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Нужна казашка для сношений семейных.реквест Аноним  17/09/22 Суб 16:52:38 95917 1
VID202209071807[...].mp4 2176Кб, 540x960, 00:00:20
объявляю розыгрыш короче. Выкладывайте своих сестер и красавиц черные волосы,все как надо. Надо сочная шымкентка,мамбетка и вотбще красавица казашка для семьи. Есть такие? Инша Аллах,памаги,услыши маи слезы. Хатет семья. Кидай связь в телегу по фастам. Сам я блондин как нех,голубые глаза
Аноним  17/09/22 Суб 17:56:34 95918 2
Аноним  17/09/22 Суб 18:10:53 95919 3
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>>95917 (OP)
Субханалла, брат! Драчил, как шайтан
University is an extremely hostile social environment 17/09/22 Суб 18:15:20 95920 4
Day 3 of uni ended:

1)Haven't been small-talked to even once. I've started small-talk with 7 people.
2)Not a single ioi or stare.
3)Not a single invite or mentioning of a social event for me to join. Had to go solo everywhere.
4)Sat alone at lunch.
5)A guy that I talked to about joining the same homework group for one of the courses went behind my back and joined one without me.

JFL honestly. It's fucking over.

social-circle maxing is impossible when you are a sub5 PSL male. Nobody wants anything to do with you.
17/09/22 Суб 18:15:45 95921 5
Meanwhile sub-5 manlet has GF

Fck I hate that guy’s guts
17/09/22 Суб 18:16:06 95922 6
You have to start talking to people obviously I dont follow that advice
17/09/22 Суб 18:16:28 95923 7
You’re scaring me buddy boyo
17/09/22 Суб 18:20:06 95930 8
you fucking curry cuckold,
this is his slays,
he watches his disgusting bengali chinkjeet whore priya rai fuck bwc in front of him,the "nt maxxed pajeet"

you subhuman ganges,
17/09/22 Суб 18:20:22 95931 9
you beta buxxer currycel,
where is the I get white girls now?????????

literally this is what you get after heightt frauding 5ft7 from 5ft3
17/09/22 Суб 18:20:37 95932 10
bragging about scorring a prime white jb
imagine how pathetic you could be,to brag about this,you have the be the biggest dravidian currycel,if this is your lifefuel
his other two matches some ugly indian girls
17/09/22 Суб 18:20:57 95933 11
imagining if he actually get to meet in real life,he gonna show up like ravi from disney
but copes with "they wont see much difference"
yes they do you fucking 5ft 1 tall sewer cleaner ganges,you are literally the embiodment of a sterotypical indian,never began
17/09/22 Суб 18:21:20 95934 12
"but but but i live in uk"
"i am a nt party animal",dude you literally pass out in the kitchen with curry flip flop on ,with your disgusting indian toes out,and the white girls call you gandhi
you fucking clown,this is you in uk
17/09/22 Суб 18:21:41 95935 13
you are my uncle's pajeet taxi driver,come clean his fucking white phantom like good ganges servant
17/09/22 Суб 18:22:02 95936 14
and clean my 6ft 1 tall punjabi wrestler grandfather house
17/09/22 Суб 18:22:26 95937 15
this is my grandfather house,where i was born
17/09/22 Суб 18:22:42 95938 16
my family can buy atleast your 12 generations

this what a Paki pretty boy looks like
17/09/22 Суб 18:23:19 95939 17
you ganges north indian race can never create chaddam moggers like ,you disgusting indian rat,thats why you are defeatist
while i can pass as typical in south balochistan and sometimes even baloch,
17/09/22 Суб 18:23:39 95940 18
sythian mutt mixed phenotype punjabi ,dark reddish brown hair and light brown skin colour in natural light ,turk roach armenoid feathures,sandmanlite
not disgusting pure ganges curry like you @failedcurryceltruecel
17/09/22 Суб 18:23:55 95941 19
there are literall forum chads with my pheno get called chaddam all the time
17/09/22 Суб 18:24:15 95942 20
i get called a southern iranian and even latino many times,
only currycoper like you call me sterotypical indian looking
i look way more closer to Pakistani avg,bcoz i am one
17/09/22 Суб 18:24:55 95943 21
you will never have my chaddam eyebrows and eye and thin lips
17/09/22 Суб 18:25:15 95945 22
abused dog coping with chat,i never said that something to brag about its just there to show,how even most abo,subhuman truecel pakis can ascend in india,even with non nt pics
17/09/22 Суб 18:25:35 95946 23
i still pull so many of your bengali sister in yubo,cuz they are whores for real muslim man and fuck anything other then you lame bangali asss
even with nt pics and height frauding,all you score is a fat 1 psl white roastie
17/09/22 Суб 18:26:00 95947 24
you look like a tech support creep rapist jfl at your english cope
no one cares, no one wants to breed with you
17/09/22 Суб 18:26:30 95948 25
meanwhile uk princess cheating and dating Paki men,paki smv is so high in uk,cuz they dont look like you disgusting ganges race,so over for you
Аноним  17/09/22 Суб 19:06:30 95950 26
Я оп. Что за хуета тут происходит?? @Osheshen21 добавь в друзья. Анон
Аноним  17/09/22 Суб 19:11:35 95951 27
Вы драчуете что все казахи владеют англ глазом?
