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02/12/16 - Конкурс визуальных новелл доски /ruvn/
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Аноним 04/04/17 Втр 19:20:31  150256720  
108878.jpg (159Кб, 600x900)
Greetings from Finland. Why is that when you go to shop in russian store the cashier offers change in a designated change plate? Like if she avoids to touch the money or something. Pic not related, just some finnish drunks sunbathing
Аноним 04/04/17 Втр 19:50:30  150258678
Shameless bump
Аноним 04/04/17 Втр 20:11:44  150260169
>>150256720 (OP)
There's this Soviet supestition that you shouldn't touch money. It remains in remote stores that don't belong to chains.
Аноним 04/04/17 Втр 20:15:45  150260420
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>>150256720 (OP)
greedings i dont understandunding enlglando sore))))))
Аноним 04/04/17 Втр 20:15:46  150260421
Some believe that giving money from hand to hand brings misfortune.

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