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Russian Scams - The Day Before by Russian Yakuts Anonymous  12/12/23 Втр 02:19:11 122836 1
GBFZJapaoAAimup.png 48Кб, 1600x900
ssstwitter.com1[...].mp4 6350Кб, 720x1280, 00:00:12
ssstwitter.com1[...].mp4 6825Кб, 640x360, 00:00:06
yakuts.png 62Кб, 984x521
Why Russians are ashamed of such countrymen? Or the average Russian accustomed of being scammed domestically?
Anonymous  12/12/23 Втр 03:14:00 122837 2
Are Russians...
is accustomed
Anonymous  15/12/23 Птн 17:59:19 122949 3
>>122836 (OP)
It's bad, but nothing can really be done, those guys are protected. U know they run scams from prisons, right ? But to be honest after beginnings of SMO scammer situation is better.
Anonymous  16/12/23 Суб 05:50:14 122966 4
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