Аноним  17/09/22 Суб 19:19:12 95952 28
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Уебок мамбетский освоил автовайпалку и неделю как засирает треды. Пока не начнете жаловаться массово в /d так и будет продолжаться
17/09/22 Суб 19:23:01 95953 29
image.png 322Кб, 640x640
You're ugly, your picture scares me... I don't think we can be friends with you.
17/09/22 Суб 19:23:58 95954 30
Пожаловался тебе за щеку.
Аноним  17/09/22 Суб 19:30:46 95955 31
16606784431922.mp4 1270Кб, 240x320, 00:00:18
Сдохни ВПНо-мразь, сын шлюхи уйгурской!
David gandy followed salludon on insta wtf 17/09/22 Суб 21:19:30 95956 32
17/09/22 Суб 21:19:45 95957 33
The end is near
17/09/22 Суб 21:20:01 95958 34
Ultimate irony of this forum is that the best looking person on here has the most looked down upon phenotype
17/09/22 Суб 21:20:29 95959 35
Bro bouta make it out of Pakistan. The power of mewing
17/09/22 Суб 21:21:17 95960 36
paki literaly smv/psl mogs northern indian and east asian rice race
17/09/22 Суб 21:21:35 95961 37
even subhuman paki truecel like me smv/psl mogs east asian
17/09/22 Суб 21:21:53 95962 38
plus one more match from a 5ft 9 tall indian from tinder
17/09/22 Суб 21:22:24 95963 39
this is not something to brag you currycel ,this show even with trash mutt selfies i can score,if i ntmaxxed it will double,
17/09/22 Суб 21:23:16 95964 40
you are a 5ft3 tall sewer cleaner with a ugly face,yellow teeths and getting a perm haircut like you are some Paki or white pretty boy,know you r place you pajeet
nt coper
17/09/22 Суб 21:33:01 95965 41
as i said again,even with nt maxxed and height fraud you can only score a fat 0 psl 22 year old roastie,then i can literally marry princess elizabeth
17/09/22 Суб 21:33:29 95966 42
leaning english,acting nt is not difficult
face/height/race/phenotype >>>nt/status/money
17/09/22 Суб 21:33:49 95967 43
this is your peak,you indian social outcast,ignored and builled by white and pakis
17/09/22 Суб 21:33:51 95968 44
Зачем ты так о себе?
17/09/22 Суб 21:34:10 95969 45
never include pakis with ur disgusting ganges race
17/09/22 Суб 21:34:53 95970 46
you disguting lame pathetic 22 year old 5ft3 currycel,go take a bath,instead of laughing at 18 year olds family stuff on the internet and calling them ugly for no reason
17/09/22 Суб 21:35:44 95971 47
i die then be you,kys seriously,truecel
17/09/22 Суб 21:36:23 95972 48
you literally cried infront of that based badass bitch and admitted your defeat when she called me way better looking then,if thats a small things,then your probably got builled way more then
17/09/22 Суб 21:37:08 95973 49
anyone can imagine,where we we see based psl girl anyways?
