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Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 18:42:15  154522657  
Pripjat.jpg (144Кб, 720x482)
Priviet! I speak,write and understand little bit russia, but not so good that I could write it fast or well.. So sorry for that you need to read english, insted of yours beautiful language!

I have some "extra money" to spend and I was thinking to go visit chernobyl area this summer.
Is it good idea to hire "stalker" to guide me illegally in there? :D.

I was surprised when I readed yesterday that there really is lot of stalkers wandering round the zone when they want and almost where they want.
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 18:46:15  154522930
lq.jpg (28Кб, 960x960)
>yours beautiful language
>I readed
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 18:49:44  154523191
YA khochu poyti tuda blyat! I'm drunk and english ain't my national language..
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 18:50:43  154523263
>>154522657 (OP)
Fuck you, pidor
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 18:50:48  154523269
Drochi moy hui sebe v rot
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 18:51:22  154523311
>>154522657 (OP)
сак май болс ллл л л
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 18:52:06  154523358
>national language
ты пидр по национальности
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 18:55:37  154523622
Ya ne znayu
spasibo no, net spasibo
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 18:56:11  154523668
>>154522657 (OP)
Are you retarded? It's safish but not safe-you'll die from cancer if you'll go unprepared. I soloed it,but i lost hair due to radiation sickness.
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:00:02  154523953
>>154522657 (OP)
Ti yobanii drunk monkey! Go sosi pisos! Pidor!
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:00:48  154523999
Anus hair, i bet
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:01:21  154524046
Triple can't lie!!! Muahaha
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:07:57  154524525
Nice how long did you spend time in there? Sorry about you hair, did you go without Geiger counter? I'm planing to prepare well before I go. Geiger counter need to buy, iodate pills, good clothing and map that shows deadly areas, etc..
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:10:09  154524712
>>154522657 (OP)
Даже, читать не стал, ты - мудила, косящий под англоязычного
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:10:12  154524719
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>>154522657 (OP)
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:13:34  154524977
I didn't say that chernobyl is in russia :D.
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:16:04  154525144
Da da..
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:16:28  154525179
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:18:51  154525361
>>154522657 (OP)
1)Go to the Kyiv
2)Find Andriivskiy uzvis
3)Buy the chornobyl tour
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:21:28  154525571
Priviet! Я говорю, пишу и понимаю немного россию, но не так хорошо, что я мог бы написать это быстро или хорошо. Так жаль, что вам нужно читать по-английски, инстинктивно из вашего красивого языка!

У меня есть «лишние деньги», чтобы потратить, и я думал, что летом этого года я займусь посещением чернобыльской области.

Это хорошая идея нанять «сталкера», чтобы вести меня незаконно там? : D.

Я был удивлен, когда вчера прочел, что действительно есть много сталкеров, блуждающих по зоне, когда захотят, и почти там, где они хотят.

Паста с Ссача, расходимся
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:27:01  154525999
Yeah at first I was planning to go tour, but I want something more "exciting" than a tour.
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:29:29  154526187
Zone.JPG (61Кб, 640x426)
Maybe it's time to stop wasting time. Better contact straight to people who do this often and go to nice little vacation with them :D.
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 19:53:29  154528045
Yes,i spent 2 weeks there and all this without geiger counter. I spent too much time at the graveyard,out there it's pretty high rads . But it's interesting overall.
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 20:17:07  154529839
Wow dude you are really hardcore.
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 20:19:28  154529999
Meanwhile, OP is a dick, on Russian sounds like "hyi". ITT he's just another stupid troll
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 20:19:38  154530010
There are mutants and anomalies, are you crazy?
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 20:23:53  154530328
Let see who is the lying radioactive pidor op, when I'm posting pictures top of apartment in pripyat.
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 20:24:59  154530405
I'm ready to see everything that the zone can offer to me.
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 20:59:26  154532850
Hello, my dear friend. I could recommend you to stay at home and drink some tea. Just forget about Cherbobyl.
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 21:04:18  154533180
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 21:31:51  154535163
16-Floor-High-R[...].jpg (53Кб, 500x375)
We will see that in very near future :)
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 23:05:42  154541283
Аноним 05/06/17 Пнд 23:23:10  154542325
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>>154522657 (OP)
Аноним 06/06/17 Втр 00:40:35  154547073
window.jpg (74Кб, 400x424)
Do you still have effects from radiation? Why did you go there without important equipment? You are the man with that past.

Regards gej op

Аноним 06/06/17 Втр 00:42:36  154547187
Паста с форча
Priviet! I speak,write and understand little bit russia, but not so good that I could write it fast or well.. So sorry for that you need to read english, insted of yours beautiful language!

I have some "extra money" to spend and I was thinking to go visit chernobyl area this summer.
Is it good idea to hire "stalker" to guide me illegally in there? :D.

I was surprised when I readed yesterday that there really is lot of stalkers wandering round the zone when they want and almost where they want.
Аноним 06/06/17 Втр 00:46:39  154547442
Yeah that kind of stuff I have been thinking and writing for some reason..

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