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Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:49:55 2017844051
1547305433594.jpg (125Кб, 1033x1080)
Hello there! I'm kinda web traveller, visiting different countries interesting resources. One my Russian friend has told me about this , how he told - really fucked up resource of everything.
And here i am! What is this place? Is here some forbidden thematics( excluded CP and animal killing)?
Anyways , if I'm not welcome in here, let me know.
Btw he told here people does not really know english,but i don't believe in that.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:51:22 2017844842
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:51:29 2017844973
da i po schastlivoy slychainosti ti prosralsya imenno v /b/, poshel nahui vikidish shluhi
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:52:24 2017845494
Looking like Slovakian language,but not really
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:52:47 2017845715
>>201784405 (OP)
Fuck off, you Russian shitposter. Your broken, atrocious English gives you away.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:53:29 2017846066
Hello, this place is something like 4chan
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:53:40 2017846217
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:54:06 2017846418
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:54:16 2017846589
Да, он на запятых спалился.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:55:18 20178472710
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:55:22 20178472911
Мать твоя шлюха, конский член заглатывала, у тысячи афганцев на кукане каталась
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:56:21 20178479112
Yeah, i see that :D. I thought i can get some fun here, at least from trying translate what the people writing to me. But translator really can not do it effectively
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:56:46 20178481713

Забавно, если он сейчас переводит это
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:56:52 20178482114
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:57:34 20178486815
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:57:38 20178487316
>>201784405 (OP)
hellow comrade, animal killing is not forbidden, but you shoud post it on dark webm thread. CP is forbidden and if you post it then makaka send you ip to FSB and police put butilka in your ass.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:58:16 20178490817
I can advice you to visit russian lurkmore and to learn history of some memes and expressions, maybe it will help you.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:58:41 20178492618
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:58:56 20178493719
I'm working in logistics, not very high top position but I'm fine.
1800-2000€ monthly. Idk what you gonna do with that ,but ok
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 15:59:47 20178498520
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:00:05 20178500221
12/08/19 Пнд 16:00:18 20178501822
изображение.png (645Кб, 474x702)
Sage uebanu
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:00:23 20178502523
Jajaja typical retard do you have some turret illness?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:00:38 20178504124
Не, братан, оно не работает. В одной не безызвестной онлайн игре, года два-три назад, школотрон пытался изображать словака. Сначала говорил на ломаном английском, потом на ломанном русском, потом слился под предлогом "что к словакам вы относитесь лучше, чем к русским". Правда потом опять его заглючило, и он начал снова на ломаном английском базарить
12/08/19 Пнд 16:00:45 20178504525
изображение.png (778Кб, 474x632)
Havai sagu
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:00:48 20178504926
12/08/19 Пнд 16:01:10 20178506927
O, sir, Vi is Anglii?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:01:17 20178507728
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:01:22 20178508429
12/08/19 Пнд 16:01:49 20178511030
изображение.png (1374Кб, 600x900)
Suck my bik dik
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:02:25 20178514031
>>201784405 (OP)
Охуительный ломанный рунглиш, даунёнок. Вот, давай исправлю тебе для следующих пидорских постов.

Hello there! I'm kind of a web traveller who's visiting different countries' image boards. One of my Russian friends told me about this board. He told me that it's a really fucked up website full of everything.
So, here i am! What is this place? Are there some forbidden materials ( excluded CP and animal killing) up in here?
Anyways , if I'm not welcome in here, let me know.
Btw he told me that here people do not really know English,but i don't believe in that.
