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Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 12:46:54  149570132  
6RjqBpiLmtM.jpg (59Кб, 604x453)
Ask some Jewish dude from Norcal (Nother California) everything. I was born in Azerbjan and was living in Moscow for a few years. I can even speak some russian. Priven pidori

Is that true, that you suffer in russia? Was it worth it, that my parents moved to live to states?

You still got pretty hot women, don't you?

>no shkolnica gf from Ryazan
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 12:50:00  149570305
Definitely worth it
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 12:50:06  149570312
>>149570132 (OP)
> Is that true, that you suffer in russia? Was it worth it, that my parents moved to live to states?
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 12:50:59  149570355
but I live with nonwhites...
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 12:51:03  149570359
Dude, it's almost 3 am, go to fucking bed
another nor Cal dude
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 12:52:36  149570442
poshel nahuy pidor
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 12:52:52  149570458
just like us
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 12:52:52  149570459
>but I live with nonwhites...
So? Do you geniunely believe we ourselves live among whites?
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 12:53:55  149570514
> was born in Azerbjan
> bitching about niggerz
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 12:56:19  149570643
I am hach (mountain Jew, small enthnicity of Jews from Caucasus) and still the whitest mutherfucker here.
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 12:59:51  149570860
1481469404569-0.png (168Кб, 400x368)
> I am hach
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 12:59:55  149570865
go sex)
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 13:15:13  149571686
>>149570132 (OP)
Can you marry me to obtain Green Card please?
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 13:18:17  149571848
чернильник, плз
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 14:17:14  149575177
>>149570132 (OP)
obama chmo
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 14:50:45  149577319
>>149570132 (OP)
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 15:10:57  149578707
Unate station of the capital of grate britan
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 16:54:52  149585974
>>149570132 (OP)
fuck off pedojew churka
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 16:56:11  149586088
>>149570132 (OP)
how many beautiful russian girls there are in Cai? i know one russian qt from school, hope she will never del with spics negrs and jews.
Аноним 25/03/17 Суб 16:56:56  149586158
>>149570132 (OP)
how many beautiful russian girls there are in Cai? i know one russian qt from school, hope she will never del with spics negrs and jews.

woudl like to take her to me/fly to her, i am angry that she is in usa and probably will find bf there

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