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Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:09:05  133995451  
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Da Rules:
1. You do not write anything in Russian
2. You DO NOT write anything in Russian
3. If you do write something in commie speak, you get your face pissed on immediately
4. Don't correct anyone's mistakes unless asked to. If you do, you get your... y'know what'll happen
5. Gibberish like "sasai pindos obama chmo" is not welcomed. Who cares though
6. Don't put "though" at the end of your every last sentence thinking it makes you sound less runglishy. It doesn't, though
7. There are no rules really, do whatever the fuck you want
8. Rolls aren't forbidden
9. This is the most retarded thread on /b/
0. You're welcome
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:09:30  133995473
instant bump
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:11:11  133995577
писька пизда
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:11:31  133995600
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:12:15  133995647
Fuck you , and it's all , i can't write any more
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:12:28  133995658
Hi. How are you?
I have just graduated from the institute of Entrepreneurial Activities in Minsk.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:13:18  133995706
> can't
no, you're a cunt
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:14:33  133995763
Glory to Ukraine
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:15:01  133995788
>>133995451 (OP)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:16:17  133995845
That luck, seems funny enough.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:16:37  133995866
Does anybody want to freshen up (the?) job related vocabulary?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:16:43  133995872
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:17:09  133995891
I've been waiting a long time for this thread
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:17:53  133995921

Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:18:17  133995943
Congrats. Any plans for the future? I for one got expelled from the third year.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:18:20  133995945
ха, пиндосы собрались)))) путин вас всех трахнет))((
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:19:19  133995994
cyka blet
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:19:34  133996009
Sucks I don't got no speakers. What're you saying?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:19:50  133996020
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:20:33  133996054
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:20:47  133996069

It depends on who you are, >>133995866-kun or >>133995891-kun.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:20:59  133996076
писька попка кек
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:21:42  133996121
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:21:56  133996134
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:22:13  133996146
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:22:13  133996147
The gayest voice I've ever heard.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:23:03  133996186
You've yet to hear mine.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:23:07  133996191
Sup, bernd. I need your honest opinion on rushkowan bydlo.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:23:23  133996201
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:23:37  133996212
Let us hear it.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:23:44  133996218
Neither of them.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:23:47  133996223
Oh, gosh! I hate listening to my own voice. It sounds like I am retarded
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:24:42  133996267
That's what she said! ,_,
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:24:51  133996276
I'm too shy for that.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:25:04  133996286
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:25:05  133996288
14711019056720.jpg (25Кб, 552x377)
That feel when only few people around you can speak a proper English.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:25:58  133996345
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:26:26  133996368
14711019866100.jpg (28Кб, 320x440)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:27:02  133996398
паста про демона чистоты
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:27:48  133996449
14711020686330.jpg (164Кб, 1280x960)
14711020686361.gif (1900Кб, 252x252)
That feel when nobody gives a damn
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:28:01  133996462
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:30:34  133996622
Runglish isn't a word. kys OP.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:31:06  133996656
(warning: high volume) http://vocaroo.com/i/s1NXEYyoI9c2
So, do you have any earplugs with a mic?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:32:27  133996740
как сказать по английски "ох, нихуя себе у тебя интернет в телевмзоре"
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:32:48  133996758
Hi guys. Look, my english is very bad, becouse I'm not give to myself time to learn this language. May be you give me a some councils how i can to develop my knowledge at this area? Somthing about grammatic. Anything?
Fo example: I dont know when I can to use "were", " are", "that", " which" etc
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:33:22  133996784
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:34:47  133996868
Holy shit. You have internet in your TV. Amazing
I don't english, you hear :)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:36:38  133996985
I work as a groozchik, so I basically have no future.
what's the English for грузчик?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:36:49  133996996
I know there's a problem with my micro but I don't have another one :/
So, where did you study english?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:37:52  133997043
пошел нахуй
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:38:16  133997074

Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:38:34  133997092
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:38:58  133997115
обосрался с этого омежного рязанского акцента
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:39:26  133997141
о господи еще один, в голосяндру
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:39:37  133997157
Google says it is going to be "a loader".
It is you, actually, who makes ypur future. Sounds like a stupid citation or quotation if you like but it is true.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:40:13  133997191
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:41:34  133997273
14711028944790.png (21Кб, 250x250)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:42:28  133997315
They were hate you at the time.
Are you dumb?
That stuff in your head called brain? I don't think so.
Which stage of brain cancer do you have?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:42:34  133997320
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:42:51  133997334
If you pretend to be a native speaker so you can obviously demonstrate us your perfect phonetics and prosody. But you will not, because you are an idiot.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:43:06  133997350
>They were hate you at the time.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:44:56  133997444
Why, father?
Why are you so violent ?
I just want to speak english like you...
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:45:03  133997449
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:45:13  133997455
A week ago I started working on my accent with Gene Zerna, but before that I had recorded my accent so that I could see results after some time.

Here is the text I read:
Nancy was new to America. She came to America speaking only her native language. She brought her 8-year-old son with her. He was all she had in the world. 

They found an apartment in Arcadia. They were there for only two months when a neighbor's dog jumped over the fence. The dog ran toward Nancy's son. Nancy put her body in between the dog and her son. The dog stopped when it saw Nancy screaming at it. She was going to punch it in the nose. The dog turned around.

Shaking, Nancy took her son upstairs. They stayed in the apartment all weekend. Then Nancy found another apartment, close to the school that her son was going to attend.

She and her son walked everywhere. One day her son started coughing badly. He had an asthma attack. All the walking was making his asthma worse.

Nancy knew that she had to buy a car. So she called up the Honda dealer. She talked to a salesman who spoke her language. She told him that she wanted to buy a new car if he could come over to pick her up. The salesman said he would be right over.

Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:45:53  133997496
>They were hated you at the time.
Лучше не стало.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:46:06  133997510
Ну не позорься, англичанен.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:46:46  133997544
How do I learn to pronounce "What" properly, guys? It's kinda embarassing when you speak english relatively well and unable to enunciate the vital english word. When I try to say this word it always sounds like "wat" or "wot" and, try as I might, I can do nothing about it. Am I the only one who suffers from that problem?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:47:19  133997575
If somebody needs any rule of english explained ask me. I'm not going to say I am an oxbridge university professor but I have some knowledge in the area. /Love you/
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:47:20  133997578
14711032408370.jpg (335Кб, 1600x1000)
>>133995451 (OP)
Оп хуй слава руси
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:47:22  133997580
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:47:28  133997584
>>133995451 (OP)
You are fucking uneducable
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:48:17  133997624
doesn't really work я пытался сказать. Знаю, хуёво.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:50:10  133997747
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:50:46  133997770
14711034467790.webm webm file (8889Кб, 640x360, 00:01:40)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:50:52  133997781
It's pronounced as ўот. The ў is not present in our language, but Russians have no trouble with it. So which exact sound are you struggling with.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:51:12  133997812
>So which exact sound are you struggling with?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:51:38  133997846
14711034987300.png (326Кб, 515x287)
Do you command the Unsullied
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:51:58  133997872
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:51:58  133997874
14711035188600.gif (3753Кб, 700x298)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:52:02  133997878
What's the difference between reticent and taciturn?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:52:53  133997922
сажа лохам опущенным
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:53:21  133997957
Depends on accent. Different people say it in different ways.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:53:23  133997960
Ok man, look.
What I need for learn grammatic.
I just can't to remember when I must use "that, " which", "been" etc. Something about grammatic english. May be you can to teach me? :)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:54:05  133998002
So how much dicks do you suck per day?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:54:10  133998005
>The ў sound is not present...
fix again
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:54:33  133998035
eighty year old son?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:55:08  133998069
мам посмотри, я не могу найти себе англоговорящих друзей и практиковать с ними английский, мне проще на борде для школьников создать тред и говорить на английском с даунами, которые его знают на уровне пятилетнего ребёнка)))))))
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:55:53  133998112
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:55:53  133998113
14711037539920.webm webm file (2556Кб, 640x480, 00:00:13)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:56:07  133998133
All my friends are here, including English-speaking ones.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:56:14  133998137
Read R. Murphy's English Grammar In Use, the bible for English learners.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:56:31  133998161
Ha-ha, very nice. These words are synonyms and you know it.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:56:32  133998162
Some between five or six.
What's the problem?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:56:37  133998167
Proigral, blyad
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:56:38  133998173
You need so much to learn, you have to learn from the beginning.
Read some elementary school books or watch some TV shows or anime with subtitles.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:56:55  133998188
I have trouble with the ў sound. It just doesn't go out of my mouth properly and sounds pretty unnatural. Even though it's fine as long as people understand me, it's a little bit embarrasing.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:57:52  133998233
the syn.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:58:10  133998254
Okay then, next question. Is it "deft at smth." or "deft in smth."?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:58:57  133998309
>reticent and taciturn
He obviously meant grammar rules you asshat.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 18:59:16  133998325
Ok, I undestood.
Thank's :3
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:01:01  133998422
14711040621070.png (26Кб, 400x400)

Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:02:49  133998529
but you don't need the article there
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:04:23  133998621
I would say deft in similarily to keen in but this is not a grammar rule. I told you about grammar
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:06:16  133998734
Why? The word 1 is the synonym of the word 2
These words are the synonyms, aren't they?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:07:05  133998770
I like every gay in this thread.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:08:10  133998840
Selfish bastard.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:09:21  133998902
>keen in
It's "keen on" of my memory doesn't fail me.
Preposition usage is pretty much of a grammar thing, so.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:09:25  133998905
I hate myself, I want to die.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:09:42  133998922
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:10:34  133998986
Same shit bruh. Let's fuck
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:10:37  133998991
Please don't, we need you. Even if we don't say it.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:11:48  133999072
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:11:56  133999083
The thread's somewhat dead.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:12:30  133999120
Как выучить нормально английский? How learn norm english?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:12:50  133999146
You are right. deft in
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:13:23  133999174
You just beresh i uchish. Without any zadnyaya thought.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:13:55  133999205
What you mean saying "norm". What field are you going to use it in?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:14:03  133999218
I've just finished watching men's 100m race in brazilian olympics, Husain Bolt is very fucken fast, no doubt he gonna be olympic champion again. I've also watched one of the runs earlier today, there were 7 niggers and 1 white runner from macedonia. And white guy came to the finish first. I lold so much.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:14:16  133999230
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:14:20  133999235
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:15:10  133999293
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:15:59  133999341
Мутко, залогинтесь.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:16:52  133999398
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:17:30  133999434
What you mean saying "Xz". What field are you going to use it in?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:17:41  133999444
The more you wonder, the further you are from being fluent
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:17:52  133999455
I wish i could cut through your chest get out your heard, grill it and eat with nice Chianti.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:18:30  133999494
I'm nothing go home with you
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:18:47  133999514
I'd fuck with you, bro. I love you but I have no confidence what i like dicks.
I'm so coward to do it. Don't be afraid of. I'll live all my unhappy life.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:19:43  133999580
Ooh, you wanna go home with me? :3
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:20:27  133999627
Yes, my nigga
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:21:26  133999695
But i'm white as day.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:22:58  133999802
I knew
I hate Sunday
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:23:34  133999842
>I have no confidence what i like dicks.
I wouldn't call it a dick, it's more of a piece of skin with a hole for urine. That contributes to my plight, too.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:23:48  133999859
Look at this fucking racist.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:26:55  134000097
Do you like tuesday? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgZH9s788mQ
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:27:15  134000117
>it's more of a piece of skin with a hole for urine
That's the problem. I'm not sure I'd like to deal with it.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:28:10  134000187
My Internet is bad, sry
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:28:20  134000199
I like Thursday
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:28:25  134000204
>a piece of skin with a hole for urine
Sounds like some kind of cunt.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:29:21  134000249
Съебись. крыса островная
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:29:42  134000265
Hey guys, how a u?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:30:14  134000292
I think you the got wrong dor
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:30:24  134000298
Can smbd introduce yourself?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:30:54  134000323
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:31:03  134000335
Why do you think so? ;D
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:31:12  134000345
sasai pindos obama chmo, though
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:31:21  134000354
The leathers clubs 2 books down
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:31:22  134000356
14711058830640.jpg (930Кб, 1027x1024)
You have no exit on a speed
My semen often guests in your ass
I like to eat something and listen some jazz
I like to fuck the Blew on a studio
I'm a man I wear a jacket
Your girlfriend has beatiful ass
Don't you mind if I fuck her?
Not so hard, just a little bit
Let me do it, bro
Baby-cream, without it it goes tough
And it's true
Her brother, sister, father tired of her
Kappa sport suit, she sucked my dick so I have her spit in my pants
I date you intoxicated by JWH
Ah, there was a passion
How I touch your pussy by my finger
How I had a rag and gasoline in my 11
How I graduate in 16, and ride a limo in 20
Georgian is told shit while he drive
And I was cheated nice at one time
Seek for profit like an Odessa jew
Shave your legs, baby
You have an Rostov rosette
I had a hard-tea ceremony with a Morfin on a bridge, we're rarely see each other
This beat is like a sweetie
I'm like a whale cum in you with this song on background
I have a package with a pack of Optima and Kent
Brew it, bitch
Tires burn
Cop tried to fuck a Gorilla
I drinked cola after the Gorilka
Nevertheless you have a beautiful web on your pussy
Drinked some Putinka
Do you remember that concert in "Third way"
Morfin is doning push ups on bars
Or this is just Rusya cumming
Don't be sad, deliver you in the suitcase in Italia, hugging with the "hatches"
He's yelling "wai-wai, repay", the Uzbek is know the things about a donkeys
We smoke your girlfriend with a "ponika", then with a "bird droppings" and then a shelf of a "powder"
But we gets columbian coke
Lesbian flogging
Do you remember that cops on "Utomka"
Thats died from a couple of tracks
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:31:42  134000383
Faggot club is two blocks down
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:31:44  134000385
Хуя вы уёбочки бля, жиесть)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:31:57  134000397
Go fuck yourself!
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:32:31  134000424
14711059513950.jpg (1094Кб, 2560x1920)
Wanna see a photo? Warning: not safe for work.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:32:46  134000442
You make me hurt :(
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:33:00  134000459
I think your mother will do it better
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:33:00  134000460
sasai pindos obama chmo, though
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:33:21  134000477
sasai pindos obama chmo, though
op is xyu
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:33:25  134000483
near... NEAR
near and I will get get
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:33:41  134000493
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:33:51  134000507
sasai pindos obama chmo, though
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:33:56  134000511
I'm born to be wild
Что блять я сказал сам не ебу, но фраз нравится
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:34:11  134000525
sasai pindos obama chmo, though
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:34:23  134000542
Fukk you
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:34:37  134000556
sasai pindos obama chmo, though
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:34:56  134000578
sasai pindos obama chmo, though
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:35:13  134000598
LoL. Make fun of it
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:35:33  134000619
Fukk you
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:35:59  134000642
>Рожденный быть диким. УУУ БЛЯДЬ!!! ПАКУСАЮ!!!

Лол, в школе вышил на партфике "READY TO FIGHT"
Получил пизды
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:36:25  134000673
Something frightening. I've always known I'm not a gay.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:38:00  134000769
sasai pindos obama chmo, though
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:38:13  134000783
What are some English phrases that seem to mean one thing but actually mean the opposite?
For example, "knock yourself out." While it looks like something rude, it simply means "come on."
Or "you look a perfect sight!" Might sound like a compliment, but is in fact an insult and definitely not something to say to a tyan.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:38:43  134000807
>dat four inch pussy destroyer
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:38:44  134000809
>Рожденный быть диким
Ну спс, теперь хоть знаю как песня называется на русском
Фенк ю, spasibo
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:39:30  134000851
>>133995451 (OP)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:39:32  134000855
Where'd you see four? Two and a half at most.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:39:37  134000862
Come on, guys, say something about my translation
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:39:54  134000877
14711063941190.jpg (2668Кб, 3264x1836)

