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Hello all! I come from finnish board Ylilauta.org! How is it going on in here? What are your biggest memes right now? Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:01:01  127794240  
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Hello all! I come from finnish board Ylilauta.org!

How is it going on in here? What are your biggest memes right now?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:03:20  127794494
14642102005110.jpg (8Кб, 240x200)
Bump, where are you all?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:03:55  127794553
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>>127794240 (OP)
Hi. Fine. yoba as usual.

What brings you to this swamp
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:05:33  127794718
14642103335470.png (193Кб, 2268x2268)
Just decided to come check it out.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:06:39  127794841
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>>127794240 (OP)
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:08:58  127795077
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Hi there!
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:10:29  127795218
>>127794240 (OP)
Get your proofs here. Proof of u r finnish lad
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:10:44  127795245
14642106443300.jpg (78Кб, 391x587)
It is full of despair as roll-thread, Karina-thread (don't ask), and other pussy-lickers-thread by young-retards.

Sorry for my poor english, and tell me about your board, what is your biggest meme? Tell me about your country.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:13:09  127795497
We fucked up Stalin xD
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:13:24  127795527
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Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:13:36  127795548
My country is very cold and big (but not like you, comrade).
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:14:10  127795596
>but not like your mom, comrade
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:14:13  127795599
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Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:15:07  127795688
14642109078860.png (29Кб, 657x527)
Well the board is run by a jew who is trying turn it into facebook sort of thing, and pretty nuch every second thread is about refugees and how they are going to rape every oneand then there are your usual rollers.

Also this is our biggest meme. It's called ruoka apustus.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:15:25  127795722
I mean peoples, government and other like this stuff. I know that you live in cold country :D
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:16:24  127795835
14642109847420.jpg (8Кб, 267x181)
ruoka apustus :D How it's translate?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:16:25  127795837
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Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:17:18  127795922
Бля, не кормите жирдяя
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:17:33  127795945
Very many alcoholics, racists, etc.
Like Russia.
Government is full of people who are trying to do things but they really don't know how to do it.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:17:50  127795975
Peoples like a shit, and goverment so. Everything is a shit.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:18:39  127796074
>>127794240 (OP)
This Buryats.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:19:30  127796166
14642111702880.png (29Кб, 657x527)
It is written like you were a retard.
It its supposed to be like a retard is trying to write Foodhelper (ruoka-avustaja).
Like this:
Il neid foud phelp hepler
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:21:36  127796391
>Like Russia.
Stereotype. We have many drug addicts and retards. Have education like shit yeah, thats why I speak english so bad, and have thiefs in government.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:22:38  127796495
>>127794240 (OP)
>What are your biggest memes right now?
Your anus. It's pretty popular here
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:24:18  127796669
14642114585290.jpg (11Кб, 200x200)
we have something similar

It's Vonny the Puh. Addict, who uses heroin
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:24:57  127796738
>thats why I speak english so bad
LOL. No, the reason is you're stupid.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:27:07  127796956
14642116280150.jpg (124Кб, 1123x712)
>>127794240 (OP)
Почему какой-то долбоёб, представившись финном и создав тред на харкаче, сразу получает кучу ответов и вопросов?
Что-то мне подсказывает, если я создам тред на этой финской хуйне, меня либо погонят ссаными тряпками, либо тред просто утонет.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:27:09  127796959
14642116296100.jpg (56Кб, 550x807)

I try to improve it a little bit
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:27:27  127797002
ну мне например просто скучно
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:28:13  127797082
Well at least our school system actually teaches us well.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:29:10  127797178
>>127794240 (OP)
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:32:09  127797490
>>127794240 (OP)
Our the most popular meme is about drunk finnish milf with only one hand, two dicks and three boobs.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:32:41  127797545
14642119616640.jpg (132Кб, 600x400)
>our school system actually teaches us well
If its true, then why dont you know russian language? Checkmate, retard!
Аноним # OP  26/05/16 Чтв 00:35:03  127797755
14642121032950.jpg (82Кб, 235x303)
I am actually learning Russian right now.
This is our Russian language book.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:35:51  127797841
Woah. Really? Say something.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:36:09  127797865
Hey whatzup OP why I ain't seein da PROOF ? u mad?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:36:50  127797934
ТВоя Мать Сосать Член Большой Размер
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:37:36  127798017
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:37:41  127798028
>u mad?
'm niggas
Аноним # OP  26/05/16 Чтв 00:38:11  127798076
Sorry, I don't have kyrillics, so I will try to write with latin letters.
Zdrajstujte, dorogie. Kak dzila?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:38:25  127798094
14642123060110.png (75Кб, 720x1280)
Лол вы видели? У них на борде есть рега.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:38:40  127798116
>>127794240 (OP)
Hello! Hui soseh', bochku delaesh'?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:39:19  127798178
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Is that you?
Аноним # OP  26/05/16 Чтв 00:39:20  127798179
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:39:26  127798184
In, OP i bet ur mom is hot slut and ur sister too, bet she is blonde huh? I would fuck em so hard with my 9 inches dick, how many chicks u beg u beta phagg
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:40:24  127798261
Why r u keep ignoring zis
or maybe zis
and, yep, this

Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:40:41  127798296
U sound so gay
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:41:54  127798390
We have very popular russian meme called "OP huy i ne pozorsya ty ne finn nihuya"
Аноним # OP  26/05/16 Чтв 00:43:45  127798572
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I don't have any sisters, and my little brother is 13.
And you sir, will get a visitor from Fobba, the internet cop.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:44:19  127798630
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>>127794240 (OP)
There is no particularly popular memes now here. This board is all about shy boy virgins trying to get acquainted with a girl at their >20, and about sadness of life in Russia. Nothing more. It's a freaking depressive image board.
Аноним # OP  26/05/16 Чтв 00:44:19  127798631
Mitä haluat todisteeksi?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:45:09  127798735
moscow isn't russia
/b/ isn't 2ch
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:45:20  127798750
Idk what U said, I rather tell ya another time :
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:46:10  127798835
а где у них /b
Аноним # OP  26/05/16 Чтв 00:46:41  127798877
My mother tongue is Finnish.
You can't get as good writing in Finnish from Google translate.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:47:27  127798964
Ok then I googled it up.
He said what proofs I wanna see.
Well maybe something Finnish with paper "sup /b" on pic
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:47:40  127798984
>>127794240 (OP)
do u heard about Karasik?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:47:43  127798992
NONONO, don't say it to actual Russian people! They can "opustit' " you for this. You should say: "Vecher v hatu gospoda, za chto sidim?"
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:47:51  127799007
maybe you can give us some proofs?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:48:02  127799028
14642128827750.jpg (128Кб, 1199x752)
One more thing, the board is also about suicides.

2ch is /b/, other sections are in minor.
Аноним # OP  26/05/16 Чтв 00:48:34  127799066
>а где у них /b
I live in Espoo, right next to Helsinki
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:48:44  127799081
Do you like Adventure time?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:49:29  127799151
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This is my personal popular meme i dont give a shit bout my retards russians cause im on another level im way ahead of time im on the board with my niggas
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:49:37  127799164
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:50:06  127799205
No proofs - go back to parasha
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:50:14  127799215
tvoya mamka is /b
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:52:33  127799416
I remember a half year ago someone from US started a thread here. The first pic he posted was his fridge filled with typical-american food and "sup 2ch <current date>".

His thread quickly get over9000
500 posts and nobody said something like " It's just a troll".

Keep in mind that when you'll start another thread on <foreign country> board.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:54:36  127799599
К чему мне это помнить?
Ну пруфанул он сразу едой, вот и не написали. Что дальше?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:56:03  127799724
Я говорю ОПу чтобы он сразу же вливал пруфы не дожидаясь пока ему про это начнут пояснять аноны засоряя и без того тупой тред.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:57:18  127799835
>>127794240 (OP)
Тролльфейс лол вообще омг просто фейспалм
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:57:25  127799847
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Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:58:09  127799915
>>127794240 (OP)
Ты что ебанутый? Ты что тут делаешь?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:58:48  127799977
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>>127794240 (OP)
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:59:00  127799994
we need a paper with sign: sup b and date
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 00:59:41  127800050
Почему он в позе Dat Feel'а?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:00:00  127800076
То есть в позе Pepe, я хотел сказать.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:00:10  127800089
Err, finnish flag? Ok.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:00:33  127800124
Some old rotten memes.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:00:34  127800125
Придумал как увеличить пенсию.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:00:51  127800152
I double that (or, двачую)
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:01:08  127800173
Why do you call Russia "Venäjä" or something like that? I know the ethymology, but why can't you be like everyone else?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:02:15  127800279
14642137350840.png (868Кб, 720x1280)
Drop my dick hard and Now i feelin like I bitch got there, fuck out to fresh air
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:02:48  127800336
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>>127794240 (OP)
Extra chromods.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:02:52  127800340
When I dickin'_/.-./_, I d better FCUK YAKO, GAY GITHC BITCH yo , Gay Pride Fo!!
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:03:00  127800350
А потому же, почемы мы Madyarorszag Венгрией зовём.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:03:26  127800384
14642138068230.png (546Кб, 640x480)
A bit messy picture, but here.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:04:11  127800448
Почему я так проиграл?

