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Аноним # OP  29/03/17 Срд 09:15:31  149869349  
14907643159980.jpg (42Кб, 511x417)
Сап двачь, люблю сырники пиздец просто. Как мне горит от сырникохейтеров.
Аноним 29/03/17 Срд 09:16:42  149869396
>>149869349 (OP)
Двач, смотри! Я спиздил пасту с форчана и тралю сырниками быдло!!!!!

>Anon, and you, too, with all the fibers of the soul, you hate morons, who call cheese curds SYMBOLS? I fucking shake this fuck up.

>I went in to see a friend, so he offered me coffee with syrnikami from the doorstep. Hardly suppressing the desire to immediately register him on fuck, calmly replied that I do not like cheese and it would be better if he cooked cottage cheese. Without feeling a dirty trick, down with an indulgent smile explained to me that the cheese cakes are made from cottage cheese, and there is no cheese in them from the word at all. On my fair question, what kind of dick he calls them syrniki then, the dolboob began to make an embarrassing excuse, blushing and stammering, rubbing something for me about traditions, although according to the Soviet tradition it was just cottage cheese, and the fucking syrniki came out from somewhere only in last years. In general, he merged, and I turned around and went home. And what do you think? Now he sends me a link, saying that the ancient Slavs called obedient cheese cottage cheese. Well, not an asshole?
Аноним 29/03/17 Срд 09:17:22  149869417
1404387610744.jpeg (63Кб, 655x488)
>>149869349 (OP)
Аноним 29/03/17 Срд 09:19:12  149869494
>>149869349 (OP)
Расскажи рецепт.

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