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Russian women are top notch Anonymous  16/02/24 Птн 12:05:28 124234 1
IMG202402152206[...].jpg 3539Кб, 4624x2604
Here in India women are barely available due to the whole cultural layout. I have moved from Delhi to Arambol in Goa. I always thought that Russia has some top notch economy and I wont be able to compete.

But how wrong I was. There are chicks who make like 30,000 rublies a month back in Russia. Which is quite close to what people make in the area.

All you basically have to do is offering drink and substances and you get laid a lot. Russians have best in slot women. I wish more came here this season
Anonymous  16/02/24 Птн 14:13:36 124235 2
>>124234 (OP)
Really? I always thought you has to be super wealthy to go to Goa. That's the price range ?
Anonymous  22/02/24 Чтв 14:27:10 124291 3
john-jonah-jame[...].gif 4060Кб, 640x640
>>124234 (OP)
>get laid a lot

We all know 1.60cm black skinned Pajeets with thicc techsupport accent are irresistable to women
Anonymous  22/02/24 Чтв 14:47:23 124292 4
70g810.jpg 26Кб, 536x467
Your women are total whoring disgrace, Иванушка, now even Rajesh can nail em
Anonymous  23/02/24 Птн 14:02:02 124299 5
Tbh I’d never date a Russian woman that’s actually from Russia
I prefer Russian girls that are raised in the U.K.
Anonymous  23/02/24 Птн 14:44:10 124301 6
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