12/08/19 Пнд 16:02:38 20178515632
изображение.png (6260Кб, 1280x1920)
Smotri kakoi vkusnii chlen.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:03:08 20178518333
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:03:12 20178518834
image.png (151Кб, 421x327)
John, is that you? Do you remember me? I'm your classmate. I recognized you because of your schizoid shit that you write here. Do you remember how we all urinated in your mug in the third class? And you drank, licked your lips and asked for supplements. And then your father came to take you away, the same janitor who raped the dog and got a suspended sentence for stealing the processed cheese in the store. He entered the class, everyone began to laugh, and you crap under you from shame, and then said that you would hate janitors all your life, but in 9th class, when you went to the raid to beat them, they let you in a circle , then eight seams had to be put on your anus. How are you doing, Johnny?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:03:18 20178519335
156561843525266[...].jpg (1246Кб, 3264x2448)
Ehhm okay, i make photo without cleaning geotags, check it
12/08/19 Пнд 16:03:25 20178519936
изображение.png (867Кб, 691x1024)
12/08/19 Пнд 16:03:43 20178523037
изображение.png (767Кб, 474x712)
12/08/19 Пнд 16:04:00 20178524138
изображение.png (610Кб, 474x711)
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:04:10 20178524839
Хуятч. Твои ошибки типичные для вонючего свинорылого русака или гнилого, червивого хохлуши. Мимо учитель инглиша.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:04:10 20178524940
>>201784405 (OP)
Hi there, do you know 4chan.org? This is mostly the same site, but in CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) style, for example do you know a history when guys from 4chan stole a flag? We make a raid on pseudo-anime festival instead stealing flag, or yet another example, guys from 4chan make a war with feministic twitters, and we bullied people which we don't like
Also, if you still don't know, this kind of sites called anonimous imageboards
12/08/19 Пнд 16:04:17 20178525241
изображение.png (1231Кб, 750x1000)
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:04:37 20178527942
Okay, i gonna do that later for shure. Thanks
12/08/19 Пнд 16:04:51 20178528643
изображение.png (1825Кб, 768x1024)
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:04:55 20178529344
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:05:08 20178530845
по четыре пикчи пость че ка лох
12/08/19 Пнд 16:05:10 20178531146
изображение.png (546Кб, 474x632)
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:05:28 20178532647
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:05:40 20178534148
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:06:02 20178535749
Nope, but i would like to visit Saint Petersburg in December.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:06:11 20178536350
12/08/19 Пнд 16:06:36 20178538151
12/08/19 Пнд 16:07:01 20178540852
изображение.png (2109Кб, 784x1046)
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:07:14 20178542153
12/08/19 Пнд 16:07:18 20178542554
изображение.png (564Кб, 474x693)
12/08/19 Пнд 16:07:38 20178545255
изображение.png (583Кб, 474x713)
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:07:57 20178547056
12/08/19 Пнд 16:08:02 20178547257
изображение.png (1809Кб, 1280x960)
12/08/19 Пнд 16:08:13 20178548458
032465149985p0.png (396Кб, 707x1000)
Вайпать так вайпать, заносите членодевок
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:08:16 20178549359
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:08:32 20178551060
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:08:46 20178551761
>random photo related
no sup, no date, gtfo
12/08/19 Пнд 16:09:02 20178553362
изображение.png (740Кб, 474x640)
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:09:05 20178553663
Okay, i got this. Why here is popular black naked guy? I don't think here is some girls,thaaaaaan i suppose here is some kind of gay community?
12/08/19 Пнд 16:09:45 20178557364
Эй, вы, четверо! Если вас троих ещё раз на моих бордах увижу - пизды получите оба! Понял, ублюдок?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:10:07 20178559065
I have visited this city last winter, you should see it in summer, when there are many funny people on its streets.
12/08/19 Пнд 16:10:18 20178559866
изображение.png (360Кб, 474x315)
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:10:20 20178560067
чмо не палится
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:10:23 20178560368
>some kind of gay community
Also we impose homosexuality on others
12/08/19 Пнд 16:10:26 20178560869
Ступид мотхерфуцкер тхис ис вайп (wipe)
12/08/19 Пнд 16:10:58 20178564370
изображение.png (833Кб, 474x726)
12/08/19 Пнд 16:11:51 20178569971
изображение.png (1339Кб, 750x1000)
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:11:51 20178570172
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:11:53 20178570473
Yep, usually we gather in Sunday on the red square and fuck each other.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:12:00 20178571474
Hallo! Ich bin ein bisschen Web-Reisender und besuche verschiedene Länder mit interessanten Ressourcen. Einer, den mir mein russischer Freund erzählt hat, wie er erzählt hat - eine wirklich beschissene Ressource von allem.
