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Sergey Prokofievs iconic score provides the basis for the ballets romantic pas de deux and vibrant c Cyclopaedist  03/11/23 Птн 12:21:30 121735 1
Romeo and Julie[...].mp4 14219Кб, 1280x720, 00:01:49
Russian music, French choreography, History about Italians written by an Englishman and costumes made in Portugal, a perfect example to illustrate European civilization from west to east.

Ho ho ho!
Merry Christmas, my little polish shit.
Anonymous  03/11/23 Птн 16:22:40 121743 2
16424144506420.jpg 104Кб, 356x454
>>121735 (OP)
>European civilization
>faggots in tights dancing
Pretty shitty culture if you ask me.
Anonymous  05/11/23 Вск 11:28:26 121811 3
12.02.2023 Роме[...].mp4 27444Кб, 1280x676, 00:02:06
>Pretty shitty culture
Anonymous  05/11/23 Вск 14:53:06 121813 4
t. butthurt dancing pidor in tights why you mad thu?
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