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Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:49:29  123308312  
14605661691820.jpg (255Кб, 700x1082)
English thread maybe, baby?
The OP that's me is a total faggot for sure who've been learning English for, like, 5-6 months not even in a row. So I thought it would be okay to become a gay start an usual English thread.

Da rules:
1. Only English, ebanii russkii bich
2. I'm way too stupid to think up the second rule

I will hardy be able to keep the thread alive cuz my English sucks, so I hope some sharyashie anons come here soon. Poehali.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:51:42  123308523
>>123308312 (OP)
I have no pictures besides some anime pics to bump the thread with, so this is just a bump. Up.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:53:16  123308673
With no pic though. No one likes anime here on /b/ anymore.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:54:52  123308807
I'm not tired of bumping yet. Up.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:55:47  123308894
One more.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:56:11  123308931
>>123308312 (OP)
Дарова чмохи
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:56:44  123308989
I'm all alone here, are you crazy?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:57:12  123309025
Да пох, нормас
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:57:22  123309040
English, please. I pretend I don't understand you.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:57:58  123309094
"Пиздит как русский"
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:58:51  123309174
14605667312470.jpg (206Кб, 1397x720)
>>123308312 (OP)
Bump, bro
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:59:01  123309191
Why sage? Pay some respect. Look how awesome the OP-picture is!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:59:19  123309221
Lol sage with pic
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 19:59:26  123309237
Thanks dude, that's awesome of you.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:00:37  123309354
14605668377890.webm webm file (47Кб, 492x360, 00:00:01)
>>123308312 (OP)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:01:36  123309451
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:02:04  123309492
This short asian boy looks so fucking funny.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:02:11  123309512
Well anyway i can't help you with this thread, cos my english level to low/
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:03:03  123309583
Лучше б токипону учили
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:03:23  123309616
That's perfectly fine. My English level is too low as well, nothing to be afraid of.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:03:41  123309649
What's that?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:03:52  123309668
Please rate my english quality by this nine words
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:04:39  123309734
Have I already mentioned that I'm slightly retarded?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:04:55  123309755
Looks fine to me.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:05:21  123309792
Ты прост подпиндоха
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:05:31  123309799
Will suck my cock then?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:06:05  123309851
I have been studying English for 4 days. I"am watch at lessons from "english galaxy" channel.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:06:10  123309861
Simple language, sort of esperanto
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:06:23  123309881
А ты няшный?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:06:29  123309891
Nah, it's probably too salty for me.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:07:00  123309934
I think some dog will.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:07:46  123310003
Way to go, dude. Keep on learning!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:08:24  123310071
Dont understand you. English please
Why you think that my cock tastes salty?
To be fair, i've already gave my dog to lick my cock, lol
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:08:41  123310104
All attentionwhores are retarded, so it's no surprise that you are, lol)))
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:09:07  123310150
че за хуйня бля
пидарасы ебучие
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:09:21  123310176
Should I, uhm, idk, walk the dog to restaurant first? Is it okay to make the dog suck my dick on the first date?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:09:26  123310185
Thank you!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:09:51  123310235

>Dont understand you. English please

Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:10:15  123310285
>To be fair, i've already gave my dog to lick my cock, lol
I knew it! All of btards the same.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:11:20  123310399
Omg lol lmao you're so funny dude)) that definitely was a good one
Cuz mine tastes salty. You're the first person I told this to. I'm feeling uneasy. Keep a secret, okay?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:12:25  123310515
If it's yours dog then you can just do it.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:12:36  123310534
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:13:04  123310588
Yep, let it be our secret. But how did you managed to touch your cock with your own tongue?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:13:10  123310600
> "Пиздит как русский"
Funny. Sounds like a fart.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:13:35  123310651
Anons, how quickly memorize irregular verbs ?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:13:47  123310668
I'm quite flexible, you know.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:14:59  123310809
You didnt have to take some ryobra from your body? I read about it on the Internet
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:15:14  123310837
Dnt know, it was easy for me.I just skip it[b/]
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:15:43  123310889
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:16:08  123310941
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Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:16:58  123311027
Nah, when I was a boy I liked to roll around in a Sonic pose. So this is how I understood that I could easily reach my own penis with my mouth and tongue!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:17:34  123311099
Lol, I don't.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:17:35  123311101
Hello, friends. Let's talk about music. I like blues music. What music are you enjoy?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:18:00  123311156
I envy you, man
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:18:01  123311158
Я нашиды люблю
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:18:34  123311217
I usually listening to necro-porno-copro-grind. Have you heard about this?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:18:35  123311221
I'm listening to that emo shit called My Chemical Romance right now. I'm not an emo though.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:19:02  123311280
What? I don't know russian or chinese.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:19:10  123311293
You should think like Sonic. Give it a shot!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:19:28  123311332
Ur mum had, i sure.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:19:50  123311371
Опять пиздит, гнилозубый
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:20:12  123311399
Yep. She showed me this kind of music
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:20:35  123311442
I don't understand you, dude.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:20:36  123311445
Unfortunately, I had never watched movies with Sonic
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:21:12  123311509



Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:21:55  123311595
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:22:17  123311636
It's actually a game. What are you, a shoolboy? Never heard of the Sonic games from Sega?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:22:34  123311668
The main question of this thread. How to learn English? Don't link me to /fl, please. Didcuss there
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:22:47  123311687
When i was kid my parents showed me RHCP, dat was nice.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:23:23  123311755
When I was a kid my dad showed me a        
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:23:32  123311770
I've heard and even played some of them when I was nearly thirteen. But I thought Sonic is more famous for animation films etc.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:23:38  123311781
Oh, it`s so pretty. English thread with brothers. Who will tell us interesting stories ?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:23:57  123311819
What did your father show you?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:24:05  123311834
Your dad showed you a spoiler?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:24:30  123311878
>>123308312 (OP)
So, you want some mistake corrections? OK, here you go (mamu ebal).
1. Usual (pronounced /ˈjuː.ʒu.əl/ as in you) begins with a consonant sound and, as such, it should be preceded by a not an. So, in a nutshell - "a usual English thread"
2 There is no such word as "hardy", I guess you meant "hardly".

