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26/03/16 - Конкурс: Помоги гомункулу обрести семью!
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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 20:05:38  122152975  
14596167387940.png (289Кб, 736x736)

Da Rules:
1. You do not write anything in Russian
2. You DO NOT write anything in Russian
3. If you do write something in commie speak, you get your face pissed on immediately
4. Don't correct anyone's mistakes unless asked to. If you do, you get your... y'know what'll happen
5. Gibberish like "sasai pindos obama chmo" are not welcomed. Who cares though
6. Don't put "though" at the end of your every last sentence thinking it makes you sound less runglishly. It doesn't, though
7. There are no rules really, do whatever the fuck you want

The previous thread is slowly decaying over there >>122078694 (OP)

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