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Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 06:14:55 2465195711
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Good morning, gentlemen, fellow NEETS, and other intellectual minorities.

How it's going?

Let me guess: the board is still ever-degrading, becoming more filled with whining adolescents and bot-created threads with every passing day, isn't it? I'm a rare visitor, so please pardon my partial ignorance of the current trends here.

I've got an interesting question for you today, but first of all, I'd like to make a little disclaimer: I think with me being OP for this thread, I bear a right to introduce a new little spin on the state of affairs.

I'd like to hereby pronounce anyone who posts anything in Russian or other languages except English in this thread a cock-eating-fag-bio-waste, and he is expected to be treated as one.

This way, I know we'll deter all the unsavory types to contribute to the conversation. I am Ukrainian (and a lofty nationalist at that), so I think I know the underbelly of your culture quite well (hundreds of years of enforcing alien culture easily make you one), and I truly believe the little barrier will filter all the scum for which your board is famous and will make things more playful. I hope you wouldn't be bothered too much with this nuisance.

These days I find great pleasure in reading your classic literature. It's the funniest thing ever!. Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Goncharov: The sheer stupidity and willingness to suffer for no obvious reasons (mostly obsessively chasing bitches and their puny gods) is so amusing and distinctively Russian!

Oh, andA Few Days from the Life of I. I. Oblomov, don't get me started on that! It's like a psychological portrait of the average "2cher". Don't ever try to compare it to, for instance Gone with the wind, the contrast between successful and, well, your culture is going to blow your socks off.

My question is as follows: do you consider the roots of the Russian culture to be as rotten I do? I think all your problems stem from that and that alone. How do you think the future of Russia will look in 20, 50, 100 years?

13/05/21 Чтв 06:21:03 2465197042
нахуй иди долбоеб
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 06:44:41 2465201513
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Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 06:45:33 2465201724
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 06:45:41 2465201745
13/05/21 Чтв 06:47:33 2465202036
13/05/21 Чтв 06:48:46 2465202247
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 06:51:35 2465202748
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>>246519571 (OP)
Oi whanker! So you are pretencious fagogt - roight? Ond u better stop chewing oup on the couck roight? So before you came to the realisiation roight? That all culture is degrade over toime roight? You should spill out that whoyte grayve roight? And start making some sence roight? You just a big fuocking noubody m8. Yu know nothing about the culture roight? So here is my questia for you lad. What is culture
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 06:51:54 2465202839
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 06:53:45 24652031110
>>246519571 (OP)
>These days I find great pleasure in reading your classic literature. It's the funniest thing ever!. Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Goncharov: The sheer stupidity and willingness to suffer for no obvious reasons (mostly obsessively chasing bitches and their puny gods) is so amusing and distinctively Russian!
Stupid asshole. It's fuckimg boring.
Mimo 21lvl kun
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 06:55:59 24652034711
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 06:57:01 24652037312
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13/05/21 Чтв 06:57:06 24652037413
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>>246519571 (OP)
What you want, hohol? Nobody on 2ch not speak your pig's language. Write in russian, please.
13/05/21 Чтв 06:58:58 24652040814
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 06:59:03 24652041115
>>246519571 (OP)
Янки, гоу хом. Загадочность русской души наглосаксам не понять.
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:00:28 24652045216
13/05/21 Чтв 07:01:55 24652048717
И ради этого он такой высер накатал? Какие же они там тупорылые в своей Америке...
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:02:34 24652049618
Ну короче, животное сделало утверждение. "Ваша культура в корне прогнила" но животное не может дать определение понятию "культуру" так как читать литературу - не означает её понимать. А быть участников культуры - не означает что ты вообще понимаешь суть процесса. И попросил сделать прогноз в стиле ванги "что будет с вашей культурой через 20-100 лет"
Вот этот попросил его дать определение культуры. Но я так думаю что претензионная чмонька дать его не в состоянии.
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:03:01 24652050719
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:04:07 24652053220
Вообщем чувак выучил самый примитивный язык и с лексиконом уровня 2ого /b/ класса. Решил что он "интеллектуал" лол.
13/05/21 Чтв 07:04:43 24652054921
Спасибо за пояснение. А нахуя этот hohol на английском пишет-то?
13/05/21 Чтв 07:05:52 24652057322
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:08:29 24652065523
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>>246519571 (OP)
Buongiorno, signori, colleghi NEET e altre minoranze intellettuali.

Come va?

Fammi indovinare: il tabellone è ancora sempre degradante, sempre più pieno di adolescenti piagnucolanti e discussioni create da bot ogni giorno che passa, non è vero? Sono un visitatore raro, quindi per favore perdona la mia parziale ignoranza delle tendenze attuali qui.

Ho una domanda interessante per te oggi, ma prima di tutto, vorrei fare un piccolo disclaimer: penso che essendo OP per questo thread, ho il diritto di introdurre una nuova piccola svolta sullo stato di affari.

