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Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:21:32  161136810  
oekaki.png (12Кб, 400x400)
1. Dont tell about english thread anybody
2. Dont tell about english thread anybody ALWAYS
3. Check any mistakes at any posts.
4. Main rules is freedom. Dmitry Petrov just said, dont scary to make mistakes, but be free in conversations.

Lets go.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:23:34  161136950
Теперь это Русский тред
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:23:41  161136958
And what about we will speak there?
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:25:46  161137096
About anything, what makes you sad.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:27:02  161137179
English/Chinese translator ITT
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:28:10  161137262
>>161136810 (OP)
Well, OP, your english is pretty bad. I mean you can't even put words in the right order.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:29:02  161137315
Why western people names chineese 'mandarin'? Does it because of fruits?
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:30:37  161137415
I know. But now i want just write in english without painful correcting every word in syntaxys. For feel of free conversation.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:35:54  161137702
It shouldn't fuck you.
You're pretty pathetic to look at. Kinda makes me sad.
Try to think out what you are fucking gonna write before actually posting it.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:39:18  161137903
Why you so brutal? There not place where a lot of girls, that they waiting, how you show your alpha skills. Be patient, there all are your friends.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:42:57  161138102
This thread is only chance to speak foreing language, because i have no money for travel to Britain, or get visa. Sad but true.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:44:51  161138198
The Bump.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:45:12  161138218
One's IQ lowers dramatically while reading what you just wrote.
I am not a fucking English expert myself and I clearly see it, but you should've learned at least the most basic rules before starting a thread. Your shit doesn't make any sense, you just use English words and build your sentences exactly like they would've been made in Russian.
Just open native-english.ru and look through the rules, it won't take you long.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:46:46  161138305
Im 17 lvl kun, and I speak english as my 2nd native language. Well, its because ive been talking it since i was 5 , so its super easy for me.

Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:47:01  161138319
Sorry, but this is kind of painful to read. I can barely understand what you are trying to say. You really should consider learning the language at least a bit. Watch videos, read books and articles, play non-translated games. Everything helps.

No, it is not named before a fruit. Because "mandarin" in russian is "tangerine" in english. Just think about this: why would ANYONE name a chinese dialect with a russian fruit name? That's just nonsense.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:48:02  161138365
This thread is going down to abyss dramatically fast
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:49:18  161138425
Well, what else did you expect from an imageboard for schoolboys? English is clearly too hard for them.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:51:21  161138531
Nothing to be proud of. English actually is a super easy language to learn. I've been studying it for nearly 10 months now and I can see that it's one of the most easiest things in the world. I wish Japanese or Chinese were as easy as English is.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:51:25  161138536
Nobody learns it in here, because nobody even conciders going abroad, being too poor for that. So english in russia - is more like PLATINUM LUX VIP class priviledge, instead of neccessarity
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:52:52  161138605
I've been это какое время?
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:53:41  161138635
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Maybe rename it to ENGLISH MEMES THREAD? ill start
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:54:23  161138676
At the very minimum, English is extremely convenient to know because of the great amount of content on the internet. You can't find lots of things in runet. Runet honestly sucks ass.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:54:29  161138680
Present perfect.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:54:36  161138683
Sorry, but i should have practice.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:54:45  161138689
время завалить ебальник
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:55:48  161138738
Get the fuck out of here you stupid retarded piece of shit. Don't forget to do your fucking homework.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:55:55  161138741
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Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:56:40  161138782
Ur little butthole made boom or smth? Begone fucktard
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:56:45  161138789
Sonic himself is practically an anime.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:58:17  161138861
You know, going abroad is not the only reason to learn foreign languages. For example, some people learn japanese not because they are going to visit Japan, but just to watch anime without subtitles / read VNs/LNs/manga without translation.

English in this respect is wonderful. Knowing it, you get access to almost infinite amount of content. You can read books (especially computer science ones) without having to wait for translation for years (a bad one on top of that); YouTube is, like, monopolized with english videos. And so on.

