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Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 02:13:12  155906562  
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Sup everyone. Hope you will not mind this English speaker getting on your beautiful board. I was just wondering what you guys think of Russian and living in it. Is it a cool place or a shit one? Also how do Russians see communism and the soviet union today?
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 02:14:44  155906618
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 02:21:44  155906851
>>155906562 (OP)
Quit yo disguisin'
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 02:22:18  155906879
>>155906562 (OP)
Prove your nation or gtfo
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 02:23:34  155906928
>>155906562 (OP)
please take me to your country please
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 02:23:44  155906934
>>155906562 (OP)
>what you guys think of Russian and living in it
Mah, it depends. Some pros, some cons. The thing is, Russia has a great potential (and always had), but it is being wasted by shitty politicians. I personally want to move outta here, cuz fuck this everlasting winter, fuck these shitty politicians, fuck this lack of social elevators and everything.
Also, fuck USSR and fuck communism.
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 02:25:06  155906985
>>155906562 (OP)
>Also how do Russians see communism and the soviet union today?

like history
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 02:36:45  155907389
I mean like is it good or bad? A time to long for ar a thing to look back and hate now?
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 03:09:44  155908435
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>>155906562 (OP)
Sup. Firstly you must remember that people here and most simple russian people have slightly different mentality.
Most people on this board dont like russian government.
For some foreigners from first world most urban part of this country can seem like a shithole (gray commieblocks, dirt, shitty roads, etc.) but it have a good sides in central part. Also most population of east russia, industrial cities and countryside - have mentality of rednecks or white trash, so its more than 60% of population. But in big capital cities there is more civilized people with western mentality.
Russia goes down to authoritarianism and new economical crisis last years, so this motivate me to move out.

Communism is a bullshit. USSR was stronk poor totalitarian shithole, modern russia is much better.
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 03:24:22  155908822
>>155906562 (OP)
We just look on the west and see that life there is better.
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 03:31:04  155908980
>For some foreigners from first world most urban part of this country can seem like a shithole (gray commieblocks, dirt, shitty roads, etc.) but it have a good sides in central part. Also most population of east russia, industrial cities and countryside - have mentality of rednecks or white trash, so its more than 60% of population. But in big capital cities there is more civilized people with western mentality.
>authoritarianism and new economical crisis last years, so this motivate me to move out.

All of this is true for all post–soviet countries.
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 03:35:22  155909082
Its a cool place if you have much money.
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 03:37:13  155909117
>>155906562 (OP)
Were is proofs, Ivan?
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 03:42:29  155909237
Thank you for the detialed insight. Also i do want to fuck that girl yes yes.
Pretty clear as well. Though as the previous person said it could be that this board mostly has that attitude. You got no PC bs at least.
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 03:43:32  155909256
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Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 03:47:56  155909345
>>155906562 (OP)
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 03:50:06  155909392
I just asked a polite question. Are you one of those zombies that is going to swear at this message as well?
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 04:01:54  155909638
Don't pay attention, some of them just playing a fool or schoolkids.
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 04:05:45  155909708
Yea i was thinking of someone who immediately defends mother Russian whenever he sees an English text lol. Would like to hear more opinions btw.
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 04:08:58  155909781
Сука дауны, он же зеленый.
Prove your country, cyka.
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 04:13:57  155909895
I am just originally from Russian but live in the Netherlands. How can i prove that to you? Take a pic of my ID. yea cuz that is smart. I do not have to prove anything to you. just go away and leave.
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 04:22:47  155910014
ven ur ded m8, ppl wont biliv u vivaut pruf cyka blyat
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 04:26:06  155910071
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 04:28:32  155910117
Rash b blyt>>155910071
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 04:29:43  155910132
Commieblocks are beautiful btw. It makes good atmosphere. В черте, в Бутово, Коньково они охуенно выглядят. Гнетущая атмосфера безысходности и скуки, такое только в России
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 04:33:53  155910201
u mad m8?
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 04:34:55  155910218
I can imagine that atmosphere can be pretty co.fy if you are into that. Thanks for your answer.
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 04:39:40  155910298
Блять до чего докатился сосач. Отвечать на сообщения безпруфного идиота. Лол.
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 04:42:52  155910362
Этот парень создаёт как минимум третий тред на ночном. И он не козырял и не троллил типа я из Нидерландов, а вы ваньки ебаные
Аноним 26/06/17 Пнд 04:42:53  155910363
Russia is the cool place full of shit, the true Slavic shit, like chip vodka, fighting versus bride at wedding, and riding on bears with tovarisch leader, of course, I love all my friends, hello for all my children's, break all for brothers

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