Con la presente vorrei dichiarare che chiunque pubblichi qualcosa in russo o in altre lingue eccetto l'inglese in questo thread sia un rifiuto biologico che mangia cazzi, e ci si aspetta che venga trattato come tale.

In questo modo, so che scoraggeremo tutti i tipi sgradevoli a contribuire alla conversazione. Sono ucraino (e un nobile nazionalista in questo), quindi penso di conoscere abbastanza bene il ventre della tua cultura (centinaia di anni di applicazione della cultura aliena ti rendono facilmente uno), e credo davvero che la piccola barriera filtrerà tutta la feccia per cui la tua tavola è famosa e renderà le cose più giocose. Spero che non ti preoccupi troppo di questo fastidio.

In questi giorni trovo un grande piacere nel leggere la tua letteratura classica. È la cosa più divertente di sempre !. Dostoevskij, Tolstoj, Cechov, Goncharov: la pura stupidità e volontà di soffrire senza ragioni ovvie (per lo più inseguendo ossessivamente le femmine e le loro piccole divinità) è così divertente e tipicamente russa!

Oh, e Pochi giorni dalla vita di I. I. Oblomov, non farmi iniziare con quello! È come un ritratto psicologico del "2cher" medio. Non provare mai a paragonarlo, ad esempio Via col vento, al contrasto tra il successo e, beh, la tua cultura ti lascerà a bocca aperta.

La mia domanda è la seguente: consideri le radici della cultura russa così marce come me? Penso che tutti i tuoi problemi derivino da quello e da quello. Come pensi che sarà il futuro della Russia tra 20, 50, 100 anni?
13/05/21 Чтв 07:09:59 24652069624
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:12:44 24652075825

k, kids, listen up: I understand culture as a combination of intellectual efforts of the elite of a given nation that forms and shapes the nation's purpose and symbolically distinguishes it from other nations. I believe it's mostly shaped through art.
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:13:07 24652076426
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13/05/21 Чтв 07:14:51 24652079527
But why you can speak me, if I write in ukranian language?
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:21:15 24652093228
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Phaha wow m8. So u are the stoupidest person of all hey? Listen chump, its short from "champion" you came here roight? With a such a smoul ammount of understanding a world roight? And being such a surface pourson roight? Claiming to have a brain hey? So tell me please lad the problematics of the "World and Piss" by Tolstoy in the smoul esse fourm olroight? So i can better understund the brain capacity of yours laddy. You lill swashburglar only gud for pleasuring my ego. With souch a closed moinded understanding of coulture you are no better then other folks around your crappy neiborhood. If you will prouwide me with an esse ill gave you a links to the books that would help u lil scumbag understand the "meaning of culture".
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:22:32 24652096829
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Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:28:01 24652109730
Well, no! Not before you provide me with your, more accurate definition of culture, good sir. By all means, go ahead, Well, and I'm actually not that pretentious as I allegedly sound. I'd be the first to call myself ignorant and stupid, but I see hilarious cultural trends and enjoy them very much. I didn't expect Russian classic literature to be so fun when you're looking from the outside.
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:30:42 24652114331
Links will be helpful, btw. I always knew you chums are the good people. At least when nobody flailing their shanks around. Lol
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:30:59 24652114832
>>246519571 (OP)
хохол пытается казаться европейцем
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:36:22 24652127033
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Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:37:37 24652130634
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13/05/21 Чтв 07:38:22 24652132335
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:38:37 24652132936
Wow, I appreciate your efforts of smearing the address very much, anon. But that was only the address of my Internet provider, so...
what's the point? You should see my city. It's alright.
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:39:10 24652134337
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Fun hey? Fun? Its not "fun" whanker its the deepest depths of russian souls m8. Its suffaring its redemption its remorse! Fun. Fun is you lil pecker. "Fun" is playing with your lads in the bouwling alley roight? Fun is chit-chatting with a woman in the bar after good blowy. Semiotics of culture is the deep topic. I cant "simpy" summarise "God" and "Culture" in the few sentences for your "fun expirience" its a hard work. You asking me to share sacred knowledge with you. What do i get in return? Grand and intoxicating innocence? No laddy. If you wanna seek for the truth. You need to wourk harder. Make me a "rissoto" or in that caise an "esse" and you will get all of the knowledge you desire. But if you too lazy for that if you to stubborn the you can only get the alternative reward. Muh dick.
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:42:17 24652143638
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:47:35 24652159139
My pleasure to read you good droogie teaching the op ptitsa
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:50:09 24652164940

At the deepest depths of the Russian soul apparently lie only toxic Christian imperialism, laziness, and total inability to make even the tiniest efforts towards bettering their lives. Also, masochism and love for a "just punishment" that somehow supposed to be redemptive. 100% Cristian idea in its roots, no doubt.