Waiting for you answer,
with best regard, sharyashiy pidor.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:24:30  123311881
You just sit down, open a book and learn it! As simple as that.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:25:05  123311951
My mother showed me church-songs. Now I'm studying in symenaria and suck priests cocks of course
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:25:11  123311967
Watch films on english with english subs
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:26:30  123312097
14605683904940.webm webm file (1098Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:11)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:27:18  123312186
Cocks is salty?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:27:55  123312251
I lold
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:28:39  123312331
> hardly
Yep, that's it. I misspelled. Thanks for correction.
> So, in a nutshell - "a usual English thread"
Wow, I didn't know about that. Wrote it down.
> with best regard, sharyashiy pidor
We're missing you! Join us.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:28:47  123312342
8.5/9 in ISLES-kun ITT, ask away
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:28:50  123312347
>>123308312 (OP)
who has been, ебанашка тупая. саганул дауна
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:29:45  123312450
>>123308312 (OP)
Hi guys, would you be so kind as to speak dirty to me?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:29:46  123312451
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:29:47  123312455
But which book I have to open? I have a few french books because my mother used to learn french when she was at school, a few deutch books because my grandmother used to study deutch but nobody in my family hadnt learned English. On the other hand I borrowed "Picture of Dorian Gray" from my friends houss. After I read sixty pages I decided that this book is totally boring ans tells us stories about disgusting gays. Also I'm reading Learning J now (J is a interesting programming language)/ This book is very clear and enjoable for me/ So which books i have to read to learn english well?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:30:19  123312524
> What did your father show you?
I think I got some kind of mental trauma, so I can't say or type it. Ok, I'll try one more time. He showed me a         
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:31:13  123312621
They are too dirty. Because of that they usually tastes like shit
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:31:41  123312677
You failed again, meh
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:31:58  123312711
What is the russian for "meh", guys?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:32:48  123312798
>tastes like shit
You mean like soil?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:33:05  123312831
Lol. I suck so hard at English comparing to you. I'm wrong person to ask. Idk, I was learning by Bonk's book back then.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:33:07  123312837
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Protect yourself from the feminists
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:33:16  123312860
Utter bullshit, cocks are mostly tasteless.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:33:29  123312886
Не хочу
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:33:44  123312913
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:36:00  123313144
If I show them a kitchen, maybe they'll go away, huh?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:36:20  123313184
> Bonk's book
What's this? I cant search in google any related thing
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:36:46  123313229
Wow, looks like you've tested a lot of cocks! What an expert!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:36:59  123313249
Does someone here has any English Levels?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:37:02  123313256
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Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:37:16  123313284
Are you woman or gay?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:37:18  123313297
Бонк "Английский шаг за шагом", в двух частях.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:37:49  123313343
Where can I paractice my english skills except this thread?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:38:00  123313364
>>123308312 (OP)
Tred ne chital.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:38:07  123313372
>>123308312 (OP)
>Da Rules
Никто так не говорит, долбаеб.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:38:44  123313441
Idk, leave your contacts. Skype maybe, so we could practice together. At least writing. have no decent micro.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:38:58  123313470
Fucking stupid english tongue
i have been learning it for 15 years and still not able event to write properly
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:39:07  123313484
Mimo Obama
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:39:09  123313488
Please, no monkey language. Thanks.
Speak goddamn english or GTFO.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:39:21  123313510
Hi from Barcelona, Russian bitches. I'd like to tell ya that I wanna luck some Spanish pisechka. May be one of you here is tyan living in Spain?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:40:02  123313580
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:40:04  123313589
Никто не приравнивает что-либо к "monkey" как оскорбление в ингрише. Это расизм, долбаеб.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:40:06  123313593

