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Hi pepal. How do you deal with this in your country???? What girls like and what scares them??? I th Anonymous  21/10/23 Суб 13:12:12 121327 1
IMG202310210918[...].jpg 105Кб, 574x1127
Hi pepal. How do you deal with this in your country???? What girls like and what scares them??? I think i repulse femes by my aktions, ///uwu\\\. I just wyant a girlfriend, but the one i got closs with ghosteb me aftar 3th date(((( Mabe if i kissed her it whoyld wor out. The truth is i didnt iven liked her that much, yet. Sooo, one girl likes me i think, but, i am like, i am so scared. What if she just wants to be friends in the end, i push myself not to show my neediness, but, i do feel it. I know i must take this chance, i know i can. I have some actual expirience with socializing now, afther half a year working in fast food. I still do autistic miss steps, but i actually learnin on my mistakes now, uvaaa, but it is so scary. I know i will kill myself i wont get some loving relationship, maby i crave for love my parents didnt gave me. Idk, but i know this itch wonyt gyo away. At some point in my teens i was so desparete and fucked in a head i derealized and didnt see faces of people unless i look them in the eyes direktly. Now i stabilized, but most of that is just ignoring the need. Once ive got my hopes up, i feel it again. But its all fine i guess, ive got real close last time, what if?
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