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Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:23:53  148171918  
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Hi All! Let's speak in English language in this thread.
Sankt-Peterburg-kun here.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:24:09  148171934
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:25:12  148171989
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:25:52  148172027
>>148171918 (OP)
too fat
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:26:08  148172040
Kak tebe takoe : poshel na hui, pidor?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:26:26  148172059
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:27:01  148172086
Hello, I write in this epic itt. London is the capital of usa
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:27:27  148172119
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:30:52  148172303
>>148171918 (OP)
Let's try. You start.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:31:27  148172344
What's up with it vanilla face?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:41:22  148172999
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:42:56  148173097
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:43:22  148173142
>>148171918 (OP)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:43:43  148173169
I'm ready to chat, but you are writing nothing useful here.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:46:19  148173348
Hai gitler
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:47:11  148173401
Very nice input.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:50:08  148173597
Let's go to Dumskaya street, dude! Find some shkuras.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:51:55  148173727
For what? I don't need a "shkura".
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:52:54  148173802
OP, may I ask you some questions? How many years do you learn english? And how do you estimate your knowledge level? Are you intermediate, upper-intermediate or even advanced?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:54:49  148173928
>>148171918 (OP)
> Sankt-Peterburg

Zaebis inglish, bratish, ot dushy ebashish

пидарашка недоразвитая, хоть бы загуглил, как твой пидербург на английском будет
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:55:26  148173972
London is the capital of Great Britan?
Is it correct?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:55:34  148173985
poshel nahui v /fl pidot
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:56:53  148174071
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:58:34  148174182
Are you bitard, dude? When you became biogarbage?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:58:38  148174191
>>148171918 (OP)
>hi everyone
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:59:06  148174221
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:59:06  148174222
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 12:59:18  148174240
1.jpg (194Кб, 640x448)
>>148171918 (OP)
Hello, guys, can you anderstand me differenses and usage examples of these words, thanks:
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:00:04  148174284
hello everybody
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:00:34  148174309
>>148171918 (OP)
Hi.How do you do? Pls, answer: why Peterburg is a worst place in the Earth? There are fog, junkies, whores and clouds even in summer. Do you feel shame for it?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:00:42  148174315
Yes, I'm a bitard. But I'm not a biogarbage (I hope so). I'm an useful bitard.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:00:59  148174326
Go on 4chan nabeg?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:01:54  148174388
blob (219Кб, 800x241)
Might means sword
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:02:04  148174399
answer in to me, bitches!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:02:34  148174433
Степень сомнения (могу ли я сделать что-то)
Возможность в прошлом времени (чего-то мог сделать когда-то в прошлом)
Намерение в прошлом времени (чего-то хотел делать когда-то в прошлом)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:04:23  148174542
My penis is longer than your. Its enough.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:04:37  148174558
Women do not want
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:06:16  148174677
Did you measure your penis? Are you a faggot? Only faggots do that.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:06:35  148174701
My dick is like super size
Your dick look like two fries
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:06:48  148174717
I am your rot ebal, comprende, amigo blyat?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:07:47  148174786
No speakerino Englando
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:08:41  148174844
спасибо, няша, добра тебе
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:09:45  148174917
Every fucker who doesn't speak it is fag. Thread.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:09:49  148174923
>>148171918 (OP)
What for? Are you really expecting to get some practice here? There a thousands of places in internet where you can talk in english. From chats to various MMOs.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:09:52  148174927
Пиздец. Уже в 2007-м на эту толстоту так не велись. Новое поколение ньюфагов выросло.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:11:18  148175020
But you capschuesh on Dvach. At Monday,s dinner! Are you shure, that you useful for someome exept Abu?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:11:24  148175029
English, Motherfucker, do you speak it?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:12:45  148175113
>>148171918 (OP)
Hi bro, lets do it. No prob.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:12:50  148175119
It's a piece of rest for me, nothing else. I'm going to quit soon.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:14:00  148175201
Thank you, nyasha, all good to you
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:14:21  148175221
No, Im not a faggot.
I saw your small dick, you, ugly freak))
Your brain have a serious damage, friendo.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:14:36  148175242
because I can. Can you?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:16:30  148175365
He didnt.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:17:17  148175426
That's i'm talking about! Quit. Go outdoors. Find some fun, alco and sex. Live!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:18:26  148175508
You're welcome, guys.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:19:11  148175558
Cyka Blyat' Vodka, vodka, matryoshka, balalayka
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:19:57  148175607
Sorrian, bro. I've forgotten bout this shit.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:21:10  148175695
Sup, russkies. How's it been lately?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:22:17  148175786
Анончики, извиняйте, что по-русски. Смотрю божественные подкастики Джо Рогана, смотрю Филиппа Де Франко, смотрю подкастики Tested, смотрю Vice и Munchies, смотрю H3H3 и idubbbz, даже сраного Нейстат смотрю, почему на рашкованском ютабчике, нет ничего хотя бы рядом со всем этим стоящего?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:22:26  148175796
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Why Neo agreed to take red pill from unknown fat nigga? What if there was drugs? What if nigga was a maniac, hm?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:23:05  148175836
>>148171918 (OP)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:23:06  148175842
Actually i'm speaking(texting) in english daily. So yeah, i can. With a lot of mistakes, of course. But, frankly, it doesnt really matters. Intermediate level is more than enougth for internet. You don't even need an "upper" one if you're not going to talk with natives face to face.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:23:25  148175859
>Go outdoors. Find some fun, alco and sex.
It's OK not for all of us. Somebody prefers a little bit quiet rest. Books, movies, good music, e.t.c.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:26:10  148176061
> frankly, it doesnt really matters. Intermediate level is more than enougth for internet.

