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Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 01:23:14  137885188  
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Ладно, посаны.
Отвлечёмся от ЕОТ тредов, фап рулеточек и анимувыблядков.
Вспомним кое-что хорошее.
Кто-то среди местных олдфагов может вспомнить замечательного товарища пикрелейтед.
На долгое время он пропал, высирая только нуднейшие стримы, на которых он всех подряд банит.
Такое поведение у него началось из-за бабы, как мне кажется.
Я решил поискать инфу, что же с ним стало?
Нашёл бложик по ссылочке:


Помимо очевидного хейта, там собрана довольно интересная информация за несколько лет. Поищу годноту, буду выкладывать сюда.
А вы здесь собирайтесь и стройте теории.
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 01:27:42  137885470
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April cheat's on Spoony with Tyrone

Well it seems that April apparently is cheating on Spoony with Tyrone...uhm that black guy from one of Linkara's erotic fanfictions. How the heck is that even possible, did he magically jump out of the computer and have sex with April when Spoony wasn't looking...or was he?

I have looked high and low and can't find any concentrate evidence that this is even true, if any does have proof then show it. Unless it was just internet drama / trolling to begin with, though people have said she did delete her tweets so who knows. Maybe she did screw Linkara's fan fiction?

The poor guys probably just making stuff up to get attention, and I can't blame him. His exercise video's haven't kicked off, tis a sad day indeed. Someone even went so far as to put the event on his Wikipedia page, citing this is the reason why he closed the comments section. This is four chan level of internet drama, and it's best to stay away from it unless you are actually a troll under the bridge. As the Archfiend (Archfag) would always say, have a nice day everyone.
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 01:30:42  137885630
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Spoony One's Let's Play's are Terrible

I mean it, his let's plays are one of the most boring video's I have ever watched. Heck, even some of DSP's let's plays are miles more entertaining than Spoony's crap. Yeah, I went there. I mean they are almost unwatchable, mostly because it's pure gameplay footage with the occasional crappy "Spoony monologue". His sessions are also bloody too long , I mean who the hell wants to see Spoony play Metal Gear Solid 4 for SEVEN HOURS AND A HALF! It's in bold mother fuckers! And Spoony's engagement during the actual streaming is terrible because all he does is bitch and moan whenever people tell him how to play the game, he gets so salty because he can't stand criticism of any kind.

There's also a ton of ban's whenever he streams, they get banned because he either he doesn't like what they say or they insult him. Even I got banned because I asked when he would be doing another review, I mean it wasn't even harmful and it just shows that he can't stand to see his reflection in the mirror. Anyway, does anyone actually watch the full thing or just bits of it? Because if you sat through the entire stream then I think all hope is lost for you.
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 01:32:42  137885722
>>137885188 (OP)
но я же сюда подрочить лишь захожу.
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 01:33:01  137885740
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April complains about money on facebook

Spotted by a member on the Deadhorseinterchangeable, April has been complaining about money problems on Facebook under a post about Pewdiepie. Here's the entire thing below.

And if you actually read all of that then you deserve a pat on the back, go on you know you deserve it. In other news Spoony has been fucking lazy as usual, but luckily his Patreon has dropped down to 2500 a month so that's a kick right in the balls. However all of this hasn't stopped Spoony from posting on Twitter like a madman, seriously the dude needs to turn his life around.
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 01:37:08  137885960
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можешь подрочить на спуни и его тян
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 01:41:09  137886158
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Spoony One's New House Costed 230,000

Someone over one the DeadHorseInterchangeable found out that Spoony spent 230,000 on his new house, and where the address of said house is. He probably saved up all that Patreon money to make a down payment.
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 01:43:03  137886269
это действительно дом спунчанского
вот ссылочка
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 01:46:16  137886420
Блять, пиздос.
У Спуни патреон был 5000$.
А сейчас штука 300.
Есть мнение, что он наркоте поехал.
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:17:01  137887917
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бамп что ли
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:18:08  137887965
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Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:19:31  137888037
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Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:21:26  137888153
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Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:23:30  137888254
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бамп баяном
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:24:49  137888314
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Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:26:34  137888404
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Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:27:51  137888469
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Иди на хуй семён-шизик
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:28:50  137888505
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чё ты такой злой?
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:29:46  137888552
Иди на хуй, я сказал.
Пожаловался на тред, жди бан.
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:30:09  137888568
за що?
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:30:16  137888576
Эх.. Сразу захотелось Ультимы навернуть.
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:30:53  137888601
а мне больше финалка 10 нравится
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:31:38  137888630
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:32:18  137888661
А мне тян которая авафажила этим спуни вяло отвечала ВК и в итоге слила общение, а она мне нравилась, пиздец, почему я такой уебан, и тут ты еще напомнил мне.
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:34:18  137888731
ну и что?
мне отказала тянка, которая авафажила довакином
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:34:18  137888732
>>137885188 (OP)
Блядь, кто это и чем знаменит?!
Аноним 16/10/16 Вск 02:34:48  137888752
раньше был с ностальгирующим критиком на channel awesome
сейчас слился

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