На тебя свежего голубя, только что сфоткал :з
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:40:39  134000910
Калька с русского произношения. В ингрише пишется chan.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:40:45  134000917
Ну-ка поясни подробнее
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:41:09  134000945
Were you like "fuck them articles, they suck" when writing that masterpiece?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:41:21  134000958
Would bang.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:41:36  134000969
hello from Czech Republic
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:42:06  134000995
Hello from your mom's bedroom
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:42:09  134001001
>>133995451 (OP)
Это шо такое? Вы русские блядь, так и говорите по русски! УВАЖАЙТЕ СВОЙ ЯЗЫК НАХУЙ
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:42:37  134001020
Fuck you slavian scum. You're not allowed here.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:42:41  134001028
Go fuck yourself.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:42:44  134001032
you mean "hello from grave"?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:43:15  134001060
you mean "fuck everybody from us"?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:43:15  134001062
Yep, that's exactly what I meant.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:43:18  134001063
Я белорус! Законом пока на 95% запрещено
Общаюсь сколько хочу
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:43:58  134001102
you mean "fuck everybody but us"?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:44:00  134001106
He meant sexual harassment, i guess.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:44:21  134001125
как сказать по английски "я нихуя не знаю инглиш, идите нахуй уёбки"
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:44:46  134001143
I'd fuck everything that move.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:44:49  134001145
I like homo
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:44:58  134001149
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:45:01  134001151
you mean "fuck nobody but us"?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:45:03  134001155
Пиндосы тупые блять, мрази. Язык предателей России. Валите из нормальный страны к своему Обаме или Укропам
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:45:21  134001173
Ладно, тебе можно. Ты хотя б по русски пишешь
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:45:27  134001184
Ya nihuya ne znayu inglish, idite nahuy uebki
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:45:30  134001187
Who's not with us, is under us!
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:45:36  134001193
I don't know english but enjoy fucking piglets
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:45:39  134001197
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Bawo ni? Gorelanse ganja?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:45:54  134001222
I am so stupid and don't even know fucking english, fuck off bastards.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:46:10  134001239
I don't know jack shit about English, fuck off you bastards.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:46:24  134001253
там че-то про свиней?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:46:32  134001264
>по русски
Скоро и такое запретят....
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:46:46  134001276
Break a leg
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:46:59  134001290
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:47:07  134001294
"Я не знаю английского, но обожаю ебать поросят"
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:47:19  134001304
Such royal food! You have to be so much happy.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:47:55  134001338
translate this on english, i am not russian
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:49:07  134001422
как сказать по английски "нахуя ты мне сиськи своей сестры скинул? ты че ебанутый?"
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:49:14  134001431
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:49:26  134001441
depends on how you read it
>enjoy (fucking piglets)
>(enjoy fucking) piglets
all according to Freud
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:49:26  134001442
"You look terrific!"
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:49:37  134001453
А капчу то эти дауны вводят на русском... Ясно все
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:50:00  134001477
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:50:25  134001502
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:50:37  134001519
14711070374930.jpg (13Кб, 200x171)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:50:42  134001520
Наслаждаюсь ёбаными поросятами? Не, я именно первый вариант имел в виду.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:51:05  134001544
Это шо такое? Вы русские блядь, так и говорите по русски! УВАЖАЙТЕ СВОЙ ЯЗЫК НАХУЙ
What the hell is that? You are Russian, so speak Russian. Appreciate your language on the dick
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:51:10  134001552
If it's russian forum it looks strange that your admin - Nariman.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:51:44  134001581
Фак ю.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:51:46  134001585
Я так и думалю
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:52:02  134001600
>Appreciate your language on the dick
I'd appreciate your mother on the dick, if you catch my drift
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:52:06  134001605
14711071266270.jpg (38Кб, 450x360)
ЕОТ позвала тебя к себе на день рождения, ты приходишь к ней домой и видишь пикрелейтед. Твои действия?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:52:07  134001607
Why the fuck did you send me your sister's boobs? Are you fucking nuts?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:52:17  134001619
> can't
>no, you're a cunt
shiit'd for all Ivanovsk city
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:52:36  134001639
О ноу, фак ю
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:52:47  134001646
i am czech
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:52:56  134001656
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:52:58  134001659
Тащемта есть две капчи. Какую сам введёшь, какую ботом взломаешь?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:53:24  134001686
14711072044770.jpg (37Кб, 640x480)
>Ты ебешь орехи?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:53:57  134001709
Пою "Ты ж мени пiдманула"
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:54:17  134001734
Did a fucking barrel roll into this thread, sup?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:54:30  134001749
напишите мне список английских обзывательств
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:54:33  134001754
The phrase is "are you nuts?", I added "fucking" for emphasis.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:55:23  134001807
14711073234630.jpg (20Кб, 400x299)
"Ты - орехи?"
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:55:44  134001830
Fucking bastart. Tell me your address. Come on. Don't be such a pussy. I'll kick your ass.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:55:47  134001834
Faggot, fag - пидор
Shit - говно
Cunt - пизда
Bitch - сука
Whore, slut - шлюха
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:55:53  134001838
"Nuts" - "ебанутый", ебанутый.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:56:01  134001850
Ты Adventure Time смотришь?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:56:29  134001871
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:57:06  134001905
а бастард?ещё есть типа довн морон и морон
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:57:06  134001906
Хуй пизда Джигурда ааааааааааааааа!
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:57:11  134001910
Tah Russian cunt doesn't know even simple phrases, what a common problem for you, yeah, you pig?
"Nuts" is used like "mad" in many phrases, retard. No questions.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:57:22  134001923
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:57:24  134001926
>>133995451 (OP)
I two days waiting for this thread.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:58:12  134001969
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:58:16  134001973
Down - вниз, это не оскорбление
Moron - дебил
Bastard - дебил
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:58:38  134001987
And you still fucked up your greeting-phrase. Come fucking on.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:58:50  134001999
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:59:19  134002038
ну Down Moron типа тупее дибила
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:59:24  134002040
Faggot, bitch, asshole... English profanity isn't as rich as Russian, yeah. While they build the world's number one nation, we come up with new ways to insult each other.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:59:26  134002045
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 19:59:46  134002066
"Bastard" is not the same thing with "dumbass", are you kidding.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:00:12  134002089
i dunno what are you writin' but i will learn russian language
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:00:25  134002096
Сука, первый трипл на двачах рандомным говном словил...
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:00:57  134002129
CZECH YOU? YES What CZECH! CZECHOSLOVAKIA IS SOON AS USSR, ALL YOU UNDERSTAND! They are all there all understand, only you do not understand
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:02:14  134002193
We need some guarantees of that happening. Your anus perhaps.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:02:16  134002196
I not going anywhere.
Suck it, fag
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:02:24  134002202
14711077442800.jpg (39Кб, 400x568)
fucking fuck, fuckers.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:03:05  134002244
>>133995451 (OP)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:03:11  134002248
Then you're twice as bad as I suspected.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:03:49  134002280
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:04:51  134002330
go to huy
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:04:57  134002338
Hi, my name is Alexander Krasnov, i'm 30, imma journalist and i fuck system in the mouth. I like girls, girls like me, today i was in journey, it was ok.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:05:26  134002370