17/09/22 Суб 21:37:32 95974 50
you know exactly what she said you abused dog,literally any women or girll will call me better looking then you,thats why you cried
17/09/22 Суб 21:37:57 95975 51
you are the biggest currycel loser in uk
17/09/22 Суб 21:38:17 95976 52
abused dog coping with landwhale roastie after height frauding
17/09/22 Суб 21:38:37 95977 53
you admitted being a pajeet under your pfp,kys
17/09/22 Суб 21:38:58 95978 54
You are not cute, you are boneless ganges subhuman currycel plus you still live with our parents at 21 plus
17/09/22 Суб 21:39:27 95979 55
I face mogs him plus 5ft11 height is cherry on top
And paki halo in uk
17/09/22 Суб 21:39:54 95980 56
That chadlet mogs left and right. He is larping as a bengali inkwell He is blue eyed Aryan mogger
17/09/22 Суб 21:40:20 95981 57
You mog him to death but are still an self proclaimed abused dog (you admitted it when you say ur dad verbally abuses you like the dog you are)
17/09/22 Суб 21:40:41 95982 58
you are so much better looking than him yet still get no play while hes out here fucking htb (I've seen his ex)
17/09/22 Суб 21:41:11 95983 59
idk why this beef started butmogging him that hard and still getting less play than him is a self diss
17/09/22 Суб 21:41:33 95984 60
why the fuck is this in italics I cant change it
Аноним  18/09/22 Вск 00:40:17 96000 61
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Аноним  18/09/22 Вск 01:25:58 96001 62
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Калмык (3).jpg 94Кб, 800x600
>>95917 (OP)
>и вотбще красавица
Ну таких еще поискать. Правила селекции работают и в этой среде, не только европейцев. На деле получишь что-то типа такой с первого пика, обычная казашка с рудного. Напр, на втором пике калмычки и вторая слева явно смешанная, потому на лицо не такая стремная.

их Монгол баруун тийш нүүж язгуураа алдсан!
18/09/22 Вск 06:21:43 96009 63
DJ and Ngannou are both skilled fighters, avg white dude is untrained and knows next to nothing about grappling. I know Judo too, and a bit of wrestling jfl. So it's not like I will struggle with the takedown
18/09/22 Вск 06:22:04 96010 64
No, I generally avoid them. The closest I been to one, was in a club. I was at the dancefloor and some guy yanked my tie, and I threw him/reaped his leg, and it quickly got seperated
18/09/22 Вск 06:22:25 96011 65
This is how I know some of y’all niggas never fought anyone in your life
18/09/22 Вск 06:26:32 96020 66
you're fighting untrained people at school. Go prove your theory and fight a trained small guy and show everyone how much of a mogger you are
18/09/22 Вск 06:27:00 96021 67
Yes a bit shorter is fine
18/09/22 Вск 06:27:21 96022 68
Nigga I was untrained too. I’ll just have to sit on top of him lmao
18/09/22 Вск 06:28:02 96023 69
Why are you so angry today jfl
18/09/22 Вск 06:28:22 96024 70
My man@FailedNormieManletthinks he can take on a 101 kg 5’11” dude
18/09/22 Вск 06:28:40 96025 71
I'm 57kg atm, but normally walk at 60kg. You could probs find some manlet near my size if you want at your local MMA gym, go record yourself fighting them
18/09/22 Вск 06:29:01 96026 72
yes untrained vs untrained, whoever is bigger usually wins. However that changes when it becomes trained vs untrained. Hence I said go fight some manlet at your local MMA gym and record it
18/09/22 Вск 06:29:24 96027 73
No I am realistic. I can't really fight someone 101kg, at best I can defend and maybe escape. If we're talking like 85kg dude, then I can probs take them on
18/09/22 Вск 06:29:54 96028 74
Not that I ever seek confrontation lol. Y’all short dudes always have something to prove
18/09/22 Вск 06:30:52 96029 75
18/09/22 Вск 06:31:17 96030 76
A guy who’s trained and knows what he’s doing will easily beat the shit out of some uncoordinated slow goofy fuck
Аноним  18/09/22 Вск 21:00:48 96096 77
Есть варики первопруфные дифолт инцелу выпустить пар и некст лайферства с такой богиней? Можно не листвой,алсо пикрилоподобной
18/09/22 Вск 21:10:55 96116 78
this is what@FailedNormieManletUgly face looks like with disgusting dark smelly bacteria ridden sewer cleaner patches on his skin,cuz he doesnnt even take a bath,even though he lives in uk
18/09/22 Вск 21:11:13 96117 79
he doesnt derserve to live there,he is no match to live with royal uk people,he should be deported to the depth of ganges
18/09/22 Вск 21:11:32 96118 80
he been builled badly by pakis gangsters
18/09/22 Вск 21:11:56 96119 81
he cried when she said i looked way better then him,he admitted its over for him,in front of everyone in preetyboylime discord server
18/09/22 Вск 21:12:20 96120 82
the delusions of western living ganges curries never fail to amaze me,and they 5ft4 on top of that
18/09/22 Вск 21:12:41 96121 83
wanna talk about Pakistan
this is Pakistani sterotype
18/09/22 Вск 21:13:03 96122 84
you know exactly what she said,you coping abused manlet ganges dog
18/09/22 Вск 21:13:24 96123 85
keep coping with my screenshot and paki jokes,in real life ,indian are the lowest
18/09/22 Вск 21:13:57 96124 86
you look the same both now and then,i still mogg with old 18 year old austist pics
Аноним  18/09/22 Вск 21:26:58 96126 87
Мне более круглые лица интересуют. Это явно со скотоблядами варилась овер дохуя прайма
Аноним  19/09/22 Пнд 02:30:53 96130 88
Безымянный.png 115Кб, 276x318
В том же рудном встречаются варианты и поинтереснее. Только национальн непонятна.
