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Hello, foreigners. Do you sometimes browse thematical boards and use translation tool to read posts Anonymous  21/01/24 Вск 10:45:02 123940 1
image 2121Кб, 1337x771
Hello, foreigners. Do you sometimes browse thematical boards and use translation tool to read posts out of curiosity or boredom? Do you understand our weird memes and manners of speech?
Anonymous  21/01/24 Вск 19:32:25 123941 2
I do
Anonymous  22/01/24 Пнд 00:27:09 123945 3
>>123940 (OP)
I can read Russian, but it takes me forever to type shit because A) no Russian keyboard B)I sort of think in English
>Do you understand our weird memes and manners of speech?
Some of the time. There are some words I need to translate because I've forgotten some things. Russian slang is hit and miss with me.
Anonymous  23/01/24 Втр 11:23:30 123957 4
168489896807151[...].webm 217Кб, 640x800, 00:00:02
>>123940 (OP)
I used to browse the English language threads on the foreign language board, there were a few other boards I used to browse as well. Although I can't post on other boards any more and can only post here. It might be bad translations but sometimes the things anons post here don't always make sense.
Anonymous  26/01/24 Птн 12:44:01 123979 5
Yup. I like the term "Faggot in special assignment/mission" for voluntary astroturfer
Anonymous  27/01/24 Суб 07:41:17 124002 6
be492cc6-896c.mp4 8655Кб, 480x854, 00:00:40
Anonymous  27/01/24 Суб 08:04:59 124003 7
Anonymous  27/01/24 Суб 08:26:46 124005 8
Anonymous  27/01/24 Суб 09:02:54 124007 9
Anonymous  12/02/24 Пнд 00:37:41 124146 10
Anonymous  12/02/24 Пнд 01:25:04 124147 11
here is civilized
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