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Differences in Russian and American mentality Анек  14/01/24 Вск 10:13:54 123735 1
lina-tv.png 618Кб, 800x1048
So a Soviet engineer is visiting America for a technical conference.
After that, they're giving a fourchette, well, that's a cocktail party.
And our engineer is sitting at the table, drinking cocktails and choking on salads. His American friend is passing by.
-- John! Why aren't you eating!?
-- Well Mikhail, I don't wanna eat.
-- But it's free! It's halyava! You can't miss it!
-- I just don't wanna eat.
-- That's why we are humans, and you are animals.
Anonymous  19/01/24 Птн 02:14:35 123930 2
>>123735 (OP)
>-- I just don't wanna eat.
Why are amerifats such liars
Anonymous  22/01/24 Пнд 13:36:16 123949 3
Anonymous  23/01/24 Втр 09:10:20 123956 4
image.png 17Кб, 274x210
They just aren't able to cook without army presence
Anonymous  05/02/24 Пнд 10:23:51 124075 5
>>123735 (OP)
plz explain it to me
i dont understand
what is funny?
Anonymous  06/02/24 Втр 05:13:50 124084 6
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