Fast fix
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:40:13  123313602
It's a reference to the previous threads. There was another OP, not me. Da ty prsota ne sharish' karochi.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:40:18  123313612
Not that many, but I've a few cocks in my lifetime, yes.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:40:57  123313693
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:41:28  123313750
It would be nice. But did you think about mistakes? Who will correct them?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:41:41  123313771
privet, da, gracis ulitsa, dom b/63, 30$ v chas, oplata tolko dolarami.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:41:58  123313805
You have such an active life, I almost envy you. Or not. Not sure.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:42:12  123313825
> Gay.
Can you tell us a story about your first expierence in sex with another man?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:43:06  123313931
Is it English guys?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:43:09  123313934
> Who will correct them?
Definitely not me, lol. My current level is pretty low.
Ok, got your contact. Send you a request soon.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:43:24  123313961
>>123308312 (OP)
I don't know why I'm writing here, nevertheless wish you all the best OP
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:44:19  123314065
Can you show me some interesting sites on the Internet where I can communicate with english-speakers as it said "bez zadney mysli"?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:44:24  123314077
Thanks dude. You're always welcome itt.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:45:22  123314174
You just go on 4chan and communicate there without a back thought.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:45:36  123314201
My current level is low too, you see. I think I'm writing in very bad English
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:45:54  123314234
>>123308312 (OP)
>an usual
a usual
tred ne chital
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:46:46  123314304
Oh, thank you very much. I think I have not to visit 2ch anymore and get information only from English sites to dive into this language and improove my skills
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:46:46  123314306
It's okay. You're just a stupid SPECIAL person.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:48:04  123314440
> get information only from English sites to dive into this language and improove my skills
It can really be helpful for your skills. Good luck.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:48:06  123314442
Can someone show me why this two sentences are totally wrong or not?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:48:39  123314497
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:48:44  123314504
Maybe you have very good skills in talking?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:50:48  123314725
> I don't have to visit 2ch anymore
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:50:52  123314733
Well, it's not very exciting, I've met a guy through bluesystem, got in his car, he drove to a remote location where nobody could possibly see us and I gave him a blowjob in his car. That was my first homosexual experience, I really liked it while it was happening, but I felt quite dirty afterwards. It didn't stop me from meeting up with him a bunch more time, though, and not only to give him a blowjob.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:52:30  123314901
Shur mai comrad i du
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:52:39  123314912
that's all? Really?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:52:58  123314944
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:53:16  123314975
Wow, I understood you clearly. You are so clever, my friend
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:54:33  123315099
>>123308312 (OP)
>I'm way too stupid to think up the second rule
Then, if you agree:
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:54:53  123315130
>>123308312 (OP)
nice idea. i need this for immigration to canada. Lets make this daily regular thred
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:54:57  123315140
It sounds like the complete runglish but I'm not good at English myself. So I can't really correct you properly.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:55:38  123315212
I'm totally fine with that.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:56:03  123315252
Hello. My name is Kim Chen In.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:56:04  123315254
I feel that is not english. Should I change my mind? How to do it?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:56:25  123315289
Do you like something explosing?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:56:49  123315347
Инглиш ОПа хуевый, поэтому излагаю на привычном. Бери учебник и учи все заново, а практиковаться лучше на реддите/форчане.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:56:51  123315352
It's easy to write anything you want, just don't forget the main rules.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:57:25  123315410
Что написал нихуя не понятно
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:57:31  123315419
14605702515570.jpg (88Кб, 640x560)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:57:31  123315422
hey semen, you there?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:57:43  123315442
More movies, short stories, radio etc.
I personally like to listen to Welcome to Night vale radio podcasts.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:57:57  123315468
Obama, fuck you. North Korea is cool.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:58:04  123315482
14605702844960.jpg (32Кб, 556x561)
>It's easy to write anything you want
>english tongue
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:58:14  123315495
nice bottom pink bitch ass
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:58:32  123315525
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:58:41  123315542
>It sounds like the complete runglish
Fuck yourself, please? Where you saw it?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:58:42  123315547
как будет ТНН И ТНУС по англецки?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:58:49  123315563
ебало закрой.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:58:55  123315574
Unfortunately, I have no time for watching movies. But I can listen to radio while I'm reaching school
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:59:09  123315607
Nah, it's okay as long as I can talk to a bunch of autistic children just like myself here.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:59:22  123315630
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:59:34  123315661
you suck
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:59:39  123315666
Sure i could but i dont speak with people a lot
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:59:45  123315676
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I like South Korea
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:59:58  123315703
Because i am ebal tvoju mother
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 20:59:58  123315706
14605703989790.jpg (43Кб, 604x453)
sup guys, a student of the faculty of foreign languages is here, feel free to ask anything bout grammar etc.

We're goin slow tho, haven't learnt the article yet, just the infinitive, the gerund, the participle, all that stuff. Boring
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:00:05  123315722
Hiya! I'm rollin' into thread of huyoviy angelsky'
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:00:15  123315735
14605704153550.jpg (41Кб, 500x333)
Exploding, bitch!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:00:24  123315751
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:00:29  123315767
За бугром нейтив спикеры, тут лондон из зе кэпитал оф грейт британ.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:00:30  123315770
Free blowjob for everyone
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:00:41  123315783
Stupid missclick
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:00:50  123315796
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:01:08  123315837
where you guys talk when not in this thread?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:01:21  123315861
You don't eat meat fuck girls?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:01:50  123315901
you have telegram?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:01:54  123315910
You like Saudi Arabia.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:01:56  123315912
Nu da
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:02:06  123315932
Look at him he doesnt know memes
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:02:13  123315944
He doesen't even fuck dogs
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:02:49  123315994
OMG! What a nerd!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:02:52  123316002
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god fucking dammit, eng is the easiest fucking language, either you are a bunch of schoolchildren or just stupid. I'm kidding, no offence, but it's really easy
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:02:54  123316008
Ich Hans. Hallo.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:02:58  123316015
>а практиковаться лучше на форчане.
А может ты хуйца соснёшь? На форчане он практиковаться собрался, ещё на дваче не всех доебал.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:03:05  123316020
I fucked my first dog when I was 7.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:03:06  123316021
Kak ti uznal?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:03:47  123316078
It wasn't my word "tongue", it was another man.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:03:57  123316093
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:04:24  123316137
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Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:04:41  123316177
Is it Letov?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:04:57  123316201
Это форсер
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:05:08  123316213
Sounds legit.
Did ya hear about Vanga? She's my granny
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:05:32  123316245
14605707321640.jpg (23Кб, 500x231)


No, mate. just vk.
keep in mind that the verb 'have' as a modal verb is not widely used. So something like 'have you some money' is outdated grammar, it should blike 'do you have' or 'have you got'
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:05:45  123316259
>Sure i could but i dont speak with people a lot
Perhaps, i know why you are.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:05:48  123316263
So gyus I'm rolling out. Need to do homework for matesha. It was interesting. See you later!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:06:06  123316295
Саня П., когда новые клипы?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:07:05  123316390
14605708255150.jpg (133Кб, 1280x853)

you're definitely mistaken.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:07:32  123316445
you suck, I know more than you
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:07:37  123316459
GCNC, lol.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:07:44  123316466
Not. I Hagrid of Harry Potter.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:07:56  123316486
Wish you luck, sunshine :3
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:08:11  123316510
>>123308312 (OP)
Hvatit pisat nabor typih bukv/ ia ne ponimau
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:08:44  123316568
14605709243590.webm webm file (312Кб, 320x320, 00:00:12)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:09:11  123316623

