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Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:11:06  133020073  
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Welcome to the only and one official English thread!

What we have here:
- discussions about anything in English
- learning tips and tricks
- questions & answers about grammar and word usage

What we don't have here:
- shitstorms about politics and history
- pointing out mistakes without being asked to
- trash messages like "fak ur mom pindos ebany"
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:11:38  133020117
instant bump
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:13:19  133020263
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:14:20  133020340
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:15:07  133020405
Kys, OP
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:15:08  133020407
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:16:13  133020498
Know Your Shit? Thanks, I already do.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:17:24  133020620
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:17:53  133020656
>>133020073 (OP)
I eat food.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:21:03  133020897
>>133020073 (OP)
Hello again, i learning facking English language, in my 23. Then, i want talk with u. In facking School ive been fucked Deutsche SPrache. How many years you studying english language?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:22:39  133021008
I dont want post itt with sage.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:27:23  133021368
I've been learning (or rather in touch with) this language for 6 or 7 years. Never read any textbooks, not even the legendary Murphy. Never gotten my hands on Rosetta Stone or any other language learning programs. Basically I just post on forums, read wiki or whatever else I'm interested in, and my English improves bit by bit.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:29:20  133021511
Хаха, сраный америкос))) Do you suck member?)))
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:29:26  133021519
>>133020073 (OP)
Abama easy tyou?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:34:46  133021928
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:36:06  133022039
Wow, nice english. I want write as it somewhen.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:45:55  133022771
I'm awed by this. It easily tops all I've seen so far. Your adroitness is infallible, your deftness unerring! Would you be so amiable as to consent me to fellate your wally?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:46:17  133022802
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 19:58:58  133023728
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:01:02  133023885
I can speak at russian language like i'm <<Intellectual>> , you know, not like redneck. But how can i learn to speak like that on English? Maybe I should read books of English writers, so advise me something.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:05:24  133024240
проиграл с мамкиных воннаби, подписался буду угарать с вашего онглиского
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:10:42  133024604
Posting on forums is much more efficient and takes less time.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:14:46  133024910
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:17:50  133025139
>being proud of knowing English like it's not a basic skill
I'm just gonna take a quick piss on your stupid heads, don't mind if I do.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:22:04  133025420
>first person to show up here who speaks more or less decent English
>such an asshole
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:23:19  133025512
Huicov naverni, bydło.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:30:57  133026067
>decent English
You're such a gullible jerk, Jesus. First you see all his "gonnas" and "outtas" and then you start thinking that he probably has that "decent English", lol. And not even close.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:34:02  133026325
There's nothing wrong with gonna, it's like чё/что or щас/сейчас. The next thing you tell me is that you always say/write что and чё is for plebs.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:36:09  133026481
Whatta say hotel?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:37:51  133026604
Replied to the wrong post. It's all because of you.

>>133026325 -> >>133026067
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:39:44  133026743
That's how a comma in the wrong place can give you away as a rusky immediately.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:41:48  133026892
BUMP cyka take off already
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:43:59  133027042
I'll never get used to that shit (though I'm not rusky or cockhole).
Except for the fact that a person who uses "чё" and "щас" is most likely to be a typical bydlo.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:47:12  133027287
hi, sweety hoes!
normalno bazaryu?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:49:07  133027427
Good morning.
Zaebis, krasava.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:52:05  133027647
That's colloquial speech, there's nothing bydlo-esque about it.
Still, things like "it don't matter" / "ain't no way" do have a redneckish sound to them.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:52:09  133027655
lick the dick, bumpkin
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:54:28  133027818
America super, Obama cool, now daite me vizy in United States, please.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:55:27  133027896
you are talk on english bad, you not come america
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:56:34  133027986
Your english is more bad, fuck off.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:56:37  133027991
Please!!! Putin kill me!!!
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:58:05  133028113
What does the?"fuck off" mean?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:58:16  133028130
It's "more badder", dumb fucktard.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 20:59:22  133028234
I could have put it as something along the lines of "Your English is too bad. We're not letting you in the US, ever" but who cares anyway.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:02:11  133028488
>>133020073 (OP)
Добро пожаловать в единственный и неповторимый официальный английский тред!