HERE ALL WRITE IN ENGLISH , enough to invent !
HERE ALL WRITE IN ENGLISH , enough to invent !
HERE ALL WRITE IN ENGLISH , enough to invent !
HERE ALL WRITE IN ENGLISH , enough to invent !
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:05:29  134002376
ello blazehs nafakers ere
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:05:54  134002411
you what bitch you what
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:06:20  134002435
how about Ritsu-chan's anus?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:06:20  134002438
When you be sleep, I will come to you and will fuck you in asshole.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:06:49  134002468
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:08:45  134002587
Shut up both.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:10:45  134002707
It's fine, but I still prefer yours as a guarantee.
Atleast it's not Mio-sempai's one <3
>when you be sleep
Fucking hell, kys fag.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:11:27  134002754
Why are you silent? I think what you'll like it, so... I just will fuck your mother, ok?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:11:38  134002765
Or what? Uh? WHAT WILL YOU DO? Cry and run straight to your mom? How terrifying.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:12:14  134002808
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:12:32  134002818
What you want, manya?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:12:47  134002829
If you think I'm silent then the only sex you have is five gay-niggers with your dead brain.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:13:19  134002861
Is there any beautiful girl with ass and titties? I'd like to have some sex.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:13:22  134002862
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:13:34  134002871
>what you want
This savagery is actually continues.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:14:51  134002952
I see what your the language is sharp, but I have a hairy ass.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:15:09  134002964
Where is my mind?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:16:32  134003038
I don't see any advantage out of this unless being fucking hairy monkey from mountains you already are.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:16:38  134003048
I don't understand you, please speak Russian.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:17:30  134003094
How did you learn english? I'v watch video, movies, play games, read 4ch, but never write. So my grammatical is really bad.
correct, please
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:17:45  134003111
spoken in your mouth, check it
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:20:42  134003277
You need to go to the doctor.
Is that a joke???? With me you better not kidding!!! Who am I saying?!!!
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:22:49  134003372
Take up your words. Can't see anything.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:23:19  134003400
Сorrected you on the cheek
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:24:41  134003473
What's all this markup fuckery?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:24:42  134003474
Yeah, I already recognized that you're so weak you can't teach English even to kid's level.
>read 4ch
Fucking hell, the site where emo boys post everyday their naughty shit without even pretending to be good at language cos the only educational thing they get everyday is fap threads is a good source of language knowledge.
You actually answered your question by yourself - just practice more with writing and grammar. That's so obvious.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:26:50  134003573
I can only take your mother to a prostitute.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:29:08  134003704
>You need to go to the doctor.
I don't think so. I don't feel either sick or wrong so your advice is completely pointless.
My advice to you is like go to someone who'll make you useful to society. And you should anyway close this site cos it seems like you're either kid or just mentally insane.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:31:18  134003821
>practice more with writing
To shy for this shit, but thanks anyway.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:31:39  134003839
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:32:04  134003869
>Sitting on boards for kid and mentally insane.
>You're either kid or just mentally insane.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:33:23  134003938
*Pissing on moron
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:34:13  134003996
Such a rude boy. Is your holidays going to the end?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:36:59  134004171
Oh come on you're shy on writing.
Aren't you shy when you're wanking on some porn cos NASA or some other shit watches you doing it?
Since you're mentally insane, I'll explain you.
Your expectation is not always reality like in this case.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:37:10  134004180
>Is your holidays going to the end?
Is your mother going to the big dick?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:38:36  134004275
Piss at you through the monitor.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:39:14  134004301
Your grammar shows the same thing.
Wash up your monitor, mad kid.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:39:31  134004325
14711099713360.jpg (48Кб, 460x215)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:40:13  134004357
Why are you making English posts here, when you can go to 4chan?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:41:39  134004444
Cos 4chan is obviously worse.
Fuck off.
And kill yourself. Your questions are that bad you actually should to commite your life with suicide.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:42:10  134004479
You can consider this thread as a branch of 4chan and don't ask stupid questions.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:42:40  134004505
пойду посру
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:42:53  134004518
14711101737120.png (211Кб, 294x289)
>commite your life with suicide
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:43:04  134004529
I'm not entirely sure, but that thing should be named differently.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:44:08  134004596
>1st post in English thread
Oh, you will love it.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:46:40  134004739
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:46:54  134004758
Okay. But firstly I will put dick in your mouth, you limp-dicked fag.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:47:40  134004800
>>133995451 (OP)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:49:43  134004911
>piss at
>shy on
>wanking on
>explain you
>either kid
>teach English
>to kid's level

Your misuses of English make me cringe.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:50:02  134004924
Your penis is so tiny you can't even see it, how can you be sure it's in my mouth?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:51:35  134005020
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:52:48  134005095
What's fucking wrong with "practice"?
Still better then "when you be sleep". Fucking hell.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:55:30  134005259
>Still better then

