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Аноним 14/01/17 Суб 16:37:00  144463646  
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Мне страшно. А что чувствуешь ты? А что бы ты хотел сейчас чувствовать? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp1ZluX4aYs
Аноним 14/01/17 Суб 17:15:09  144466201
>>144463646 (OP)
Ещё один школотрон открыл для себя Poppy и MarsArgo
проекты одного режиссёра, тащемта
Аноним 14/01/17 Суб 17:20:00  144466578
Мне 30 лет.
Аноним 14/01/17 Суб 17:20:51  144466643
so let's talk about Mars Argo you might
be saying who Mars Argo a beautiful
blonde girl with the rich history that
it's creepy and I think you should learn
about Mars Argo a man could only wish to
meet girls talented as beautiful as her
I people really don't know she is which
is why I'm making this video you need to
learn who this girl is to your
computer's i know i like computers this
house right ever watch . well Mars our
village your girl her ex-boyfriend had
the show on YouTube called their
computer show where the uploaded creepy
interesting satisfying videos such as
welcome to a computer show
delete your Facebook my life is
unbelievably boring and I need to
broadcast that to the world
I don't know about you but I literally
deleted my facebook right after that
video you don't believe me go ahead and
look me up you will not find me on
facebook at all
fuck you Mark Zuckerberg fuck you so
just when you thought that's it is
growing boyfriend this is all they do
you also find out that they have a pan
and they make such good fucking music
Nicholas flip these deep
they know
that song is beautiful i need more but
that's it I sit there is no more a girl
Moore's Argo she's been gone ever since
then and she didn't know where to be
so I wasn't satisfied with that and i
had to research where she's at right now
I was feeding my curiosity and I
deny myself any fucking laws i
looked it up on google and avoid that I
thought into the biggest spider web of
conspiracy theories of all time which is
what makes us grow quickly with the rich
history like I haven't been able to
sleep at all I don't we can tell
look max just look at my eyes you see
those bags
I'm warning you if you want to learn
about this girl right about now is
you should leave this video if you don't
want your eyes to look like mine it's
not you're still here
that's cool go to trial altogether so
when I started researching his girl the
main reason that i found was gross stop
uploading videos or music is because of
the most pleased that papi I'm papi I'm
papi papi papi papi papi papi I am papi
ya that papi the goal that I was making
videos about that I told you guys that
is like weird and satisfying as well
that also exposed in another video which
you should check out of you don't know
what that papi is pretty interesting
yeah she's the reason why Mars Argo is
not around anymore directly linked and
i'm about to blow your mind because that
the ex-boyfriend that i mentioned
earlier is that poppies director was she
credits and all over videos this Titanic
Sinclair fuck guy and here's how I
connected the two together if you look
at Mars are going google you find out
that they had a lot of European 2009 and
you're only 20 times that you cannot
find any more because it's private or
just gone
luckily for us there's still some rain
interviews on some websites that thing
got there because they cleared up so
much confusion so you find out that Mars
are going Titanic wanted to create a
whole network of video
and TV shows and just cool fucking shit
on their YouTube channel groceries back
that TV and that is where you can find
the delete your facebook video which was
still remains on there today but
apparently back in a day and a lot more
projects on and the mark cargo project
which is the girl that we're talking
about right now was a project that was
supposed to mock pop culture because pop
culture is fake as well as Mark popular
opinion culture because most people that
have a popular opinion just have it
because everybody else has we know what
the fuck you are so the whole point of
this project we just to make pop culture
cool like have some cool elements to pop
culture and if you go on that poppies
videos especially if you talk bad about
that papi all the fans are quick to this
man is saying all she does is just my
pop culture which is the exact same
thing in the morning argo project was
supposed to be right and it since the
Morris Argo project was with her
ex-boyfriend who is now the director of
that papi obviously something must
happen now according to Titanic fuck
Mars Argo and Titanic broke up and the
breakup was mutual but I refused to
believe this
and there's no reasoning why Mars Argo
is uploaded a brand new video but I
thought you said that your husband guard
what the fuck ok i like but she has
uploaded a brand new video recently
titled everybody wants it all and it's
fucking creepy i just take a look and
they're all can meet
a lot to me personally involved in
anything tonight anything fun everybody