in some strange matter, you sound like faggot. May be it is because I read your text in real faggot voice in my mind.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:26:35  148176085
Yeah, I can definitely agree to you, m8.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:27:34  148176137
>>148171918 (OP)
>Sankt-Peterburg-kun here.
Obshitil my pants
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:28:20  148176191
>>148171918 (OP)
tolstota, go fuck urself
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:28:57  148176235
liquid way?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:29:33  148176280
Diarrhea, maybe?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:29:48  148176300
New faggots full of thread
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:29:52  148176309
>what if
I think the whole movie suggests and it WAS a drug and in reality Neo was just convulsing in a pool of his pee and puke,lol
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:30:01  148176316
>>148171918 (OP)
Lets find Artemiy Lebedev's LJ together!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:30:05  148176322
Lucky you. Since my real pronouncement is much, much worse.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:30:09  148176329
With podleeva
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:30:51  148176385
Потому, что все жрут говно уровня Ларина и хованского. Ниша свободна, пили свой годный контент.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:31:04  148176400
>>148171918 (OP)
>Sankt-Peterburg-kun here.
You just shit yourself from the beginning, stupid cunt.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:32:17  148176477
>>148171918 (OP)
Your english is very horoshiy.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:32:17  148176479
stew, you say?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:32:29  148176491
On this scale it is 7 - podliva
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:32:58  148176527
just shatyourself, you stupid fuck
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:33:05  148176541
If it was an actual movie, I would've bought a ticket.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:33:24  148176562
suck my dick, fucking retards
stop pretending to be mothafucking smart when you're not
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:33:45  148176584
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:34:01  148176602
You too
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:34:27  148176635
Who could possibly know that shit is an irregular verb, lol
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:35:12  148176692
Лол, я колбаска. Гладкая и мягкая :3
Или змея.

Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:36:35  148176780
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>>148171918 (OP)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:36:45  148176799
Obdrachyevalsya really hard. Read it as Dristol'skaya.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:37:58  148176884
кен ю плиз тич ми сам вопрос?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:38:30  148176915

me and everyone else who uses it time to time
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:38:40  148176924
Karaseeque was here
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:38:43  148176928
Hue hue. Sup, animeblyadi, how do you do?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:39:05  148176954
Ne Stew, Aleksej.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:39:42  148177000
Good, you retarded piglet.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:40:12  148177026
>>148171918 (OP)
i no spik london
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:40:17  148177032
No you, cockold
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:40:32  148177046
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:41:46  148177140
In English Internet people use "Lost" as Russian "Проиграл"
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:42:24  148177188
I've got a triple, so my statement is more true than yours is.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:42:32  148177200
gimme da proof
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:43:00  148177232
well, itt u should teach me how to use all of the English grammar tenses of active voice and passive voice too.
if u can't tell me, why
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:43:36  148177284
Find a YLYL thread on 4chan, you will get to know it pretty quickly.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:43:55  148177305
I wonder, why most of grammar-nazis are russians? Even when we're talking about english grammar. Seriously, you won't ever hear anything bad about your grammar from natives. But if there will be any russian around...
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:44:25  148177349
I can't do it since you use "u" instead of "you" and this just freaks me out.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:45:00  148177385
Also, the language names and groups are written with a capital letter. Examples:
English, Russian and a German fucked in a big orgy.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:45:02  148177390
no, they use the word "Potracheno"
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:45:08  148177401
Why should we do that here? Go to Google - it really knows.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:45:09  148177403
Engrish shvaine Lelouch Britanian itt. Ask your questions, slaves.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:46:07  148177456
Because Neo is a Linux hacker. Each day then he fucked with the linux, niga was there too. And gave him drugs, ofk.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:46:39  148177493
blob (14Кб, 328x143)
"Potracheno" means "Spent", and it is usually said about money.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:47:15  148177537
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:47:39  148177554
Your english is really bad. No disguss.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:48:06  148177578
Quadriple get here
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:48:17  148177587
not spent, you noob. Its "Wasted"
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:48:21  148177590
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:48:36  148177605
Oh shi, obosralsya
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:48:41  148177608
Thanks. My English is bad.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:48:53  148177617
Prove me wrong, fuckfaggot.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:48:57  148177622
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:49:15  148177646
Fix yourself anus, dog.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:50:03  148177687
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Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:50:19  148177700
>>148171918 (OP)
I did your mom right into pookan.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:50:34  148177721
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:50:35  148177724
blob (452Кб, 429x600)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:50:42  148177734
In to the voice.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:50:46  148177740
Доверять гуглопереводчику..
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:51:02  148177759
39403big.png (248Кб, 600x399)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:51:06  148177765
Nah, fek off.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:51:27  148177795
Fuck you, motherfucker. Piss to you, cockold.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:52:09  148177851
Proebal quadriple
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:52:16  148177859
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:53:00  148177903
Goddammit stop finally, ples.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:53:41  148177943
How is right: nigga or churka?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:54:38  148178007
Nigger. A basic animal with the lowest level of intellect possible. Usually feeds on KFC.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:54:57  148178031
If it was Ashot hach to be ride churcka.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:54:58  148178032
Both. Suddenly. It's not a same word.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:56:19  148178106
Are you shure you're not mimikriruyshii russians?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:56:45  148178131
Let moisturize your countenances with my urine. Please stand still.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:57:25  148178176
It's not a Britanica, but still...
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:57:26  148178179
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:57:37  148178185
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:57:46  148178195
> mimikriruyshii
Smells like you are gonna to gladit poor stari kashka.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:58:22  148178234
the translation was even worse than Google translate when the game was translated.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:58:43  148178253
blob (85Кб, 251x201)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:59:38  148178298
>as even worse than Google translate when the game was translated.

Meme does not need correct translation. Same as whith "anonimous deliveries"
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:59:40  148178301
Lol. How long I will lost today?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 13:59:41  148178305
blob (5Кб, 790x66)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:01:06  148178381
Yow hilw ary thojalne fuokl?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:01:33  148178401
Memes do not need a correct translation. Same as with "anonymous delivers".
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:03:08  148178483
Lol, stop joking
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:03:52  148178531
Stop this shit. Nobody cares.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:04:18  148178557
there are no jokes here, only grammar-nazism.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:05:50  148178644
Развальцовка ануса. Всего 1000 рублей!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:06:24  148178669
What about professinal translators? Are you here, guys?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:07:08  148178712
No. Only russki retards.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:07:32  148178732
Anus beading. Only a 1000 rubles!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:08:34  148178796
Your mother is shluha
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:08:45  148178809
1000 rubles and your anus would be bleeding.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:09:01  148178834
We've got some abovebrains. Is it good for ya?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:09:27  148178870
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:09:28  148178871
That's OK. Actually I hate their, fucking grammar-nazists. A free conversation like this is much better.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:09:45  148178900
Overminds, you sick bastard.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:10:12  148178924
the thing is. I AM the guy who fixes everyone.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:11:24  148179007
You haven't fixed my messages.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:11:58  148179038
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:12:05  148179047
Fix me up some sandwiches, will you?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:13:10  148179137
Got it. Wait here for a bit.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:14:14  148179208
'cos too much to fix.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:14:20  148179210
Had left this thread faster as flash pussay.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:14:40  148179232
Are you a professional translator?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:14:51  148179243
Hurry up or you're gonna get your ass kicked out of this joint.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:15:03  148179251
No. Fuck no.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:15:12  148179260