Oh boi with your guboi
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:55:37  134005271
Bastard - скорее, ублюдок.
Sorry, do not kill me for some Russian words.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:55:59  134005291
practice is a noun, practise is a verb.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:58:12  134005442
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 20:58:20  134005452
Fucking hell. As always, my brain starts to melt down after some English phrases cos I actually stop to think intensive about pronucation, grammar and other shit.
Will know.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:00:23  134005611
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:01:34  134005688
>stop to think
are you doing this on purpose
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:04:06  134005863
The fuck are you saying at the end? What I hear is "Get good, mate, get fucking good, I."
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:04:22  134005882
Even though that was a bit of a joke out here, I'll still answer. Fucking no, I DO NOT want to mistake after every word, but this is like reflex or something.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:05:09  134005943
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:06:00  134005997
It seems like there's some nazi Germans in this thread.
But for real, he says "bye".
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:06:56  134006059
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:07:00  134006064
Next time you try to speak please care to put the dick out of your mouth. A'ight?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:08:22  134006168
Guys, what do you thik about papa franku?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:09:06  134006204
he sucks ass imo
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:09:38  134006242
Fucking hell. If it's really the thing he says then I guess this "when you be sleep"-guy has better pronucation than out worst sensei in the entire universe does.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:10:36  134006320
Who's that?
Filthy Frank I guess?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:11:44  134006392
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:13:31  134006500
>>133995451 (OP)
fuck you козлина, пошел нахуй motherfucker SUCKA BLYAT!!!!
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:16:37  134006706
Waddup bitches
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:18:02  134006790
I dunno honestly. I don't watch him. He's just doing retarded shit and it's fun for a lot of people, but honestly I do not like him much. But neither I can call him a good content creator nor bad one. But his Japanese 101 series might be useful to anyone who do not want to study with boring books and more boring videos and just want to have some fun too.
Personally I prefer Pyrocynical and bunch of fucking letters code: NFKRZ.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:19:22  134006873
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:20:04  134006918
fucked up a little
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:21:27  134007005
>talking about British accent
>doesn't even pronounce mate like MAIT
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:22:21  134007064
cry some more
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:23:15  134007121
Сань, хуй саси
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:23:21  134007128
Hey what do you folks think about this?


Worst Case Of Social Phobia

Hi, I'm a 23 year old guy from Russia, kissless virgin, no friends, and all that. I haven't talked to anyone since I was in high school, provided that all these "do you want a plastic bag? - no, thanks" talks don't count. My speech center seems to have deteriorated to the point where I have trouble speaking my native language -- not only because I'm so shy but also because my brain just forgets how to speak.
I'm scared of people. I'm afraid of walking on the street. I always feel like someone's going to punch me right now. Fear and shame is all I feel when I'm in public. I do have a job, but it's really hard to me to spend another 8 hours among these dreadful creations called humans. I can't look in the eyes. I even have trouble passing by people any closer than 4-5 feet...

At work people think I'm rude. Or mentally retarded since I never say anything.
As someone said, "sociophobia is when you're afraid to sneeze in public because they'll say 'bless you' and you won't be able to make yourself say thanks."
Sometimes I even fail to reply to a "hi." How it happens: I'm deep lost in thought just like always, they say "hi," it takes me a few seconds to get back to the Earth and realize that I should say "hi" too, but it's too late already...
While I can reply to a "hi" from time to time, I'm absolutely incapable of saying "thanks," even when someone does me a real favor, not just saying "bless you" -- for example, returning my pack of cigarettes that has fallen out of my pocket. I just take the pack saying nothing, and it looks... just weird.
Another word I have trouble with is "sorry." When you accidentally push someone or tread on their toes, this simple word can help you avoid that awkward situation where they stare at you for a few seconds and then look away thinking "what an asshole."
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:23:28  134007136
>implying any form of criticism is crying
What a bait.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:24:05  134007185
Russian pig, stop promoting yourself.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:24:13  134007194
What a retarded person u must be if don't speak english in fucking 2016. That's embarassing for every non english speaking piturd.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:24:27  134007210
14711126677090.png (5Кб, 400x400)
What a 4chan? ,ebaniye vi hui?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:25:13  134007261
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:28:05  134007462
Niall, log on.
>no BLUDI ELL MAIT after every word
>implying he has a British accent
Ok we got it calm down.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:30:56  134007649
sasai pindos obama chmo, though
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:32:02  134007728
You probably wanted to say
>How retarded do you have to be if you don't speak English in twenty-fucking-sixteenth
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:32:42  134007767
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:32:43  134007770
You can't see anything coz my cum is all over your face.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:33:46  134007845
Sup, my English is bad. How are you?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:34:51  134007920
Stop nitpicking will ya.
Also, this is a stereotype. But yes, it is used, not "after every word" though.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:41:22  134008322
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:41:40  134008340
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:41:56  134008357
Hi. Anything of interest in this thread?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:42:27  134008399
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:42:37  134008409
But it's just that funny I cannot resist.
Btw are you just British random buddy or you have trained a lot to get British accent?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:43:17  134008453
That's boring.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:44:25  134008526
Fuck off, faggot. Fuck your mother.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:44:52  134008564
Hello everybody
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:45:05  134008577
All that "how are you doing" fuckery is the essential part of communication in English.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:45:29  134008611
>Btw are you just British random buddy or you have trained a lot to get British accent?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:46:39  134008716
Ya uchu english language s pomoshu rosetta stone. How many lessons doing in one day?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:46:45  134008727
But if you really think that, i'm flattered
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:46:54  134008737
14711140143870.jpg (40Кб, 731x600)
I haven't even started to impose myself to start with.
Yeah, i'll get back to kraut then.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:47:47  134008803
Fuck, srry, I was afk. I have pasted a scotch at any camera at my device. Even phone camera. So I never use phone in a people how is it sounds correct?.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:48:50  134008875

