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What do you think of my bagels? Anonymous  14/09/23 Чтв 12:35:12 120247 1
IMG0286.jpeg 1942Кб, 4032x3024
What do you think of my bagels?
Anonymous  15/09/23 Птн 10:38:30 120274 2
quite a lot of seeds.
i like bagels that are filling. some is like eating air. new recent brand dave killer bread bagel pretty good. nice to have bagel that is not like eating air, but bread is bit overkill. lot of seed and protein so i take longer to eat as i have to chew longer.
Anonymous  15/09/23 Птн 15:36:57 120298 3
>>120247 (OP)
They are your as in "made by me" or "in my posession"?
Anonymous  15/09/23 Птн 21:34:36 120314 4
Ignorant here, what's the difference between this and a doughnut?
Anonymous  15/09/23 Птн 21:49:39 120315 5
Anonymous  15/09/23 Птн 22:46:43 120316 6
I think they must be tastier than Turkish simits
Anonymous  16/09/23 Суб 04:25:12 120318 7
About the same level of tastiness since I also used molasses. But bagels are more dense.
Anonymous  16/09/23 Суб 06:27:28 120319 8
1694834852024.jpg 446Кб, 959x1280
Anonymous  17/09/23 Вск 14:54:24 120363 9
Anonymous  18/09/23 Пнд 08:29:04 120395 10
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