so easy byatch
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:15:57  148179305
Well, you do know that when somebody needs to do something it takes time.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:16:34  148179346
Хэллоу гайз, хау а ю?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:17:48  148179425
>>148171918 (OP)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:17:53  148179430
Good. How 'bout you?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:18:20  148179458
Вай ю нот ансвер ми? Эм ай алоун хиа?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:18:23  148179462
A therapist?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:18:51  148179492
Nah. I just answered you.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:18:52  148179494
Ай эм гуд ту, сэньк ю.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:19:01  148179507
The rapist.
fixed ya
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:19:28  148179552
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:19:54  148179583
Doesn't sound very fixing to me.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:20:15  148179614
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:20:16  148179616
Good. Do you live not in Russia? You are from somewhere, where everybody speaks English?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:20:23  148179629
Tastes differ.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:20:35  148179643
Сори, ай эм слоу, энд донт си ёр мэсседж.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:21:47  148179711
No, still in Russia. the "Western exit to sea", Koёnigsberg
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:23:07  148179788
Коничива, минна. Ваташи ва Домиторий дес. Ёрошику онегай шимас.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:23:45  148179837
It's almost not Russia. It's almost Germany, isn't it? Do you visit Germany regularly?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:24:31  148179891
Nope, a regular poor (in terms of money) guy.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:24:48  148179906
>>148171918 (OP)
Hello. How do you do? My english very bad and wrong. Why are you fucking make this fucking thread? You want to know how many motherfuckers in this fallen place?

DC-2 kyn too.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:26:16  148180001
>It's almost Germany, isn't it
Learn your geography, man.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:28:12  148180120
Гайз, кэн ю хэлп ми? Ай фогот вот сити ис зе кэпител оф Грейт Британ.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:28:15  148180126
Hm.. Some times ago I seriously thought about migration to your city. I thought there is different, more german culture and style of life. Was I wrong?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:29:29  148180198
Why should I do that. It's ex-Germany, that's enough to me.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:29:48  148180227
It's London, huh.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:30:05  148180244
>for me //hotfix.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:30:13  148180253
Hello, guys! How r u?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:30:22  148180265
Ох, сэньк ю, май френд :3
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:30:49  148180294
We are so so. You?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:30:55  148180303
Ай эм файн, сэнькс.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:30:57  148180305
Yeah, usual "trash" people. Alcoholics, whores, "meme" kids etc.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:31:38  148180348
Good, mate. How about you?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:31:47  148180356
>>148171918 (OP)
Minsk-chan reporting in
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:31:58  148180364
Оп говноед-школьник любящий мемы на аглицком
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:32:02  148180367
>>148171918 (OP)
you are faggot.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:32:07  148180372
Киров репортинг.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:32:16  148180380
Сажа отклеилась
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:32:24  148180388
Uh, fuck... As I can see Russia is the same anywhere. So sad.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:32:24  148180389
Now we just need to wait for some pussylickers.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:32:46  148180407
This thread has finally fulfilled its purpose!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:33:07  148180427
>>148171918 (OP)
U pissed me off fuckin' nigga
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:33:11  148180431
Пуссифоксес, ю вонт сей.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:33:30  148180451
At least we have Anonymous Image Boards, websites where everyone is your friend.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:33:49  148180469
>>148171918 (OP)
do you wanna some beer, today?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:33:56  148180478
Pussylicker-chan at your service.
Well, not exactly your, but still.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:34:15  148180496
cuntfox here
where a these pussies to lick?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:34:54  148180528
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:35:13  148180558
tits or gtfo.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:35:21  148180566
Is there any trumpist scum on this board if so I am after u and will fuck u til death
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:35:21  148180568
That's true. But I want to have more goodness in the real life too.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:35:26  148180574
I'm not your friend.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:35:29  148180578
Wazzup, anons?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:35:39  148180588
You're welcome! :3
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:36:08  148180624
fine, I am going to go to your mother flat
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:36:39  148180654
Are you a typical "bydlo"?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:36:43  148180663
Yeah, kinda sad. Wish I were born American.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:36:56  148180678
Oh, my friend. I have bad news to u...
I don't have mother
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:37:05  148180686
If u're trumpist I'll fuck your mother and will make you eat her bloody poop from my giant cock u scared kike bitch
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:37:14  148180696
>>148171918 (OP)
allo yoba, it's realy you?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:37:29  148180716
When in English we use "is" and when - "its"?
Sorry for my runglish
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:38:19  148180766
pssst pssst I can't hear you...
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:38:22  148180771
I m trampist, but don't havr a mother
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:38:25  148180779
Ай лолд.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:38:29  148180783
make me, you bloody dickcarier
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:38:38  148180800
I don't think the USA is much better. I would like to born in Norway or Switzerland.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:38:39  148180801
"It's" basically means "It is".
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:38:41  148180806
You can still do it though, but let me assure you that Trump fights for America's bright future. He will rise our economy by bringing the production back in the States.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:39:04  148180832
Illiterate russians cannot into grammar
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:39:04  148180833
Ай хэз дефитед.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:39:11  148180843
Feminist is in the thread, better run, guys!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:39:12  148180845
It's ===>it is
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:39:15  148180850
U don't need this nigga when u say some scared kike u gotta assfuck and own his wife
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:39:31  148180873
Finland for the win.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:39:33  148180875
People, listen me. I want fuck very young girl, destroying she's virgin hole and cum inside it.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:40:13  148180926
I bet you actually read a lot of manga. Am I right?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:40:13  148180927
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:40:51  148180972
you can run but you can't hide, mudface rapist!
im women, hear me ROAR!!!!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:40:58  148180986
i shall own ur trumpist kike ass
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:41:03  148180994
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:41:19  148181011
is - "это" (чего-то там)
its - "этого" (принадлежащего, относящегося к чему-либо).
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:41:29  148181022
I'm hikka. I don't have any friends.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:41:30  148181023
trump will ruin your life, m'lady.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:42:24  148181090
It's "is" and "it is", shortened to "it's".
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:42:28  148181094
Yep, Finland is also OK for me. But not the USA.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:42:31  148181102
Is my dick on you mouth.)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:43:22  148181169
Славик, шат даун ёр компилентэйтор энд го пробздись
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:43:43  148181199
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:43:56  148181212
But you are here. It means you need to talk to somebody. So, you are not a pure hikka.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:44:06  148181227
I really like little flat-chested girls, which are called lolis. Can somebody make me 2d, so I can fuck one.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:44:50  148181278
i'd not tolerate this shit you bloody raping racist cis-scum

