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Uncle introducing his young (12yo) Russian friend to Douyin. Finished dinner and she accompanied him Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 11:25:01 121994 1
young russian f[...].mp4 17156Кб, 720x1280, 00:00:43
ClipboardImage-[...].png 116Кб, 249x321
ClipboardImage-[...].png 32Кб, 136x142
Uncle introducing his young (12yo) Russian friend to Douyin.
Finished dinner and she accompanied him for a walk in the park.

Didn't know that Russians already started pimping out their girls to the Chinese?

I guess that this was the way it would go. Russia is losing men and money. China has too many men and too much money.
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 13:22:17 121998 2
>>121994 (OP)
I sense jealousy in your post. You are jealous thar some chink gets to fuck young white girl, and you have only somalian migrant Ahmed, but it is he who wil fuck you, not other way around.
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 14:55:21 122008 3
midnight with y[...].jpg 229Кб, 797x1010
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 22:08:35 122019 4
>>121994 (OP)
Imagine you're a retarded faggot who doesn't realize that in Khabarovsk Krai on the border with China, Russians and Chinese are friends with entire villages and hamlets.

/thread CLOSED
Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 11:30:53 122030 5
somali.png 425Кб, 601x486
chinese better then stinky somalians
Anonymous  16/11/23 Чтв 07:20:30 122081 6
AleksandraKarbo[...].mp4 1322Кб, 576x1024, 00:00:06
Anonymous  20/11/23 Пнд 00:49:37 122130 7
Anonymous  20/11/23 Пнд 03:44:09 122135 8
Chinks are a bunch of liars to West Europeans and probably to themselves probably perhaps to societal and government pressure of living on a dictatorial communist shitty regime that you have to lie to survive.

I have stories of Chinese women trading with another chinese woman going to the doctor (including maternity and paeditrics hospital) giving doctor's appointment name.
Not even niggers and large portion of gipsies here do that shit. Gipsies only say need absence leave for 10th funeral of their grandma and so on.

If you trust a chinese as friend, you are extremely naive.
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