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Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:56:29  122175597  
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Sup dvach, my Russian is not good enough yet so posting this in English.

Is Ville Haapasalo popular in Russia? He has created this image in Finland that he's like a superstar in Russia and everybody knows him.
Аноним 02/04/16 Суб 23:57:30  122175677
>>122175597 (OP)
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:00:28  122175939
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:00:50  122175980
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Is he lying?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:01:06  122176008
Я знаю этого гондона, он в химках деревянными членами торгует
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:01:13  122176021
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:04:44  122176310
>>122175597 (OP)

He's lying. I am aware of his existence, maybe a couple of movies he worked on, but he's definitely not a superstar, in fact, the last movie I remember him in, was a movie that came out in 1998 or so.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:04:59  122176328
>>122175597 (OP)
He's really popular but his auditory is about 40++yrs old people mostly.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:05:21  122176362
Hän oli 10 vuotta sitten kohtuullisesti kuuluisa, mutta nyt kukaan hänesta (hänelta?) ei valita
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:06:17  122176453

Stop lying, you dipshit, when was the last time you saw him on TV?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:06:40  122176486
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so he basically made some hit movies in the 90s but hasn't made anything worthwhile after that?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:07:26  122176556
>>122175597 (OP)
He's known to public but not a superstar or super popular or anything.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:08:15  122176621
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:08:27  122176638

Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:08:35  122176651
Ei vittu neekeri, jäbän suomi on ihan perseestä. Я не тоже хорошо говорит русский язык
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:09:27  122176743
>>122175597 (OP)
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:10:08  122176812
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ebin :D
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:10:47  122176874
London is the capital of Great Britain!
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:10:55  122176883
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Second question: who is the most popular/well known Finn in Russia?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:11:10  122176911
сосите хуй быдла
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:11:21  122176930
>>122175597 (OP)
He is neither star nor superstar, but male audience 25+ knows him well (because we haven't other Finnish actors).
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:11:25  122176937
Minä vain opiskelen
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:11:49  122176979
Sam Lake from Remedy
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:12:09  122177020
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This one.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:12:22  122177040
почему соленый?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:12:34  122177061
Yes, he's the one of the most popular actors in a gayporn movies.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:13:36  122177154
>>122175597 (OP)
Benis :------DDDDDD
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:13:36  122177155
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Henri Sorvaali.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:13:40  122177167
>>122175597 (OP)
Вилле Хапал Сало.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:13:47  122177179
Last time i saw him on tv is around 2013 in cheese ad
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:14:01  122177209
Это хохол что ли?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:14:53  122177298
Сам ты хохол.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:15:25  122177347
Let me speak from my heart...
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:15:26  122177348
Вот это было обидно.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:15:39  122177372
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:16:03  122177406
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>>122175597 (OP)
Who the fuck is that guy?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:16:08  122177420
Прости, пожалуйста, я не хотел тебя обидеть.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:16:11  122177429
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:16:46  122177491
Batruhan Cyberdvach
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:16:51  122177498
kaksoispiste viiva deedee
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:17:03  122177511
How can we detect Finnish people in Russia, if they can speak Russian like its native language for him? btw, Haapasalo known by some Russians, because hes kinda like uncommon actor for us.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:17:07  122177518
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Third question: have you ever seen this Johan Bäckman dude in Russian news? He is well known in Finland for giving "insider information" to Russian media that is total bullshit. Stuff like "yeah they take babies away from Russian mothers and deport their asses". But I am wondering is he really ever on Russian media. Man, this information hybrid war thing is really tricky if you think about it
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:17:34  122177558
JEPA ::;;;;;;;—-—-—-—DDDDDDD
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:17:39  122177568
Май фрэндс
Ис зэ юник момент
Ин тайм
Тудей Раша
Ю рэпрэзэнт нью хорайзонс
Фор спорт намаба ван
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:17:54  122177590
The guy from Poets of the Fall
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:18:07  122177613

Yeah, Sam Lake is probably your best bet. Considering the fact that only 14-30 year olds know him, I think it's safe to say that Russians don't know a lot of Finns. Older people will probably tell you it's Mannerheim, though, no idea.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:18:31  122177653
>Henri Sorvaali
Шо за говноед?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:18:33  122177656
>>122175597 (OP)
Пошёл нахуй, хохол, и своё хаапаСАЛО с собой забери.

Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:18:46  122177675
Ne pizdi.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:18:48  122177678
IRL - Haapasalo
Internet - Sam Lake from Remedy.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:18:56  122177686
Yup. Never heard of this guy
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:19:09  122177714
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:19:22  122177738
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:19:26  122177745
Have never seen him.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:19:31  122177751
>>122175597 (OP)
Sup dvach, мой русский язык не достаточно хорош еще так отправляю это на английском языке. Вилле Хаапасало популярен в России? Он создал этот образ в Финляндии, что он похож на суперзвезду в России, и все знают его.
Паста с харкача. Расходимся.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:19:31  122177754
The fuck is remedy anyway?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:19:49  122177782
Did you rise from the knees?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:20:10  122177824

I've no idea who this man is. I don't think that anybody knows him.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:20:29  122177861
Харкач умер в 2012...
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:20:36  122177877
That's work in progress, tovarich.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:21:19  122177950

A well-known video game developer.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:21:33  122177972
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Ville Hermanni Valo.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:21:37  122177977
Ville Vallo, Jonne Aaron, Juha-Pekka Leppaluoto, Mika Tauriainen
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:22:07  122178041
go to /po/ and ask this. people there didn't watch news.
>"yeah they take babies away from Russian mothers and deport their asses"
that was true in past, but now adoption for foreigners is banned by our law after some kids was killed by their adopted parents in USA
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:22:14  122178049
> Ville Vallo, Jonne Aaron, Juha-Pekka Leppaluoto, Mika Tauriainen
literally who
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:22:28  122178073
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ebin :D я учу русский язык но я не достаточно хорошо для создания тред
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:22:54  122178124
>>122175597 (OP)
Салам лийже, поро кас.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:23:02  122178141
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Аноны, поясните: зачем притворятся ФИННОМ? Ладно бы форчонговцем из америк, америки далеко, лулзы могут быть, но финном-то зачем?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:23:12  122178150
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>>122175597 (OP)

He is kinda popular. He starring at the popular generic russian- movies and in the russian commercial. Yes, he is maybe the most famous Finn at the Russia and Ukraine. I even cant name other Finns from the media. Rasmus, maybe.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:23:21  122178163
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Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:23:44  122178200

Found a shithead.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:24:27  122178269
I've seen his pretty intresting show about Russia. But he is not suparstar, just author of one of travel shows.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:24:30  122178273
Sucker, plz.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:24:59  122178326
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I think, it's Tarja Turunen.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:25:40  122178377
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Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:25:58  122178404
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He is doing a really good job with these shows portraying the normal people of Russia behind the walls that western media is building.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:26:05  122178414
Is this школьник выучил английский и троллит двач?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:26:47  122178483
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Haista vittu, miten jäbä kehtaa ees väittää tollasta
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:26:53  122178500
>>122175597 (OP)
who is this redneck?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:27:00  122178509
Ну, он ведь не совсем толстый ведь пока?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:27:03  122178515
>>122175597 (OP)
No. Never heard
Kimi Räikkönen?
Who the fuck is he
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:27:24  122178552
Log in, Ville
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:27:48  122178593
Simo Hayha.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:28:07  122178631
>>122175597 (OP)
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:28:22  122178654
Еще и переводит в гугле параллельно?
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:28:24  122178659
I actually recognize a lot of people mentioned in the thread, I just couldn't remember them in an instant.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:29:46  122178785
>>122175597 (OP)
In Estonia and Latvia he is popular.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:29:50  122178794
This was a good guy
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:30:21  122178835
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I am going to bed now. Thanks for an informative thread, dvach. I hope some day I can speak Russian well enough that I can shit post with you. Finnish main imageboard is ruined. You can actually buy a real gold account there nowadays and give "this" votes. Oh well, good night.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:31:25  122178942
go fuck with arabs, stupid gayropean fag
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:31:34  122178953
You just described 2ch 2.0
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:32:17  122179015
Good night
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:32:29  122179038
There are no "good guys" on the war.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:32:40  122179053
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Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:33:40  122179152
3й справа - Пистон.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:34:18  122179208
Соси пису
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:34:36  122179246

Same thing happened with every other Western imageboard, this one included (to an extent). Sleep well, my good Finn.
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:35:35  122179333
Good night, Jake
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 00:38:18  122179548
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Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 01:41:21  122184456
>>122175597 (OP)
>>122175597 (OP)
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 01:49:19  122185070
Аноним 03/04/16 Вск 01:55:21  122185522
>>122175597 (OP)
He was quite popular in 90X after the movie about vodka. Now? Definitely not. Last time I saw him in some shitty advertisement of clothing company, it was in 2008 may be.

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