you've been reported, enjoy your permaban
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:45:23  148181324
You're fucking perv, I'm calling a police so they rape you with their 3d batons.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:45:33  148181334
Guys! Guys! Could we choose a topic to discuss? It would be better that just bitching about everything at once separately.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:45:46  148181346
My name is
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:46:20  148181383
14-47-44-raskat[...].jpg (43Кб, 742x572)
Окей, кам ту ми. Врууум-врум!!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:46:29  148181394
NO, PLEASE, NO! I don't want to get fucked in a jail.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:46:44  148181411
gr8 b8 m8. i rel8 str8 appreci8 nd congratul8. i r8 dis b8 an 8/8. plz no h8, i'm str8 ir8. cr8 more cant w8. we shood convers8 i wont ber8, my number is 8888888 ask for N8. no calls l8 or out of st8. if on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. even with a full pl8 i always hav time to communic8 so dont hesit8. dont forget to medit8 and particip8 and masturb8 to allevi8 ur ability to tabul8 the f8. we should meet up m8 and convers8 on how we can cre8 more gr8 b8, im sure everyone would appreci8 no h8. i dont mean to defl8 ur hopes, but itz hard to dict8 where the b8 will rel8 and we may end up with out being appreci8d, im sure u can rel8. we can cre8 b8 like alexander the gr8, stretch posts longer than the nile's str8s. well be the captains of b8 4chan our first m8s the growth r8 will spread to reddit and like reel est8 and be a flow r8 of gr8 b8 like a blind d8 well coll8 meet me upst8 where we can convers8 or ice sk8 or lose w8 infl8 our hot air baloons and fly tail g8. we cood land in kuw8, eat a soup pl8 followed by a dessert pl8 the payment r8 wont be too ir8 and hopefully our currency wont defl8. well head to the israeli-St8, taker over like herod the gr8 and b8 the jewish masses 8 million m8. we could interrel8 communism thought it's past it's maturity d8, a department of st8 volunteer st8. reduce the infant mortality r8, all in the name of making gr8 b8 m8?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:47:28  148181467
You can try to choose a topic. Just suggest something.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:47:39  148181479
Ugh. And so? Being hikka doesn't meant that i don't need to talk. I means i don't have anyone to chitchat.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:48:10  148181512
blob (1743Кб, 1500x900)
Nice Italian pasta you got there.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:48:38  148181536
blob (147Кб, 333x386)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:48:48  148181556
.webm (1022Кб, 640x360, 00:00:24)
It's too late now, they're coming for you, you better delete all your disgusting 2d cp while you still have some time.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:49:24  148181606
> with their 3d batons.
Lol, I can't take this word seriously, I always perceive it as "loaf".
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:50:17  148181667
probably you just expirienced to much baguettes in your life
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:50:22  148181676
Do you spend all the time at home?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:50:39  148181702
I suppose it must be something common and easy to get involved. Computer games, probably? Politics? Relationships?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:50:56  148181726
checks the webm
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:52:11  148181813
vot suki, inostrannie agenti
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:52:26  148181838
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:52:26  148181840
You're... you're right.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:52:38  148181857
OK, let's try to chat about relationships. Guys, do you have girlfriends or wifes?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:53:14  148181902
No. Who needs them anyway?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:54:38  148182011
You are lucky. I want to be at home all the time, but I cant. I need earn some money for the surviving.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:55:50  148182114
kMAjLsGX4LI.jpg (48Кб, 600x500)
Ya bet I do!
Unless you mean an actual person, then you bet I don't
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:56:00  148182126
It's not so fun after a decade of sitting.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:57:20  148182223
>a decade
Like, a literal decade?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:58:19  148182299
succ my dik baby
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:58:38  148182326
Maybe. But I almost sure you have nerves of steel. And the same time I'm almost a mad person who want to kill my colleagues.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:59:38  148182402
As I understood it means 10 years.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 14:59:41  148182405
spermaban kek
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:00:46  148182488
Yes, but... 10 years. Wew.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:02:22  148182587
Well, life still goes around me. Sometimes i have to leave my room to do something. Once per month-year, depends on circumstances. In this year i left my home just once, for a hour or something like that. But if we're not counting such situations, then yeah - it should be pretty close to 10 years of NEETing.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:03:12  148182659
Heh. Living on your parents' money? Or freelance perhaps?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:03:58  148182717
I had one. The bitch has broken my heart and left me, but I have never met such a person afterwards. She was, you know, charming. All about her. Her tsundere-like behavior, her sweet voice, her tiny face with the cute little nose. Fuck, I miss this wench drastically. Wish we were together again, despite this is not at all impossible.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:04:21  148182742
idi nahuy pidoraz
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:04:53  148182782
Mostly parents. I've got a couple more sources of income, but it's just a pennies.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:05:41  148182844
You love my dick
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:08:46  148183038
One day while Andy was masturbating, Woody got wood. He could no longer help himself! He watched as Andy stroked his juicy kawaii cock. He approached Andy which startled him and make him pee everywhere on the floor and on Woody too. Being drenched in his urine made him harder than ever! Woody: "Andy Senpai! I'm alive and I want to be INSIDE OF YOU." Andy: "Oh Woody Chan! I always knew you were alive! I want to stuff you up my kawaii ass!" Woody grabbed a bunch of flavored lube and rubbed it all over his head Woody: "Oh my! It's cherry flavored lube! Cherry is my favorite! Woody then stuffed his head up into Andy's tight ass! The other toys around the room watched intently as Woody shoved his head back and forth into Andy's nice ass, continuously making a squishy wet noise. The other toys also became aroused and they all gathered around Woody and Andy and started to urinate all over them, and then they started to masturbate. Andy: "Oh my goodness, Woody Chan! You are churning my insides up so well! Your nose is stimulating my prostate! OH YES! All the other toys became so aroused by this, that they could not help themselves anymore! They pushed Woody completely inside, and they all went inside. All of them wanted to be inside Andy's nice round ass. Andy: "No wait guys! My ass cannot hold this much! I'm getting so full! All the toys went inside of poor squirming Andy and pretty much, he was beyond full, and died from having his insides completely damaged. The mother came inside and found Andy, dead with a huge ass hemorrhage on his anus, with a HUGE belly full of toys.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:09:33  148183078
How to loose my weight?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:09:35  148183084
I had a girl like that one. Unfortunately, she was also a bitch who needs only money, expensive cars, trips abroad, e.t.c. Finally I met new one and we are happy for 10 years.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:10:18  148183137
>>148171918 (OP)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:10:31  148183155
You must not eating.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:10:49  148183173
Take a shovel. Dig a trench. Repeat until you're satisfied.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:11:19  148183216
For those who did not understand the definite article's concept: we have something just similar in Russian. Rememer the -то particle? Look:
В кино пойдём?
В кино-то пойдём?
In the second case it seems like the question is not about any movie, but about the specific one, which was mentioned in conversation before.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:12:19  148183282
so what? dead girls don't want flowers
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:12:50  148183311
You're missed an example in English. For those have no idea how "definite article" looks like.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:14:17  148183423
Would you like to see a movie? Means any movie in the world.
Would you like to see the movie? Definite article.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:14:34  148183447
Then why do I waste my time on fucking graveyard parties every year.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:17:08  148183638
The+audacity+of[...].jpg (209Кб, 900x1333)
The3ad98c6193420.jpg (88Кб, 900x607)
Deport+green+bi[...].jpg (56Кб, 720x720)
Englishfb00f461[...].jpg (11Кб, 234x215)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:18:01  148183701
Oh, you've meant "the". Got it. I've never learned English properly from books, so i just don't know such "meta" words, which describes a grammar. Or time, or such stuff.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:18:28  148183735
Fuck all niggers, rape the jews.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:20:29  148183906
Fuck them then. Nothing teaches better than communicating with native speakers.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:21:00  148183955
Obturate loqui lingua plebis, nolite inhonestare vos. Lingua latina hominibus educatissimorum lingua est.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:23:49  148184163
Îmi este interesant dacă tu vei înțelege ce scriu, deoarece limba română se considere limba latină vulgară.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:25:30  148184294
Я вот, например, немного твоего понял:
Выёбываться тут языком плебеев тут не делает вам чести. Латинский язык -- язык человеческого образования (научного сообщества? обучающий язык?).
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:27:47  148184441
Is there anyone who actually knows a latin? How is it? In terms of difficulties to learn, and usefulness.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:27:55  148184451
Video vulgum in hoc filum prolapsum esse.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:29:04  148184529
blob-dvach-b-14[...].png (519Кб, 600x400)
>>148171918 (OP)
> Sankt-Peterburg-kun here.
Kak tam v Evropah?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:29:53  148184581
Pishwtsia kstati Saint-Petersburg a ne Sankt.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:30:13  148184610
Cease talking the language of the mob, don't disgrase yourselves. The Latin language is the language of the most educated people.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:30:37  148184637
>>148171918 (OP)
zdarova anon
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:33:28  148184853
I am in the process of studying, though the loanwords in English and Esperanto I've already learnt aid a lot. The paradygms of the noun declensions are not very difficult, but the boundless tables of the verb-conjugations are intimidating.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:34:25  148184919
Thanks. Now I am bursting with enthusiasm for Latin studies.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:46:02  148185692
Блядь обама
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 15:59:20  148186452
Ubi omnes sunt?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 16:17:11  148187457
>Creare filum
>Non preparare anonymos
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 16:18:10  148187509
Too fat.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:06:17  148190357
Nolifers? I've heard about them. But thought it's a city tale. Because i and all my friends never saw them in rea life...
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:13:15  148190765
Don't troll me! There is no such thing as "real life". Behind a door of my apartment an empty field of nothingness. City it's a myth, i'm a big boy, and i know it already!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:16:24  148190968
I would fuck your mom tomorrow
I could fuck your mom tomorrow
I might fuck your mom tomorrow

Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:25:39  148191503
Why not just use a definite article when you are talking about something that is definite and an indefinite one when you are talking about something indefinite instead of overcomplicating things with convoluted rules 'n shit
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:25:47  148191510
>I would fuck
Я бы выебал (есть желание выебать)
>I could fuck
Я мог бы выебать (предлагаю выебать)
>I might fuck
Я, возможно, выебу (пока не знаю выебу или нет)
>I can fuck
Я могу выебать (заявление о возможности)

Как-то так.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:26:48  148191573
Я имею в виду они про будущее все, а тот пишет что could и would это про прошлое
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:33:26  148191980
Ну, если говорить о сослагательном наклонении то там у него правильно выходит. Но там еще какая-то ебола нужна - сам я во временах не силён, чтоб так сходу разницу расписать.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:37:08  148192184
>>148171918 (OP)
Hi everyone.
How to learn English?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:41:17  148192469
blob (8Кб, 604x147)

Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:46:16  148192811
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:48:43  148192980
I don't know English too. I can't understand fast speech. May you recommend me anything?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:51:48  148193167
Recommended behind your cheek. Check.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:53:05  148193250
Are you shure about it? A see life outside my window everyday. Peoples, interesting things, activities... Every day, every hour, every second. Airplanes fly though skies, delivering peoples to exotic places and countries. Beautiful girls laughing, smiling and having sex. Mans driving expensive cars to ski parks. Looking good peoples in beautiful clothings, eating tasty food and drinking vine... are you shure, that is no life outside your sychevalnya?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:56:07  148193475
images.jpg (6Кб, 194x259)
Mmmm, joke of a day.
So, can you say to me "trista"?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:57:26  148193561
Movies. With english dub and sub. Eventually you'll realise that you don't really need those subs anymore. You can even find some websites with such movies online, like www.subsmovies.com
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 17:59:34  148193702
Thanks, you better than last interlocutor.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:00:26  148193760
i'm 18 y.o girl from spb, my name is katie, i'm 5.4, blonde, green eyes, i love watching movies, anime and i insanely love cats.
i would be happy to talk with you friends!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:01:45  148193836
Hi! We dont need girls. Okay?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:02:08  148193866
How about no?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:03:02  148193909
Alles Leute in das Thread sind Dumpf
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:03:22  148193934
Пошел нахуй сажаскрыл
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:04:27  148193999
ok then :(
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:05:52  148194092
It's a fake! It's a screens with a moving pictures, not a windows. They put it here to trick you, to draw your attention away from the blank reality. They're watching you, measuring how long it takes to drive man crazy within four walls, but they don't want take all hopes from you before time is come!.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:05:54  148194096
Hallo, in english language i know many words from movies and videogames, but my grammatic is really really bad, it's shite, what you recomend for me? this is hard?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:07:34  148194188
>>148171918 (OP)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:10:24  148194345
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:10:51  148194366
In order to learn grammar I recommend you to register at interpal and speak with foreign gals
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:11:10  148194377
I saw this
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:11:49  148194410
blob (11Кб, 618x226)
Spellchecker and practice. Google translate also works fine, as advanced spellchecker.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:14:39  148194556
Isn't spb an AIDS capital of Russia?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:15:14  148194578
Thanks, m8s
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:18:39  148194755
idk, i thought that was irkustsk
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:20:28  148194861
What do you think about personal computer? Will you live without it for a month at least?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:22:19  148194972
Warum habe Ich Deutsch gelernt? Das macht BUDAPEST
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:22:47  148195009
I forgot about them for about 5 years. The way it looks makes me sick! Try tablets m8
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:23:55  148195057
>i would be happy to talk with you friends!
Why all those weird strangers keeps calling me friend? Don't tease me! You aren't even real human beings!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:27:14  148195238
With a huge stack of books, or movies and a dvd player - sure. I might even not notice a difference, with a really good stuff. PC it's just a tool to deliver them to me.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:29:25  148195370
>measuring how long it takes to drive man crazy within four walls
And how long it takes? I want to know...
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:30:57  148195457
I have the tablet, its a realy cool thing, but Im so lazy.. I put it on the bookshelf and forgot about it literally.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:33:03  148195599
Oh, gospodi. You'd better learn some grammar before entering this thread, gentlemen.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:34:44  148195709
Who are you to fucking teach me?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:35:52  148195790
How can i know? Do i look like a man who lost his mind? No, i'm not insane yet! I'm resisting to their attempts! They won't get my brain for vivisection so soon!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:36:17  148195815
It was originally lecture
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:38:07  148195915
Just a bypassing stranger looking for some lulz. And now you should wake up on a lecture, 'cause you have obosralsya.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:38:23  148195933
images.jpg (3Кб, 216x144)
And one more thing..We must reinvent the English. Please welcome, the Runglish!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:38:43  148195955
Feel free to pick any post, and fix some errors. That's why we're here after all, to learn something.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:41:15  148196110
Hmm, that's a good point of view. I didn't expect to get such response here.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:45:01  148196314
We don't want your mind, bitard. It's useless.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:52:04  148196753
Maybe you want his butt?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:55:19  148196951
You probably say that to every bitard. But i'm not so credulous as your previous victims! I won't let you put my brain in the jar!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:56:02  148196995
Fat butt with hairs?.. Mmm... it cost nothing outside his little world. But, i know few people, who might be interested. They all from "red room".
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:56:09  148197003
U all here bastards of kike sluts
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:57:03  148197067
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 18:58:49  148197176
maxresdefault.jpg (78Кб, 1280x720)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:00:14  148197264
Get ready to be annihilated, by truly outrageous way
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:00:43  148197298
I've just tried to give you happiness, nyasha. But you prefer to stay in your small, sad on moody world.

I need to go now. Continue searching good men, to be heppy with. May be it was wrong place for my search...

11/10 nyasha stesnaysha tyan
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:05:22  148197631
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:10:05  148197898
and has anybody noticed how their style of speech changed? this is not about the lack of necessary vocabulary, this is about the phenomenon that causes people to speak differently in another language. fascinating, isn't it? you can read about it here https://newrepublic.com/article/117485/multilinguals-have-multiple-personalities
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:11:28  148197984
Now you're trying to lure me out? Nice try, but i know that tyan doesn't exists at all in this universe. You've created an image of tyan to bring even more despair in hikka blank worlds.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:13:42  148198106
Where you from, hikka? Who created you? Where is your parents?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:14:59  148198181
*searching FOR A good mAn, to be hAppy with. May be it was A wrong place for my search.

Now that's better, I think.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:15:46  148198241
>>148171918 (OP)
Oh yeah boiiiiisss! Haven't seen a thread like that in a long time, I'm pleased to see english-threads return. Now talk dirty to me.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:17:16  148198327
Where ARE you from. Where ARE your parents.

Now that's better, I think.

Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:18:32  148198416
Nanana na nananananaaanana nananana na nana
Talk dirty to me.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:18:55  148198440
Well, we're just using a common patterns, aren't we? Adapting a phrases, which we heard\saw somewhere in past, to our thoughts. Since we don't have a full and native understanding of foreign grammar, we have to operate a patterns.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:20:44  148198564
You're an imposter fuck you. "Talk dirty to me" is my thing, I've been doing it in these threads for years. Don't you dare steal my thing!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:22:51  148198701
Don't. Use. The indefinite article. With nouns in plural.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:23:23  148198725
Traed is doomed
Nationalists - roosters will trample it
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:23:41  148198750
No, fuck you, leather man!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:23:51  148198764
Ignore them and they will go away.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:28:17  148199063
well, applied to those who have quite poor vocabulary it's true. I, for example, studied English since 2008 and I still think that if I suddenly happened to be abroad, English-speaking people would think I'm a retard. And still can't get a fuqing job of a translator as there are few successful translation agencies in my city Samara, and the most popular one fucks with their applicants and trainees. fml. wot tak wot
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:28:18  148199065
>>148171918 (OP)
What the fuck is going on? Who the fuck do you think you are? Bitch! (c)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:28:31  148199077
I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to be fluent both in English and Japanese. And what if you had a mix of, say, English, Arabic and Chinese in your head? That'd be pretty cool.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:28:46  148199094
I live in my room. it's pretty big. I have a couch here, a table with PC, chair. I also have a balcony, but i'm too afraid of falling down to nowhere to use it often. I have a nice and kind maid who feeds me. I think she's spy, but i need her to feed me.
I don't remember where i came from. I've always been there, and that maid too. She says that she's my mother, but i don't belive her. Real human can survive outside, but she can! She even brings a food from there. Such food is creepy, but i need it to survive. I've tried to eat only my own nails, but they're grows too slow.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:29:41  148199151
>>148171918 (OP)
Вы не в курсе где говорить на английском, что ли?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:29:46  148199157
Mmm... You are smart guy! And your English is good. Let's have "quicky", nerdy boy :3
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:31:16  148199245
Link please
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:32:02  148199308
Форчан, Интерпалс.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:32:55  148199371
>You are smart guy
Not very. I just know basic English.
>Let's have "quicky"
You can't offend me such way, sorry :3
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:33:26  148199415
Well, different languages operate with different conceptual-categorical apparatuses, and conceptual-categorical apparatus is what determines the way we cognitively perceive and describe objective, social and our own internal psychological reality. So it's only natural that a change in such apparatus would cause some change in one's personality.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:34:05  148199453
What's the problem? /b/ isn't a one-topic board.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:34:21  148199467
Im /r/ the Alextime itt, mierda!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:34:49  148199489
>>148171918 (OP)
How about licking my penis?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:38:28  148199682
Всегда рофлю с этого агась
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:39:09  148199728
and pretty well-paid. simultaneous interpreters are the most intelligent ones. my English prefessor once told me about an acquaintance of her's who had to interpret some important conference 4 hours NON-STOP! he literally couldn't even think about translating or interpreting anything for about 3 months after
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:39:59  148199788
Да похуй на вас, развлекайтесь. Просто смысла нет говорить с русскими на английском, лол.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:40:42  148199840
Потому что в СССР за юмор на ГУЛАГ отправляли.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:42:16  148199947
psycholinguistics)) hello, professor
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:44:15  148200112
Well, personally i'm well aware how terrible my english is. Both grammar and vocabulary, but still i'm pretty confident in my skills. I'm texting with a natives without a much struggle, and dictionaries are always here to fill gaps. I've even been told once i sounds like a native, just with a lot of typos, lol. By another native speaker, after a couple of days of playing together in mmo.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:45:00  148200177
That's a way to develop your intellect, so why not? That's better than starring at weak attempts to troll somebody or at an another quarrel in other threads.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:45:22  148200216
9 years, advanced. want to reach fluent.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:46:29  148200321
Словарный запас же. Я вот пару слов для себя из этого топика вынес. А учить грамматику на форчане это смешно же. Сам должен прекрасно знать это.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:47:11  148200385
You really should learn your articles man. Things like "without a much" hurt immensely. Otherwise, you english is definitely not horrible.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:47:32  148200415
> your
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:47:46  148200436
But nothing beats the ol' good fap-thread, huh?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:50:07  148200656
Yeah, you are fucking right! Wish my organism let me fap more often than two times a week.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:50:42  148200708
oekaki.png (6Кб, 400x400)
I'd say it's strange how he managed to get where he's at and still be so free-wheeling with his articles.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:51:17  148200746
Fuck that, I wish I could fap all day every day.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:53:38  148200934
playing videogames with subtitles is very helpful btw. I've learnt so much from them that when I came to collegeПТУ I was surprised there were actually many spelling rules, which I intuitively absorbed without paying attention. And later in the university a PhD professor confirmed that fact
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:53:58  148200963
1482791046.jpg (90Кб, 572x840)
Субараши, Домиторий. СУБАРАШИ БЛЯТЬ! 10/10 - соре даке
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:54:20  148201000
Yep, wet dreams. Hate my organism for making me weak and unsecure for next one-two days after fap. Love fap.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:57:18  148201233
Well, I only rub one out once in three or four days.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:58:15  148201315
I guess he uses them without giving it much though, based mostly on linguistic intuition. But his intuition isn't good enough to do that yet hence the result.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:58:47  148201361
> thought
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:59:48  148201441
Same do I. But I think it's more healthy to fap one time a week, because you feel more energetic.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 19:59:57  148201450