1. Refer to a random post
2. Translate it as best as you can
3. Get pissed on for your hideous Runglish

Rolling >>134008802
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:49:12  134008895
Fuck, rolling again >>134008874
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:49:30  134008917
No, fuck you very much.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:51:00  134009013
Boys, I need help.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:52:57  134009127
>That site died long ago. They've made a new one, but it has too few users. The old one was much more popular. It's best to search on VK, there are a lot of communities for disabled people.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:53:00  134009133
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I suddenly lost all confidence after studying grammar.
Never even touched RS.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:57:38  134009447
14711146591210.jpg (629Кб, 1280x1024)
Well nice. Much appreciate all this company. Very happy. Such a good thread. Wow.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:58:30  134009494
14711147106770.jpg (9Кб, 200x200)
>Reifag complains about fun
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 21:59:35  134009553
Kill yourself.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:01:39  134009704
>implying fags should share their character's character.
Very extensive vocabulary.
Sometimes you'll be able to type sentences consisting of three or even four to five words provided they are short.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:07:35  134010127
>implying fags force characters for no reason
Btw the whole thing with you is you actually do share Rei's character as I can see. You just say something to like show people you're exist and just no more basically attention whoring cos of your character. Your type of attention whoring is not terrible but still hurts.
I mean your "cynic and sceptic" phrases that makes no sense.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:07:43  134010139
>Гугли сайт проблеммитингс.
Сдается мне, оп- ньюфаженка, ведь еще пару лет назад аноны искали себе там разных няш. Кто-то облизывался на тяночку без ноги, кто-то вглядывался в водянистые глаза умственноотсталой, а кто-то и вовсе мучительно гуглил, насколько безопасно ронять сосиску в ВИЧ-инфицированных шмар. А за окном всё так же тихо падал снег, и ночь заглядывала в комнату, через плечо битарда, удивляясь вырвиглазному веб-дизайну сайта.
А вот это как вообще перевести?
>Google the site problemmeetings
>I guess OP is a newfag. As far back as two years ago anons would look for girlfriends there. Someone smacked their lips on a one legged girl, someone gazed into the eyes of a retarded girl, and someone wondered how safe it is to stick your dick up an AIDS ridden sluts. And the snow was still falling outside the window, and the night was creeping in the room over the /b/tard's shoulder, surprised by the cringeworthy web-design of the site.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:08:20  134010189
When I was in USA, I had sex with a girl from England. We worked together in a waterpark. It was a work and travel trip. Ahh, sweet memories...
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:08:53  134010224
бля, нафакапил
>at a one legged girl
>stick your dick up AIDS ridden sluts
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:09:22  134010261
>>133995451 (OP)
затролел лошков двачевских))
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:09:23  134010263
You should still kill yourself.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:11:20  134010404
What do you think are the most beautiful words in English? Mine are:

Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:12:00  134010459
cyka blyat
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:12:09  134010472
i am russian and i can break 7 american ''men'' fragile bodies before the police pull me down
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:15:51  134010752
I am just tired and anxious and no, I don't share Rei's personality.
No, this is hardly attention whoring since it is only a second post with a picture of Rei.

Wow, you have actually managed to do it.
I think I already know all your arguments.
I like "to reminisce".
Accommodation is also a good one.
I like the word "epaulette", but I think it's of a french origin.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:16:38  134010806
Shitty words!
The best is: MOIST!
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:18:49  134010969
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:20:36  134011099
remember dudes, gif is pronounced with a hard g, not jif

thats all i have to say
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:21:20  134011154
thank you.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:22:20  134011223
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:24:14  134011387
Your irony is fucked. Your manner of writing is also fucked. Reifag as he is.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:24:24  134011399
under shkonka, rooster
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:25:44  134011498
You've been very helpful pointing out mistakes.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:25:53  134011508
>under shkonka, rooster
No I won't!
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:27:51  134011669
You are welcome
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:28:40  134011739
Sure I am.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:29:27  134011818
dudes, do you want to see my sausage?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:30:20  134011886
I prefer not processed (minced) meat.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:30:45  134011907
>dudes, do you want to see my sausage?
Yes! What kind of meat is it?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:30:51  134011918
Guys, you are far too clever to ever believe in this peace.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:31:09  134011947
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Yo, subhuman slavs. American nigger 4channer here for at Russian chan for the first time ever. Can you point me to your /g/ (technology) board and /r9k/ board? I assume /pol/ is actually /po/ this time.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:31:42  134011997
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:33:19  134012113
is it true in america they lynch niggers?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:38:41  134012516

Not these days. Years of indoctrination has made America almost as afraid of being racist as the contemporary Germans are. Not only are blacks treated more or less equally as other races are, but in some cases like affirmative action (hiring someone for a job or admitting them to a university just for being a racial minority) they are treated better.

But we fuck it up by being more violent and criminal than other races and being completely unselfware about this—hence Black Lives Matter's complete dominance in the media. But there are plenty of Americans sick of our shit who want the race war nao.

But no, no lynchings yet.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:45:40  134013017
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Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:47:22  134013151
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I wish this were actually true. I said it that way for years last decade.


Well memed. But no, the -oist words like "hoist" and "foist" are actually decent. I think these are the shitty words:

- Diversity
- Inclusive
- Marginalized
- Community
- Systemic

I could go on.


Good taste.


I don't doubt it.


Advanced English allows you to execute salutations more colorfully. Example: "Ay yo wuddup nigga, what's good?"
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 22:51:53  134013459
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I'm from Chicago. AMA.


Please answer the question? Didn't mean to offend you.

Specifically, I'd like to visit one of your desktop threads.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:06:13  134014437
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:10:32  134014754
I don't luke Russian government and for me arrive pativenn and say MOLODOY CHELOVEK SADIT'ES NA BUTILKU. And i'm not against.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:14:17  134015049
>Advanced English allows you to execute salutations more colorfully. Example: "Ay yo wuddup nigga, what's good?"
My favorite greeting is this
>Word, fam. Whatcha been up to. (or 10 Ways to Say Hi So Nobody Understands Anything)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:17:30  134015335
did you mean receipt
a wordy way to say receive, like this
I've received your letter -> I am in ye receipt o' thy lett epistle
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:18:41  134015417
lets watch my degrading of speaking language that i studied four years ago
please dudes correct my mistakes
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:22:32  134015708
okay here we go
>Let's see how bad my English skills have deteriorated. The last time I got my hands on it was four years ago.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:26:08  134016012
Prove you're not that shitty troll.
Sup /b/ with date and your american passport or GTFO.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:28:53  134016249
so can you tell me how can i re-learn english just for talking?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:30:19  134016359
Do exactly what you did when learning English for the first time, isn't it obvious?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:32:37  134016548
Ни разу не видел тредов русского языка на 4чане. Вы ебанутые?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:34:37  134016699
>>133995451 (OP)
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:35:27  134016759
but it's really boring, i tried for many times (~5-6) and always i dropped it
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:36:34  134016843
I created a few back in the day, but they all came down to politics/history bullshit.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:41:13  134017181
>>133995451 (OP)
Powel nahui, padla. Kak tebe takoe?
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:46:22  134017565

I say it like "wut".


