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Tivach Anonymous  24/10/23 Втр 02:41:36 121385 1
pqeFQXeynoOnT-O[...].png 524Кб, 888x894
No other foreign forum has such a cool feature: you watch a movie for free, in a chat room with assholes like you. Together you make dirty jokes in chat, turning any drama into comedy. Or you keep quiet if the movie is interesting. Or you can talk about distracted topics at all while running a movie in the background It's called Tivach. If I'm wrong, show me something similar on the board you came from.
Anonymous  26/10/23 Чтв 08:27:48 121427 2
2ch is so much better than 4cuck, man, a shame there's no English alternative to it. You have a tab that tracks replies to your posts and threads without having to install some third-party bloatware. You have a bunch of boards for niche interests and hobbies like /ai/ and /gd/ on here that 4cuck would never add. Local jannies are really lenient and you can post practically anything you want as long as it's not illegal and doesn't lead to Rus-Ukr flame wars. Go and try to say "nigger" on any 4chan board that's not /b/ and /pol/ and see what happens. At this point that site is not much better than reddit thanks to the trigger happy power tripping tranny fags policing everyone's speech and its culture devolving into absolute normalniggery. Say whatever you want about Abu, but at lest he cares about this community and adds cool stuff to the site that people actually want.
Anonymous  26/10/23 Чтв 09:43:55 121428 3
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>>121385 (OP)
I want to join, but it says I need to have a name. Should I make an account to chat?
Anonymous  26/10/23 Чтв 11:34:37 121433 4
Oh, my God, what are they writing🤣
Anonymous  26/10/23 Чтв 11:55:40 121436 5
Yes, unfortunately, otherwise chat can be ruined by bots. On the other hand Sytch or Sytchov (that's what Russian hikikomori is called) tends to have a pretty developed outlook and is full of surprises, so it can happen that you might start answering in Korean that you're in the process of learning, lol.
Anonymous  26/10/23 Чтв 12:12:55 121439 6
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This. We have a separate closed section for Ukrainians /ukr/, but there is a redirect to /nvr/(Novorossia) if you enter from a Russian IP. Abu, despite the fact that he does not like Ukrainian Nazis and constantly fights with them in his Telegram, is very fair.

Abu has a soul, he is very kind although he is the object of jokes, I remember anons photoshopped fake dick into a picture at the gym Abu was working out at and sent it to the gym administration, he was then stripped of his membership which he had to reinstate for a month to prove it was a photoshopped picture. It's actually not the biggest prank the anons have pulled on him.
Anonymous  26/10/23 Чтв 12:13:23 121440 7
Anonymous  26/10/23 Чтв 12:38:16 121443 8
>I remember anons photoshopped fake dick into a picture at the gym Abu was working out at and sent it to the gym administration, he was then stripped of his membership which he had to reinstate for a month to prove it was a photoshopped pictur
Holy shit, my sides, this is hilarious.
Anonymous  26/10/23 Чтв 14:26:06 121452 9
>>121385 (OP)
The downside is that new movie announcements happen on /news/, not in a corner of the 2ch UI somewhere. But it's a fun thing.
Anonymous  26/10/23 Чтв 16:39:28 121463 10
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Anonymous  26/10/23 Чтв 17:24:40 121466 11
The last song he posted was nice, especially being sung by cute kpop girl
Anonymous  27/10/23 Птн 13:59:42 121530 12
Ok, thank you for answer. I found a way to chat without login but I should just lurk lol
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