I've never really taught English. I haven't ever paid any attention to lesson in school, never tried to learn any verbs or rules... Just a practice, starting from games of my childhood. And i'm putting those articles not because i have any reason to do it, whole phrase just sounds "better" with them in my head. But in fact - i have no idea how they're should be used properly.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:02:00  148201626
>Just a practice
This article :)
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:08:32  148202164
to teach is to give knowledge. to study is to earn knowledge. feel the difference
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:08:38  148202172
It's a noun, isn't?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:10:48  148202354
Yep, an uncountable one. You never use "a" with uncountable nouns.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:11:11  148202384
Yeah, facepalm, that's one of my common mistakes. I know the difference.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:11:46  148202432
You did not understand. I could translate this as "Ох уж этот артикль", just some irony. Practice - is uncountable noun, so there's no need in this article.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:15:09  148202720
Yeah, got it now. That's something i didn't know.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:18:23  148202991
Now my time to ask: can somebody show me when we use "a little" (meaning few, small amount of smth) and simply "little". Same with "few" and "a few". I can't understand why this article is there sometimes.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:19:28  148203078
blob (73Кб, 252x191)
I drink a little.
Your dick is little
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:21:53  148203299
Sorry, I have no idea. I determine when to use "little" or "a little" purely on intuition, so I won''t be able to formulate a comprehensive rule for you.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:22:24  148203354
Hui is russian word for dick or penis
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:22:42  148203381
No, I meant a different thing.
Look: I want a little more icecream. I have little time. What's the difference?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:22:46  148203389
No shit.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:23:55  148203502
So do I, but intuition isn't always right, so it would be cool to know when we use the first and when the second.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:27:29  148203801
> but intuition isn't always right
True, however, I haven't fucked up with this one yet. Or maybe I have but never noticed, who knows.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:28:14  148203860
Hello everybody
I have came here to remind to all of pindos filth that Mother Russia will rise again and smash every of you
You pindos fuckers will pray in knees of russian soldiers and there will no mercy for you
Glory to Russia and fuck pindoses
This is russian board
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:29:21  148203964
We're all russian here you dim-witted motherfucker.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:30:31  148204064
then stop speaking pindosian
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:32:16  148204217
Nice try, but don't think that will burn my ass.
And what do you have against self developing by learning one more language?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:33:20  148204315
Make me.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:35:17  148204500
How about suck pay ?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:35:58  148204560
It would be helpful to call for someone from 4chan, btw. Where is Tony when we need him so badly?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:40:31  148204982
I don't think 4chan guys know English much better. Not all of them are native speakers after all.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:51:13  148205998
We need one of natives, ofc. I'm pretty sure they have enough of them to share. Just a single bored retard would be fine.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:53:23  148206217
That would be pretty good to find one, but this thread will be removed earlier, obviously.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:55:04  148206389
I'm somewhat of a native. Born in Russia, raised in the US till I was like 15. But then my stupid parents decided to come back to this shithole of a country. God fucking dammit I loved it there so much.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 20:58:12  148206753
Do you have citizenship of the US? If so, you can easily get back, isn't it?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:00:49  148207021
Nope. If only my mother gave birth to me on the territory of the States, it all would've been different.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:06:39  148207630
That's bad. But at least you know English very well, so it can help you a lot to move abroad.
As an almost native speaker, can you tell me: is it correct to ask question build like that:"Don't you have a pen? or You have a pen?" instead of formal "Do you have a pen? or You have a pen, son't you?"
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:07:07  148207670
*don't you.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:11:34  148208148
What's up kacaps. I used to live in Pittsburgh, ask your answers
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:17:21  148208683
Hey, what's cracking comrade in despair? The biggest part of my childhood and almost one third of my youth I spent living in Glasgo! And now I'm back, to this Hell-on-Earth place stuffing my face with "Rachki" on a regular basis. Helps me to forget myself, developed some kind of an addiction th.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:18:54  148208817
> Don't you have a pen?
That's correct, but this kind of question would only fit in a conversation that goes like this:
- How am I supposed to write this down?
- Don't you have a pen?
> You have a pen?
You could, but it's not a very good way to phrase a question since grammatically there is no question here. People would understand you of course, but that's not the point.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:19:16  148208858
Tho quickfix
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:20:13  148208951
> stuffing my face with "Rachki"
Ah, the good ol' memes.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:21:55  148209078
Thanks. So it turns to be that people abroad use only grammatically correct forms of sentenses?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:22:55  148209151
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:23:49  148209233
You just take it from my tongue, buddy
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:25:09  148209346
Heh, and my question here >>148209078 is one of the examples. Is this construction correct (So it turns to be that people...? )?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:26:31  148209454
> So it turns to be that people abroad use only grammatically correct forms of sentenses?
Nope, not at all, native speakers butcher their own language more than you can imagine, but you were asking me whether it's correct or not and it's not.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:26:39  148209470
Memes? Really? I actually enjoy devouring them, seriously. What's the story behind that particular meme? I guess I missied out on smth
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:27:20  148209531
>So it turns out
That would be correct.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:28:05  148209612
I don't know, I've just been seeing this meme all over MDK lately.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:28:32  148209647
How to learn english, comrades?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:29:27  148209717
>>148171918 (OP)
Belgorod-koon rolls in!