Und hier bin ich! Was ist das für ein Ort? Gibt es hier verbotene Themen (ausgenommen CP und Tötung von Tieren)?
Wie auch immer, wenn ich hier nicht willkommen bin, lass es mich wissen.
Übrigens hat er hier erzählt, dass die Leute nicht wirklich Deutsh sprechen, aber ich glaube nicht daran
12/08/19 Пнд 16:12:31 20178574675
он уже говорил что нет, даже бочку не делает и в тазик не хочет
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:12:33 20178574976
Ohhh hello grammar teacher! Nope I don't need that ,thank you i appreciate it .
Yes grammar is not my strongest side,but i really don't give a fuck about that. Cmon im Dutch , not necessary to know english that good.
12/08/19 Пнд 16:13:07 20178578277
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:13:08 20178578478
Ну это ты конечно высрал.
12/08/19 Пнд 16:13:22 20178580479
изображение.png (674Кб, 640x480)
Kto napishet v tred bez sage - tot cherv' pidor
12/08/19 Пнд 16:13:42 20178582580
ноу пруф пиздабол сраный, вайп треду
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:13:46 20178582681
А почему не покормить, концепт троллинга хороший выбрал, тип я Auslander (прости что без диакритических знаков), просветите меня, чё это за сайт такой у вас, вот честно, такое покормить не жалко
Ксенофилы тут?
12/08/19 Пнд 16:14:51 20178589282
typical proof here is something like "sup 2ch %datetime% %threadnumber% / %postnumber%" instead of screw
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:14:52 20178589483
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:15:52 20178595384
12/08/19 Пнд 16:16:22 20178598985
So, we need proof, Johny. We can talk when you post it.
12/08/19 Пнд 16:17:11 20178604786
Hello, my name is Billy and I'm from Amerika(real England Amerika city Washington). I was going on internet and find the site this is 2ch. And I ask you here here today about what? About what is 2ch this site is. What it was? Who was phone?

(sorry for my language knowlege I was immigration from)
12/08/19 Пнд 16:17:31 20178606387
12/08/19 Пнд 16:17:34 20178606788
>>201784405 (OP)
Блядь, говнопутало дырявое, от тебя иванятиной тащит за версту. Иди, хуесосало своё самогоном прополощи
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:18:12 20178610889
Ксеносов ебашитьь надо пиздить ногами нахцуй
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:18:32 20178613290
I thought Dutch people were good at English
Most Dutchies I spoke to irl/online were indistingishable from native speakers
Anyway, goededag, ik spreek een beetje Nederlands, 2ch is ook niet zo goed, dank je mijn vriend
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:18:35 20178613391
Yes i know 4chan, but what a story about flag?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:19:24 20178619192
that's some poor english for a dutch guy
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:20:35 20178626293
Проиграл с поборника чистоты
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:21:26 20178632094
156561956792614[...].jpg (1364Кб, 3264x2448)
Oh you bitching like my ex girlfriend. Okay okay u will get those
12/08/19 Пнд 16:22:15 20178636895
12/08/19 Пнд 16:23:47 20178646196
007570818416p15.png (596Кб, 707x1000)
Продолжаю вайп, чувак с неграми, помогай
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:24:04 20178648197
I wanna see the real winter ,that why i coming in December
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:24:22 20178649498
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:25:13 20178654999
Im Dutch , not German. Our languages kinda similar but not really
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:25:26 201786565100
winter petersburg is beautiful and ugly at the same time
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:26:12 201786624101
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:29:58 201786844102
image.png (450Кб, 1241x438)
Come to my land, you will see THE REAL WINTER.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:33:31 201787066103
Goedemiddag man! Ik hoefde geen Engels te leren. veel Polen werken voor ons, en zij weten op hun beurt niets anders dan hun eigen taal.