Sorry, I don't make any deals with chums. You'd better give me your essential truths on a voluntary basis.
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 07:57:36 24652186541

Drop that gay attitude of yours and explain to me without all that thin air on top how two essentially Christian cultures (USA and Russia) come to distinctively polar ways of thinking. When one respects the strength of character and perseverance and another role-playing Christ himself while lying at the feet of filthy marginals, deeming it to be somehow good?
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 08:08:56 24652222542
Also, my initial question still stands for anyone who isn't a cock-eating-fag-bio-waste

How do you think the future of Russia will look like? I'd put my bottom dollar on collapse or slow decay, but I'm not a neutral observer and I'd deem it to be the appropriate little vengeance for the corrupted ideas rooted deep inside the culture and, well... 1930s.
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 08:47:33 24652330943
btw, I have suspicions that the decay of the Christian narrative due to the Enlightenment in Europe and the USA and spreading firm belief in science plays a significant role in political tribalism in the West. Science now provides us with values. The process was basically on hold in the East, during the Soviet era so it's left Russia with an archaic narrative and unprepared for the changing world. Yall, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on nationalism in the 21st century. Is it still viable, or the whole idea of independent national states is just a dead end?
13/05/21 Чтв 08:52:33 24652345844
Видели ли вы когда-нибудь более потешное зрелище, чем кучка слэйвян, говорящих друг с другом на иностранном языке чтобы выглядеть элитнее?
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 09:00:14 24652374345
>>246519571 (OP)
>except English in this thread a cock-eating-fag-bio-waste
Фак ю, щет итин коксакер. Вокал корд паразитом и иже с ними в других тредах срать будешь, скуллфэйс недоделаный.

>I am Ukrainian
Хохол ебучий.
13/05/21 Чтв 09:08:04 24652405946
Нет лол, знатно поржал хотя бы. Ладно бы просто на английском писали, но пишут они такую ебанину, что кроме кринжа и смеха сложно что-то испытать. Надеюсь хоть кто-то из них троллит
13/05/21 Чтв 09:16:31 24652436647
>on a voluntary basis
On a voluntary basis I won't even do your mom, filthy pig. GTFO
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 09:25:44 24652472848
So you did choose muh dick roight? You did just put your signature under the list of "Ignorant pigs" you are worthless scumbag of earth roigh? You DEMAND the truth roight? I laught in to your face whanker. You are big nobody who cant even hande a simple esse chump.You are the biggest foul thee. A simple minded fool non the less roight?
>Sorry, I don't make any deals with chums.
I dont deal with a retard worms either. Now go back to your mud hut and killyourself,pathetic little nobody. Piss out whanker.
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 09:31:15 24652496549
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So you want me to expain to you gay-tard. How heterodoxy culture of the USA build on the foundament of all earth scumbags didnt go along side with Russian orthodox culture, roight? What a pity foul you are. Thee truth is that poor gene poul of your are simply can not understand all layers of deep of Russian literarure. You are rust a reeder. Content whore. You just take stuff for granted. Well you know what? Then more i read your garbage then more i realise - you are the lil twat. Go crawl under the bridje roight? And shit yourself to death. You just showed everyuone around roight? That you are just a BIG STUPID BABBY*.
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 09:44:35 24652557750
Well, I'd like to see some thoughts, yes.
Lol, man. I applaud your consistency and everything, but with that big ol' mouth of yours, you produce mostly nonsense. Like yeah, yeah profanities and all just like an uncultured brit but secretly a man with a degree in social sciences. I get your shtick. I hope you're in a good place in life, though. I know a few people who got very good at the particular thing but were miserable in all other areas of life.

Provide at least something to the conversations. Know you speaking vague truisms. No more than me. Quite unfocused. What is at least one additional idea or theme of Russian literature (speaking broadly) that I don't see. Is there a uniting theme?
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 09:54:16 24652601351
I'm a firm believer in the idea that if you can't shorten your thoughts to the most bone-bare basic sentences, you don't quite get it yourself. I didn't proclaim myself anywhere to be a genius or anything, so what's the point in calling me stupid? Like... yeah? I'm asking for opinions on the topic which I understand very partially and which I thought would be a fun conversation starter.
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 10:03:47 24652641852

I think the board molds a very peculiar attitude in people.
You'd be washed in hate no matter what you do. And like even for me it's mundane? What's the point then? I'd like to get something valuable even from the low-level entertainment this thread is. I don't see people creating threads as I do, so it's still better than nothing, isn't it?
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 10:04:59 24652648453
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 10:06:08 24652654054
So, in short, stop being a jack-ass and say what you think. You're already wasting your time, wouldn't it be better to formulate some coherent thoughts? I'd appreciate it.
Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 10:20:17 24652730655
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Аноним 13/05/21 Чтв 10:22:38 24652742156
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