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Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:28:19  130983711  
14675200991790.jpg (301Кб, 1200x800)
Welcome to the only and one official English thread!

What we have here:
- discussions about anything in English
- learning tips and tricks
- questions & answers about grammar and word usage

What we don't have here:
- shitstorms about politics and history
- pointing out mistakes without being asked to
- trash messages like "fak ur mom pindos ebany"
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:28:38  130983718
instant bump
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:31:28  130983773
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:31:55  130983784
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:34:16  130983822
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:35:11  130983841
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:35:18  130983844
writing in epic thread
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:36:42  130983870
does it >>130983844 right?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:36:50  130983879
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:38:46  130983909
nay. Should be "an epic thread."
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:40:13  130983934
> Writing in an epic thread
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:41:09  130983955
The thread's somewhat dead.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:41:59  130983968
Waddup? Who wants to make America great again?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:42:33  130983979
It's already great
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:43:50  130983994
Oh here come dat boi
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:46:53  130984052
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:47:57  130984074

thx! Was I right with the choise of a present continuos?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:48:30  130984089
So you have two chairs. On first Trump drocheny , on the second Hillary tocheny. What would you choose for yourself and what for your mommy?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:49:19  130984105
yep you were. Congrats on that
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:49:45  130984117
So, dear TS, what do you think about mamajokes? I think it can make some activity for this thread if we will post here jokes about your mom. Don'tcha?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:52:39  130984167
That'd only bring in schoolboys like you, so.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:54:05  130984202
mod, mojesh tak?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:54:38  130984215
The rule is: you have to write an article "an" before letters a, e and some others i don't remember. Google rules of using articles.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:56:58  130984264
Sounds pretty much like RP Russian Pronunciation
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 07:59:03  130984305
So why do yoy think that i'm a schoolboy? Don't you know, that calling another schoolboys making you look like a shoolboy, huh?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:01:10  130984341
You write in English like a schoolboy.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:04:34  130984402
sup twoch
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:07:07  130984448
hey girls
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:08:23  130984469
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:10:36  130984514
This mister is right, I can detect a schoolboy in you >>130984305

>several years of English in graduate school-kun
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:13:57  130984586
>So why do yoy think that I'm a schoolboy? Don't you know, that calling another person a schoolboys makes you look like a shoolboy, huh?
If he's not a schoolboy then he's just retarded.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:16:47  130984662
bump tho
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:17:53  130984683
So, how it's going?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:21:31  130984757
Fine, as always, and you?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:25:46  130984860
the phrase is "how's it going?" Damn, you can't even write this basic shit without mistakes, kill yourself
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:29:14  130984917
Yeah, i'm just retarded for a little. Didn't used my English for a very very long time, so it can looks from the side like it's written by a boy from elementary school. But most of pidorashkas can't reach even this level.

As for me, it's enough to have a deals with the foreign guys from my work (they're from Iltaly and France, and their English isn't perfect to). But i think, that i'm immidiately need to improve my skill and get some basics on another languages, may be i can get some promotion, but who knows.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:36:09  130985048
14675241695660.jpg (115Кб, 1360x1080)
>>130983711 (OP)
25yo, self study.
Test was taken on June 18th.
Didn't plan to take it at all, but university required it even though I've been studying my bachelor in english.

Moving to Melbourne in two weeks for my Master's
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:38:23  130985099
>dat english
>ielts 7.5
this world is fucked up
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:41:37  130985165