And im just lazy to follow all my mistakes, im not at work right now to do that :D im not ratardedb,but a little bit challenged xD
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:35:27 201787188104
15647175665320.jpg (164Кб, 992x878)
Я - Русский
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:35:40 201787196105
Ehhm, no i not gonna waste my paper for you .
And you can check if pic was edited in Photoshop.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:37:05 201787283106
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:38:34 201787371107
Download the pic, open meta info and check .
You think i will make it easier for you? Nope
12/08/19 Пнд 16:39:57 201787448108
>ой ну я с англии я американец я иностранец датч пипол)))
>не хочу это доказывать ойй вы мерзкие противные бумагу трачу уйду я от вас
Хуй соси, пидорашка
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:41:51 201787574109
finally someone with a decent phone. didn't find the location tho
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:41:56 201787578110
>>201784405 (OP)
On this board, we don't believe the holocaust ever happened. What's your stance, boy?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:42:14 201787602111
I haven't told im from UK or US.
I did approvement, or what you expect else?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:42:30 201787614112
Да че ты доебался, может паря просто инглиш спикинг прокачивает
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:43:53 201787707113
Really? Oh wait maybe it is switched off by default.
12/08/19 Пнд 16:44:31 201787749114
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:44:58 201787782115
>>201784405 (OP)
hello mane, are you gay? if you aren't, could you suck a dick for once, please? we can meet somewhere in copenhagen, i live here too (lol); can pay a little, if you want. i'm russian.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:45:12 201787801116
CBvZQ1RKcGI.png (343Кб, 466x580)
>>201784405 (OP)
Every time u post anything please toggle #op, so we can see it's your post and from random user
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:46:26 201787883117
LMAO. Why?
I don't know, i wasn't there to say for shure. Basically I don't give a shit, never getting deep into that.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:47:14 201787930118
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:48:05 201787984119
Man you are shitass, you wrote fucking bullshit.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:48:22 201788003120
Yee, it was switched off , sorry for that . Well will do it once again, what to write? Maybe something special?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:49:45 201788103121
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:50:10 201788138122
Your Dutch passport or driver license, sir.
12/08/19 Пнд 16:51:33 201788246123
Оп, получи английский. Anyway без s, апостроф после countries и т. д., да и вообще текст хуевый
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:51:41 201788262124
Ahaha, you not gonna get me like that scammer.
12/08/19 Пнд 16:54:36 201788452125
Пусть на 4чан идёт и там прокачивает
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:54:56 201788470126
Замажь личные данные, делов то . Или ты peacedoorball ?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:54:59 201788474127
No one's asking for your picture and full name, wankstain. He meant the cover of the passport, it usually shows the name of the country on it. And put the same paper with the sup and date near it.
12/08/19 Пнд 16:55:00 201788476128
Фор год сэйк, kak je ti slab v postironii
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:56:21 201788566129
i have lots of paper, will you suck my balls for ~300 euros? i suppose you haven't never even tried, so why won't you do that first time?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:57:16 201788619130
156562172115191[...].jpg (1268Кб, 3264x2448)
Here is.
Dude we don't have passport,only id cards. And there from both sides private information. Same on license
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:58:20 201788688131
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:58:57 201788720132
Lol . No thanks. 300 euros? Are you kidding? That amount i spend on weed weekly.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 16:59:20 201788745133
How did you manage to create this thread without knowing russian?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:00:28 201788805134
image.png (1605Кб, 800x1137)
image.png (595Кб, 800x532)
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:01:09 201788846135
You like it here so far bro? :D
How's the Russian hospitality?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:02:04 201788893136
Хаааа, поймали пиздабола
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:02:17 201788904137
Really I got help from highly minded russian friend. Btw he sitting near me and laughing.
As well he help with captcha.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:03:18 201788955138
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:04:18 201789012139
Yes, you can make it if you gonna leave EU, but you don't need it at all inside .