19/09/22 Пнд 04:46:37 96134 89
Yakhi this was 9 months ago. I thought you guys would've been cool by now
19/09/22 Пнд 04:47:05 96135 90
yes,i look indian but not gracile indid,typical indian
i can pass in kerla too
but most imp,i never said anything bad about failed normie face,just the bengali phenotype
19/09/22 Пнд 04:47:24 96136 91
also its only curries that call me n pakis indian looking
ur avg indian wont have dark brwn hair like me in natural light and turkroach feathures,plus lighter colouring then avg,although it doesnt mean anything
19/09/22 Пнд 04:47:47 96137 92
Why does she know about psl
19/09/22 Пнд 04:48:05 96138 93
Why did you insult his pheno?
19/09/22 Пнд 04:48:40 96139 94
cope failednormiechadlet is a mogger of gigachad male model and destroyer of copers
19/09/22 Пнд 04:49:03 96140 95
Its not angood pheno tbh
19/09/22 Пнд 04:49:31 96141 96
i did it cuz they look mixxed with SEA thats why
,i should have checked if failed normie look bengali or not,he doesnt not
19/09/22 Пнд 04:49:57 96142 97
He does look Bangladeshi if not madrasi, (for curly perm) saved by wide palate. N tbf he is indeed a darkskin cutecel, no where near as bad. This mogging thread doesn't make sense.
19/09/22 Пнд 04:50:19 96143 98
he made a evis thread on me for no reason
,i never said anything bad about him,i agree he look gl
he looks more indian then bengli,phenotypically
19/09/22 Пнд 04:50:44 96144 99
I thought the beef was over, it's been a while
19/09/22 Пнд 04:51:04 96145 100
i couldnt took it anymore
i just had to say this
he even made fun of my family matter
Аноним  19/09/22 Пнд 11:00:37 96160 101
Эта больше на всратку с овер жиром похожа 3.5/10
19/09/22 Пнд 11:10:00 96161 102
bro i love when u write these rant paragraphsthis thread really rubbed u the wrong way huh.Cry some more little cumskin cuckie
19/09/22 Пнд 11:10:24 96162 103
You're sounding like one of those dumb feminists that says; 'this is your truth'
19/09/22 Пнд 11:10:41 96163 104
This is evidenced by studies, not stories. It is CONFIRMED by stories, that is true, but without any stories to confirm shit this is what the data shows.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:10:58 96164 105
The more defined a woman's face is the more she craves pretty boy and the more she feels at ease and comfort with pretty boy. The more feminine, fertile and primitive a girl looks on the other hand, the more she craves the masculine ruggedly handsome sexually dimorphic Chad.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:11:20 96165 106
two ugly humans matched perfectly. U act like this is a win. Good riddance of both
19/09/22 Пнд 11:12:15 96166 107
Incel, psl autist, shit-post, react-fishing, boring, make-believe nothingness

Look into a black cup of coffee and guess what you'll see? Your mind
19/09/22 Пнд 11:13:06 96167 108
Even more so for gymcel girls. They always wants the biggest and most masculine brutes
19/09/22 Пнд 11:13:28 96168 109
And what you'll find is the more gymcelled a girl is the better her waist to hip ratio, because of her genetics.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:13:52 96169 110
why is this funny? Idk why you people discourage it.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:14:11 96170 111
It’s one of the easiest ways for subhumans to garner female validation and money simultaneously.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:14:34 96171 112
Take the Lil Tecca Pill. This bastard would be on here as we speak if he didn’t rapmaxx
19/09/22 Пнд 11:15:03 96172 113
From experience neotenous girls are into prettyboys or robust prettyboys. Rarely ever into the masc copers unless they are roasties aka 24-25+ in which case its irrelevant.