You so salty lol
Please continue
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:46:57  130985266
omg another english thread how exciting!
ok, actually i don't care but since i started learning english like 3 months ago it looks like a chance for me to practice some writing shit
so lets get started
talk to me
im not really good at talking but ill give it a shot
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:47:36  130985284
Your writing is actually hideous, but you however got 6.5 for it. I wonder what kind of bullshit you have to write to get 3 or less.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:53:01  130985412
> a schoolboys
> a deals
Please, stop! Stop to make so stupid mistakes, pidorahen
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:55:13  130985467
Sorry ples
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:55:36  130985482
look at how much shit u just gave
dude, nobody asked u to correct his mistakes
quit being a dick dont make everyone here feel like, u know, at school
unless u r an ugly old cunt who loves to piss people off
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:55:56  130985493
First you have to stop starting your sentences with a small letter and ending them without a dot thinking it makes you sound more colloquial or anything.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:57:22  130985533
i dont give a fuck about how 'colloquial' my shitty posts sound i just type what comes to my mind and im way too lazy to use shift or caps lock
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:59:01  130985583
ok, i meant to say here >>130985533 that u can point out some of my mistakes and all but dont mock me for not using capital letters
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 08:59:35  130985597
>>130983711 (OP)
> What we have here
well's well's wat we have here memes memes ahaha finnaly
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:01:11  130985650
Kill yourself pidoraha. Even writing your retarded gibberish is disrespectful towards those who are supposed to read it.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:02:30  130985693
British scientist say that starting sentences with small letter makes ppl with IQ < 70 angry
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:03:44  130985732
London is the capitol of greit britan.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:08:01  130985875
u r acting like a total dick right now
u r too dull and mad, m8
u sound like some kind of nerd who can only whine about somebody's mistakes
cut it out, seriously, no one loves people like u.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:08:35  130985902
Let's see what you wrote here in detail))
>Yeah, I'm just retarded for a little. Haven't used my English for a very very long time, so it might seem like it was written by a grade school student. But most of russkies can't reach even this level.

>As for me, it's enough to have a deals with the foreign guys at work (they're from Italy and France, and their English isn't perfect either). But I think that I've got to improve my skill as soon as possible, and get the basics of some other languages. Maybe I can get a promotion, who knows though.

Even corrected and rewritten in parts, this piece of English still doesn't sound like something a native speaker would write.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:10:22  130985973
also, the fact u use those freaking memes, greentext and insults tells me that u r nothing more but a prideful silly kid. let me guess your age, it's around 14 yo, right?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:12:33  130986047
fak ur mom pindos ebany
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:13:07  130986067
Did you know that reading bad English hurts your grammar because you learn those mistakes uncousciously? That said, not only your posts make my eyes bleed but they also have a bad effect on my English
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:13:46  130986089
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:15:24  130986127
I have trouble spelling "conscious." To write this word correctly I always use this tip: конский волос -> конскиоус -> conscious. I'm fucked in the head yeah
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:15:49  130986148
i can make up for just reading/listening to some native speakers on youtube/twitch, so it's totally fine
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:16:15  130986163
> for it
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:17:36  130986216
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:17:49  130986223
So why would you worsen your English then make up for it by reading and listening?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:18:14  130986235
btw, your english is a complete runglish, so u r definitely not the one to complain about people's mistakes
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:20:27  130986311
cuz a few fags on this site won't make my english worse, considering my english is shit itself. plus it's kinda useful, i dont really chat/speak to people in english like at all
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:24:09  130986432
Point out the Runglish-y parts then.
I missed "do" after "not only." Apart from that, I can't see anything wrong.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:24:31  130986447
>>130983711 (OP)
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 09:27:49  130986581
the way of how you express your thought is the most runglish way i've ever seen. ok, its not that awful but your english is far away from even being more or less good compared to other non-native speakers i met on the internet. my english is bad but it's good enough to tell decent english from runglish.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 10:04:11  130987891
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 10:11:28  130988137
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 10:16:23  130988314
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 10:24:08  130988596
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 10:24:31  130988611
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 10:27:19  130988711
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 10:27:35  130988718
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 10:33:48  130988971
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 10:41:15  130989219
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 10:42:14  130989247
сосать пиндосн
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 10:53:25  130989674
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 11:58:17  130992761
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:03:51  130993019
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:32:21  130994498
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:39:26  130994853
>>130983711 (OP)
Sup, let's talk about anything
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:42:51  130995025
Suggest a topic.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:45:45  130995179
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:49:56  130995407
OMG so booooring you will die a virgin
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:52:04  130995519
Да вы че сука черты ебаные не по нашему говорите чепушилы. Валите в свою сша и ебитесь там в жопы чепушилы ебаные!!!!! !!
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:52:18  130995532
>>130983711 (OP)
I believe "one and only" is more common form.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:53:36  130995608
На форчан, быдло
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:55:22  130995706
ruscam, please
quit attending this thread u stink like a giant pile of shit
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:56:47  130995794
▲ ▲
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:57:44  130995850
>>130983711 (OP)
What's even a point of making such thread? 2ch is a cancerous russian imageboard. And OP is a little fag who thinks he will improve his knaledge with this.
just fucking kys dude.
Furthermore all btards who post here don't even know how to fucking spoken and others humilate them for making the slightest mistakes.
delete this thread
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:58:20  130995894
Ты черт по русски говори!!! Чепушила ебаная
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 12:58:55  130995932
look at that
look at that runglish! how adorable!
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:01:49  130996114
Both are as common you smartass.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:02:40  130996160
Aren't there some articles missing in your post?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:02:50  130996173
ty pyos
pyos ebanii
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:03:18  130996210
I always knew that, so what's your point?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:03:53  130996248
I believe an "an one and an only" is a more a common a form.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:05:09  130996322
Entertain me. I'm a girl, you MUST amuse me
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:06:11  130996380
The only and one article missing is "a more common form."
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:07:19  130996447
> The only and one
u sound like a retarded feeble-minded monkey, u know
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:09:27  130996588
I'm so beta I can't bang a girl even if she's ready to put out for me, so.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:10:42  130996669
> beta
So get BETTA
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:12:17  130996759
Look who's talking!
You should've said "u kno" to sound even cooler.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:12:46  130996788
I don't get this.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:14:13  130996874
u all suck so hard here
u can't even come up with a topic
im already way too cool for this thread
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:20:59  130997307
Who cares?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:22:48  130997441
Hello Avery here. I'm Alexandr from Moscow. I like music and sport.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:23:08  130997461
"The one and only": 69 000 000 results