Shure i will do that closer to winter, when gonna visit Saint Petersburg
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:05:18 201789058140
you fucking addict, this is my mom's monthly salary. by the way, why won't suck for a week of weed? isn't that cool for you? there's nothing shameful in sucking dicks.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:05:27 201789068141
Еблан, ты Данию с Нидерландами спутал.
12/08/19 Пнд 17:06:04 201789105142
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:06:12 201789111143
I laughed my ass out dude. Btw acid starts to kick in and it getting more funny
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:06:24 201789120144
So you can travel within EU just with an ID? For example, you can go right now to Germany or France without a passport?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:07:11 201789163145
>>201784405 (OP)
Hello, man. Welcome to the site! Don't listen those stupid assholes, they just kidding. How do you live? What are your interests, job? Tell about anything.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:07:37 201789196146
Загугли, как переводится DANMARK, хуеплюшка.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:08:04 201789231147
Is weed legal over there? I mean like, completely or you can smoke only in some particular places?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:08:31 201789265148
Nah is just not for me. Feeling bad about yours Mom
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:09:14 201789307149
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:09:48 201789347150
15557653585900.webm (384Кб, 496x368, 00:00:08)
>Those russians who translate dutch as a "denmark citizen"
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:11:37 201789467151
btw, I'm from Moldova, it's a small country between Ukraine and Romania, was always wondering, what do you people (from the more developed part of EU) think about Romania?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:12:35 201789524152
let me see what kind of girls or dicks, sweet you like.
12/08/19 Пнд 17:13:34 201789589153
Ohh, thanks. Im not first year in internet, just having fun from people who don't believe.
Ehhhm interests- i love living and everything what crossed with that :D as i wrote earlier, i work into logistics, many different stuff from electronic to pet supplies. Aslo i like drugs, supporting black marker. You know that natural selection stuff x)
12/08/19 Пнд 17:14:03 201789616154
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:16:16 201789760155
Well, I sometimes smoke hash, but don't like other drugs. Well, good luck.
12/08/19 Пнд 17:16:33 201789783156
Not really legal, decriminalised. Means you can have 5 grams in a pocket. On yours place you can grow up to 3 starins on person. And we have really broken pharmacy regulation laws. Ins easy availability almost all drugs except opiates.
12/08/19 Пнд 17:19:36 201789989157
Ahaha, man i know some Moldavians who het here with romanian passport.
Here in Netherlands we don't care where you came from. All about what are you a person. I saw bad gypsy and also good once.
12/08/19 Пнд 17:20:29 201790040158
12/08/19 Пнд 17:23:20 201790201159
Emmm you know girls, they have vagina and boobs. I like almost all of those human type
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:23:30 201790216160
Yep, a lot of us leave the country looking for a better life somewhere in the west.
Also, all those fuckers from this thread trying to harass you, they would give their left nut to live where you do, so look at that as a performance of envy, nothing more.
12/08/19 Пнд 17:23:58 201790244161
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:25:43 201790339162
say something in Dutch or you are pussyball
12/08/19 Пнд 17:25:56 201790349163
Really you need to speak english at least on understandable level and be ready to work, thàn you are welcome in here.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:26:56 201790405164
>Паспорт гражданина Дании выдаётся гражданам Дании (дат. Kongeriget Danmark) для международных поездок.

А он неплохо подготовился.
12/08/19 Пнд 17:27:32 201790448165
Wat wilt u van mij horen? en "pussyball" wat betekent dat?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:27:41 201790460166
European cuckold for sandniggers all gypsies are scum
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:28:08 201790485167
12/08/19 Пнд 17:28:52 201790528168
12/08/19 Пнд 17:30:05 201790598169
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:30:14 201790605170
I'm just waiting to finish my studies in IT, save up some money and then try to find a job somewhere in the EU. First I thought of going somewhere in the US, but after working 2 years with American customers, I hate them so much. I hope you Europeans are more friendly than these chedder eating faggots.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:30:16 201790606171
>>201784405 (OP)
mane i'm here again, hey!!! why did you come to 2ch? tell about yourself or maybe ask us something... what about your tastes - you're not too привередливый, мягко говоря. they might call you 'a govnoed' (it's a man who likes eating shit).
