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Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 07:22:02  177417100  
Anonymousemblem.png (41Кб, 316x316)
Attack of 2ch and 4chan.

Objective information is concrete information.

Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 07:25:49  177417160
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 07:31:29  177417252
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 07:35:11  177417309
Roger that. Follow me!
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 07:50:05  177417567
>>177417100 (OP)
What's up?
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:38:23  177418290
>>177417100 (OP)
Suck my dick???
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:38:47  177418306
oh wow
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:39:03  177418311
Manya plez
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:41:05  177418352
Let's fight
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:42:25  177418379
What is the purpose of this thread?
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:46:53  177418467
Is this a buttheart?
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:47:50  177418482
To let you know that your mother are gey
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:49:45  177418517
Suck dick, bydlo
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:51:48  177418555
maybe you bydlo?
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:52:13  177418565
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:52:46  177418579
Wow, what a beautiful knowledge of English. Ya porajen.
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:53:49  177418602
>>Heart (❤)
rus, pls...
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:54:14  177418607
Spasibo very much anon
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 08:57:01  177418663
15279510610740.jpg (366Кб, 1024x576)
>>177417100 (OP)
>Attack of 2ch and 4chan.
Objective information is concrete information.
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:01:25  177418747
That on is porvalsya, boreviye pictures
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:01:45  177418758
> concrete
Ты обосрался далбаеб. Concrete с английского это бетон.
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:02:45  177418781
15279507129250.jpg (45Кб, 532x503)
>That on is porvalsya, boreviye pictures
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:04:26  177418811
Oh, you from England, good-good-very good.
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:06:13  177418855
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:06:41  177418866
И еще сажи
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:06:53  177418871
No, i'm actually from Ust'-pizdynsk, it's a small town near Washington
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:08:08  177418897
Кто отпишется в тред без сажи то будет атака на его анус
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:09:04  177418915
What about attack on your moms vagina?
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:10:22  177418947
Ты блять петух сраный говори русским языком ежели не умеешь на английском говорить. Мама сейчас дома и никто никого не ебёт.
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:10:29  177418951
It's a nice town, I'm from Paris, state of Russia.
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:12:01  177418987
15185668906360.jpg (430Кб, 2048x1536)
>Ты блять петух сраный говори русским языком ежели не умеешь на английском говорить. Мама сейчас дома и никто никого не ебёт.
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:12:15  177418995
И чё?
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:12:51  177419009
Пердёж зелёным текстом, круто
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:13:13  177419016
par3.jpg (117Кб, 707x460)
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:15:54  177419076
You russian maggot, when you on 2ch speak english, because 2ch is now a brench of 4chan, soon you all will speak english or you will be banned
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:17:06  177419105
btw Abu is american spy and selling all your private info to US goverment
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:17:21  177419115
You are a piece of shit because you tell some bullshit. Go away from my 2ch, пидрила.
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:21:16  177419225
Wow! It would be really cool, cuz all dumb (that capitulated our board) will banned on start.
You can start capturing right now, I don't mind, bro!
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:22:21  177419263
Soon you all will go away, US goverment are already have plan how to conquer your shitty contry, good luck die in trench for Putin and his oligarhs friends
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:25:47  177419343
How would you first will own our 2ch? I don't sure that only speaking English on it could help you. Are there any people that want buy this domain from Abu?
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:26:14  177419358
Хули ты мне сделаешь пидорас ебучий я в Киеве живу ты меня не найдешь я в другом городе!
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:28:21  177419418
Отписал с сажей и мать воскресла, спасибо!
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:29:36  177419455
We already offer Abu a shit tone of money for 2ch, in fact 2ch are already in our hands
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:30:12  177419470
Then speak ukranian fucking xoxol
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:38:15  177419701
Ok, but what would be if he will disagree with this offer?
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:39:41  177419742
This is excluded or we will ruin he's life and own 2ch anyway
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:43:41  177419826
Wait... Do you know where is located data-center on which is working 2ch? Or maybe you know real address of Abu?
Simply everything you say sounds very doubtful
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:45:16  177419867
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:46:22  177419896
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:46:59  177419917
who is Nariman Namazov?
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:47:13  177419925
>Do you know where is located data-center on which is working 2ch?
>Or maybe you know real address of Abu?
And yes
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:53:37  177420081
Owner of this web-site (2ch.hk).

Спасибо, Абу!
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:57:23  177420191
>>Do you know where is located data-center on which is working 2ch?
Loal! You simplify can destroy servers which contain this site web-files and kill Abu. And anon will by himself join on 4chan. It would be really easily instead buying this shitty domain, seriously!
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 09:59:44  177420249
Пук гринтекстом
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 12:01:34  177424021
Fuck 4chan!
Fuck 4chan
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 12:36:19  177425667
image.png (271Кб, 640x360)
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 12:44:32  177426040
I fucked your mother
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 12:59:41  177426723
image.png (135Кб, 300x400)
Hahahahahahaha! I do not envy to you! xDD

my mom on pic related
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 13:18:10  177427555
I fucked her when she was a young and beautiful girl (then you were born)
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 13:19:35  177427629
Vi vsye hyesosi.
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 13:50:50  177429110
Loal, she wasn't xDD
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 13:51:30  177429140
And you're king of hyesosov
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 14:05:48  177429793
She did not tell you that she was beautiful in her youth
Аноним 10/06/18 Вск 14:24:17  177430719
15227688444692.jpg (71Кб, 570x761)
Вам нехуй делать что ли? Пиздуйте к себе буржуи

Топ тредов