How can you possibly know my knowledge having seen just like a few sentences? There's smth wrong with you
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:09:41  123316668
> is the easiest
it's not, because alphabet is not working, you need thousands of hours to learn all the exceptions, even native speakers have trouble pronouncing it, you're an asshole ;)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:09:44  123316674
Actually no one doesen't. Just punch your keyboard with your face a few times and click the send button
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:10:11  123316726
you act like a school boy
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:10:22  123316742
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>>123308312 (OP)
Entire thread are babies!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:10:45  123316785
А я хочу собрать свой дирижабль-дрон-беспилотник. Поможете?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:11:07  123316819
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:11:07  123316820
even Finnish is easier and deserves more use
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:11:28  123316854
I need a new phone, buy me one
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:11:39  123316870

what the hell dya mean? A goddamn alphabet? Or, i guess, phonetics? It's not easy, yeah, we have a course of both theoretical and practical phonetics and it isn't that difficult as well.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:12:14  123316920
14605711345690.jpg (147Кб, 667x1023)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:12:28  123316945
You know, man. It's 2ch. The entire site is full of babies.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:13:16  123317008


I can't get what are you talking bout. I'm just correcting someone's mistakes, what's bad about it?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:13:25  123317028
where is your breast
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:13:36  123317040
why did u do this? i dont even know whats wrong with u? freaking geek
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:14:02  123317097
Bay passcode, please.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:14:36  123317144
Get the fuck out of here!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:14:57  123317191
14605712977310.jpg (49Кб, 604x604)
Благословил этот пост.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:15:11  123317222
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You lie. No ships = no bay.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:15:30  123317255
Yep, and ship out this thread, corsair!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:15:36  123317263
OP-dick,you get in touch again, faggot?
"I fuck the dogs,
always ready at once fuck some cats,
yeah, i'm zoophile, don't tell me, better dog you present..."
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:15:44  123317281
What's wrong? Don't see it? Well, I can assure you my breast is more real than your girlfriend.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:16:55  123317400
Аллах акбар
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:17:31  123317457
halitosis is all your rocking steady
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:17:33  123317459
I just want you to know, that it's not the easiest one and definitely not the best one. Native English speakers got lucky, because English become international, but never think that they deserve it.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:17:39  123317470
London is great capital britain
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:17:41  123317479
Kiiim-san, could you please ride this adorable person on your hairy rocket?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:18:57  123317591
Wow, nice try mate.
That was pretty close.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:19:30  123317646
Today thread is so boring. I was in official english thread about a week ago and there was unstoppable stream of posts. Not like now.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:19:59  123317695
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:20:01  123317700
14605716011880.jpg (84Кб, 588x604)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:20:11  123317718
You lost "of", your rating is F, sit down, faggot.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:20:15  123317725
Do you want to hear a joke?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:20:41  123317758
МАКАМА-МАМА, спасибо! Благодарность от прибившего с ВК ОЛДФАГ а
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:21:14  123317804
Not sure a joke wants me to hear it.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:21:30  123317833
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:21:37  123317842
A little number. Mostly runglish like my own and a couple advanced lvl guys that was really good.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:21:46  123317853
Садись даун фагот?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:21:58  123317873
It's sure does.

Who let the gorilla into the ballroom?!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:22:43  123317949
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:22:44  123317951
Thanks Abu!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:22:54  123317965
>Today thread is so boring.
Other days are the same, no difference.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:23:43  123318040
Лол, нет, "садись, пидорас".
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:24:04  123318075
Nope. Who let the gorilla into the ballroom?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:24:05  123318077
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:24:41  123318135
Abu is pleased with your words. You served good today. Well done.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:24:52  123318151
Well I can compare only with that thread and there is a really big difference
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:25:26  123318203
14605719260060.png (20Кб, 800x750)
Дякую Боже шо я не москаль
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:26:33  123318309
Do you know who let the gorilla, like real gorilla, into the ballroom??
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:27:29  123318390
Creative is shit, author — urine.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:27:40  123318406
>who let the gorilla
mb you meant you mother, fag?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:27:48  123318422
It entered there by itself?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:28:39  123318506
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:29:06  123318558

No. Just the person who is responsible for that decision
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:30:04  123318668
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Решать не придётся.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:30:15  123318686
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:30:34  123318724
Tell me when I can laugh.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:30:57  123318763
lol, kek
go fuck yourself
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:32:00  123318873
you're guys an assholes :(((
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:32:37  123318949
— Oh gosh, I felt like an idiot!
— It's ok, you also looked like one
English humor is the best.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:32:37  123318950
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>you meant you mother
On voice, shit!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:33:57  123319106
faggot OP i think u gotta restart this thread in a couple of hours when kids gonna to their beds
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:34:55  123319221
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>>123308312 (OP)
>I'm way too stupid to think up the second rule

I've made 10.
Da Rules:
1. You do not write anything in Russian
2. You DO NOT write anything in Russian
3. If you do write something in commie speak, you get your face pissed on immediately
4. Don't correct anyone's mistakes unless asked to. If you do, you get your... y'know what'll happen
5. Gibberish like "sasai pindos obama chmo" is not welcomed. Who cares though
6. Don't put "though" at the end of your every last sentence thinking it makes you sound less runglishly. It doesn't, though
7. There are no rules really, do whatever the fuck you want
8. Rolls aren't forbidden
9. This is the most retarded thread on /b/
0. You're welcome

Please use this header and attach the picrelated when creating an official English thread.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:36:14  123319383
Come on. It's no matter if you're retarded as fuck! Feel free to join this dull thread and make it a bit funnier.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:36:16  123319387
>gonna to
ту-ту, бля
just gonna
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:38:01  123319573
It will be too late, at 5 o'clock at Moscow, you want to wait so much?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:38:06  123319585
The problem is, I'm a kid myself living in cold and cruel Siberia. So it's like 2:37 a.m. here.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:38:49  123319650
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Polya Boginya
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:39:23  123319716
>1. You do not write anything in Russian
>2. You DO NOT write anything in Russian
Didn't read after this. I pissed in your mouth.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:39:23  123319717
What's wrong with the nose?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:39:30  123319726
the only mistake a native speaker found, fuck whoever tries to find another one
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:39:50  123319761
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:40:55  123319873
Now I'll rolling out anyway. Seeya!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:41:03  123319887
>>123308312 (OP)
This header needs more spoilers.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:41:17  123319910
Ok guys, my eng lvl is bullshit. Can you give me any advice,or recommend good material?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:41:40  123319944
Felt the smell of your socks.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:41:47  123319953
>the only mistake a native speaker found, fuck whoever tries to find another one
You mean you're a native speaker?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:41:55  123319977
Yeah, I thought so after I posted it. You're right. Next time I'm gonna fix it.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:42:11  123319997
We have to discuss catholic church. What do you have to say about related video?

Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:42:16  123320006
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:42:44  123320050
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:42:48  123320056
>>123308312 (OP)
Ноу, пошель ОПХУЙ
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:42:50  123320059
BBC, 4chan, Russian Today
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:42:54  123320065
14605729742820.jpg (98Кб, 728x844)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:43:18  123320108
i want to fuck EOT in the ass so badly but i end up fucking my own hand.................
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:43:26  123320117
sasai pindos obama chmo
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:44:03  123320165
Все патриоцы повылезали. Тьфу нахуй, неруси ебучие
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:44:25  123320198
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:44:26  123320200
>Now I'll rolling out anyway.
>I couldn't become fatter already, i just flowed out from thread.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:44:38  123320220
No, I asked one to proofread Da Rules.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:44:42  123320227
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:44:45  123320231
Is it russian popular streamer?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:45:04  123320275
Jebać amerykańskich sługusów
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:45:06  123320276
Suck my dick, Russian kurwa
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:45:28  123320312
>Russian Today
>English service
You serious?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:46:12  123320361
How you're doing lads? Huh?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:46:13  123320362
>not programmiringirin
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:46:14  123320365
Trzeba uczyć się języku polskiemu jeśli chcesz użyć to fajnie słowo
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:46:27  123320391
ТНН - Bitches Ain't Shit
ТНУС - Bitches Can't Into Shitting
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:46:32  123320400
first thing to do: find a nigger, spread his ass with ur hands and lick the bumhole. Do it 3 times a day, before breakfast, lunch and dinner, and soon you'll notice your progress in English.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:46:56  123320443
Причём здесь патриоты, дебил? Если мы патриоты, то всё, жопа, обязаны только на русском пиздеть?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:47:22  123320492
Нахуй тебе ain't если можно don't?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:47:23  123320494
Dlaczego? To jest język pederastów
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:47:31  123320502
14605732515020.jpg (71Кб, 604x579)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:48:09  123320560
Zawsze myśłem co francuzski jest najlepszym
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:48:22  123320585
Sounds like a typical recipe from an average russian medic.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:48:31  123320603
I'm programming 2 times at week.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:49:13  123320674
>>123308312 (OP)
Rolled in
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:49:15  123320678
ТНН - Girls Not Need, GNN
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:49:30  123320707
xoxo it's Russia baby we love licking dirty men's asses.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:49:50  123320737
14605733900980.jpg (66Кб, 394x480)
I love cat
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:50:06  123320768
Fuck out, bitch.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:50:14  123320777
So, wassup?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:50:18  123320789
You also love to sit on a bottle.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:50:28  123320806
>Not Need
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:50:32  123320810
Nope, fuck u
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:50:43  123320835
which cat exactly?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:50:44  123320837
You're welcome here!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:51:06  123320878
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:51:13  123320890
Any cat is ok.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:51:38  123320936
What about your TRUE ENGLISH pronunciation? Vocaroo-thread starts here
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:51:53  123320962
Fuck off.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:52:05  123320985
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:52:20  123321015
Why r u so angry? R u peedoorushcar?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:52:26  123321026
I'm too modest for this shit. Besides, mom will hit me again if I speak loudly.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:52:47  123321063
You won't believe, but RT is also a good service for studying arabic.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:52:51  123321071
What does pidorashka mean?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:53:06  123321096
Cool. Why don't you star first?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:53:06  123321098
Im shy
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:53:11  123321104
14605735910670.jpg (98Кб, 728x844)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:53:22  123321122
> start
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:53:33  123321136
И фоунд тхат Инглиш ис лоокинг йаст лике а цауцасиан лангвиге иф ыоу вилл врите ит ин тхе оригинал орограпхы.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:53:57  123321180
My microphone is broken. So i'm not be able to do this.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:54:37  123321244
Unbreake it. Do the impossible.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:55:06  123321285
Sounds like a british accent
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:55:10  123321294
Поможiть написати твiр з зарубiжноï лiтератури
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:55:26  123321318
It's ok. Everyone's shy when it's the first time ;)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:56:14  123321392
14605737743430.jpg (147Кб, 667x1023)
Канеш, бро.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:56:17  123321399
14605737775370.jpg (63Кб, 960x585)
Dis is nod inglish sori bolis, onli burdo spördö plörölörölöööö is inglish xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:56:19  123321406
>Unbreake it
I ain't a wizard okay?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:57:01  123321479
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you've already turned 30.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:57:07  123321488
Give me a sentence
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:57:15  123321506
Там Дон Кiхот. По роздiлу де вiн даэ поради Санчо Панчо
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:57:24  123321522
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:58:04  123321592
Death sentence.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:58:28  123321631
And what will you give me back? Hm? Hmm? Hmmm?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:58:30  123321635
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:58:32  123321639
It starts with
One thing I don't know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It’s so unreal
Didn’t look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on but didn’t even know
I wasted it all just to watch you go

