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Hello, is there many Americans who post here? I use telegram a lot and enjoy slav drama and interna Anonymous  15/10/23 Вск 20:22:28 121134 1
VID202310141325[...].mp4 1974Кб, 780x576, 00:00:09
Hello, is there many Americans who post here?

I use telegram a lot and enjoy slav drama and international stuff
Anonymous  16/10/23 Пнд 02:13:13 121154 2
>>121134 (OP)
>Hello, is there many Americans who post here?
We'll never know because it's an anonymous board.

Anonymous  16/10/23 Пнд 07:34:03 121166 3
IMG202310150015[...].jpg 52Кб, 766x518
Anonymous  16/10/23 Пнд 09:18:58 121170 4
>>121134 (OP)
>Hello, is there many Americans who post here?
No foreigners here, only proxy russians and one rabid Ukrainian from Poland escaping honour to drive Bradley.
Anonymous  16/10/23 Пнд 10:09:16 121172 5
VID202309241422[...].mp4 11308Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:21
I don't have a proxy idk the point
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