Prime looks are and always Will be a mix of pretty and robust looks. Preferebaly more leaning toward prettyboy than full on masculine
19/09/22 Пнд 11:15:40 96173 114
Your comments explain why you're considered a shitposter.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:16:07 96174 115
High e body especially for roastie gymcels =! Pretty and feminine women.
I bet you guys are into those fake up orange tanned roasties with overly bimbo bodies, without any iota of aesthetic and neotenous looks left. Full on lip fillers and plastic
19/09/22 Пнд 11:16:41 96175 116
Bullshit and we attribute this to your own situation recently where a JB held your hand through losing your virginity.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:17:03 96176 117
You showed me their photos and they both had angular defined faces, while being youthful and pretty
19/09/22 Пнд 11:17:23 96177 118
Zero debating skills. Just a bitter incel. Move on.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:17:45 96178 119
You are taking a specific bimbofied girl and saying that's what is attracted to robust Chad looool and it's just completely stupid and absurd
19/09/22 Пнд 11:18:23 96179 120
Thats maybe whats ideal?
Having angularity but not too much and still looking super youthful and neotonic?
Post a girl face you consider prime and feminine as it gets
19/09/22 Пнд 11:18:48 96180 121
You wrote the more feminine the prettier. Stop coping idiot.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:19:11 96181 122
Chad attracts all types of girls but this kind of girls are verily statut maxxed old men and/or coping masc who hide their lack of good bones in beard and muscles and tats
19/09/22 Пнд 11:20:04 96182 123
Whatever is ideal isn't the debate here bro. Your ego is safe. One was a Stacey lite and the other a High Tier Becky.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:20:19 96183 124
The point is you are a super pretty boy and 5'10? (Not saying you lack dimorphism) but you definitely are on the pretty boy side of the spectrum and a girl that wasn't exactly high E was willing to put up with you being a little shy, awkward and held your hand through making out and eventually having sex.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:20:46 96184 125
Would that have occurred had the girl been super feminine, primitive and petite with a more submissive personality towards men she is attracted to? Probably not. Polarity is everything.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:21:10 96185 126
So you take one thing from what I said and disqualify everything else. Fuck off. Fucking NPC.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:21:30 96186 127
"Muh studies"

Stop coping. Your lack of rigor is showing
19/09/22 Пнд 11:21:53 96187 128
So like I said; you are taking a very specific bimbofied girl and saying that's what is attracted to robust Chad
19/09/22 Пнд 11:22:37 96188 129
If you cant see the cognitive bias errors you are making then.......
19/09/22 Пнд 11:23:21 96189 130
Im 5ft11 but to be fair, i dated with a girl like this super petite and the body you described. Obviously to me leagues below what i showed you. But to you probably a stacy. Different taste. She kept on saying how i was insanely attractive and weird that im single. Yet at the end of the date despite making out she told me she needs a man who will put in her place and even if he will probably be uglier than me, im way too kinD/sweet for her. Thats literally her own words.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:23:46 96190 131
I was shocked because i obviously bone mog nearly everyone i see irl and an ok height and frame - at least above average. So i must give off rather masculine vibes right ?
But it may makes sense. Im not into petite overly bimbo girls, they are a hassle to deal with always needing to be put into place and playing on emotions rather than reason from experience. I prefer rather model alike neotonic angelic skulled girls by far. Those who people here would rate stacylite+ per psl on average
19/09/22 Пнд 11:24:19 96191 132
Your lack of critical thinking skills is what shows the most.

The correlation between a feminine face and prettiness is all there to be seen:
19/09/22 Пнд 11:24:46 96192 133
Keep reading into tiny things and being super uptight with zero social skills to just let go and have a discussion like the typical lost boy Gen Z teenager tho
19/09/22 Пнд 11:25:22 96193 134
This makes sense. No wonder fat ass white girls are attracted to masculine BBC ogres like me. I've also never been attracted to slim victoria secret-esque women.