I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when...
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 21:59:37  123321746
Can I have a parole please?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:00:20  123321826
John Lennon. Ahmin
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:00:31  123321847
Hey guys, what is the best way to learn punctuation? I am dumbfounded by commas. Russian language has specific rules related to punctuation, but I can't find anything worthwhile about English punctuation. Help
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:01:00  123321890
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:01:07  123321902
Linkin Park detected.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:01:36  123321960
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:02:06  123322019
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really like this song
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:02:11  123322029
Russian Murricans.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:02:12  123322033
>I can't find anything worthwhile about English punctuation
Because English is not a regulated language, unlike Russian.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:02:12  123322034
It's almost the same. Just start reading in English various texts and you'll understand everything.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:02:16  123322045
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:02:39  123322097
because english is boring
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:02:55  123322122
14605741750570.jpg (81Кб, 820x500)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:03:02  123322137
Sometimes I begin to think that you can just place commas wherever you want, nobody fucking cares
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:03:07  123322145
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:03:26  123322175
I've already forgotten all the Kana. Man, stop it.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:03:52  123322210
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:03:55  123322216
English punctuation isn't as strict as Russian. In fact you can put commas only when listing stuff.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:04:20  123322252
Oh anime-faggot shame on you
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:04:46  123322303
Requesting that pic of mad guy who has been listening to this song about a few thousands times.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:04:50  123322313
And what will happen if I won't use commas in some official document?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:05:12  123322361
Anime is okay. I approve it.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:06:00  123322434
>if I won't
Wrong tenses are much worse than omitted commas.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:06:03  123322439

Hear the sound of the falling rain
Coming down like an Armageddon flame
The shame the ones who died without a name
Hear the dogs howlin' out of key
To a hymn called Faith and Misery
And plead, the company lost the war today
I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday

Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:06:22  123322479
>>123308312 (OP)
Ok. Please, chat with me. Please! I want to talk to somebody.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:06:22  123322480
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:06:23  123322482
Oh come on, everyone knows you will never get to have a deal with official documents in English.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:06:24  123322485
Nope. Anime is for losers, nerds and other scum-people
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:06:39  123322519
Which tense was I supposed to use there?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:06:53  123322541
And in Russian either, lol.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:06:56  123322545
It's just your opinion. Scumpinion
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:07:20  123322581
> if I won't
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:07:23  123322585
Howdy, my lovely fellow grammar-nazis o/
How's it going?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:07:34  123322604
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:07:37  123322608
I'm talking to you. I'm not really good at communicating people, but whatever.
So, like, hey.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:07:47  123322629
But you are scum even though you're not watching anime, then what's the difference?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:07:52  123322633
Present Simple, "don't"
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:08:31  123322694
Oh, hi there. Khm.
Did i fuck up already?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:09:08  123322754
Yeah, I guess I need to work on tenses as well.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:09:40  123322803
Nah, I don't thinks so. Everything looks fine. Why?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:09:48  123322815
Just learn the rules for "if".
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:09:50  123322821
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:10:12  123322864
> Khm.
Why'd you do this? WHY? R u autistic?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:10:22  123322881
14605746221800.gif (79Кб, 263x280)
>>123308312 (OP)
Это вам не 4chan, сучки.Вы ещё на хохоломове начните говорить.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:10:42  123322920
ok, just asking. How are you today?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:10:59  123322952
Every English thread is such a shitfest...
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:11:07  123322969
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:11:25  123322999
What? I didn't hear you becaouse of KHKHKKKM KHE KHE
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:11:32  123323009
Пiшов на хуй.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:11:53  123323045
Can you share one more picks or gifs with liza?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:12:12  123323082
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:12:17  123323093
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:12:21  123323099
Tell me, why do you indulge into this stupid habit of correcting each other's grammar mistakes instead of actually trying of having an actual conversation? It's quite obvious that we're not native speakers here and hence, our posts can't possibly be entirely flawless. Hell, even native speakers make mistakes. What's wrong with you?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:12:24  123323104
Ти щось маєш проти української мови?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:12:51  123323142
14605747714580.jpg (205Кб, 500x800)
На учан, быдло.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:12:52  123323145
Just google it, faggot.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:13:06  123323172
Cuz fuck u, that's why.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:13:07  123323177
I know you're doing this just to piss me off.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:13:14  123323186
Because it's good to correct others!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:13:16  123323187
Not sure if I can say 'fine', since 'fine' is not really the word I can use referring to myself, lol.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:13:42  123323227
>having an actual conversation
Why is your english so good BTW?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:14:03  123323253
Аната ва нихон жин дес ка

Это практически все, что я знаю на мунспике. Давайте лучше так писать, я хоть чего выучу, интересно же.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:14:11  123323274
>trying of having
lol u retarded
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:14:16  123323281
14605748565520.jpg (42Кб, 600x395)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:14:17  123323283
No. Why are you using "か" together with "?"?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:14:41  123323310
Don't be sad boy. Sad boys always acting like all their toys are broken!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:14:41  123323311
14605748816570.gif (1Кб, 16x16)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:14:51  123323326
But you got to agree, he is quite good aside of this mistake
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:15:02  123323342
It's annoying, really.
No idea
Blimey, i didn't notice that one, thanks
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:15:18  123323371
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:15:44  123323411
lol no, it's the main way to detect Russians. They're always correcting each other's mistakes.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:15:47  123323413
Remember when you were young...
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:16:03  123323443
> It's quite obvious that we're not native speakers here
Are you stupid, man? all of this guys is native
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:16:11  123323455
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:16:17  123323461
Are you utilising your skill somehow? It would be a shame to ignore it.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:16:20  123323467
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:16:41  123323496
>the main way
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:16:42  123323499
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:16:58  123323519
14605750185580.jpg (63Кб, 807x569)
Soon...Eternal memory to the heroes! True victims of Columbine.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:17:10  123323532
Аниме что-то имеет против хохлов, спешите видеть. Аниме, хуже тебя уже ничего нет, даже хохлы лучше.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:17:23  123323557
But we just learning! Withoun correcting mistakes, how it possible to speak right way?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:17:24  123323559
>using "か" together with "?"
Damn, so that what you meant, yeah it was unnecessary but you've made such a big fuss over it...
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:17:31  123323577
My heart is broken
Okay, I'm not a sad boy! Sad boy actually sounds like pussy. I don't like that at all. I'm not a pussy.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:18:00  123323634
hohol, pliz go in you svinarnik
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:18:31  123323689
>how it
I guess you missed "is".
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:18:32  123323694
A friend of mine has an Indian roommate and he's always correcting her mistakes (they talk in English) while mistaking "bowel" for "bowl". Lol
Yes, i pretty much do, the only people i'm speaking Russian with are my parents and some of the old friends (and anons)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:19:04  123323745
14605751446350.jpg (373Кб, 850x601)
Даже наруто лучше хохлов
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:19:05  123323748
rushn detected
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:19:17  123323768
That's just really annoying. No offense.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:19:31  123323796
Never EVER do you put no motherfuckin' comma/period after an apostrophe! It gives you away as a Russian Ivan immediately.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:19:32  123323798
Oh, so you're not living in russia right now?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:20:22  123323884
Ok, got it. Thanks.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:20:44  123323923
i want to join great american nation where i can come to enlist
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:21:01  123323959
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:21:35  123324008
Righteousness is irrelevant. Being comprehensible is. Despite grammar-nazis' and trolls' opinions, as long as people can understand what you want to say, you're good. No one expects BBC English from you anyway.
Yes, i live in Germany, but my german is only good for understanding how much should i pay for groceries, so i use to speak English with my friends here.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:21:49  123324034
im not scary! im pretty handsome!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:22:07  123324061
sorry, not righteousness but "being right"
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:22:41  123324117
To listen native english speakers.
It's quite a моветон to correct foreigners, while being foreigner yourself.
Well, until foregner asks to correct him. For example,