Thick ass Russkie accent, but intelligble nevertheless.


I don't know which sentences that you have been using these words in. :^)




"Word" isn't a greeting word. You use it as a reply. Like if someone says, "Yeah, I've been doing fine." You say "Word." It's synonymous with "Cool" in this usage.
"Imma go to the store and pick you up some candy." "Word."


Very nice rewording.


Any way to do this with less effort, or nah?


Go to the English parts of YouTube and have conversations with people in the video by playing and pausing whenever they say something.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:46:23  134017567
I'm bored of one girl that liked to ignore me (considering that we regularly kissing and she's doesn't mind)
I think that i need to take more friends and contacts with people around me but i dont know how to do it
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:49:01  134017804
>Any way to do this with less effort, or nah?
Basically, anything that'll prove your nationality.
Except shit that can be bought, flags and stuff, you know.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:51:24  134017983
>"Word" isn't a greeting word. You use it as a reply. Like if someone says, "Yeah, I've been doing fine." You say "Word." It's synonymous with "Cool" in this usage. "Imma go to the store and pick you up some candy." "Word."

Don't you make me give you the link to the article on urbandictionary
>3) can be used as a greeting, hey whats up
How it came about: what's up -> word up -> word
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:53:24  134018129
Im zink it useless thread, go to bikk web and spik in inglish lenguch there, spik in rusi here. ZOG!
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:54:00  134018168
>Very nice rewording.
His sentence was so bad I had to rephrase it. I don't think he actually wanted us to watch his speaking skills degrade.
Аноним 13/08/16 Суб 23:58:53  134018531

I recognize word up. Never heard anyone say straight up "Word" before though. There are regional differences, of course. It's probably an east coast thing.


If I find my camera before I go, I'll snap my ID with timestamp, if anyone really cares that much about proving my American status.


Terrible, troll.


I wouldn't say terrible. I understood what he meant before you corrected it, but he definitely would never fool anyone into thinking he was a native speaker.
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:00:04  134018616
Ima not troll, Ima ork. Fil diference umi!
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:03:27  134018870
I don't know why, but I like when men speak with British accent, but when women do it I get annoyed. I'm like "You posh bitch, speak American, will ya".
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:06:14  134019094
It seems you're actually from America. So tell us how you got there, at what age, what's your job, etc.
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:06:24  134019104
You sound like fucking Indian. Either improve it to be more natural or don't even try and sound Russian.
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:12:42  134019573
did you write it like this on purpose
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:13:29  134019638
> what's the English for грузчик?
I suppose that's "porter".
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:17:31  134019951

I was born here. I'm a black guy from Chicago. I'm in Portland, OR right now for college, but working as a dishwasher until the summer ends.


There isn't just one British accent. You must mean dudes who speak like Tom Hiddleston.


Nah, he doesn't sound poo. He sounds Russian. Unfortunately, it seems the tough big guy Russian accent is just a meme and you all actually sound as pathetic as Germans.
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:22:37  134020330
Как обычно, руснявое говно выёбывается своим ПРОИЗНОШЕНИЕМ. Ничего нового для подобных тредов.
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:24:11  134020441
How did you find 2ch? Can you speak Russian?
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:29:50  134020796
14711237911380.jpg (59Кб, 361x1009)

I was going down the list of chans here:


I wanted to see you all's technology board to see what Russian desktop threads look like. I came to /b/ for some reason and this thread just so happened to be up.

I can't speak Russian but I can read Cyrillic well enough. I studied the revolutionary periods under Alexander II last schoolyear for fun and was considering learning Russian so I could read the manifestoes in the original language, but I've since lost interest.

Can you point me to where I can find desktop threads, or the technology board?
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:31:47  134020927
It's not a meme, you dickhead, it's the Russian sounds. If you don't try at all and just read the English words (for example written in Cyrillic), you so sound like a typical Russian. However if you do try, but not hard enough, it sounds shitty
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:34:24  134021128
want to talk about hobbies
can you tell me pls about your one?
also correct my mistakes pls
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:37:53  134021375

If only you all sounded like this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xks7xtwhRY8

That's an accent I could get behind. No offense to vocaroo guy but he sounds silly in comparison.


I played video games until recently. Cucks and Jews have ruined them now. Now I browse 4chan and learn how to protect myself from the oncoming shitstorm.
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:41:12  134021629
As I said we do sound like this guy, if we don't try
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:43:10  134021772
Hi. sorry for my bad English
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:47:06  134022045
>black guy
It's nigger in Russian
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:49:10  134022202
uh, i'm thinking about snowboard and alpinism but i heard that its VERY hard to start well.
wanna be an interesting guy but i dont know how to find people which can become my friends.
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:51:26  134022371
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I already beat you to it, fam. >>134011947
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 00:54:51  134022609

You can start posting snowboarding threads in your sports board, and when it gains enough traction, you can request a meetup for people in your area to go boarding together. But first, you should maybe make sure you're an actual snowboarder already.
Аноним 14/08/16 Вск 01:31:21  134024958
blyad, i need to find something to do
it is really boring to fucking play fucking games, especially when your friends doing fucking nothing

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