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:30:21 201790610172
I am Dutch too living in Russia for five years tottaly agree with u people like this tolerate piece of shit send our country to a big fucking hole
12/08/19 Пнд 17:31:17 201790667173
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:32:10 201790702174
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:32:14 201790706175
>>201784405 (OP)

No you're not, your pidorashka is showing, kindly proceed to fuck off.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:32:23 201790716176
Даааа чувак, главное проблема России это молдаване и румыны. Иди портрету пыньки поклонись, уёбок
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:32:32 201790722177
>>201784405 (OP)
Can I immigrate to Netherlands and find job in coffeeshop? I speak English and know all about weed
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:32:38 201790727178
image.png (118Кб, 275x183)
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:33:48 201790788179
I speak about Netherland idiot. I don't give a fuck about Putin and all political shit in yours country.
12/08/19 Пнд 17:33:57 201790796180
Heer, het lijkt me dat je liegt. Uit welke regio of stad kom je? ik kom uit Zuid-Holland, de Poeldijk-gemeenschap
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:34:45 201790829181
For your trolling Moldavian scammer I am waiting when u start asking money for Doshirak
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:35:09 201790847182
How did you recognize what "пыньки" means?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:35:31 201790866183
15654736739720.png (63Кб, 823x937)
There is a tradition on this image board. If you want anons to take you seriously you need to take a photo of anything that supports your story plus piece of paper with "sup 2ch" and date on it
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:35:53 201790887184
he's just a regular pizdabol, nothing new here
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:35:57 201790893185
12/08/19 Пнд 17:36:40 201790931186
Dude, in coffeeshop I don't think so. For that need fluent dutch.
But emigrating,yes you are welcome in here
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:37:19 201790965187
You forgot that he need to put this proof in his ass and make photo it's old tradition for russian imageboards especially 2ch
12/08/19 Пнд 17:38:31 201791020188
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:39:28 201791086189
What sort of weed is your favourite?
Have u ever heard about Spice?
It's synthetical weed legal and very popular in Russia
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:39:32 201791088190
Fukcing pikabu newfags. Not proof in the ass, but flag with NARIMAN on it.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:40:47 201791148191
12/08/19 Пнд 17:40:59 201791156192
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:41:06 201791161193
Привет! Я своего рода веб-путешественник, посещающий интересные страны разных стран. Один мой русский друг рассказал мне об этом, как он рассказал - действительно испортил ресурс всего.
И вот я здесь! Что это за место? Есть ли здесь какие-то запрещенные темы (исключая СР и убийство животных)?
В любом случае, если мне здесь не рады, дайте мне знать.
Кстати, он сказал здесь, что люди действительно не знают английский, но я не верю в это.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:41:14 201791172194
Not as popular as Crocodile and way more harmful.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:41:39 201791187195
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:42:06 201791216196
When'll the russian dumbs be able to speak the human language, also known as English?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:42:12 201791223197
Crocodile is banned now all it's users died
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:42:34 201791249198
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:43:15 201791280199
I am Dutch living in Moscow for five years and nobody here don't speak English evev simple phrases
Hate this
12/08/19 Пнд 17:44:10 201791328200
There is not favourite, but in this year i have met Gorilla glue. Yes i know what about "spice" you talking about. Here we dont have this sht
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:45:04 201791381201
12/08/19 Пнд 17:46:38 201791467202
Lol i did make translate of this. And then - wait what the fuck
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:46:51 201791480203
I'm his father left them cuz he's 100% cuckold I don't want son like this one asshole
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:46:53 201791482204
You dirty horsefucker! The truly human language is Ukranian!
12/08/19 Пнд 17:47:29 201791514205
12/08/19 Пнд 17:48:39 201791583206
12/08/19 Пнд 17:49:26 201791627207
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:51:07 201791724208
Op, what's your impressions of our beloved president V.V.Punya?
