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Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:03:58  152264114  
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I've been here few months ago and I promised. I have bout 2 free hours sooooo ask a polishfag who's first time in Russia, Moscow anything.

Inb4 gtfo bydlo and any longer sentences in russian-I can read those but takes me lots of time and I might not get everything.

Pics related but I can show you visa or sth if you don't believe.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:08:20  152264349
Россиянин и пол[...].webm (3176Кб, 640x360, 00:00:29)
>>152264114 (OP)
Мало тебе вломили, сука?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:13:24  152264627
Catch me if you can ;*
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:18:24  152264885
Dan sorry idk how to OPstamp on phone
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:24:42  152265217
Co ty tutaj robisz?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:27:25  152265354
Polak wyruchany w dupę
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:29:31  152265467
20170503122837.jpg (2497Кб, 4128x2322)
Really no one is interested?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:30:48  152265540
Zwiedzam sb z kolegą, który to poszedł do treciakowskiej, więc w zasadzie snuję się po okolicy
Nie pierdol
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:31:01  152265555
What are you doing here/
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:31:34  152265586
> PP
> ago
Дальше не читал.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:33:59  152265705
Nothing to do for you here , there alot of mad russian schoolboys trying to flame and get some profits of this
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:35:16  152265792
I went sightseeing mostly, i really like your culture and so on. Mostly cause of Buhalalkov tho
So dobt reas i dont care. When I'll find shop I'll buy today's newspaper
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:35:43  152265814
It;s pretty much schoolboy's place, man. meanwhile, people who r older then 12 usually have already comunicated with a several amount of foriengners and they ain't interested in comunication at all. So, what can u tell us about ur trip and impression?
Btw tell us about Poland, I imagine Polaks like people who live to serve as junitors in Eastern Europe or to become crazzy football fans.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:35:48  152265823
>>152264114 (OP)
по русски пиши. ты не американец или китац какой то
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:36:11  152265842
>>152264114 (OP)
Did you like it in Russia? Which place is more comfortable, Russia or Poland? What is the average paycheck in Poland, and do you think, people in russia and the country it self is poor as fuck?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:36:17  152265845
As everywhere on /b/ I'm used to it
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:38:11  152265958
>>152264114 (OP)
как же ты заебал, зелёный. неужели ты действительно думаешь что тебя кто-то всерьёз примет за иностранца? раньше ты был финном, потом ещё кем-то, теперь ты поляк. ни дня без вниманиеблядства не можешь?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:38:49  152265999
lel, i think the question is so predictable , ofc even in Poland you can meet more friendly and intelligent ppl. I got some polish friends , and they never act like tryin to troll me for putin vodka and etc. playing with them in CS , Rust and other stuff. very friendly guys.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:38:57  152266012
>>152264114 (OP)
Иди нахуй, свинья ёбаная.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:41:02  152266136
Russian bullys who cant in English /thread
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:43:01  152266264
I really do in love Moscow tho I havenhaven't been anywhere else so I can't speak about Russia at all
What about comfort well hard to say but I wasn't offended here so it's k I guess
Average pay is about 600-700$ but the official average is said to be ~1000$
The people here are contrasted af. Like there are thousands of rich oligarchs who can do pretty much everything like park in the middle of the eet and no one baited there eye. Then there are lots and lots of poor people. And every1 smokes and nor one speaks English xd
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:44:29  152266350
speak russian. I know that you know it. Do not be as khohol
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:48:24  152266579
It's not me
Well Poland is neither West nor East. The football fans here are like your gopniks - no one ever likes them and they are imbeciles.
Poles are migrating West because it's easy and even tho I really like Poland it's almost impossible to live decent life with this salaries. Even in Moscow where my friend told me is v. Costly the prices are on average same as in my city or less (f.e. ciagrcigarettes in Poland coast about 220 rub
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:49:28  152266640
I can speak on communicative level but can't write m8
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:51:20  152266757
Sam se idi na chuj jebana ruska swołocz
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:54:04  152266894
people in poland don't smoke that much? Are there many alcohol drinkers? How much does pack of cigs costs in poland?
that avg payckeck doubles or even triples what we have in russia
did you see alot of caucasian immigrants at moscow streets, what do you think of them?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:55:51  152266986
>>152264114 (OP)
What story you'll tell?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:57:15  152267069
>>152264114 (OP)
Do you have polish imageboard? What is it called?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 12:57:35  152267089
>>152264114 (OP)
юж забилэш йэжа голой дупой?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:00:04  152267209
They smoke more compared to west but here i feel like evryone smokes. And i was pretty much impressed that homeless people ask me for fire not cigarette xD
People at least in public drink same as you do, dont know how this looks on home parties and so on.
Told it ^up more than 220 rub
Well you asked for average i earn as a full time bartender about 350$ monthly
Caucasian and mongolian, didnt expect to see so much of them but i dont care, we have lots of ukrainians xD
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:00:35  152267238
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:03:21  152267391
Sad story of life xD
Nothing really to tell i am just a traveller
We have few but they re mostly dead compared to 2ch or 4ch
Pl.vichan.net or sth like that just look for vichan. Also there was kiwiszon but dont quite remember of its alive
Not yet
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:05:07  152267466
>>152264114 (OP)
Kurwa mat'...
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:09:18  152267666
Most polish swears concentrate on 'pyerdol (t'sye)'
Same as you do i belive?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:19:11  152268155
20170503131504.jpg (2405Кб, 4128x2322)
You have just one newspapee here?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:23:04  152268353
>>152264114 (OP)
Moskva - govno, Piter - zajebis'. Jezhaj v Piter, Jakub.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:26:24  152268514
I'm raped by Russia can you help get a refugee?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:27:22  152268554
I enjoy Moscow, Petersburg another time
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:27:54  152268587
What xD
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:27:58  152268592
Only thing you raped is English grammar.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:29:08  152268665
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:31:08  152268765
>>152264114 (OP)
Show me a piece of your visa.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:31:33  152268787
Why did you come here? If this is not adevatny?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:32:54  152268860
If you are out of questions lemme ask one then. Does average Russian guy hate Poland as much as it is told us by media? And how do you feel about MATI?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:33:34  152268895
You mean Moscow or 2ch?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:33:38  152268900
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>>152264114 (OP)
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:34:00  152268916
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Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:34:15  152268924
> Does average Russian guy hate Poland as much as it is told us by media?

Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:36:24  152269033
Нищеброд, который ненавидит рашку и не может выучить азы английского.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:36:31  152269038
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Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:36:41  152269047
Can you marry so that I would have a chance to immigrate to Poland?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:37:22  152269077
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Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:38:13  152269119
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Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:38:51  152269145
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Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:39:18  152269173
fTZtdTdZUCo.jpg (80Кб, 421x604)
>>152264114 (OP)
hey bro, could you please write "sup /b/ 03.05.2017" near your passport
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:39:43  152269186
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Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:40:35  152269233
>>152264114 (OP)
Kurwa! Ja pierdole!
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:42:13  152269309
99main.jpg (62Кб, 665x418)
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:44:37  152269438
>>152264114 (OP)
Cześć. Jestem polakiem, mieszkam w Białorusi. Mam Kartę Polaka. Kurwa.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:46:10  152269510
>we have lots of ukrainians xD
Решил нам тут хохлосрач устроить?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:47:42  152269566
попробую перевести
Ку, я поляк, живу в беларуси. Мать - частично полячка. Куова.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:49:39  152269664
Mam - я имею, у меня есть.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:51:03  152269725
Значит "у меня есть польский пасспорт"?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:52:29  152269793
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Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:55:09  152269935
I don't want to
I don't have paper, really today's newspaper isn't enough?
Chuj a nie polak
Don't understand

Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:55:45  152269961
Карта Поляка. С ней можно жить, работать и учиться в Польше наравне с поляками. И через полтора года стать гражданином Польши (не теряя старого гражданства). А я чет в Минске хуй мосу при таких возможностях.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:56:55  152270045
>Chuj a nie polak
Twój dziadek i ty z trzech lat.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 13:59:25  152270198
A to zwracam honor
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 14:00:44  152270267
>I don't have paper, really today's newspaper isn't enough?
I believe you, it was just a request.
Действительно, чего ты так?
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 14:01:25  152270300
>>152264114 (OP)
Hey polak, how do I learn ur language ? Coz that fucking pronociation
pisses me off.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 14:04:38  152270479
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Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 14:09:12  152270716
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sure is pal, thx
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 14:09:41  152270744
Well polish is very similar though much more harsh. Also we almost don't use е, ё, я, ю nor any similar sounds. F.e. you say Белорусская
Whereas we will use "Białoruska" (byalьoruska)
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 14:10:41  152270794
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 14:12:29  152270905
Если дабл, то сменю фамилию на Бухалалко.
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 14:12:37  152270912
Жаль, что мой английский слишком плох, и я не могу сидеть в этомitt треде
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 14:18:23  152271234
Too bad for you. But you aren't alone, I haven't met anyone who spoke English yet
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 14:20:32  152271363
Yeah sorry didnt know how to write it. I meant https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Булгаков,_Михаил_Афанасьевич
Of course
Аноним 03/05/17 Срд 14:24:34  152271588
he actually told
'On dubs i will change my second-name to buhalalko'
Which translates to drunkenkek
And what you showed is Bulgakov.

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