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Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:03:27  155150111  
X2ESSkMccyo.jpg (5Кб, 299x161)
This was a triumph.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:04:00  155150153
2SgLv9k3efI.jpg (586Кб, 2302x2160)
I'm making a note here: huge success.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:04:35  155150201
Is5n9GjWhg.jpg (149Кб, 623x613)
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:04:58  155150231
4912-5590.jpg (531Кб, 1600x1280)
Aperture science
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:06:25  155150329
I2UD53XgeeI.jpg (19Кб, 583x405)
We do what we must because we can.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:06:33  155150339
We do what we must, because we can.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:06:57  155150371
i.jpg (11Кб, 225x215)
For the good of all of us
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:07:27  155150407
Except the ones who are dead.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:12:45  155150795
But there's no sense crying over every mistake
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:13:10  155150830
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:13:30  155150863
sacgca9ojvI.jpg (177Кб, 960x955)
And the science gets done and you make a neat gun
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:14:21  155150926
Безымянный.png (587Кб, 574x621)
For the people who are still alive
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:15:35  155151013
wB5ClLqt47c.jpg (56Кб, 640x640)
I'm not even angry.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:15:53  155151034
I'm being so sincere right now.

Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:16:09  155151051
r2ktq5YJn70.jpg (48Кб, 790x824)

Even though you broke my heart and killed me.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:16:26  155151073
14957372843983.jpg (54Кб, 506x720)
And tore me to pieces.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:17:17  155151134
7Gupos4eJ0U.jpg (47Кб, 604x584)
And threw every piece into a fire.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:17:25  155151142
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:17:36  155151157
14972114384050.jpg (63Кб, 700x525)

As they burned it hurt because
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:17:59  155151179
nmuoHMCv7WA.jpg (53Кб, 600x581)
I was so happy for you.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:18:24  155151210
calcmem.jpg (197Кб, 500x500)
Now, these points of data make a beautiful line.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:19:04  155151263
hxhSE8UTty8.jpg (112Кб, 810x1080)
And we're out of beta we're releasing on time.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:19:41  155151306
1489998168343.jpg (60Кб, 604x372)
So I'm GLaD I got burned!
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:20:29  155151364
cwSsPvaZ8c.jpg (61Кб, 650x502)
think of all the things we learned
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:20:57  155151386
AVKf7xY8nWo.jpg (43Кб, 593x655)
For the people that are still alive
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:22:12  155151467
IjOBZGF2upY.jpg (89Кб, 800x693)
Go ahead and leave me.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:22:45  155151510
1380381723878.jpg (71Кб, 566x768)
I think I prefer to stay inside
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:22:48  155151515
Портал хуита. Как и все поделки вульвы.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:23:26  155151559
Ji3MHcG7KXk.jpg (53Кб, 480x800)
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:23:29  155151564
0y7lecklai0.jpg (41Кб, 460x458)
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:24:04  155151617
5bgXQOVymM.jpg (30Кб, 480x360)
Maybe Black Mesa
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:24:55  155151659
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:26:02  155151726
That was a joke, ha ha, fat chance
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:26:57  155151787
hWblgLKg2cE.jpg (37Кб, 600x450)
Anyway this cake is great, it's so delicious and moist
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:27:28  155151820
jhuy1ykL8Vw.jpg (36Кб, 600x430)
Look at me still talking, when there's science to do
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:27:57  155151853
When I look out there it makes me glad I'm not you
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:28:30  155151884
I've experiments to run.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:28:47  155151905
14761346356840.gif (216Кб, 838x650)
I've experiments to run, there is research to be done
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:30:44  155152020
Not+knowing+she[...].jpg (216Кб, 1280x720)
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:30:56  155152032
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:31:18  155152055
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:31:29  155152070
df5182e1-578c-4[...].png (1372Кб, 1000x1158)
On the people who are still alive
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:31:39  155152077
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:32:20  155152119
7anArbpb0c.jpg (25Кб, 417x206)
And believe me I am still alive
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:33:10  155152189
>>155150111 (OP)
С оп поста понял о чём, но до последнего не верил.
Спасибо ОП, напомнил о хорошем.
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:33:37  155152224
0ceeorvB3Oo.jpg (75Кб, 757x1080)
I'm doing science and I'm still alive
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:34:28  155152293
QA6APCdOq2w.jpg (267Кб, 2048x1536)
I feel fantastic and I'm still alive
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:34:58  155152332
wd45c05aa.jpg (288Кб, 1680x1050)
While you are dying I'll be still alive
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:35:18  155152357
I'm doing science and I'm STILL ALIVE
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:35:28  155152369
sewbtGDOBBI.jpg (495Кб, 1920x1080)
And when you're dead I'll be still alive
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:35:48  155152391
dBT1sEdXRfI.jpg (296Кб, 1920x1200)
Still alive
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:42:30  155152871
Still alive
Аноним 14/06/17 Срд 23:43:35  155152952
X2ESSkMccyo.jpg (5Кб, 299x161)
Всем спасибо, я в вас не разочарован
Аноним 15/06/17 Чтв 00:18:10  155155279
На хуй иди быдло.

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