hi there, guys, how can i improve my english? Im already playing with english speakers in fighting games, but i dont thinks thats enough.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:29:50  148209736
Hi faggots,I hope you all die
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:32:00  148209942
It's correct to say: "So it turns out..."
I'm struggling with the bloody captcha overhere, SOMEBODY HAAALP
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:32:40  148210016
I mean not this phrase, but the sentense in general. Was my question built correctly?
Also, I'd like to ask you about punctuation in English. Is there any rules or is it based on intuition only?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:34:15  148210162
You just learn it, without any unnecessary thoughts
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:34:22  148210178
Oh, of course "turns out". Thank you.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:35:33  148210309
> Was my question built correctly?
Not strictly correct, but yeah, it'll do.
> Is there any rules or is it based on intuition only?
There are but I don't know them.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:36:21  148210377
Sankt-peterburg, bitch!

Saint-Petersburg, motherfucker! Throwed my dick in you mouth.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:36:36  148210404
I see, ignorance and retardation prevail in Mother Russia, which is no wonder. Oh God, I wanna go back to my sweet Scotland!!!!!!!!!!!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:38:21  148210570
>>148171918 (OP)
So, I want to pee in russian hruschouvkas. Where I should start?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:39:45  148210676
Anytime, matie, anytime, United Kingdom bitcheeeees!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:41:02  148210771
What are you doing there?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:41:13  148210787
Adrian, shut the fuck up!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:45:51  148211167

Anywhere, Mr. President.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:47:11  148211272
Here's the correct version of your question (if you need it): "So it turns out, that the native speakers (or foreigners if you please) stick to gramatically correct speech only?"
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:49:12  148211432
I LIVED there , I grew the fuck up there, biatch, my father worked as a contractor in Glasgo!
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 21:57:22  148212006
After thinking a little, I decided that the final correct form will be like "So does it turn out, that the native speakers (or foreigners if you please) stick to gramatically correct speech only?", right?
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 22:07:12  148212865
Well yeah, it's possible to express your thought that way as well. Sometimes native speakers omit the auxilliary verb "do" in order to shorten long words.
Moreover it's possible to say: "after a little consideration", instead of " thinking a little, "I came to the conclusion" instead of "decided" and you definitely ought to say "would be" instead of "will be" in this context.

Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 22:17:29  148213812
Well, can you explain why do we use "would be" instead of "will be" here? Regarding other corrections you made I have no problems, but this one is difficult.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 22:26:44  148214585
Because "would be" literally means "было бы"in that case
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 22:30:14  148214871
It's called Subjunctive Mood - "Esli by da kaby, to v nosu b rosli b griby"
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 22:34:44  148215258
Vsem spasibo, we finally dealed with the correct form of question sentense, and now our thread goes to bumplimit. I need to go, dobra tebe, English-speaking anonymous.
Аноним 06/03/17 Пнд 22:37:21  148215475
No sweat

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