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Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 14:50:46  131492447  
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Welcome to the only and one official English thread!

What we have here:
- discussions about anything in English
- learning tips and tricks
- questions & answers about grammar and word usage

What we don't have here:
- shitstorms about politics and history
- pointing out mistakes without being asked to
- trash messages like "fak ur mom pindos ebany"
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 14:52:06  131492534
instant bump
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 14:53:37  131492628
>>131492447 (OP)
But if it's "discussions about anything", why can't I discuss politics and history?
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 14:54:07  131492664
Will bump 10 times and go. I'm not planning to waste the whole evening bumping this thread.
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 14:55:43  131492762
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>>131492447 (OP)
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 14:56:25  131492815
Damn you got me. So what now?
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 14:57:11  131492866
I dunno. It was you who created the thread, go ahead and pick a topic.
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 14:58:47  131492977
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>>131492447 (OP)
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:01:10  131493128
Okay, here we go. Let's talk about how we've attained our infallible deftness at the language of Lords.

Here's my story. I don't even remember how I started learning English, I can't even tell you what exact year it was. Never read any books, not even the legendary Murphy book. I'm pretty decent at writing and reading, but I totally suck at listening and speaking. That's not a problem to me because I only use English on the Internet.
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:01:30  131493146
fak ur mom pindos ebany
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:02:17  131493205
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>>131492447 (OP)
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:03:48  131493300
>>131492447 (OP)
Джва года ждал этот тред, уж простите за язык.

Прошу и даже умоляю отнестись к моей просьбе серьёзно:

Как выучить английский? Что посоветуете почитать, что качать?
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:05:24  131493402
Well, I never really put much effort into it, just played untranslated vidya games and the like. Then got a job as a tourist guide for foreigners, somewhat honed my skills there. I reckon I'm about upper intermediate now, pretty good at listening too, although not so good at speaking because of the accent.
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:05:52  131493423
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>>131492447 (OP)
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:08:27  131493586
Obvious Murphy is obvious.
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:09:05  131493628
Seems like we're being wiped. One picture every few minutes, nice going yeah.
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:10:28  131493715
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>>131492447 (OP)
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:11:37  131493797
Fuck them books, grammar is for pussies.
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:13:59  131493936
14681528398140.webm webm file (47Кб, 492x360, 00:00:01)
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:19:41  131494302
Bump 1/10
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:20:38  131494370
Bump 2/10
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:23:45  131494532
I know one trick: OP is a dick
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:30:17  131494894
Bump 3/10
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:33:22  131495069
Ye Bumpe IV (old fashioned)
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:35:12  131495153
da bump 5 o' 10 (nigga edition)
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:36:42  131495249
Bump 6/10
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:40:06  131495464
Bump 7/10
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:40:33  131495494
Bump 8/10
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:41:23  131495548
Bump 9/10
Аноним # OP  10/07/16 Вск 15:42:04  131495589
Bump 10/10

Fuck this.
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:44:42  131495775
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Guys, explain me please what that pic mean
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:47:31  131495950
Femenists is fat like whales
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:48:23  131496005
LinguaLeo. May be the best leaunguage trainer in our country,
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:49:33  131496072
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Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:49:49  131496087
Femenists ARE fat you babyface
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:52:20  131496230
>>131492447 (OP)
Where can I find something like transcripts of different public speeches in english? Wanted to exercise in speaking, but couldn't find any source
Аноним # OP  10/07/16 Вск 15:53:32  131496312
Why does the thread always revive just after I leave it?
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 15:55:06  131496428
awkward silence
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 16:01:47  131496868
Tonight I watched this schoolguy that studied in american school by education exchange. He talked about easyness of education in america and about cool life of american teenagers. And I just wanted to live one year like tipical american teenager. With easy-accessable girls, 5-day at week studying, parties and other.

Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 16:02:53  131496925
Also, can somebody tell me, do american schoolers drink alcohol?
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 16:05:35  131497091
Bring up my post
Аноним # OP  10/07/16 Вск 16:53:27  131499911
wow, the thread's still up
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 16:57:46  131500190
Not long.
Аноним # OP  10/07/16 Вск 17:16:07  131501339
OP is dick.
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 17:17:45  131501445
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 17:27:55  131502162
>>131492447 (OP)
fak ur mom pindos ebany!
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 17:28:22  131502195
Пит буль
Аноним 10/07/16 Вск 18:05:52  131504723
a sudden bump

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