just wanted to all everybody just wanted
to all just 120 watt anyways nobody
knows exactly what the fuck videos even
about like everybody wants it off
what the fuck is she talking about but
don't worry my friends because i am
fucking Jesus and i deciphered it all
for you guys right now
now personally for my own genius brain i
think that the video represents that now
that Mars are go see that papi has it
all and she didn't have it all machine
was with Titanic she is now working like
a comeback because she wants it all we
all want it all right and i'm guessing
the back in a day she's gonna have it
all she was with Titanic but now papi
seems to be having a tall and she's kind
of jealous and she thinks that papi took
her spot because she was your original
papi she was the original making fun of
pop culture pop culture movement it's
fucking genius
now the reason why I think Titanic
Sinclair and Mars are go when their own
separate ways because i'm gonna go ahead
and assume that Margo has her own
opinions and our own ways of doing
things and that didn't fit well with
Titanic synchronization so he just let
her go
and instead of starting over he went
ahead and work on that poppies project
that pop this project like that papi was
never like that in the first place and
you're about to get mine gold once again
because i found a Korean website that
literally shows you that papi before she
was that party her life the whole thing
in motion was that papi so Titanic
Sinclair star girl that he can mold that
he can make whatever he wants her to be
and he has a hundred percent control
over he made a better he had that
technology and a hundred percent control
over that papi which is why don't think
that popular the mastermind behind our
videos like at all like at all like I
think that papi actually when you find
out Titanic is that when writing at all
right kind of lose a little bit of its
grip doesn't it and this leaves us with
one question there is a new channel that
just popped up called sinister taint and
a brand new Margo song pop on there was
just a remake of her pop superhit and
it's titled a rebirth now personally I
don't understand what's the point of
this song but a lot of people in the
comments are speculating that it is what
marks our goal is planning on coming
back when asked about the Titanic
Sinclair what the fuck is this he says
they're not going to do with him is just
a person trying to piggyback off of this
projects which i'm going to go ahead and
believe Titanic because I don't know how
to connect this with anything else if
you do leave a comment down below 220
how you connected at all and what you
think is really going on
I love conspiracy do is have a
discussion comments below so why did I
do this video
what is the purpose of this well
obviously Mars our goal was hot that
papi is hot and the Titanic Sinclair's a
fucking genius if he's the mastermind
behind it all
so absolutely fucking genius I give them
all a five out of five chicken wing the
ratings amazing you know i wish i was in
between the love interest of Mars Argo
and that papi because 5y this tight end
and get to be with them lies about me
you feel me then I'm gonna leave you
guys on a good note and the note is that
I had a snapchat and only losers and
Wars don't follow me on snapchat so go
ahead and follow me on snapchat right
now if you don't want to be a loser or I
have a more story every one of my videos
and not more stories that you should
never did not yourself the fucking lolz
life is pretty short as it is there's a
lot of things are going to happen in
your life and if we can find humor in
dark situations
go ahead and download the nice of the
laws laugh at it laughs about situations
in your life life is pretty short so
just don't deny yourself the most of the
most important part of life
also you know what about our clothes on
a snapchat your boy to make sure to
follow me on snapchat right fucking now
you don't want the Knights of the laws
also if you don't be a loser or this
video wasn't so much about wrecking
somebody but it was just me bring up a
topic that a lot of people requested so
i went ahead and did the research
this is just my findings and being down
on earth as I can be I don't think the
whole Luminati conspiracy behind this
girl and that poppy and all that I just
want to shed light about this and I
won't be able to find out it's pretty
interesting and if you know something
that I don't leave a comment down below
expanding what went wrong what did I
or you find a brand new connection we're
going to keep this going and so we can
probably solve it
alright guys appreciate you appreciate
all the new subscribers like while
beginning a lot of support in the shadow
lately i love you all
1111 kisses kisses and i'll see you guys
next time
Аноним 14/01/17 Суб 17:21:14  144466672
selma.JPG (44Кб, 1280x673)
>>144463646 (OP)
Безразличие ко всему, апатию.
Аноним 14/01/17 Суб 17:22:30  144466779
Прыгай вниз, не бойся, и ни о чем не беспокойся.

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