Что тут у нас:
- обсуждение чего-угодно на английском
- обучение советам и приёмам
- вопросы и ответы по грамматике и использованию слов

Чего у нас тут нет:
- шитсторм о политике и истории
- тыкание в ошибки, если вас об этом не просят
- бессмысленные сообщения вроде "мамку ебал факин пиндос"
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:02:57  133028571
What did you mean by this?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:04:02  133028663
Что ты этим имел ввиду?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:05:12  133028771
Why are fucking 2chers not answering for my questions?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:06:39  133028908
Care to try and translate Da Rules? The text is here http://arhivach.org/thread/162835
I've got no idea how to put that "though" joke into Russian? Any suggestions?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:07:28  133028977
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:07:34  133028990
Почему ёбаный 2черз не отвечаешь на мой вопрос?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:08:14  133029049
How to learn speak in english? I can read and understand 80% text (100% itt), but when i try to say anything i look like stupid.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:08:40  133029092
fuck off = отъебись
you don't need the "the" there
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:10:24  133029241
>I've got no idea how to put that "though" joke into Russian?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:11:26  133029328
Как можно смеяться не над невежеством, но над попытками человека чему-то научиться? Ты пидораха?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:11:49  133029369
tnxdo you now any phrases which I can use instead tnx?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:14:55  133029618
You can go with this: "I owe my deepest gratitude for the aid you have rendered to me."
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:16:03  133029723
The talk-dirty-to-me guy hasn't showed up for quite some while. I'm anxious.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:18:49  133029941
where's everyone
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:21:08  133030118
I'm fucking your mum at the moment
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:28:59  133030734
Uncle Anzor, you promised you wouldn't again!
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:30:45  133030888
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:37:54  133031454
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:38:01  133031469
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:38:22  133031493
I owe my deepest gratitude for the aid you have rendered to me.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:43:21  133031884
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:43:50  133031923
What's up bros?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:44:23  133031964
I don't clearly understand you. I can only bump
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:50:43  133032478
>>133020073 (OP)
Hoi m8s, wut ur talkin' 'bout?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:51:02  133032505
bump lol
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:51:45  133032569
I am going to take TOEFL exam again in September (101 is my last score ). I want to improve my speaking before the test. Can anybody give me advice how to prepare for speaking part? Does anybody want to practise English via Skype?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:52:38  133032655
>Can anybody give me advice how to prepare for speaking part?
Have you tried speaking?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 21:57:16  133033013
You need to expand your vocabulary. It can only be done through reading and listening, so go work on it. Overall, just try to sound like an educated adult, it'll be enough.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:01:47  133033413
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C'mon guys, don't be shy. You won't learn the language unless you practice. I spend my time on 4chan usually, but these threads are too rare to pass on.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:03:40  133033595
I'd like to, but I'm too shy for that.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:05:03  133033715
i love suck dicks
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:07:53  133033970
Поясните за мерфи.
Правда что это супер йоба?
Сколько времени в день уделять, чем ещё заниматься параллельно?
Час в день достаточно для инглиша?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:11:31  133034260
I've always been amazed by those faggots who think they can spend one hour a day memorizing some shit and be fluent in a year, or two, or ever. Man it doesn't work that way.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:13:27  133034417
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>Час в день достаточно для инглиша?
Нет. Ты должен практиковаться круглые сутки, если хочешь успеха. Смотреть видео, фильмы, аниме с ансабом, читать статьи разные, сёрфить борды и прочее. Сделай это частью твоего быта, и тогда язык сам впитается. Я, например, в принципе не понимаю, как бы я смог сейчас продолжать своё существование без английского.
You don't need anyone for speaking practice. Just talk to yourself. Most likely your partner will not be able to correct you anyway, so there's no actual difference.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:14:00  133034462
What the fuck happend to MM huters in 7.0.3? Its fucking 3-key shit with lowest DPS in a raid now. If there are any dickheaded blizzard employee reading this thread now just know i'll fuck your fatty mom and then behead her
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:15:18  133034549
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>Does anybody want to practise English via Skype?
Yeah, why not.
I'm pretty bad in speaking though.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:15:51  133034592
Я тебя знаю, омежка который превозмог?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:17:00  133034679
Хэллоу май френд
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:17:24  133034717
I fellate ur mom's wally
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:18:52  133034813
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:20:14  133034925
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I guess. As you probably had already guessed, I really like those reaction images. Dunno why, maybe they just resonate well with me whenever I read through all the drivel on this board.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:21:18  133035002
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:21:23  133035011
why had not have?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:21:30  133035021
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Lol wut.
Anyway, my skype is marisalovesusall
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:22:11  133035082
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You have a chance to ask a prospective English teacher that scored 8.0 in IELTS anything.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:22:52  133035135
Do you suck barrel?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:23:24  133035164