pls correct me m8
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:23:43  123324221
Time of ASKING.
is listening of Khan academy a good choice to lear english? All that pre algebra and histiry and physics stuff
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:24:17  123324275
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:24:49  123324325
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:25:06  123324352
Native speakers are pretty bad in grammar. Maybe they can correct you but they can't tell why they chose this variant. They'll most likely say "i dunno, it just feels correct"
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:25:10  123324362
> All that pre algebra and histiry and physics stuff
Wow, tell me more about that! I'm getting interested in.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:25:36  123324411
>Time of
Time for.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:25:42  123324420
14605755420780.png (11Кб, 400x400)
This is your brain.
It is an exellent brain!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:26:16  123324468
Why does my brain look like swastika?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:26:33  123324500
>pls correct me m8
the main way -> the easiest way
passing by
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:26:52  123324525
> A friend of mine has an Indian roommate and he's always correcting her mistakes (they talk in English) while mistaking "bowel" for "bowl". Lol
That's that I was talking about, lol.

Oh, tell me about how is it to live in Germany. I'm thinking of moving thinking of moving? Can I say so? there with my gf, she's graduating school this year. Which city can you advice me?
And I started to learn german a little bit. Der Mann isst an Apfel.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:27:02  123324539

Also, chek youtube. I found his channel breddy good!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:27:25  123324578
But did you know that your brain is also an artifact from a bygone age?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:27:53  123324626
The roots of modern human thought reach hundreds of thousands of years into the past.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:28:22  123324667
14605757024810.jpg (147Кб, 1224x895)
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:29:56  123324829
Thanks, mate. Looks really interesting. I'm glad I come across your post!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:30:19  123324876
> i dunno, it just feels correct
Lol, it's the same words I say when somebody asks me about some rules or grammar. It just feels right to me. Still my english sucks, despite that I lived in Canada for a while.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:30:51  123324935
>thinking of moving? Can I say so?
You can. There are some other problems in your post:
>that's what
I think it's a typo tho
>how it is to live
No inversion in dependant clauses!
advice is a noun
pretty decent overall, way to go
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:31:01  123324966
Oh, thanks.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:31:36  123325027
>>123308312 (OP)
> who've been learning
> learning in a row
> an usual
Дальше лень. Идите нахуй
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:32:19  123325101
You're fast like hell, dude.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:32:35  123325131
>Lol, it's the same words I say when somebody asks me about some rules or grammar.

I think it's because of many books? Reading is build up your intuition, or something like this
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:32:46  123325145
It's pretty cool, living there. Do you plan to go to university there or is it the repatriation thing?
I haven't been in many cities really, so i'm not the one to advise here. It depends on your preferences, i don't know, maybe you like small cities with cute small candy houses, maybe you like huge cities with skyscrapers and shit... You should see for yourself. I live in lower Bavaria.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:36:30  123325536
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:37:13  123325604
Yeah, you just get a lot of examples of how to spell right and how to do syntax right, images and snapshots of words, constructions and sentences simply imprint on some subconscious level or something like that.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:37:43  123325649
So, what do you, boyz, think about Trump?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:39:32  123325838
I don't think about Trump.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:41:40  123326100
I don't really read a lot of political news, but from what i've heard and read he seems like an american Zhirinovsky to me. Promising to get rid of the muslims, mexicans, same-sex marriages and human rights... Reminds of something, right?
No but actually he's an idol for all 30yo rednecks drinking beer in front of TV and beating the shit out of their wives afterwards. I don't think he's going to make it though, his ideas are way too extreme.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:43:30  123326295
14605766105720.webm webm file (2380Кб, 640x360, 00:00:19)
Alrigthy, gentlemens. Now u would taste some sweet webm of mine. It's about sexism. It's wery grown up!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:44:23  123326406
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:45:10  123326492
Wow, thank you!
And yeah, that was a typo of course.

Actually, I didn't decide which cities I like yet, lol. But I'm totaly sure that I don't like > small cities with cute small candy houses. I wish to live in NY sometime in future. Well, I dream to travel and to live a little while in every country.
In Germany I'm going to move just for my gf's education. Studiencollege at first and then or than, I'm always confusing with that few years in univesity. I'm thinkin' of southern cities as well. I like warm weather and Bavarian accent.

