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Аноним 17/05/16 Втр 19:32:13  126879250  
14635027330570.jpg (628Кб, 1440x1080)

CEO Elon Musk indicated the rocket stage may not be in shape to launch again, but will help the company assess the flight-worthiness of boosters recovered in the future.

“Most recent rocket took max damage, due to (very) high entry velocity,” Musk said on Twitter. “Will be our life leader for ground tests to confirm others are good.”

Вот и конец Маска и его СпейсИкс.
Аноним 17/05/16 Втр 19:33:07  126879348
Аноним 17/05/16 Втр 19:33:29  126879392
Аноним 17/05/16 Втр 19:33:45  126879412
Аноним 17/05/16 Втр 19:34:37  126879515
Аноним 17/05/16 Втр 19:35:23  126879603
Аноним 17/05/16 Втр 19:36:10  126879698

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