19/09/22 Пнд 11:25:45 96194 135
End of conversation then as you just proved my point lol
19/09/22 Пнд 11:26:09 96195 136
And if you were more dimorphic looking I can guarantee almost you would have a personality more geared towards being able to check her and put her in her place
19/09/22 Пнд 11:26:28 96196 137
Obviously a lot ties into the fact you had a bad nose growing up and so was a little socially stunted and made to fall into the frame of being an introvert from that, but ultimately it does boil down to fact you have a sweetboy face which sort of shapes your personality and that ended up pushing the more feminine girl away. That was the root cause and issue.
Аноним  19/09/22 Пнд 14:21:29 96262 138
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19/09/22 Пнд 14:24:26 96267 139
With your logic top male models sell clothes to men, therefore the top good looking men are actors, which isn't the case.
19/09/22 Пнд 14:24:38 96268 140
With your logic top male models sell clothes to men, therefore the top good looking men are actors, which isn't the case.
19/09/22 Пнд 14:25:01 96269 141
Half these dudes look like women.
19/09/22 Пнд 14:25:21 96270 142
I always find it funny when retards on here are trying to look like male models, rather than the male porn stars that women search for, or male romance leads.
19/09/22 Пнд 14:25:39 96271 143
Ever wonder why Ryan Reynolds is every guy's favorite super hero. High pitched feminine voice. Also why most women will prefer a different guy with a deeper voice.
19/09/22 Пнд 14:25:59 96272 144
Oh shut the fuck up you didn't even read what he said
19/09/22 Пнд 14:26:16 96273 145
Just quoted him and said 'correct made op look bad'
19/09/22 Пнд 14:26:32 96274 146
He has his opinions and neither are his right or wrong. It's an opinion. That's why I made the thread, not to boast about knowledge or intelligence and to prove how right I am while shutting others down like twits do.
19/09/22 Пнд 14:26:51 96275 147
I actually care about what others think, have to say etc. Unlike INFANTILE FAGGOTS like you. FUck your mum bro.
19/09/22 Пнд 14:27:14 96276 148
I disagree with what he is saying. To put being pretty in the box of being youthful is a bit too simplistic from my POV and I think from a reality POV. Men can be young and lack soft features. It doesn't revolve around high levels of collagen and shine only.@Racky
Аноним  19/09/22 Пнд 15:06:00 96277 149
Можешь объСнить о чем тут общаются эти боты? Это рандом дифолт фразы или имеют смысл нагрузку какую?
19/09/22 Пнд 15:14:18 96278 150
@StreegeReturnis a pretty boy and definitely not boneless
19/09/22 Пнд 15:14:29 96279 151
@StreegeReturnis a pretty boy and definitely not boneless
19/09/22 Пнд 15:14:46 96280 152
I never said you had to be boneless to be a pretty boy. You're a troll and getting reported for shit-posting and mods/admins will check your IP to see which alt you are. Quite sad and punchably pathetic of you to purchase VPN premium for a decade. Get a life
19/09/22 Пнд 15:15:12 96281 153
Go see what women say about Blue Smith and if they think he's attractive or not you idiot, "muh look like women!!"
19/09/22 Пнд 15:15:31 96282 154
The most successful male model, Gandy is literally a giga chad. Stop fucking coping, you and that brainlet OP.
19/09/22 Пнд 15:15:50 96283 155
Debate me then you fucking pussy ass nigger
19/09/22 Пнд 15:16:06 96284 156
A masculine robust 20 year old man can go through 10,000 facial manicures and red light therapy sessions he will still not have soft features.
19/09/22 Пнд 15:16:25 96285 157
It's about soft features vs hard features.
19/09/22 Пнд 15:16:41 96286 158
Pretty boy features that have ZERO to do with youthfulness:
19/09/22 Пнд 15:17:11 96287 159
- High set cheekbones
- Zyomatic width being wider than bigonial width
- Coloured eyes that are not hunter but almond shaped
- Eyelashes
- Compact midface (Masculine men typically have a slightly longer midface)
19/09/22 Пнд 15:17:35 96288 160
These are all factors that are fucking well associated with pretty boys and guess what? Masculine fucking cunts didn't have them when they were young. ZERO to do with age
19/09/22 Пнд 15:17:52 96289 161
So instead of fucking confuse reacting at me, A-FUCKING-DRESS ME YOU FUCKING NIGGER
19/09/22 Пнд 15:18:14 96290 162
Any one who's famous and has good skin and stays in shape will have women drooling over them. It's numbers, and status.
