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Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:12:53  135911077  
14735347734170.jpg (250Кб, 1721x999)
Seriously, I can remember that there was an /int/ board here. It's been ages I visited the russian chan. Where did you hide it? Or did it get gulaged?
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:15:34  135911246
>>135911077 (OP)
Nobody have posted there, so our retarded admin deleted it.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:16:03  135911278
14735349639850.jpg (226Кб, 640x480)
pls respond
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:17:57  135911417
14735350777200.jpg (72Кб, 480x700)
khello evrebady, ma name iz dmitry pidor blyat
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:18:33  135911454
14735351137430.jpg (132Кб, 1300x731)
uh oh. Is there an english place here?
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:20:13  135911560
No, I don't think so. It's not like anyone would visit it anyway, so.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:22:01  135911677
У нас был инт, так-то.
Но Абу его проебал.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:22:23  135911698
14735353438270.jpg (1388Кб, 1536x2048)
ok, well thanks for the reply.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:22:58  135911737
У параши.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:25:09  135911868
14735355097140.png (81Кб, 486x456)
>У параши

Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:25:15  135911875
u wanna some vodka?
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:25:54  135911913
y parashi.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:27:29  135912023
Posted nahui pidoras!!!
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:28:07  135912071
We traded our int for Crimea
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:29:48  135912193
Да Abu всю борду proebal.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:30:34  135912237
14735358347400.jpg (143Кб, 608x1080)
sure trade for beer :3 btw I think I had some Russian beer a few weeks ago. Baltika 2 or 4.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:31:13  135912287
/b is the best way to get new russian cultural experience
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:31:40  135912321
Ты не правильно пишешь. Надо так - i ebal your mother become parasha
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:32:36  135912400
14735359562240.jpg (52Кб, 500x334)

yeah that was not really clever, now countries like Germany and France are forced to be against Russia because Butthurtbelt is angry.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:33:49  135912492
/b - caner russian imageboard culture
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:36:19  135912692
well it's the same on KC, that's why I asked for /int/ but well whatever. I bet there are a few decent posters here. How many different posters does your /b/ have? Kc is quite small nowadays. If there are 500 it would surprise me.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:37:38  135912801
The Russian stores only Baltika 0, 3, 7 and 9.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:37:54  135912828
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:38:47  135912896
There are 2600 uniq ip per hour, but you cant get info about amount of posters.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:39:04  135912918

Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:39:27  135912946
iichan for faggots. Viva la 0сhan. RIP
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:40:47  135913059
no not really :3 But tales about Russian prison are quite interesting.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:40:53  135913066
>>135911077 (OP)
Напомните, почему израиль всегда изображают кубиком?
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:41:30  135913125
That place is so much cancer that you actually can't even emagine it. Just close the tab and forget about it. Never come back, lad. That's what I have to advice. Listen to me I'm white among slavs.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:41:56  135913161
Потому что жыды поганые нормальным людям жить не дают. Ух мы им!!!1
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:42:37  135913207
А может запилить инт как юзердоску? Через https://2ch.hk/boardrequest.html.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:43:11  135913251
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:44:22  135913338
Cyka blyat
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:45:19  135913411
I can't read anything here, it's a bit like I'm in the Matrix or whatever.

Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:45:42  135913446
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:47:07  135913553
So what do you do here?
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:47:41  135913599
14735368611750.webm webm file (9201Кб, 480x360, 00:04:26)
14735368613621.webm webm file (6919Кб, 480x360, 00:06:10)
I don't know but

here is some cosy music.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:49:01  135913717
Меня очень интересует проблема с кубиком. Ответь, пожалуйста.
Я знаю, что ты знаешь.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:50:02  135913797

well I was asking for the int board and learned there is none so I stay in this thread for a while. Feel free to post whatever the heck you want.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:51:34  135913921
>Меня очень интересует проблема с кубиком. Ответь, пожалуйста.
>Я знаю, что ты знаешь.

I really don't know, just go on Krautchan.net/int and ask.

Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:52:31  135914003
Пацаны, у меня идея. А что, если устраивать в /b/ ежедневно филиал /int/? Может, тогда Абу это надоест и он забанит всех нахуй создаст /int/?
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:53:25  135914081
Но у нас из иностранцев только ОП, хохлы да казахи.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:54:25  135914169
You can buy a passcode for ~6.5 dollars.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:54:47  135914199
щас бы ради 1 заехавшего иностранца целую доску делать
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:54:51  135914209
Просто нужно продвинуть борду.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:56:28  135914356
14735373882660.webm webm file (133Кб, 854x480, 00:00:02)
Paying for an imageboard seems quite strange to me.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:56:32  135914359
Гостеприимство же, еба.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:58:10  135914507
>eally don't know, just go on K
Почему ты не можешь спросить там для меня?
Я боюсь, они там не очень любят русских. В особенности тех, кто задает вопросы о кубических евреях.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 22:58:41  135914543
Then you just solve that cock-bended captcha
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 23:01:44  135914751
I thought like that too. But when Abu made the closed VIP-imageboard, which can only be accessed with passcodes, I decided to buy one.
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 23:04:13  135914931
14735378534680.png (157Кб, 684x913)
It's not going so well
Аноним 10/09/16 Суб 23:18:00  135915882
14735386802770.jpg (49Кб, 500x357)
Спасибо, что попытался. Держи котика.
Аноним 11/09/16 Вск 00:05:40  135918783
>>135911077 (OP)
they don't have one
sometimes they have english threads, but its mostly a bunch of russians trying to practice english at a 3rd grade level
t. fellow KC member looking for other boards

Аноним 11/09/16 Вск 00:11:11  135919029
14735418715930.png (488Кб, 1888x1852)
bitch, your punctuation tells me you're russian as well. so fucking get off your high horse, it's unbecoming.
Аноним 11/09/16 Вск 00:17:52  135919359
periods are for women :^)
I don't know how I can prove to you im american?
Аноним 11/09/16 Вск 00:18:42  135919395
shoe on head, you know the drill
Аноним 11/09/16 Вск 00:27:17  135919763
14735428375690.png (81Кб, 461x300)
im not putting my face on sosach so putin's elite hacker army can steal my identity on their next Clinton email raid

here is proofs that I have american country ball
Аноним 11/09/16 Вск 00:34:18  135920040
14735432583600.png (179Кб, 588x604)
holy shit, you can use frigate. can i, for the love that is Allah, ask for a simple blowjob from such an upstanding and bright individual? god knows, i need some smarts in m.....i stopped giving a fuck half-way, but felt obligated to finish. Coxian style.
so, my dearest new friend. do the shoe on head routine. and do drop the old cunt shit, i've had enough of that for the last two weeks with MUH CORRECT THE RECORD.

Аноним 11/09/16 Вск 00:38:28  135920187
вот бы он мне отсосал.... эх.
Аноним 11/09/16 Вск 00:39:37  135920221
ему и без тебя неплохо. ну за исключением передоза свинца в теле, да.
Аноним 11/09/16 Вск 00:41:11  135920283
14735436719710.png (161Кб, 530x530)
>>135911077 (OP)
What the fuck, man? Why i can't posting in /vp? I made this madskillz and i can't posting this into /vp.
russian /vp - https://2ch.hk/pok/
Аноним 11/09/16 Вск 00:43:10  135920364
>>135911077 (OP)
Because 2ch is for Russian speaking anons only. If you want to speak english or other filthy crap then go to shitty 4chan dump
Аноним 11/09/16 Вск 00:44:44  135920428
14735438846520.webm webm file (13058Кб, 854x480, 00:02:42)
>>135911077 (OP)
> your forchan allow only VP8 without sound and 3mb file-size
> 2ch allow VP8/VP9 with sound

Аноним 11/09/16 Вск 00:46:33  135920495
14735439931330.jpg (141Кб, 2560x1280)
> 4chan traffic
> 2ch traffic

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