12/08/19 Пнд 17:51:13 201791728209
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:51:29 201791752210
image.png (670Кб, 1200x628)
you are all fiends
12/08/19 Пнд 17:52:36 201791819211
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:53:43 201791886212
image.png (862Кб, 1000x667)
I fucked.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:53:49 201791891213
Пошел нахуй, пиндосская тварь.

Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:54:02 201791901214
image.png (531Кб, 1000x667)
I fucked.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:54:53 201791957215
image.png (862Кб, 1000x667)
I fucked.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:55:23 201791984216
Why? Are you afraid of KGB also known as bloody gabenya?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 17:57:27 201792116217
AX-Ke-szg8M.jpg (81Кб, 509x507)
12/08/19 Пнд 18:00:40 201792307218
Not, just i saw some stuff. Look our mass media telling one shit, people telling another one. I guess yours Mass media telling third shit .
But how told my russian friend ,what sitting behind me,
V.V.Putin is great, but only in one aspect- he is great thieve. And when i asked him what he steals? He answered - this bustard stole future of the whole country.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:04:01 201792478219
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:05:14 201792548220
15654705564032.webm (1868Кб, 368x640, 00:00:10)
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:05:50 201792592221
15651815121900.mp4 (1265Кб, 480x480, 00:00:14)
12/08/19 Пнд 18:06:26 201792630222
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:07:01 201792669223
Let your friend tell you about reign of Gorbachev, Yeltsyn and compare to Putin.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:07:11 201792679224
15641282865680.mp4 (2339Кб, 128x240, 00:00:26)
Давайте как следует встретим иностранного гостя
12/08/19 Пнд 18:07:25 201792694225
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:08:39 201792751226
15640604872120.webm (3844Кб, 640x360, 00:00:51)
12/08/19 Пнд 18:08:56 201792769227
12/08/19 Пнд 18:09:50 201792815228
All you western people are fat and cuckold it's like meme in Russia
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:10:09 201792835229
15641287012501.mp4 (7610Кб, 640x360, 00:01:18)
Allahu Akbar!
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:11:54 201792944230
15635379132500.webm (10199Кб, 720x1280, 00:00:38)
12/08/19 Пнд 18:12:12 201792958231
So, i see activity getting lower and lower. Thanks to all.
Because of acid not really easy type messages, i go chill. Maybe some day i will come here. Peace.
12/08/19 Пнд 18:13:32 201793028232
I think it's about Americans, we have this "meme"( actually stereotype) too
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:13:47 201793044233
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:14:59 201793114234
12/08/19 Пнд 18:15:16 201793126235
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:17:18 201793240236
12/08/19 Пнд 18:18:39 201793319237
12/08/19 Пнд 18:21:43 201793465238
I go. Bye
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:22:40 201793521239
12/08/19 Пнд 18:23:36 201793578240
Хватит троллить тупостью, летний залётеный школьник. Только совсем уж конченые аутисты могут повестись на твою жалкую провокацию из ОП-поста.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:25:39 201793692241
whatareyou.jpg (39Кб, 540x372)
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:28:59 201793882242
Germany is great. Come to our germany chat in telegram, 2chers are moving to germany there, everyone is welcome - t1p.de/eq3f
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:30:35 201793977243
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:30:48 201793992244
Ебать вы Фомы неверующие. Я тот самый русский друг господина голландца. Мы так с вас порофлили. Благо есть нормальные люди, парочку тут встретили.
12/08/19 Пнд 18:32:23 201794072245
> Ебать вы Фомы верующие. Я тот самый господин голландец. Мы так с вас порофлили. Благо есть нормальные люди, парочку тут встретили.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:32:45 201794099246
Это еблан какой-то писал,а не ОП.
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:35:00 201794233247
Чувак я был ты рад, но нет я все го лишь русня мигрировввшая в Нидерланды, а сам голландец трипует в двух метрах от меня
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 18:41:42 201794625248
И кто тут по-твоему нормальный?
Аноним 12/08/19 Пнд 19:58:40 201798985249
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