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ностальгия? Товарищ 08/02/20 Суб 20:04:55 81529 1
NASM-SI-84-14155.jpg 280Кб, 1600x2211
Я американский, русский мой не добро :(

My Russian is shit so if you can read this I could use your help. If you're not here for shit-posting, why do you miss the Soviet Union? Do you miss the superpower status, or do you really believe in this communism nonsense? I figured I'd ask actual Russians because...well, why not! If it really is nostalgia for power, then why not yearn for the days of the Tsar?

спасибо and thanks!
Товарищ 09/02/20 Вск 05:20:38 81530 2
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>>81529 (OP)
>do you really believe in this communism nonsense?
Pic related

>If it really is nostalgia for power, then why not yearn for the days of the Tsar?
Lol because Tsarist Russia was a poor shithole.
Товарищ 16/02/20 Вск 02:59:38 81616 3
Товарищ 18/02/20 Втр 09:21:45 81637 4
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Миротворец Товарищ 18/02/20 Втр 22:46:44 81638 5
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Товарищ 20/02/20 Чтв 22:07:09 81645 6
"-ну, с чего бы начать..."
Товарищ 20/02/20 Чтв 22:27:35 81646 7
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>>81529 (OP)
эта была попытка хоть какая-то, воплотить идею рая на земле
Но я родился в 94 году и интересует меня думаю и других не само время СССР, а те амбиции которые могли бы быть у этой страны и у коммунизма как пути к достижения личной созидательной свободы человека.
О времени СССР я знаю только по фильмам и играм.
Но в СССР было лучшее образование.
СССР боролась с ложной манипуляцией человека.
СССР предполагала идею позитивного развития, а не достижение любой ценой личной выгоды и денег.
СССР была единственная страна которая боролась за идею коммунизма.Да были и минусы, это неприязнь к культуре Америки, музыке и прочие жестко ограничивающие вещи. Я не горжусь СССР и не хотел бы попасть туда что-бы прожить жизнь. Просто интересует сама идея
this was an attempt at least some, to embody the idea of Paradise on earth
But I was born in ' 94, and I think others are not interested in the time of the USSR itself, but in the ambitions that this country and communism could have as a way to achieve personal creative freedom of a person.
I only know about the time of the USSR from movies and games.
But the USSR had the best education.
The Soviet Union fought against a false manipulation of man.
The USSR assumed the idea of positive development, rather than achieving personal gain and money at any cost.
The USSR was the only country that fought for the idea of communism.Yes, there were also disadvantages, such as dislike for American culture, music, and other strictly limiting things. I am not proud of the USSR and would not like to get there to live my life. Just interested in the idea
Товарищ 21/02/20 Птн 11:58:14 81649 8
>Но в СССР было лучшее образование

>СССР боролась с ложной манипуляцией человека

>СССР предполагала идею позитивного развития,
Уровня "для быдлоскота"

>а не достижение любой ценой личной выгоды и денег
А кто-то (кроме Айн Рэнд) вообще когда-либо предлагал идею личной выгоды и денег?
Западный мейнстрим для быдла (уровня фильма "Один дома") - тебя чуть ли не открытым текстом тыкает в темы семьи, дружбы и пр. - т.е., что жить одному в свою выгоду - некруто; что человеческие взаимоотношения не купишь за деньги; не поддавайся Тёмной Стороне Силы, и т.д.
Философия для не-быдла (например, Ницше или Ник Лэнд) - тебя тыкает в проблему иллюзорности свободы воли и дезинтеграции тебя как личности. Тебе не до самоудовлетворения деньгами, когда само твоё "Само" под угрозой. Деньги тут опять-таки - часть проблемы.
Товарищ 21/02/20 Птн 12:03:57 81650 9
>>81529 (OP)
Hope this isn't an unworthy question, but I think symmetry does the justice.

Why are you guys so afraid of gommunism? Really strange for the many of us, I can't understand that. The cold war is over and the internets are everywhere.

