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Аноним 19/09/17 Втр 18:52:06  161399081  
14995740759290.jpg (24Кб, 453x295)
анон, помохи. прально я перевел?

at the morning username1 gathered us in the dinner room and said that yesterday was an accident at the plant. one of the our workers(his name is username2) have got a trauma. he puted his arm in the glue machine and it was clamped between two big rollers. he couldn't stop the machine immediately so it hurted him badly. he broke many bones and tendons in his arm. other workers freed him and called the ambulance. today he is absent. he will spend many days in the hospital because of his trauma. I hope he will be fine and not become a disabled.
Аноним 19/09/17 Втр 18:53:12  161399151
Аноним 19/09/17 Втр 18:55:08  161399257
Аноним 19/09/17 Втр 18:58:30  161399455
>yesterday was an accident
>THE ambulance
Про структуру я молчу ваще
Аноним 19/09/17 Втр 19:01:30  161399652
cells-reaction-[...].jpg (27Кб, 350x350)
Ну ладно

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