"The only and one": 2 410 000 results.

Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:24:24  130997541
Do you like to fist yourself when you're home alone?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:24:32  130997550
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:25:17  130997589
'the only one' is far better than all the shit from your post
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:25:52  130997620
I'm very like fist to eyes your mom
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:29:37  130997829
> can't think up anything decent to reply
I hope you whorish mother will take away a wire from you, so can't boot up your PC anymore.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:30:50  130997893
> your whorish
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:33:19  130998041
You moron. Both "the one and only" and "the only and one" have some cheek, "the only one" hasn't.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:33:57  130998091
I today visit your Mather and vyebu her v eyes and ears and pizdu and nasru her v roteshnik and her poprosit eshe
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:36:24  130998227
>retarded feeble-minded monkey
Отсталая слабонервная обезьяна?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:38:53  130998380
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:39:11  130998400

 ▲ ▲
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:39:55  130998444
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:41:39  130998556
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:47:33  130998934
Who here wanted a topic? Let's talk about how we've attained our infallible deftness at the language of Lords.

Here's my story. I don't even remember how I started learning English, I can't even tell you what exact year it was. Never read any books, not even the legendary Murphy book. I'm pretty decent at writing and reading, but I totally suck at listening and speaking. That's not a problem to me because I only use English on the Internet.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:52:43  130999241
I've suggested a topic, a good one as everybody has something to say on it, what else do you folks want?
I suppose everyone's typing their stories now and we're about to have a flood of replies. Otherwise, this thread is extinct.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:54:34  130999392
14675432750650.jpg (32Кб, 1267x46)
Вся суть англоанонов.
Кто переведёт?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:55:00  130999419
i can understand pretty much everything (ok, 90%) while i listen or read but when it comes to writing/speaking i suck awfully hard.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 13:58:53  130999697
This thread is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet its maker. It's a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace! It's off the twig, kicked the bucket, has shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir invisible! THIS IS AN EX-THREAD!
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:03:43  131000058
Let's give it a go.

I just realized what the hell I study English for. It's psychic protection, like "well... I'm beta and will die a virgin, but I know English instead!" This minor advantage over other people keeps me from getting disappointed in myself and ending up on a noose.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:04:23  131000104
Now we all see you know how to use a thesaurus. What's your point anyway?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:08:45  131000379
This is classic! You must know it!