19/09/22 Пнд 15:18:32 96291 163
19/09/22 Пнд 15:18:50 96292 164
She looks like a literal man. I almost threw up.
19/09/22 Пнд 15:19:11 96293 165
19/09/22 Пнд 15:19:34 96294 166
And that's with all the status these guy have. It's sickening.
19/09/22 Пнд 15:19:52 96295 167
The masculine/feminine rule, is a general rule but there are other features male models have to get MALE ATTENTION to buy products. For example, looking weird and strange such as Gandy. This is also why many female models have strange faces. Male models literally have nothing to do with female phycology.
19/09/22 Пнд 15:20:13 96296 168
What is this wall of cope. They look good, that's why they pay them - get over it.
Аноним  19/09/22 Пнд 16:22:04 96300 169
>Можешь объСнить о чем тут общаются эти боты?
Какой то мудак вайпает копипастой с форумов в интернете. Что тебе обьяснить?
19/09/22 Пнд 16:30:20 96302 170
brb ordering roids & getting fillers in jaw, chin and zygos
im ded srs
19/09/22 Пнд 16:30:50 96303 171
@UnluckyRedSmithis with a new woman (mulatta)
19/09/22 Пнд 16:31:10 96304 172
Gandy doesn't look good to MEN. He looks good to WOMEN. Same story with Smith. Get over it.
19/09/22 Пнд 16:31:26 96305 173
Are you that moron OP's second account?
19/09/22 Пнд 16:31:53 96306 174
Check the comments
19/09/22 Пнд 16:32:52 96307 175
You have no explanation for why he's dating a 4/10.
19/09/22 Пнд 16:33:07 96308 176
Zero proof or evidence of your claims, you're just illogical statements that follow no reasoning.
the rise of self hatred among female zoomer Russians after invasion 19/09/22 Пнд 16:34:32 96309 177
tee tee,russian is so bad,whats the tea sis
19/09/22 Пнд 16:34:52 96310 178
They are just realists.
19/09/22 Пнд 16:35:21 96311 179
they are leaving and abandoning their country for a trend
ukraine is no different then russian racially
Аноним  19/09/22 Пнд 17:22:54 96312 180
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Мне вот другое интересно, что с мочой?! Если в других разделах, например, в /s за шитпостинг и вайп банят, то тут какой-то пиздец! Один дегенерат с синдромом нехватки внимания загадил весь казачан и не дает нормально общаться другим. Спасибо Абу!!!
19/09/22 Пнд 17:42:49 96318 181
Voltigeur vs Chasseurs

Simple question, which one do you think is more effective in multiplayer battles, and why?
19/09/22 Пнд 17:43:12 96319 182
Voltigeurs; of the following reasons:
-They are cheaper.
-They can deploy stakes.
-They are superior in certain stats.
-They are hard to kill.
19/09/22 Пнд 17:43:15 96320 183
Здесь нет модеров!!!!!! Щщс.
19/09/22 Пнд 17:43:38 96321 184
Considering that France only has a choice of two light infantry, those of which cannot match the standard of Prussia and Britain, I would only ever use their light infantry
to engage the enemy light and harass them before moving powerful elite units, such as the Old Guard in. Voltigeurs, I have found out of experience, can take heavy punishment
and are very hard to kill, thus being of better use in the army than Chasseurs.
19/09/22 Пнд 17:43:54 96322 185
Although you could argue Chasseurs have more men, they rout easier and their stats alone cannot inflict as much damage as other light infantry.
19/09/22 Пнд 17:44:24 96323 186
Oh pls shut the fuck up man
19/09/22 Пнд 17:44:39 96324 187
The only reason you as an impressionable gimp believe this is super insightful and something you buy is because it plays into your emotions. In other words you are in likelihood lacking bones or soft features and this guy is giving you hope that you can just skin care max and get to looking pretty.
19/09/22 Пнд 17:45:01 96325 188
A masculine robust 20 year old man can go through 10,000 facial manicures and red light therapy sessions and he will still not have soft features.
19/09/22 Пнд 17:45:32 96326 189
Do you really think gandy and lucky didnt slay gl women in their prime? They are prob dating mid girls for their personality
19/09/22 Пнд 17:45:43 96327 190
Do you really think gandy and lucky didnt slay gl women in their prime? They are prob dating mid girls for their personality
19/09/22 Пнд 17:46:03 96328 191
You are an idiot. I posted it to show you your claim about women not finding Gandy that attractive is stupid.

