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Where (country) you gonna go next? Anonymous  05/10/23 Чтв 12:12:26 120803 1
16963499425510.jpg 245Кб, 736x920
And why?
Also, why do you want to leave current country?
Anonymous  07/10/23 Суб 16:11:19 120862 2
vdq6me7ajut71.jpg 313Кб, 2048x1424
pic related
Anonymous  07/10/23 Суб 16:28:27 120863 3
itsover.png 87Кб, 478x640
Anonymous  08/10/23 Вск 13:16:53 120876 4
>>120803 (OP)
After winning over Ukraine we will invent to Estonia
Anonymous  08/10/23 Вск 19:44:01 120887 5
i.webp 94Кб, 900x900
I have nowhere to go and I don't see any possibilities for this to change.
Guess I'm just doomed to remain here forever.
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