Новый способ увеличить пенсию, бесплатно без смс и без регистрации!
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:04:14  127800454
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:05:24  127800548
You went to Russia by boat in ancient times.
Boat = Vene
Like in Estonian Venemaa = Russia, land of boats
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:05:59  127800594
14642139590170.jpg (12Кб, 345x400)
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:06:07  127800604
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:06:23  127800626
so any way how is your sex-life?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:07:40  127800726
Tell me about Suomi in nutshell.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:07:43  127800730
why your aib have a registration?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:08:30  127800800
>>127794240 (OP)
Oh, It's you again, finnish faggot. Get outta here.

Mutta minä pidän suomi maa. Se on sisti ja kaunis.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:09:15  127800860
Для этого нужно всего лишь…
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:09:32  127800886
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:09:54  127800915
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>>127794240 (OP)
> biggest memes
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:10:17  127800947
Interesting interpretation, but what I've been told in school and university is that it's derived from a tribe name.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:10:47  127800996
Ничего хорошего знаешь?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:12:48  127801168
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>>127794240 (OP)
Ok, OP

Tell me please, are Finnish people friendly to your mind? I have contradictory information about this.

What Finnish peaple think about Russia/Russian people, Vladimir Putin?

Tell me what does this meme mean?

Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:13:35  127801243
Vitu jee, Saami mainittu. Ny pane vittuun täält. Anna ryssien olla niiden omassa rauhassa.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:13:40  127801258
14642144204070.jpg (6Кб, 188x268)
Its my shirt.

>Beautiful blue lakes and forests
>Old and aesthetic towns
>Huble and religious people who are active in politics

>Cities are full of old ugly buildings
>Most people drink too much alcohol and publicly
>Can't hold its economy and companies stable
>Social welfare makes people passive and don't want to go to work
>Army spendings are cutted because refugees need those monies more
>Tobacco smell everywhere
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:13:43  127801262
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:14:28  127801329
I fap my dick Oh it's so big
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:14:53  127801376
>>127794240 (OP)
What's up? Tired of attentionwhoring on yli and kc?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:15:37  127801448
AIB stands for anonymous imageboard.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:18:14  127801689
he is really bad with eng
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:20:30  127801863
What's your opinion on Mannerheim?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:21:14  127801911

Because the founder is trying to make it a Facebook

In the eastern and southern parts thoughts on Russians are quite neutral, but Putin is held as some sort of a big monster that threats the world.

In the western and eastern parts, Russians are held as the devils themselves who always want to invade their neighbors.

Te picture translation:
>Doesn't smoke
Were you bullied at school or just retard?

>B-but you die after smoking!!
Yes? Was life a competition that who lives longest

>B-but you get addicted!
No you don't if your not underage and can smoke responsibilly

>Y-you lose money!
Who makes you buy a pack per day, you fucking dumass!
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:23:39  127802075
He was both a great leader and unifier of Finnish people, but on the same time he quite ruthlessly executed communist rebels and seized power after WW2
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:24:04  127802108
crap shit nigga
we are good people fuck
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:24:35  127802147
>In the western and eastern parts
Ment to say western and north-west parts.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:25:24  127802205
>>127794240 (OP)
Our biggest meme is your mom, motherfucker.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:27:05  127802319
good luck man! see you during invasion ;)
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:27:26  127802343
I know, and those parts aren't that russophobic neither, but you should avoid them, since Ostrobothnia is the most patriotic and conservative part of the country. You can never know how people in one town can treat you.
Avoid small towns in central South-Ostrobothnia
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:27:37  127802360
Why all Finns are cuckolds who welcome refugees despite their violent criminal activity?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:28:42  127802433
14642153227520.jpg (14Кб, 331x232)
Send my regards to your mom for last night.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:29:53  127802528
But she's dead.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:30:46  127802601
So what?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:31:04  127802622
14642154645250.jpg (14Кб, 331x232)
So? Does that stop me from getting laid with her
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:31:46  127802677
Is it hard to learn Indo-European languages for a Finno-Ugric native speaker?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:32:25  127802731
London is the capital of Great Britain
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:33:06  127802784
Just dig her back after.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:33:50  127802845
At first, yes, but then you get used to it.
In the end it's not that hard.
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:36:37  127803078
14642157974680.jpg (6Кб, 188x268)
Thank you for this information.
Did you know that the Mexicans live in Mexico?
Аноним 26/05/16 Чтв 01:41:12  127803424
А то!

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