где какие стоят. По интуиции ставлю. Иногда не попадаю.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:46:36  119413363
Your oozing mother must be stoned to death and fed to hyenas. Just saying.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:49:37  119413707
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:50:12  119413762
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:50:14  119413767
Okay bro, i think we'll use this theme with stones and hyenas the other time we have sex orgy.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:51:56  119413963
What the fuck do you be saying nigga
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:52:35  119414035
I just hate all names that have an F in them, such a shitty sounding letter.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:55:48  119414407
Котаны. Я знаю англл на шит уровне обычной школы. "Мазер, фазер, систер, бразер".
Если я выиграю гринкард и заведу трактор - то как быстро я смогу выучить язык на месте?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:56:54  119414524
He's actually writing in Russian only replacing Russian words with English ones.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 16:59:09  119414757
Вот и я о том же.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 17:04:45  119415358
Ты не выиграешь гринкард.
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 17:08:45  119415756
Кто тебе это сказал?
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 17:27:03  119417635
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 17:35:57  119418493
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 17:49:17  119419749
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 18:16:42  119422595
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 18:17:43  119422698
 ▲ ▲
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 18:18:26  119422761
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 18:22:10  119423102
what are u doin fag
call the fuck down
nobody's interested in this shitty thread
you can go show your respect for murican pigs somewhere else
Аноним 09/03/16 Срд 18:24:10  119423306

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