Even the Iron Lady had used this quote in her speech once.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:14:21  131000692
>>130983711 (OP)
fak ur mom pindos ebany
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:16:31  131000827
Hi obama)
fakc your mama)
Pokin dombass)
Protivniy pidoras)
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:20:52  131001109
Just googled it, some really interesting stuff.
Russians have as many idioms for drinking or being drunk.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:22:17  131001199
you forgot the last sentence. a good translation btw
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:22:24  131001206
>>130983711 (OP)
Паста с 4ана, сажа скрыл
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:24:11  131001317
>a good translation
>just realized
You bet.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:25:41  131001411
Oh I did. So I'd put it as "There must be someone like me over here."
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:26:00  131001431
Anything wrong, sweetie?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:28:45  131001620
Sure thing dummy. Not only in your sentence but in your DNA too. Like, an extra chromosome.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:32:01  131001807
I suggest that you quit making stupid jokes and tell me what exactly is wrong with "I just realized." Otherwise, fuck off.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:36:47  131002071
It's "I have just realised". Two words, two mistakes. What a fuck-up.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:47:40  131002722
I know you're trolling, but I'll keep replying anyway. Both are fine, one is American and the other is britfag shit, so.
Look, there's an oversight on your part:
Following the English typographic traditions, we put dots and commas inside the quotes.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:48:01  131002743
For all you grammar nazi in the thread.

Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:51:05  131002925
>>130983711 (OP)
>>>>130983711 (OP)
>Welcome to the only and one official English thread!
>What we don't have here:
>- shitstorms about politics and history

Nu i hahuya togda this thread nujen?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:56:06  131003246
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 14:57:49  131003344
Аноним # OP  03/07/16 Вск 15:03:14  131003658
I'm tired of talking to myself all day. Fuck you guys, fuck you. And fuck this thread too.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 15:07:01  131003849
Well, at least you know you talk to a clever man. There is no point in a conversation with dunderheads.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 15:17:18  131004457
Do you guys ever get this very persistent urge to vomit out your own guts? Like a continuous stream of bloody chunks of meat mixed with some intestines that are still intact falling out of your mouth kind of thing, you know?
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 15:18:09  131004510
Ewww, thanks for this mental image, bro.
Аноним # OP  03/07/16 Вск 15:27:46  131005182
Oh, I've been waiting for this thread like for two years! But it seems I'm late for the party again, sad :(
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 15:29:06  131005276
>I've been waiting

Mr. Bean, please.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 15:30:18  131005366
Fuck I forgot to uncheck the OP mark.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 15:37:46  131005893
We've figured as much.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 15:41:13  131006148
>wiping a dead thread
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 15:43:29  131006305
reported the wiper
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 15:44:00  131006350
pshel nahyi
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:06:15  131007903
14675511756090.webm webm file (10235Кб, 1280x544, 00:02:37)
14675511758291.webm webm file (9694Кб, 1280x544, 00:02:27)
>>130983711 (OP)
Is there anyone who passed toefl succesfully?
Give me some tips about writing and speaking parts.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:07:46  131008000
>>130983711 (OP)
Здоровеньки були!
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:18:10  131008648
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:27:27  131009238
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:28:05  131009282
>>130983711 (OP)
Здоровенькi булi
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:41:24  131010140
тян - не человек! Пошла на хуй из треда!
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:47:16  131010494
Fuck the grammar, just try to say/write as much as possible and in simpler terms to minimize mistakes.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:48:34  131010568
иди на хуй
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:52:00  131010763
Ahaha nakanec ta
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:54:00  131010874
The examples are around us. Look at this faggot >>130985048
He writes like a 4 year old kid with Down syndrome and managed to pass IELTS with an overall score of 7.5
I don't think things are much different at TOEFL, so if you're capable of making yourself understood you can get a decent score easily.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:56:41  131011044
Хорошо, я все понял. Спасибо за совет, добра тебе.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:58:02  131011111
>>130983711 (OP)
idi na hui
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:58:51  131011155
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 16:59:26  131011191
Pentiple can't lie.
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 17:05:58  131011614
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 17:07:21  131011708
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 17:09:51  131011876
what made you laugh
Аноним 03/07/16 Вск 17:34:20  131013440
I'm just podrochit' zashel' v /ho.

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