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Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 16:16:46  131867086  
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Da Rules:
1. You do not write anything in Russian
2. You DO NOT write anything in Russian
3. If you do write something in commie speak, you get your face pissed on immediately
4. Don't correct anyone's mistakes unless asked to. If you do, you get your... y'know what'll happen
5. Gibberish like "sasai pindos obama chmo" is not welcomed. Who cares though
6. Don't put "though" at the end of your every last sentence thinking it makes you sound less runglishy. It doesn't, though
7. There are no rules really, do whatever the fuck you want
8. Rolls aren't forbidden
9. This is the most retarded thread on /b/
0. You're welcome
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 16:17:08  131867112
instant bump
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 16:17:56  131867167
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 16:18:02  131867176
>>131867086 (OP)
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 16:18:10  131867186
>>131867086 (OP)
Иди нахуй на форчан ублюдок
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 16:19:50  131867296
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 16:23:03  131867512
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 16:23:46  131867550
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 16:31:57  131868089
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 16:35:25  131868310
how to learn english za one day?
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 16:36:11  131868360
Get struck by a lightning and be lucky enough.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 16:53:16  131869509
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 17:23:49  131871657
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 17:27:18  131871893
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 17:31:07  131872143
How odd. None of these threads has been a success for like a month.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 17:34:17  131872355
Совсем охуели. Начитаются пиндосоской хуиты сидят выебываются.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 17:35:23  131872427
Why do Russians get so anxious when they hear the language of their masters?
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 17:38:14  131872598
Guys y r pugs always on pic's of English threads?
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 17:43:06  131872907
No one teaches them any manners.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 17:46:30  131873105
Joking now?Not conceited.If you speak english it's don't meaning that their languege better than our
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 17:50:44  131873356
London is the capital of Great Britain
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 17:51:47  131873416
>it's don't meaning
Oh boy!
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 17:54:20  131873572
That's really an issue with them. Russians take plain politeness for weakness.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:18:32  131875195
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:21:03  131875346
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:25:12  131875664
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:25:59  131875729
Поссал на подпиндосных шлюх айтото
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:26:08  131875741
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:26:12  131875752
Nobody needs english.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:27:40  131875861
Shame that nobody except 2-3 samefags post in those threads. We could have a nice conversation in Higher Language, but instead we get "bump" "sage" and "OP is a phaggot" messages only.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:27:49  131875873
14685964698790.jpg (44Кб, 454x807)
>>131867086 (OP)
Оп хуй
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:27:58  131875887
I fuck all of yours pisechka. Faggots.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:31:04  131876092
>>131867086 (OP)
OP is a cock, desu get some sage and be hidden
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:34:21  131876322
>>131867086 (OP)
let me speak in my heart in English
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:35:06  131876385
These threads once were popular, no idea what happened then.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:35:22  131876399
my english bed
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:35:57  131876439
I agree with you but we're in /b and here only schoolboyslike me and stupids students of collegenot ПТУ
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:36:27  131876466
too fat
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:38:42  131876622
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:38:43  131876624
that is try
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:39:01  131876647
I fuck your mother
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:40:42  131876754
thanks, you to
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:41:42  131876833
Take cum in your mouth U AR MY V.I.P. GAY WHORE BITCH!
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:41:55  131876849
Эээ блядь ты че охуел пидор Путина не уважаешь сучий потрох
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:44:19  131877025
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:44:37  131877043
I laik photo.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:45:07  131877081
>>131867086 (OP)
>You do not write anything in Russian
ніяких проблем
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:45:12  131877090
Ya yebal opA
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:46:54  131877207
Гыгы пиндос порвался
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:48:08  131877276
ти забув про перше правило нашого клубу, а саме:
>You do not write anything in Russian
тупа ти вата
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:48:28  131877290
I waited this thread for two years!
Maybe my question is platinum, but how to learn english? With what to start? Correct mistakes if they exist.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:48:43  131877312
Oh, English thread. Bump for ya, guys. I've been out of practice for so long..
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:49:02  131877328

>twjo years

Fix ya.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:50:42  131877453

I would like to give you and advice, but I've teached English with my personal teacher (don't how how to call it in English).

Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:51:03  131877477

>give you an advice

Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:51:34  131877514
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:52:12  131877556
Пошел на хуй свынявый выродок
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:53:33  131877649
Try R. Murphy.

>I've been waiting for this thread for too years! (too instead of two to convey the incorrect spelling)
>My question might be too trivial, but how do I learn English? What do I start with? Correct my mistakes if there are any
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:53:52  131877673
advice is uncountable
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:56:46  131877887
14685982067010.jpg (43Кб, 537x531)
Tam napisano chto nado po angliski pisat,no ya ne palus
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 18:57:21  131877924
How to say "я не такая!" in English?
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 19:01:02  131878117
"I'm not that way!"

The proper way to ask for a translation is "How do you say ... in English?" or "What's the English for ...?" You can't ask a question with "how to." We normally use it in affirmative sentences like "I don't know how to get her to put out for me."
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 19:02:11  131878178
Find the teacher cause you can practice with teacher.You'ill get better pronunciation than without teacher.And speach-is platinum.Most of peolple who study english afrid to speak.
And pease prepare to sendor waste if think to fuck it off on half way 5-10 years
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 19:02:28  131878189
Wow, thanks.
Are you native? Your English seems really good.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 19:03:48  131878263
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 19:04:40  131878309
Not American, but near-native fluent so I took the liberty of saying "we."
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 19:06:22  131878400
How you learned it so good? How many time it took?
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 19:18:25  131879050
I've been in touch with English since I was 10 and that's mostly what I owe my fluency to as children of that age are much better at acquiring language skills than adults are. I wouldn't have been this good at it if I'd started at, say, 18.

Never read any books though, not even the legendary Murphy book which I've just advised to you. I would listen to and read whatever I liked, try to get as much practice as I could and given the age, my English got pretty decent in like a year or two. That's basically it.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 19:27:08  131879526
I read your post and all I feel is envy. So if I'm 20 and my English is pre-intermediate at best, I will never can speak like you?
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 19:31:17  131879772
It's never too late. You'll be slower at learning, however you can attain near-native fluency in a few years. It all depends on how much effort you're going to put in.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 19:32:05  131879821
don't listen to that smug piece of shit u can get better than him. everyone can.
Аноним 15/07/16 Птн 19:52:03  131881134
No one has tried to find a mistake in Da Rules so far, that's odd.

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