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Аноним # OP  21/07/16 Чтв 14:47:03  132293652  
14691016235760.jpg (1152Кб, 4032x3024)
Hello, Russian fans, my name is Matthew Damon and I am here to promote my latest film JASON BOURNE.
Go ahead and ask me anything! Watch the trailer and catch it in theaters July 29th.
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 14:51:52  132293938
Hey Matt, what brings you here specifically?
Anyway, I've always wanted to ask: you often play bad guys, let's be honest, insufferable cunts, so how do you feel about it? Are there some special tricks in playing villain you'd like to share?
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 14:52:11  132293956
How much watch?
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 14:53:17  132294012
14691019971960.png (284Кб, 955x507)
>>132293652 (OP)
Seems photoshop guru 80 lvl here.
Аноним # OP  21/07/16 Чтв 14:53:39  132294031
That's a great question. The thing about acting is often time what happens is you end up being a jack of all trades and a master of none. So I've had to learn things for instance, like being upside down underwater in a car which required me to learn. I went to a swimming pool in Berlin everyday after work and practiced being at the bottom with a scuba tank, getting my air taken away, and tying shoes and doing small menial activities without my air in order to be comfortable underwater so I could shoot that scene. I didn't walk away being certified as a scuba diver which would probably be a better use of my time, but I walked away being able to be in a car underwater and perform the scene I needed to performed, so it's an odd set of skills you end up learning. Though I did for the Bourne movies start boxing and I never did that before, I was 29 and I fell in love with doing it. I never did it as a sport. I wouldn't put me as a ring against anyone. I'm an excellent movie fighter, probably wouldn't be in a real fight.
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 14:54:03  132294054
Why you again? What happened to Jeremy Renner?
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 14:54:30  132294070
Ya proigral sorry
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 14:57:03  132294209
Matt, why are you copying your own replies from your Reddit AMA? Tell me, are you real Matt Damon?
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 14:58:08  132294274
praise kek or you'll die
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 14:58:30  132294298
Паста с хохлочана, расходимся.

Привіт російських уболівальників, моє ім'я Метью Деймон, і я тут допомогти моїй останній фільм ДЖЕЙСОН БОРН.
Йдемо далі і питайте мене що-небудь! Дивитися на причепі і зловити його в театри, 29 липня.
Аноним # OP  21/07/16 Чтв 14:58:48  132294313
What do you mean? Of course I am real.
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 14:59:35  132294352
>>132293652 (OP)
Ochen huyovi fotoshop
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:00:20  132294389
inb4 OP pic
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:01:13  132294439
The openig picture seems shopped and this, with your copied reply, makes us doubt you are you. We are asking for a more reliable proof, Matt.
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:03:45  132294559
ты чё пидрила бля
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:04:38  132294593
Yes I aM real Mat Demon
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:05:38  132294650
>>132293652 (OP)
Your photoshop skills are so godlike!
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:06:49  132294705
14691028100820.png (236Кб, 861x927)
>>132293652 (OP)
Do you suck dicks? Do you do a barrel roll?
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:06:56  132294712
14691028169060.jpg (33Кб, 604x476)
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:08:34  132294778
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:12:03  132294956
14691031234510.png (39Кб, 1152x615)
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:13:45  132295030
Лел. Делать бочку.
Аноним # OP  21/07/16 Чтв 15:14:14  132295062
Unfortunately I have no idea what you are talking about, sorry.
Also reported an avatarfag.
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:20:17  132295360
Reported an American spy to KGB. They're coming for you, pal.
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:26:52  132295714
I reported behind your your pink cheek, Maria.
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:30:03  132295893
> Maria
You should've used Maggie instead to be more authentic.
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:31:08  132295965
>>132293652 (OP)
>этот божественный фотошоп
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:32:43  132296065
Thx, I'll take note of your comments.
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:33:14  132296098
>>132293652 (OP)
Кто? Матвей Демин? Матвей, купи фотошёп!
Аноним 21/07/16 Чтв 15:36:05  132296243
>>132293652 (OP)
Метю, а это правда что вы с Бэном Аффлеком в жопу дружите после школы?

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