Gandy doesn't have a charisma or can act, that's why he's a model. Stop judging how good someone looks from his gf JFL
19/09/22 Пнд 17:46:21 96329 192
This is the final cope. "My male model I'm so attracted to secretly dated attractive women and now he's settling with an ugly butterface because of her personality
Аноним  19/09/22 Пнд 17:58:27 96336 193
Нушта?! Недавно долбоеб залетный с оскорблениями казахов 4 треда создал и все удалили, а этот чушкарь резвится и хоть бы хуй
19/09/22 Пнд 18:24:46 96339 194
Hardmax is only thing I’d consider, other stuff is water
19/09/22 Пнд 18:25:03 96340 195
Depends on your stats tbh, If you have major falios like gigarecessed etc then I can see why
19/09/22 Пнд 18:25:42 96341 196
But for people with no major flaws you don't really need to look like a perfected male model to get some pussy. Alot of users I come across look good enough to not need any hardmaxxing but just need to be NT/social circle max
19/09/22 Пнд 18:26:12 96342 197
The hardmax shit came from the crossover from .is back when forum started.

But Yh most users, especially the white ones should just delete their account if they want to ascend.
19/09/22 Пнд 18:26:56 96343 198
literally proves my point 700 posts in 15 days since joining day and you know many things that gracel doesn't, so you are an
19/09/22 Пнд 18:27:18 96344 199
keep projecting altbuster, isnt this the only thing you're good at?
19/09/22 Пнд 18:27:29 96345 200
keep projecting altbuster, isnt this the only thing you're good at?
19/09/22 Пнд 18:27:50 96346 201
weak comeback from abused alt
19/09/22 Пнд 18:28:24 96347 202
don't you realise how hypocritical your thread is? the mods already know I'm an alt btw, this pertains nothing to the discussion. All your epiphany theories about people not leaving this place apply to you, you're honestly more pathetic but somehow you think you're better because you are older and your situation is "worse" or different?
19/09/22 Пнд 18:46:03 96361 203
Того старший мод состав забанил! Щщс......
19/09/22 Пнд 18:56:17 96369 204
i agree with this
the thing is, some women have more libido than others, the onese who have more libido will naturally prefer the more masculine guys
its obvious shit
19/09/22 Пнд 18:56:38 96370 205
This you need a combination if you want to be ideal ,Michelle Morrone for example is a mascthetic guy which is why girls go crazy
19/09/22 Пнд 18:57:24 96371 206
This is the most retarded thread ive ever seen. If you really think pretty boys arent killing hot slim good body jbs youre smoking some good fent
19/09/22 Пнд 18:57:46 96372 207
I dont like super slim like that either and the only one i tried to date i kept thinking if i was gonna cheat on her for being so flat chested
19/09/22 Пнд 18:58:06 96373 208
This observation is extremely legit. the super thick ones they only went for the thugmaxxers or the gymroids. I always thought this was because the skinny andro pretty females had somewhat more brain power, higher male hormone as the thick, fat, or high E females were kind of subhuman in actions and thoughts, and always followed the popular tropes with more precision than the latter (Which was being attracted to roidmaxxer/thumaxxing people etc.)
19/09/22 Пнд 18:58:48 96374 209
I also thought it may be like some sort of insecurity. Since females treat a big buttox and good ratio like having a big dick, maybe its because they feel like a gymroid or super ugly masc face is more likely to be "packing"
19/09/22 Пнд 18:59:06 96375 210
But it might be legit because the ones with less of a feminine ratio are more masc. It make sense thed actually care more about face than body as maybe the ability to be sexuallyaroused to masculenity is not quite there compared to the super E curvy or fat female.
Аноним  20/09/22 Втр 00:06:40 96394 211
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Аноним  20/09/22 Втр 09:52:36 96407 212
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>>95917 (OP)
Лучше бы подогнали котят манулов, самку и самца, ну или начали их приручать, выводить приспособленных особей.
Аноним  20/09/22 Втр 16:01:22 96413 213
Манулы не приспосабливаются к человеческим условиям из-за болезнетворной среды
Аноним  21/09/22 Срд 02:18:09 96433 214
Не пизди, приспосабливаются. Спокойно живут что у людей, нашедших их в своем сибирском усть-пердюйске, что в зоопарках. И там, и там, люди с ними взаимодействуют.
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