Are you all really convinced it doesn't do the humanity any good? Is it a fashion/identity thing, of the order of belonging to the group? Maybe you believe that, given enough effort, you have what it takes to become Elon Musk?
Maybe it's the same as here, manifestations of liberal/traditionalist think tanks?
Frankly, I had ruled out the option that your folk combine logic and ideology, they bloody don't.
Товарищ 21/02/20 Птн 12:15:49 81651 10
>Why are you guys so afraid of gommunism?
No one is afraid per se. Everyone merely acknowledges that it is a vaguely defined term that reeks of orwellian doublespeak. No one appreciates zealots.
Товарищ 21/02/20 Птн 12:33:45 81652 11
>No one is afraid per se.
Yes, I used inaccurate wording. Don't dream I've read it in full or god save filled it, yet your green card form, in one of the questions, lists something like "do you support any of totalitarian ideologies, such as communism?".
It's of course less a question that's supposed to filter me out, more of a something conveying the general approach to the issue, issued by government itself. I'm supposed to assimilate with it - like it or leave it. You have that kinda alarmistic mentality where you disregard what your opponent might have to say and shut his throat with your own discourse (I say discourse, but I mean dank memes too).

Not going to clarify what do you mean by orwellian doublespeak, even if it means not responding directly. That's diving into the particularities of the question, that's bait, we'll start arguing about it for sure. Wide audience rarely has any particular opinion. Maybe it's a bit different from how you present their general conscience. They acknowledge it's a vaguely defined term, but they live in an informational space of uncertainty. They've heard "communism" somewhere, they go on with their busy lives, and sometimes they see this word being used in some, usually highly unprofessional context. Of course it would be vaguely defined.
Товарищ 21/02/20 Птн 19:49:17 81653 12
возьми учебник СССР и современный например по физике и тебе все станет ясно
Товарищ 22/02/20 Суб 09:35:54 81656 13
Кажется я душный чел и спугнул опа.
Товарищ 21/03/20 Суб 16:20:04 81846 14
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Capture.PNG 511Кб, 845x467
Товарищ 27/03/20 Птн 10:26:51 81992 15
Ну и пошёл он нахуй, раз не способен осилить такую небольшую реплику.
Но твой ингришь реально хорош. Я его понимаю с пятого на десятое, хотя прочитал достаточно книг и статей.
Товарищ 27/03/20 Птн 10:57:41 81993 16
>>81529 (OP)
Because it was first system attempt to achieve better, more fair society. Yeah, there was disadvantages, because of historical and economical reasons (uprising from shitty tsarist Russia, with population 95% of illiterate peasants, in agressive environment, two World Wars, one of which destroys half of country, interventions, Cold War with militarization of economics, instead of creating wealth for people). But it was the best country in human history. Because it doesn't exploit other countries, like every main capitalist countries do, nontheless, it achieves so many! All, we have now, all our industry, infrastructure, medicare, education - its all from Union. Space programs, atomic energy, basic science programms, living space (i mean not only houses, that built in USSR, but cities too, a lot of them!).
We all owe to Union with our lives itselves.
And, more, it was a real chance to humanity to avoid extinction. Now, it's gone. I realize, that answer to Fermi paradox is simple. They all just haven't survive capitalism, and destroyed themselves in hitech wars, or rampant consumption.
I know, that in your culture (also in mine too, nowadays) mainstreamly stigmatize communizm, and bolshevism is almost insult. But it is not. It is the only opportunity to solve most of system crises. Economical, ecological, political, and cultural.

Of course, there is lot of older people, who lived then, and they just nostalgic for they young live, wisout any understanding, what USSR was really.
Товарищ 01/04/20 Срд 13:24:27 82186 17
Ингриш абсолютно уебищный, первый язык автора сквозит из каждого предложения.
Товарищ 02/04/20 Чтв 11:18:50 82230 18
У меня иногда английский из русского сквозит, иногда русский из английского. Я на обоих стульях сижу
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