Anus sebe practice
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:23:25  133035166
>>133020073 (OP)
И сразу нахуй, зелень.
В артикли научись, толстый.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:23:56  133035212
Tell me about Bane, why does he wear a mask?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:25:08  133035304
>>133020073 (OP)
fak ur mom pindos ebany
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:25:24  133035325
>>133020073 (OP)
fak ur mom pindos ebany
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:25:42  133035349
>>133020073 (OP)
fak ur mom pindos ebany
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:25:58  133035367
>>133020073 (OP)
fak ur mom pindos ebany
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:26:08  133035387
Let me see /e Abu u moron
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:26:40  133035428
>that scored
proigrano, also
fak ur mom pindos ebany
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:26:57  133035444
>>133020073 (OP)
fak ur mom pindos ebany
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:27:22  133035474
Is there any practical reason to learn advanced english if i already have decent understanding of most of the text in the books i am interested in? And even my poor spoken english was more than enough for satisfying my personal needs anywhere i've been. Learning foreign language as a hobby feels boring.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:27:29  133035484
I've been thinking about what to say for 10 minutes only to realize I don't want to ask you anything.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:28:53  133035589
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There's absolutely nothing of interest there, trust me.
It's not an error you twat.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:29:11  133035610
hui sosesh?
>teacher that scored
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:30:03  133035684
certifikat in studio, or I call bullshit on this
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:31:43  133035815
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>nothing of interest there
A very strong source of Ingrish sense I here.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:32:04  133035849
>>133020073 (OP)
Фак юр мам, пиндое ебаны.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:32:16  133035869
There is a 4chan for english speaking degenerates. Get out there and speak this ugly language on their dump
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:33:31  133035962
ivan please
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:34:20  133036026
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Anon bldjad.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:35:19  133036104
With English as bad as yours, how'd you even manage to explain to them that you wanted to take an IELTS?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:37:31  133036278
>>133020073 (OP)
Reported this gathering of filthy idiots
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:38:22  133036333
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"Nothing of interest" is a correct phrase. "Error", however, does sound strange and in that case you would be better off using "mistake" (although people will understand you regardless).
And that's how you learn.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:39:04  133036388
I lost.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:40:16  133036479
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>>133020073 (OP)
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:40:39  133036505
Having my dinner atm. Anyone else?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:40:59  133036523
Not him, but those exams are much easier than you think. If you are so confident in your own knowledge - you should give them a try.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:41:02  133036526
My English is perfect ivan
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:41:18  133036551
-> >>133026743
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:41:48  133036594
Do not understand. What this pizdoglaziy was trying to say?
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:42:50  133036677

Почему дегроды аутисты едва бегиннеры постоянно пытаются найти ошибки у сертифицированных людей хотя сами сосут хуй и даже не могут двух слов свзять?

Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:43:31  133036737
I have to wake up at 6 AM tomorrow. I really should hit the sheets.
Nobody cares about that, trust me.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:44:15  133036800
got me a movie
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:44:34  133036825
i want you to know
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:44:51  133036851
You mean «nothing interestring here»?

>you would be better off using
does not compute

>although people will understand you
But that's ohuenno to speak in English, not in Ingrish.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:44:53  133036857
slicing up eyeballs
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:45:12  133036881
i want you to know
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:45:37  133036927
don't know about you but i am un...
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:45:56  133036946
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:46:24  133036983
he's not coming back
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:48:52  133037167
>But that's ohuenno to speak in English, not in Ingrish.
No one cares how many mistakes you make as long as they understand what you're talking about. If you're afraid of making mistakes, you will never learn proper English.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:49:17  133037196
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Why is it 'Xena. Warrior Princess', not 'Xena. The Warrior Princess'?
Serious question, no troll pls
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:52:08  133037409
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I'm just sharing a motivation to learn English.
But, you're right, I'm too afraid of mistakes.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:57:03  133037773
We can omit them articles at the beginning of a sentence. Like this: "Most Anticipated Movies in 2016."
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:58:50  133037896
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 22:59:18  133037931
>>133020073 (OP)
fak ur mom pindos ebany
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 23:01:17  133038084
14699952778040.jpg (16Кб, 532x173)
ебать деградант который ни разу жизни не видел английского текста
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 23:03:12  133038234
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Как же блядь проигрываю с иванов, которые увидели первый раз в жизни что-то, что отличается от того что мариванна их учила. АААААААА блядь
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 23:04:03  133038293
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It's fine. You should remember that you will never be able to hide the fact that you're foreign, and everyone knows that. People will not judge you.
Also, here's a good way to learn faster: whenever you forget a word in a casual conversation, don't try to remember it - try to explain the meaning of this word to the other person, and let them help you. That way, you will never forget that word again.
Whatever you say bruh.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 23:15:17  133039178
В этом году иду сдавать TOEFL снова чтобы выебываться на двощах. Уже сдавал после школы 117 баллов, но прошло 8 леи и тот уже истек.
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 23:18:13  133039400
She seems familiar
Аноним 31/07/16 Вск 23:24:23  133039813
Извини, я посты попутал. Как-то нехорошо вышло. То этому дегроду было >>133035815

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