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Аноним 20/06/16 Пнд 17:41:50  130081647  
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“Actor Anton Yelchin was killed in a fatal traffic collision early this morning,” said a statement from his representative. “His family requests you respect their privacy at this time.”
Аноним 20/06/16 Пнд 17:42:20  130081686
>>130081647 (OP)
The LAPD said he was pinned by his own car at his Studio City home. Friends apparently became concerned when Yelchin did not show up for a band performance. They found him at his home pinned between his car and a brick mailbox pillar.

“It appears he had exited his car and was behind it when the vehicle rolled down a steep driveway,” the LAPD said in a statement.
Аноним 20/06/16 Пнд 17:44:09  130081795
RIP in pepperoni, Mr. Chekov.
Аноним 20/06/16 Пнд 17:44:16  130081805
His most prominent role was as Pavel Chekhov, the Russian ensign in the rebooted “Star Trek” film series. The most recent film in the franchise, “Star Trek Beyond,” debuts on July 22.
Аноним 20/06/16 Пнд 17:46:27  130081937
Мне нравилось, как он играл.
Аноним 20/06/16 Пнд 17:49:44  130082119
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>Anton Yelchin
Аноним 20/06/16 Пнд 18:32:10  130084562
А я только пересмотрел Стар Треки новые

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