Uh, it's so difficult to make up sentences in english, it takes much more time
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:45:11  123326494
u wut
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:46:05  123326601
Isn't your name Ivan by any chance?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:46:44  123326665
>>123308312 (OP)
OP - dick
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:47:18  123326733
Lol, no.
Is it a joke?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:47:38  123326766
Op is dick
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:48:07  123326829
It's getting old. Could you come up with anything new?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:48:25  123326850
бамп без сажи
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:48:50  123326892
No, a friend of mine is planning to move to Germany for the very same reason as you are.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:49:17  123326955
Watching you is like watching a cute silly monkey that tries to act like a human.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:50:52  123327153
Im lumberjack and im okay
I sleep all the night and o work all day
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:51:52  123327286
Well, I thinks it's because of music, movies and a little bit of talking with Canadians. Probably, it actually just imprints in some part of brain, like other anon said. I've never read any book in english. I tried, but quickly felt that I'm loosing some details and reading very slowly, so I gave up and continued to read books in translation
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:54:01  123327545
Wow, maybe my gf is hiding something from me? Ivan, I'll find you!

Hey, mate, can you speak in german a little bit with me? Just want to practice. I know up to ten words, lol, but still.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:54:06  123327558
I'm C2 and it stills takes quite an effort to read an english book. It's not like i can't understand it, no, it's just smh harder than reading in your native language, even though i have to look up just a few complex and uncommon words
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:54:38  123327631
In this ITT thread i will sin one of my favorite songs!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:55:45  123327766
Lol i know ~30, so i don't think i'll be of use here.
What are you and your girlfriend studing?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:57:00  123327918
>I'm C2
Got 20/20 in an online grammar test and think you're fuckin' C2?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 22:57:04  123327922
lowly holy goats bare the brunt!
of rabid dogmas on a stellar bearhut

bastioned in citadels and monastic cell
that smell of blessed cun!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:00:34  123328335
> it's just smh harder than reading in your native language, even though i have to look up just a few complex and uncommon words
Shit, man, it's just word by word my feelings about it. Maybe we even read the same book? I tried to read Sherlock Holmes short stories. And yes, I pretty understood everything, but there was a few old or uncommon words on every second page and I was always forced to open a vocabulary it is in my e-book, but still it takes time to translate a word.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:02:50  123328591
Thou, wwho can't read books, so pity!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:03:26  123328653
Can read english books and think i'm C2
Can talk just about anything apart from nuclear physics and nano-technologies and think i'm C2
People who meet me assume i'm either from Sweden or UK and think i'm C2.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:04:01  123328716
I'm a film director, graduating the university this year. And she wants to become a journalist. But she afraid of leaving Russia and wants to study in some huevo-kukuevo. Oh it pisses me off so much
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:04:25  123328762
I had the same problem. But after reading ~100 pages I got used to the author's style and I read the rest of the book as if it was in Russian.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:07:05  123329062
No, i haven't tried to emerge into marvellous world of SIr Conan Doyle in its original language yet... But most fiction books i read are in English. Reading classics is good, through classics you can discover a shitload of new words. Even though people don't use them in everyday conversations, they're still rather useful.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:07:59  123329162
Oh, cool! I wish I could do the same. But I always afraid of losing some important detail, so my reading goes very slowly. Maybe sometime I'll force myself to read the whole book in original, but for now I have nothing else but reading in translate.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:13:07  123329662
Humans have a natural tendency to use the recent past to make judgments. For instance, our stone-age ancestors would've been smart to abandon a hunting ground that is temporarily empty of game, even if that same ground teemed with prey in past months.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:14:34  123329786
Oh yeah, there were so many strange bizarre words. But it's a shame that I can't remember it. It is somewhere in my unconcious.
So what do you like to read?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:16:02  123329936
Mostly some mainstream shit like Murakami or Palahniuk. King, also.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:16:38  123330010
Is King simple enough for newfag?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:18:12  123330157
Do we need a perecut, though?
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:18:20  123330172
> For instance, our stone-age ancestors would've been smart to abandon a hunting ground that is temporarily empty of game, even if that same ground teemed with prey in past months.
For some reason I didn't understand it.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:19:29  123330264
Depends on a book really. But his style is mostly rather comprehensible and easy to read.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:21:34  123330469
14605788943610.gif (71Кб, 350x400)
Hey, /b/!
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:23:29  123330664
Предки, бывало забивали хуй на охотничьи угодья которые некторое время были пусты, даже если эти земли кишели зверьем в последние месяцы. Тоесть, некое время земли пусты, и люди там не охотятся, даже если вот уже сейчас там есть взерье. I think so
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:29:41  123331301
Oh, I recently realised that Palahniuk is kind of Ukrainian, lol. It was so unexpectedly for me.

Well, I had Murakami's book a long time ago. I think it was Sheep Hunting or something like that. I was 16, so I dropped reading it at the very beginning. Maybe sometime will try again unlikely.
And I read few King's creations как сказать "произведения"?. His Cell was so shitty, I kind of disapointed in him. And then I read few short stories, like I am the Doorway and Quitters, Inc. And its were pretty cool, I liked it.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:38:24  123332271
Oh thanks.
Cause at first I thought that they abandoned a hunting ground because it was empty for some time, even if earlier it was full of animals. Sounds logical to me, so I didn't get the point of what he was talking about. Now I got it.
And why he used word > would?
То есть, я перевожу его текст как > Например, наши предки не были бы умными, чтобы покинуть охотничьи угодья, которые временно пусты, даже если эти земли были забиты добычей раньше. Если бы не твое объяснение, я решительно не понимаю его предложения
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:40:49  123332551
Блядь, я уже и по-русски разучился говорить. Перечитал свой пост и ужаснулся. А еще зрение подосрал себе ебучей экспирией за два года, уже буквы расплываются. А ведь стопроцентный был. Думаю, мне пора съебывать.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:41:06  123332588
Я сам с трудом понял, и то до того как ты спросил, мне казалось что я все понимаю.
Аноним 13/04/16 Срд 23:43:24  123332847
Лол. Что ж, пойду я, посмотрю сериал о Соле Гудмане и спать. Добра тебе, няша, с тобой было интересно поговорить. А этого чувства я на двачах не испытывал, наверное, года с 2014. Может пересечемся еще. Если что, оставь фейкомыльце, я потом тебя поспрашиваю о жизни в Гермашке, перед тем, как перекачусь туда.

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