So yeah, knowing english is pretty nice.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:59:08  161138919
Another shitty brain-damaged kid with retarded memes is not welcome here. Go to your favorite vk public, you fit there perfectly.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 17:59:52  161138961
I love french language moret. Partically because french has more russian-likely sentense structores.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:00:42  161139003
But they all sound so GAY.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:00:44  161139004
Cant your ass handle such high-level memerinos, or are you just so loyal to russian memes? Looks like the beginning of meme-holy war now.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:02:05  161139070
But female-speakers are so cute and sensitive.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:02:45  161139113
Vsem privet
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:02:48  161139118
Because theyre traps.
So its even more gay
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:03:11  161139142
Are you british?
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:03:16  161139145
Yeah, right. People are trying to have somewhat meaningful conversations, and you just come here to offtop and say that you are the coolest guy around, and everyone else is stupid.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:04:19  161139197
Da, ya from Anglya. A you?
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:05:23  161139237
>>161136810 (OP)
Why dont tell? It is funny. Tell everyone!
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:05:28  161139243
No im not, thanks for asking. Want some tea?
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:06:19  161139282
> Want some tea?
A couple of semen glasses would be much appreciated, thanks.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:07:05  161139327
No, he isn't
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:07:21  161139342
I am Semen. Its my name. Why you want me.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:07:22  161139345
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:07:58  161139381
At least ure not serGAY or GAYORGY
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:09:20  161139450
He's a super fucking fast blue colored hedgehog with stupidly wide and big eyes, plus he was made in Japan. That's firmly proofs my point here, Sonic is a fucking anime.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:09:59  161139483
> proves
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:10:16  161139499
He hasnt said a single - 'nya'. Doesnt count then.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:10:41  161139530
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:12:46  161139631
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:13:05  161139648
Boy next door
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:13:19  161139664
14792302909500.jpg (24Кб, 297x480)
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:13:23  161139668
'No way!' means 'nya' in Japanese and Sonic was shouting 'no way, Eggman!' (нет пути, Яйкин!) in every fucking game where he had voice. Checkmate.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:14:28  161139725
fucking prooral from yaykin
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:17:57  161139913
valenok.jpeg (52Кб, 591x380)
bagbolt.jpeg (56Кб, 591x383)
med1431515512im[...].jpg (81Кб, 640x480)
med1471998157im[...].jpg (65Кб, 640x480)

Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:19:31  161140003
>would've been made
What is it? Passive Future Perfect Continious?
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:22:12  161140154
>Everything helps.
Why predent, not future?
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:24:16  161140267
Because "everything helps" in general, not in the future, of course.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:26:47  161140436
Ohuennaya bula igra!
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:28:01  161140512
It would have been better if you didn't show up here - было бы лучше, если бы не появлися тут
You shouldn't have stolen that shit - тебе не надо было красть то дерьмо
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:29:27  161140582
Yeah. I've been thinking on replaying it, lately.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:32:46  161140746
why do u want to study japanese? anime?
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:34:55  161140864
Because I live nearby. We even have the same time zone here and I've been to Japan multiple times since I was a kid and I liked it there a lot.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:36:21  161140950
and how was there?
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:37:23  161141017
Awesome. I didn't get to see Tokyo though, spent all time in Nagoya.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:40:48  161141195
saw nekogirls there?
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:44:51  161141419
Nope, none of them.
Haven't been to a maid-cafe.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:49:17  161141649
Were there any 1000-years-old lolis? Or otaku and white-collars only?
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:49:39  161141670
So what is the tence?
And how your example correlate with >>161138218? I think this posts have different interpretations.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:49:46  161141677
kek, I, haven't knew about that
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 18:53:36  161141876
> like they would've been made in Russian
It's a mistake.
The correct way of saying that is: as if they were written/made in Russian.
I think so at least.
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 19:07:02  161142559
Why not have written?
Аноним 15/09/17 Птн 19:08:54  161142669
excuce me, being have written

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